We are here again, friends. After all these years. Since FIFA 14 for myself, and FIFA 15 with all of us as a community. That's a long time to be part of a community, let alone one that focuses so much on the same things of this beautiful game we love so dearly - and it's not FIFA or EAFC. We have always put our best foot forward in trying to get this yearly game playing somewhat close to the beautiful game, and that's all that matters. People say you can't fix anything with sliders, well no, it's not about fixing the game, it's about just putting your foot forward, taking steps and grinding out some kind of path that will let you look forward to the next match.
EA Sports FC 24 isn't much different on the field than FIFA 23, let's just get that out right now. However, there are some subtle things that were done that make it extremely promising. If you've grinded along with us, you'll know and appreciate just what those things are. It's by no means perfect, and it's 100% not a game designed for the likes of you and me. This is why we do what we do - and have a blast in doing it. So let's get to it. Some of the following will be repeat from last couple years, but it's good to have consistency.
►Brief History and Origin:
We have been working on FIFA sliders since FIFA 15 as a community. The goal is always to achieve the closest realism the game gives us.
►How we test:
Always in Career Mode. You are investing in sliders for a reason, and most of the time that is to play in Career Mode. So, it only makes sense to test in that same environment. With so many values to be looked at, and those values being in 1 point increments, it is very easy to come up with multiple versions of sliders. We will always test on Default first, then identify the main areas to look at. From there, it's about collaborating and finding workarounds for those problem areas. With sliders, it is always a balancing act, fix one thing - potentially break the next.
Also, for FC24, we are completely testing CURRENT GEN (PS5, Xbox Series S/X, PC). None of us own the old-gen of PS4 or XBOX One, and as a result we're not testing them. So, please keep that in mind before providing feedback.
►Helpful Reminders:
As always, remember that the thread moves very fast. I will do my best to update this Original Post as much as possible. I have learned a lot about how to be the "project manager" of this whole thing, so if I do not respond to every post, it is either because it got lost in the shuffle, or that replying to it would deter the thread from achieving the goal of establishing a slider set.
►The Main Rules of the Thread:
1. Do not post your own full set. This deters the entire thread. All slider values are relative to one another, so if we see a value like 30 pass speed with a line length of 70, then that's not relevant to someone using a 50 pass speed with a line length of 35. It's better to leave it out of the thread, and create your own.
2. Feedback in Animation. The Match Stats only give so much information. Telling us the CPU has 99% passing is not helpful. Were they passing the ball through the backline the entire time? Details are important, and throughout the years I have asked for details in animations. What this means is simply "What do you see"? Is the CPU having that high passing because your defending players are too slow? Too far away? Too wide? In the end, VIDEO NEVER LIES, so if you have video to provide - please do so. That will save so much time and less of a Q&A.
3. We are not your customer service. This is a collaboration space. No-one is being paid here by EA. Provide feedback because you want to help, not because you feel entitled to let us do all the hard work and you sit back and criticize.
4. Respect each other. Thankfully, we have not run into this issue as much, but there have been times where it's close. First, regarding myself, I am the project manager here. What that means is I am going for a goal, and discussion about conspiracies, theories or ET is not going to be helpful. Secondly, we all have opinions and some know how to filter them, some do not. There is a message there, so do not get offended if someone disagrees with you. We love the game, and just want what is best for it - so keep it civil!
5. Please keep general impressions in the FIFA impressions thread, not here. This is a solution based thread, and general complaints will be ignored. We understand each iteration of FIFA has issues, what game doesn't, but we are given the tools to find workarounds. Remember, this is a slider thread, which means the sample size of play is significantly increased. Chances are if you are having an issue, we have most likely looked at it.
►Important information regarding Sprint Speed in FIFA/FC:
The dribbler is always at 50 speed. So the defending player will be at the Sprint Speed value, meaning if we have the CPU at a 35 Sprint, and the user is dribbling the ball, the user will always have the advantage as we are actually at 50 Sprint. This is why it can be easy to use R1 dribble past the CPU, or cut across the field to beat multiple players. So raising their Sprint Speed value to 50+ ensures these game breaking events happen less.
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 3/24/2024 -
It's been just a bit over three months since Version 8 was posted, which means the base of the sliders were in a good spot. I think a lot of us are pretty happy with V8, but there's definitely some room to improve some noticeable areas that the progression of FC24 updates have brought to the table.
The main focus was getting some of the resistance back. The main issue seen was the CPU started to be able to pass into stride again, and basically be completely in-sync with their teammates. The hesitation was gone, and midfield battles just didn't happen as often. While there was welcomed improvement to the CPU's attacking behavior on the wings, such as not always performing a cut-back on Legendary, it was replaced with this perfect motion of "pass-and-move" that left an already passive central midfield well behind the pace.
We dropped the Run Frequency down to 20 form 35 to allow those runs off the ball be a bit more controlled so the CDMs are able to keep the ball in front, rather than be dragged out of position with the slightest of secondary runs. What results is a bit more attention to timing of the runs, but also how the CPU responds to having some resistance and being forced to be more mindful with the ball.
We've paired the run frequency adjustment with lowering pass speed and raising FT Control error just slightly to give some priority towards the ball physics where the ball velocity isn't so powerful on basic ground passes, and ensuring not every touch pops the ball up.
The main line adjustments are to Length and Width. We've increased the length to 35 from 32 to allow the strikers be pushed into the opposing defensive line, usually middle-third of the pitch, a bit sooner in transition. Since there was the positive update of less cut-back passes, the central midfielders can be pushed up just slightly, but not so much (above 35) that they do not drop into the box to defend.
The adjustment to lowering width to 48 from 52 was one of the more significant values as we had start to see too often the defensive line be spread wide and outside-backs losing their goal-side position. Having a more narrow defensive base set up through the pitch allows more attacking variety to bring the User and CPU to less mindless play.
One of the more "controversial" adjustments is Marking, which in the set is increased from 50 to 51. Marking is a very sensitive value, and with all the variations of tactics available to each team, it's increase has positives and negatives. I stated in our Discord that it's a "pick your poison" type of situation. For me, it's about covering space that I know the passive CDMs of modern day FIFA (FC) has not been able to do since FIFA 20. It should not take a individual instruction for the CDMs to cut off passing lanes or not, or chase down runners into the box if there is no defensive-line support. Some of the negatives of increasing marking can result in players being followed and dragged out of position, or at times some defensive indecision because they are being pulled towards another runner.
Other adjustments include lowering pass error for the Legendary CPU to reduce their tendency of making poor contact on reverse passes. This comes with raising the User's pass error just a bit so there is a tad bit of hesitation on the type of passes every player on the pitch can make.
Shot speed was raised to 50 and I'd say this is one that can go back and forth on. Higher shot speed obviously will create more dynamic play and introduce more chances for goals, but it also comes with some strange keeper animations. If you're having issues with it, revert back to 49 shot speed and assess.
The last adjustment is to even out the slow pace Sprint speed for Legendary to 50/50. There's just not point in being below 50 as there's no visual difference, and we know we need to keep the CPU engaged longer, so it makes sense to raise this.
Overall, FIFA...FC...it is what we choose to play. It comes with updates that can significantly alter the game, or not at all. Over the last couple months we have been quite happy with Version 8. Version 9 had enough momentum to modify some values, so here we are. I hope everyone enjoys it, and keep the feedback coming. Take care.
-------------------- Streamers (Twitch, YouTube, etc):Please message me or post in the thread to be added!
-------------------- Version Logs:
The 8th Version:
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 12/19/2023 -
We are hoping this is the last of the versions for this year's game. A lot has been explored throughout all the versions, and this last bit is just a small tweak to some Sprint values on World Class/Leg, shot error, length and rediscovering fullback positioning.
As always, we're trying to get a balance of the Sprint/Acc values for the user vs the CPU. While we don't want the user to have an advantage, we also don't want the players to start jogging animations too early - and not be able to recover. As a result, the sprint value is bumped for World Class, Shorter Halves and Shorter Halves legendary on default pace. Shorter Halves legendary was bumped to get closer to the 30 sprint speed of the CPU.
The next value we looked at is just slight adjustment to shot error. Very slight adjustment for World Class as lower league teams struggled to get shots on target, thus the user didn't concede as often. We still get the great shot variety and randomness that can happen going from 85 to 82. For Shorter Halves, we wanted to bring in those same things so WC Shorter halves gets a bump in shot error to 70.
The more significant value is bumping Length back to 32 from 30. While a small incremental change, it does help widen out the midfield a bit more through taking advantage of the post-patch changes that keeps the wingers from tucking so narrow. The bump to 32 also helps with the transition play of the striker to be met sooner from the defensive midfielder and/or the defensive line. We've been at this value before, so we feel very comfortable in this adjustment.
The last adjustment is a FB Positioning, which we haven't really modified before. The main focus here is trying to get the fullbacks to stay in the attack just a bit sooner in transition, rather than instantly retreat back to their defensive line. This is a legacy issue of FIFA, so the more we can get the fullbacks pushed up, the better. This takes advantage of the width adjustment that post-patch brought to the table as well, so the center backs are still involved in getting out wide to cut off any counters down the sidelines.
We are in the fine-tuning stage of the OS sliders, so Version 7 here is building off of Version 6 fairly close, but also we used this chance to explore some areas that had started to creep up more regularly.
The main issue was the effectiveness of DAA on World Class, and not just slow speed - but also default. This is why there is a significant increase in the discrepancies, taking the default WC CPU to 55 Sprint and 10 Sprint for the User. It was the only way that the CPU stays involved defensively and recovers after overcommitting at certain positions. It also works to combat those who abuse R1 dribbling. Please remember, our goal is to make the game fair and realistic, and the game providing exploits all on their own via DAA is just one of the worst things this year. So this is the best way forward. This was also visited for the Legendary slow/default set but the main issue there is those who abuse R1 dribbling.
Along with Sprint, we were able to drop the default pace's acceleration to 50 throughout. This just allows a bit more calmness on the ball and in 1v1 battles throughout. While DAA still happens on default WC, it's recovery and closedown rate of Sprint 55 with a value of 50 acceleration, plays just how Sprint 55 and 55 acceleration does on slow pace.
The next going down the list is Shot Error. Now, this started off as personal preference, but it grew into something that was enjoyed by the testers. It's been well documented for years that a higher shot error just brings in so much more randomness and more human-like attempts on goal. We started to realize that there was no difference in shots under pressure versus shots with no pressure. It just stopped being believable that each player can striker the ball with their laces perfectly, on target, regardless of who was around them. The same goes for keepers as well where they were saving a lot of shots - it just became ridiculous to play because keepers were always the unspoken man of the match.
So, the shots will now be varied and it will bring that sense of anything can happen. A star player can sky the ball into the stands just like IRL, or they can scuff the ball into a crowded goal. There are still plenty of moments of absolute strikes to be had. These values are quite high, but just trust us - and enjoy.
The next value to look at was Pass Error. While subtle adjustments are done here, the results are anything but. For WC, the difference of 52 for the CPU from 58 is significant. I noticed several times the CPU central midfielders would be reluctant to send the ball out wide and instead try a reverse pass backwards or dribble into pressure. The CPU has chance of trying risky passes rather than blind and passes with poor contact. This goes towards not just the realism side of things, but towards the difficulty that is believable. FC24 provides enough moments of charity (DAA, R1 abuse, CB jockey on occasion) that we don't need the CPU to not be somewhat of a human-like threat.
GK Ability had an adjustment for World Class, but just slight as the GK started to make some backward save animations too often. The interesting thing about shot error values as high as they are, we see less terrible animations from the keepers. Of course sample size and what not, but from the WC games I've played, there have been a lot less of irregular animations.
Next, and this was one of the last values, we adjusted Run Frequency to get a bit of a bump in runners off the ball based on their instructions and not just the user's button input trying to send them on runs. From the CPU side, as always, just because runs are made, it does not mean they are always targeted, so the pace of play isn't increase by any means. If anything, when space is vacated because of a run being made, it supports that need for calm to find the next best passing option, or provide an opportunity for a risky pass - which means more variety such as long balls, through balls and crossing.
The last value is the most important. Length has been dropped from 32 to 30. Again, while subtle, it is significantly important. The main focus is the space between players and how on 32 there was this sense that players were in constant 1v1 battles, and once they were successful, another one came up. It was never cohesive or congested the way it should be in certain parts of the pitch - and based on the tactics. The most important takeaway for me is how the outside midfielder now cuts off the angle forward when we try to build from the back. This is so important because on 32 the outside midfielder will be too far ahead and once the opposing outside back receives the ball, they've already beaten the outside midfielder - so next up would be the opposing FB and before you know it, we're in the attacking third. So this value changed a lot of the dynamic, and is a big reason why we raised run frequency so we can still get the good attacks from 32, while still improving the shape defensively - which improves the overall interactions throughout the pitch.
I hope that all makes sense. As you can see, I've included the Suggestions and Common Q&A sections. Remember that the sliders are a base, and you are free to adjust what you would like. This was a great couple days of testing, and there's not much left to improve on from here. Until the next patch update of course !
Shortly after releasing Version 5, we found ourselves really enjoying the game, and the resistance throughout the pitch was felt. Something was missing though, and that was the ball physics and the ball being alive. Meaning, it just didn't feel like the ball was to be controlled, it was more so being absorbed - a term I've used in the past. Balla (goblue) mentioned that he was loving the set, but had pass speed at 42, and we became intrigued as there is always a want to have better ball physics without experiencing the FIFA like speed. Once we used the pass speed, it felt great, it provided animations we hadn't seen before and from there, version 6 started to take shape.
The main focus was to get pass speed at 42 to work within the set and look good on the eyes. As lower pass errors were used in Version 5, we had to balance the increased pass speed with a higher pass error value. This way, we reintroduce what we saw in FIFA 23, a more calm CPU attack, and a more realistic weight to the ball. While physics and FIFA are usually defied rather than honored, the ball was alive at least enough that it didn't feel like a flat volleyball everytime it made contact with the players' feet.
Once pass speed was sorted, it was onto the next issue. This one was pretty significant for the slow-speed users. I have to thank Ukraun for his continued observation on the Sprint Speed and how it was important to pretty much accept that following concept:
The dribbler is always at 50 speed. So the defending player will be at the Sprint Speed value, meaning if we have the CPU at a 35 Sprint, and the user is dribbling the ball, the user will always have the advantage as we are actually at 50 Sprint. This is why it can be easy to use R1 dribble past the CPU, or cut across the field to beat multiple players. So raising their Sprint Speed value to 50+ ensures these game breaking events happen less.
I've kept that concept somewhat out of the limelight because I didn't want to cloud the thread with these arbitrary "labbing" experiments that end up making things more chaotic to getting a set done. However, the truth is this concept is one that has to be respected and in a way the slow-speed users have to accept that in order to get an actual challenge, the CPU has to have the advantage in Sprint. So, that is why there are values on the slow-pace section of Sprint 20/55 (World Class), 40/50 (Legendary) and we evened it up for Ultimate at 40/40.
The higher Sprint will do what it is supposed to do. It helps with the CPU's defensive reaction, their interest in 50/50 balls, their recovery when they get caught out of position. They are a real challenge overall, and it is not in a bad way. You can still out-sprint the CPU, you can still take advantage of their poor defensive angles (DAA) and you can still absorb some pretty vicious challenges depending on the player.
Moving on, the next value was to further confirm the Height, Length and Width values were on point. To be honest, the testers told me to stop, and I didn't stop. I work as a quality engineer in my day job, so not reviewing something final without doing some form of regression testing (making sure everything still works after new values are inputted) is just not in my DNA. However, I can go a bit overboard because I want to see something immediately, so I use a significant value from the "original" to see that change. The original that I always come back to his the HLW of Version 4 (50/35/49), but the more we played with something near it, the more it was clear that the Version 5 values resulted in much more fun and appreciate for the little things throughout the pitch. It was so clear how much more resistance was felt, especially on the wings, compared to using a lower height and increased length, so there was no turning back.
Once that was sorted, we wanted to reintroduce the fullbacks so they aren't instantly retreating all the way back to a preset shape, or they don't overlap in full, etc. Basically we bumped FB positioning to get more variety in the attack, but also in the counter - such as from a center back trying to clear the ball opts to send a ball long towards the wings because the fullback is recovering from his advanced position.
After we felt pretty good there, the next was just to make sure the shot speed looked realistic. For me, it was to the point I couldn't keep up with the ball on 50 shot speed. Several times the camera could not even keep up with the shot's velocity. So, dropping this value to 49 shot speed has allowed us to see the velocity in shots a tad bit more, and that makes a difference because when you score screamers, you get to see it hit the back of the net rather than just have the camera quickly pan back.
With shot speed adjusted, it's important to note that GK ability is going to be affected. We were seeing a lot of shots get pushed up into the air, and then recovered by the GK in the same sequence. This is just highly unrealistic, and became a real eye sore. Other issues with the keeper have been the keeper saving "behind" their dive, which may have further confirmed shot speed is too high at 50.
Regardless, a lower shot speed should help animations. The worry is understandable that it will not be as easy to score screamers against the GK, but this is not the case at all. Just earlier, Brad had a heck of a goal: https://clips.twitch.tv/PleasantBrai...aimL387LYDJMlj
Overall, we are ecstatic with this set. The ball physics stand out, the resistance through the pitch is there. The variety that stems from that resistance is something that makes you just want to play another game after another game.
We hope you do just that - enjoy the Version 6 sliders!! Thanks
Previous Version 6 beta testing
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 11/13/2023 - Version 6 TESTING IN PROGRESS
Originally Posted by Matt10
Sorry, I should've clarified. They will most likely need to go up. Also, I've only tested on Legendary, and not a very large sample size. We are slowing down just a bit on full on testing as Version 5, and all the betas, was a lot. So unless something drastic is needed, we're just taking it easy a bit. Personally, I want to get my CM going.
Well, I lied, the pass speed has really opened up our interest in testing when it is paired with pass error values. As a result, we are rolling with the following to be tested:
The shot errors for Legendary also take advantage of the different ways the ball moves at the higher pass speed, so raising it reduces perfect strike contact the way it has before.
The main adjustment with the pass error though is the pass speed for the CPU, and for the user on Legendary. The way the CPU attacks now is so much more calmer, but not passive. It's very similar to what we found in FIFA 23 in that the CPU is not trying to expose defenses constantly, where it feels like everyone on the team can make every key pass. In fact, with these changes, it feels like the player roles matter so much more.
Because we don't have to worry of being constantly bombarded with key passes or shots in an unrealistic fashion, the testing length values of 30/32 just aren't necessary. There is enough time for teams to get numbers back, but it all depends on team tactics. Whether that be the defending team or the attacking team, it just depends.
Try it out and report back. Make sure to test variety of team tactics against the CPU. Thanks!
Timestamp: 11/10/2023 - This is where we have finished with Version 5. I've included a brief summary below. Enjoy!
First, we wanted to thank everyone for taking part in the most recent Version 5 beta testing, and even though we're just releasing this one, the feedback on previous sets were significantly important to figuring out what direction to go. I think we've made some subtle adjustments that really allow the game to shine in all areas, while still leave room to adjust values to individuals' personal preferences.
The main focus here was to get the shape back. We started to see some ease of play through the midfield because of how the central midfielders would run into each other, or just seem very tight. Almost as if the animations were playing out like they were defending a corner, rather than looking like a bank of 4 that is okay letting runners past. From there, we wanted to conserve the resistance on the wings, but also allow numbers get behind the ball in the defensive thirds.
Rather than go through each difficulty set, I wanted to provide a general understand of key slider values and why we came to the values we chose.
▼Default vs Slow pace: For Default pace, we know the animations are just slightly sped up, but not by massive amounts. We bumped Sprint slightly in the set from 5 to allow the CPU to catch up a bit more when needed. For slow, the same values were used as they were in previous sets.
▼Sprint Speed: Again, we just need to ensure there is less CB jockey and also when the CPU chooses to DAA, they can recover in time.
▼Acceleration: A discrepancy is necessary to bridge the initial acceleration in 1v1 positions vs the CPU, especially on slow game speed.
▼Shot Error: No real changes here as they are still resulting in variety of shots on and off target.
▼Pass Error: We noticed that the CPU became a bit too indecisive and also performed too many reverse passes that didn't make much sense. As a result, we reduced the pass error values in some sets to ensure we are not missing out on variety and challenge.
▼Shot Speed: Relative to the GK value at now 60, this works to allow deflections and the ball being caught. I think it was a bit of an eyesore at 51, so we're keeping it here.
▼Pass Speed: The ball has to be alive, and the only way to do that is raise pass speed. At 40, it was fine, and that is a lot of testers' personal preference, but at 39 - we get a lot of what was good with 38, but still get a bit of what is good at 40. Again, personal preferences, that's FIFA.
▼GK Ability: It had to be raised for the save animations alone. It's still not perfect, but it's better than on 50. The patch update addressed the near post issues, so it's in an even better spot than before. We also want to ensure we are raising GK to allow more punts near, or past, half-field - but can't afford to raise it so high every keeper becomes the next Buffon.
▼Marking: As much as we wanted to keep it at a higher level, it just introduces too many issues. There's enough pressure with other values, so marking being touched seems to cause over-marking, which we can't live with anymore, as can be viewed with the HLW changes.
▼Run Frequency: One of the last values we looked at to get the game in the "chef's kiss" stage of ensuring variety (even on Legendary) and unpredictability by the AI. We tested a lot of 1/1 RF, but eventually raised it to a comfortable spot.
▼HLW: The lines all go together. I'll start with length as a necessary value to raise to just spread the striker out from the midfielders, which also allows the defenders to meet the striker in transition more. Then we look at height, which had to be a point in which the upfield pressure could be felt, but not so much that the defensive line was introduced in a matter of 1-2 passes, resulting in multiple 1v4, 2v4 or even 4v4 positions. The most important value overall was the finding on width at 52. For the longest time we were set on 49, or 49/50 discrepancy, but never above 50. At some point, there needed to be something that took the fullbacks staying goal-side on defense, but able to get wide in their attacks (tactics allowing of course). It's been great to see overlaps and underlaps, while FB's having battles with the winger who is trying to beat them. This clip stood out to me:
▼FT Control: Just lowered it throughout to reduce handballs called. There are plenty of fouls, so we don't need handballs to be called all the time anymore.
Previous Version 5 beta sets
Timestamp: 11/3/2023 - Streamed earlier and here is where I finished, and needs testing:
The general concept is what we've been working on with the Version 5 beta sets, where the goal is compression of the pitch, but also decompression. As you can see through the different betas that we explored a lot of values, some more extreme than others, but that is necessary to be a good tester, to throw in a bit of chaos (chaos testing in my line of work).
With that said, I feel like we're in a place that each value compliments the other. Such as shot speed increased to help with GK ability, and lower length to support the higher height - which we determined to be that upfield pressure. The best part about the lower length is that it doesn't feel too different from previous higher length values, and it actually produces quality shape as we've spread it out a tad more. Not to mention, the AI pass variety increased ten-fold compared to how it was on previous V4 and V5 beta set ups.
Overall, this is a good spot, and we're just in need of testing two values to help with more resistance on the flanks/wings. The first step is to use width at 50, which was a no-no on previous set ups, but at the lower length, where there are more numbers behind the ball at the top of the box, it makes sense that the fullbacks stay more goal-side, and the wingers cover a bit more width. With the marking, it's the higher threshold of 72 to make sure those areas are met with resistance, and pull/latch the defending players into their 1v1 battles.
Here is a brief, and general, breakdown of the values:
Sprint - On slow, we need the recovery from the CPU if they DAA or CB jockey. Normal/default is still fine. World Class we need that gap, while Legendary is fine.
Acceleration - Discrepancy on slow of course to just ensure the DAA and CB can have some form of recovery for the CPU. Challenging in 1v1 situations as well.
Shot Error - no changes as it looks good paired up with the shot speed
Pass Error - slight bump down for set to help with decision making overall
Shot Speed - bumped up a bit to compensate for higher GK ability. I think it's welcomed adjustment overall because free kicks are dangerous again, not to mention shots from distance. We also wanted slight deflections from the GK, not just shots that are constantly popped into the air or don't go out for corners.
Pass Speed - slight bump to keep the ball alive
Injury Frequency - still up to be reviewed, but 85 has a good mix of injury occurences
Injury Severity - bumped up to help with the type of injuries, but it's a bit unknown the direct correlation severity to non-broken-toe injuries
GK Abilty - as we've explored, the 95 GK was good for the sake of long punts past half-field, but of course we experienced a lot of automatic saves and some psychic animations. We found that 65 GK is a good spot as we get a good variety of punts and the saves are more realistic, less predictable, but not to the point that we're seeing weird limbs moving about.
Marking - As mentioned above this is a value to keep an eye on as we are wanting to just ensure the 50 width works. The length at 25 compresses the field, sure, but not to the levels that it may have in past iterations of FIFA, so the marking doesn't mean man-marking all over the pitch. It is more so a combination of anticipating intended recipients + facing up 1v1.
Run Frequency - We tested this all over the place and in general the higher RF was good, but for teams that really let loose (Fast builds) went overboard. With the lines as tight as they are, we have more room here perhaps - but hasn't been tested for this particular set. So feel free to find the happy medium *relative* to the set.
Line Height - Right, a big one and a big finding from this post-patch. To be honest, we were already headed in this direction pre-patch as we wanted to find more engagement throughout the pitch without having to use marking as much, so line height served that purpose quite a bit. The nice thing of it being paired with the line length is that those low block teams actually play true to the tactics, while your high press teams will indeed pressure the ball-playing center backs.
Line Length - The biggest change here is dropping it under 30. We were in the mid 30s for a while and anytime we drop below that it feels like we've given up more than we need to. However, and this is a massive point, the numbers behind the ball carrier at the top of the box are crucial to prevent the same, rinse-and-repeat, type of attacks the CPU has gotten away with post-patch. No longer is it a 1attacker v 4defenders or 2attackers v4defenders only for a late run to cause the passive defense a shot on goal. No, now it's the midfielders helping out, along with the defenders being the next bank as they should. This means less shots on target, and more shots blocked - as it should be. This forces more creativity all around - and that is always welcomed. I understand the fear of lower length, especially this low, because it may seem the forward won't get up the pitch. I can tell you the best test here is to max the power on a long ball and see the forward get on the end of it. The CPU knows this too, which is why more CBs (even GK) will try to send the ball forward.
Example (Legendary CPU):
Line Width - One of the last values we're looking at. We want to make sure that 1) the FB stays goal-side (tucked in) as the ball enters the attacking third, and more so at the top of the box; and 2) the midfield isn't spread out too far that simple forward passes in-stride break them up; and 3) the winger/mid presents as an option to defend/resist the oncoming FB/winger so we don't get the same type of end-to-end action that has happened at 49 width. This width value is super sensitive, and one that has perplexed us quite a bit. However, with the length value where it is, and the marking, it may end up working the way we want it to.
FB Positioning - we have just put this back to where it was as it was causing the CBs not to have an outlet because the FB was getting too far up the pitch, resulting in the CBs being giving away the ball easily.
FT Control - for now, we've kept it where it's at. Players in the game seem to all have a soft touch, and with the pass speed where it's at (even if slightly higher than previous 35 that really killed the ball physics), it makes sense to loosen the touches up.
Timestamp: 10/31/2023 - It seems that there is an issue with the CPU GK punts barely getting out of the box. We determined this is due to the GK ability value, which prompts even more importance to raise the value. Since we want to ensure the punts are going near or past half, we tested the highest values and settled for 95 - for now. This should also help with some of the poor keeper animations that have been seen and reported.
In addition to the keepers, or more so in combination, the shot speed has increased for the Legendary sets to allow more realistic looking animations, but also more room for power shots and free kicks. There were some reports of a bug-like static CPU striker in shooting positions that we may think has to do with the CPU trying to summon a power finesse or regular power shot, but due to the shot speed, they choose not to and the static/freezing animation happens. This is just a theory as the application is hard to replicate as we can't control what decisions the CPU striker makes. Also, we've only seen this 3x (2 reported, 1 streamed), but very hard to replicate, let alone isolate.
Anyway, let's see how Version 5, Beta 3 plays out. Please keep providing feedback relative to the set. Thanks.
see 10/31 update for V5 beta 3 above, this is disregarded in spoilers now:
Timestamp: 10/30/2023 - Small reduction to CPU height from 70 to 65 to help with DAA seen on WC. Started to see this with lower quality, aggressive CTT type teams that would just sprint past the player with the ball.
Timestamp: 10/28/2023 | 11:51 PM CST -- The most recent title update for FC24 really set things back a bit. Our main focus is the usual in addressing CB jockey and DAA. While DAA is harder to adjust for, CB jockey had to be addressed with increase sprint and acceleration on some difficulties. This is primarily on the slow game-speed.
There is a need to get more sample size, and as a result we want to provide the Version 5 beta to be reviewed. Each value was looked at and adjusted as necessary. I have included a brief explanation of values for V5 beta sliders. It would take too much time to go over each difficulty, so the explanation is a general one aimed to explain decision making. Please not that the value sin parentheses are from V4. Also, some topics such as DAA and CB jockey go without explanation - please research or ask questions on what they are if needed:
see 10/29 update for V5 beta 2 above, this is disregarded in spoilers now:
Sprint - this value was addressed for the slow-pace accordingly to help with the CB jockey behavior that was starting to show up on lower sprints.
Acceleration - significant discrepancy for the World Class slow-pace to help with DAA recovery.
Pass Error - Reduced to help with decision making and less "topped" passes that tend to happen by the CPU. Also lowered for user to help with more height in long balls.
Shot Speed - increased for World Class only to help with save animations, deflections and free kicks.
Pass Speed - lowered as it seemed there was too much ball speed post-patch
Injury Frequency - increased to allow more injuries
Injury Severity - increased to allow more range of injury types and scenarios (walk-off, sub, etc).
GK Ability - bumped to help with improving the keeper animations. Still on the fence about this value as it is relative to shot speed, which will vary per difficulty.
Marking - slight bump to help the anticipation defensively
Run Frequency - dropped a to allow less positions for cutback lanes, but also help with runs into the box for crosses
Line Height - bumped quite a bit to help with upfield pressure and introducing CBs to cover for FBs when necessary
Line Length - Slight bump to help spread positioning out a bit to put pressure in between the gaps. Also helps with attacking variety, etc.
Line Width - Left this value alone for now. Very sensitive as we tried it at 50 and it just creates too many issues from the FB positioning in the defensive line, to the defensive line spreading out too far in general. Thankfully the slight bump in marking and length has helped the wide play to be a bit more challenging without needing to adjust width.
FB Positioning - Untouched, still defer to tactics/instructions
FT Control - remains at 100, no need to adjust
The Fourth Version:
Timestamp: 10/18/23 | 8:09 AM CST -- Please place conversations about profile deletions, sudden fast gameplay, etc, onto its own thread or in the general impressions thread for FC24. This is a slider thread and those topics are not related to sliders at all. This is related to the 5th rule of the Thread. Thank you.
5. Please keep general impressions in the FIFA impressions thread, not here. This is a solution based thread, and general complaints will be ignored. We understand each iteration of FIFA has issues, what game doesn't, but we are given the tools to find workarounds. Remember, this is a slider thread, which means the sample size of play is significantly increased. Chances are if you are having an issue, we have most likely looked at it.
Timestamp: 10/8/23 | 1:30 PM CST --
To some it may not be a big deal, but to those who have been around FIFA - and FIFA sliders - will welcome with open arms in the fact that we can play with super low Sprint Speeds this year. So, it should be no surprise that the community researched this and found this to be true. As a result, we are moving to 5/5 Sprint Speed for both slow and normal/default pace game speeds and difficulties.
What are the benefits of a lower Sprint Speed? The main benefit is that lower Sprint Speed = less extra frames after abruptly stopping. At 20 Sprint, for example, there is an extra slide/movement that happens even though the player has chosen to stop. This little bit of movement results in an exploit that plagues FIFA because slight dribbling movements are not contested very well as is. So the lower Sprint brings in a more realistic foundation of movement overall. Hint: If you struggle to get your players sprinting, simply "pump" (tap sprint then tap and hold) to get them started.
Overall, the lower Sprint just brings another feel completely. Paired up with the already set accelerations, and there should be no worries of random CB jockey or obvious exploitation of animations.
The next change of significance is the Line Height discrepancy. In playing and watching multiple matches, I noticed the CPU tends to take 4-6 touches on every possession, dribbling and looking for a pass. While the patience is welcomed, the animation lessened would be ideal. As a result, we have to increase the upfield pressure just a bit more so they can make those decisions quicker and dribble mindlessly less. In the past we have used a length discrepancy, but that comes with some negatives as the higher length means midfielders won't drop back as far when in a defensive position. The adjustment to height allows the upfield pressure, but doesn't sacrifice the defensive midfield position.
After those main adjustments, we looked at raising the shot speed for the user/cpu on World Class to help with free-kick power. Then we bumped up the user's shot speed for Leg/Ultimate only to do the same.
The final bit was adjusting the Injury values from 65/35 to 70/30. We should be seeing a good mix of players getting injured and not needing to come off, then a couple that do indeed need to get subbed. The hope is we continue to see players that get injured are out a length of time that requires more team management off the field of course.
After all that, we are all quite happy with this version of the sliders. By far the lower sprint helps so much, and we have to thank the entire OS community and others who provided feedback on what was possible. We try to approach sliders based on previous iterations, which is why sometimes it's hard to believe certain values are hard to be adjusted as we have been burned in the past.
Keep providing feedback, keep playing matches and just enjoy yourselves in starting your Careers. here is Version 4 - enjoy!
Thanks everyone for the feedback on Version 2. We have really enjoyed playing on that set, but definitely felt there was some room to improve and get a lot of what we have been wanting for a couple of years (lower sprint, less direct game, more variety, ball physics, etc). So we did some further exploration and found some values to refine the set overall.
The main focus here was to get the HLW sorted out a bit better. In particular length where we felt 32 was good, but it was too compressed. Some examples here were: Midfielders instantly retreating to join a clump of others and defenders, not enough space between the banks to allow more variety and as there's more compression, it's easier to dribble past because 1v1 concept that EA uses isn't given room to breathe, but instead clogged up - allowing one defensive player to get past turned into several at any given moment. As a result, we bumped length to 38 initially, until finding that it was a bit too spread out and turned into end-to-end action that didn't match tactics, so 35 was a good balance where we get all of the benefits and add in the midfielders still drop back enough to support the defense.
Along with bumping down marking, we raised the Run Frequency to help with more variety, but more so to reduce the tendency of the CPU trying to dribble the ball into the box and hold it up for a cutback. This scenario happened too often and became quite boring, especially on higher difficulty levels.
On the ball, we were able to find a good spot with 38 pass speed to allow the ball to be alive again and increase those deflection interactions that can happen throughout the pitch. In addition, a lot of time was spent to find a balance between Shot Speed and GK Ability. The safe play is to go with GK at 50 to avoid strange animations that happen on higher values, relative to the shot speed. However, the bump down in shot speed for the World Class set at 46 and Legendary at 40 (!) is bizarre. This had to be done though because the precision shooting has remnants of when FIFA 16 introduced the driven pass. There is a point in which a 50 shot speed feels like an 80, so 48 barely made a difference, regardless of shot error. The lower shot speed results are quite smooth and really look like properly struck shots. At times the CPU will choose to go for a side-footed shot, but considering there was time when they wouldn't do that at all - this is highly welcomed.
The last on-the-ball value we looked at was FT Control and raised it. The reason for this is we noticed many games where you can tell the AI was thinking about what to do, and during this, the animation that would play out is shift the ball back and forth, almost like it was on a string connected to their legs. We wanted to reduce this effect, and the natural option is to increase the chances of a loose ball. With this change, the ball becomes just a bit more requiring of care and closer control is given to the qualified players. A tall forward may struggle holding onto the ball if they try to shift it back and forth rather than just put their body in between. In addition, the actual first touch of players will be more realistic to control the ball, and players that are exceptional will stand out positively.
A note about the acceleration changes: we wanted to get closer to a calmer animation point - especially anticipating the game may speed up as these patches come out. The more we can accomplish this, the better, but without creating any negative effects such as CB jockey or bursting through the lines.
That's Version 3. Hope you all enjoy as much as we have. As always, leave feedback with examples. Thanks!!
If you are interested in joining the discord to test, please message me directly. It's a good group of guys that I call friends, so I trust their judgement a lot over the years. I will always consider expanding, but they are a big part in that decision making as well.
We appreciate everyone's patience on this one. I think we've really put in some good work here. Thanks so much for those that provided feedback in the thread regarding the first version, it helped gain a lot of information and insight on what to look for.
I'll be honest, there was a point in which things looked grim. The higher sprint was doing what it was supposed to do, but the feel of the game just felt...rapid. It felt wild and chaotic, to the point that I had to just pause the game, put it all in rest mode - and call it a day. Of course that lasted about 5 minutes, and before you know it, it was time to just go crazy and test everything from scratch. Scratch started to get frustrating and we even found our way to sod it and use last year's FIFA 23 final set. It was that close.
In the end, here's a slider set that makes me very proud. The game itself is brilliant. There is something to be applauded by the devs that are able to allow the incredible gameplay to be displayed on the pitch. Hidden amongst all the FUTball disguises, there is genuinely someone who played their cards close to their chest and said "Watch this, I'll make the defenders support the attack, I'll make the players pass to where they're facing, I'll make them pass backwards, I'll make them take players 1on1, I'll put pressure on the outside mids so their backs are facing towards goal, I'll clog up the middle of the pitch..." - someone, not sliders, someone in FC land did that - and I'm completely surprised and grateful.
With that said. The focus was lower sprint and making it work. Instead of going higher sprint, we went higher on the acceleration for the slow speed, which allows the CPU stay engaged on World Class, and we reverse it for the harder difficulties on Legendary and Ultimate. The importance of lower sprint is not just a slower game, but it's more of a controlled game. There is less momentum, or extra frames, when the player is supposed to stop. There is more weight to the players, and that weight can be felt different amongst different body types.
From the lower sprint, the next focus was going to figure out pass speed. While 40 was doing great to keep the ball alive, it went overboard with crosses and long balls. The camera could barely keep up with the velocity of these passes, so it only made sense to go lower - but not so low that every ball is a under-hit hospital ball.
The next value combo was Shot Speed and GK Ability. While shot speed at 48 looked great, it didn't help that the keepers were terrible at 48 and too good at 50 - to the point they started to dive backwards unrealistically to make saves. So as subtle and arbitrary as 49 sounds, it works really good with the shot speed at 48. Less near post goals, but also some brilliant goals - and saves - can be had throughout the difficulties.
Marking was the next focus to get the midfielders to anticipate the passing at the top of the box, but also keep the congestion in the middle that puts pressure on their opposition to get rid of the ball quickly - or get creative. When we combine that with the line settings of HLW 52/32/49, it really works and really brings the modern day game of attacking thirds into the equation, with still that battle in the central midfield. The slight bump in length allowed the midfielders to breathe away from the defenders a bit as well.
The last thing done was to go through the different set ups and difficulties. Legendary and Ultimate are quite hard, and I think it will take a really skilled player to play on those levels. The advantage for the user on slow pace really helps the user's players stay engaged in those 50/50 battles, and the lower pass speed for the CPU gives the user a chance to intercept the ball, because the CPU makes really good contact regardless of pass error it seems.
Every year it's about figuring out what the threshold of a value is. For example shot error on Legendary and Ultimate are into the 70's, and even then the CPU still makes great contact. They sky the ball as a miss, but it's still great contact. This year is not different with that, and it's been a busy week in trying to sort it all out. It's by no means perfect to the point that Legendary CPU crosses all the time. No, the passing teams love to pass inside the box, so control your CB or CDM manually and get into that path when they drive inside the box.
Overall, I'm glad we got this done and ready to post for everyone. Let this one be the base to work off of for future versions. FC24 has surprised me a lot on the potential it has. Lowering Sprint alone has been a breath of fresh air. Hope you all enjoy it - keep the feedback fresh as always. Thanks!
If you are interested in joining the discord to test, please message me directly. It's a good group of guys that I call friends, so I trust their judgement a lot over the years. I will always consider expanding, but they are a big part in that decision making as well.
The First Version:
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 9/22/23 | 11:59 PM CST --
The First Version
As mentioned in the OP, this game is not much different than FIFA 23. This allows to use a lot of what we learned last year and apply to this year's game. As someone who played the beta, I am happy that the slider set I was using during that time still works in the full version. I can already see areas of improvement, but overall, it's much...much better than default.
For now, I'm going to recommend we all play on slow speed. The reason for this is because the Sprint Speed and Acceleration are crucial this year, and the way the CPU randomly speeds up on default values, it's a needed adjustment for a level playing field.
With the slow speed were able to experience the strength of the 51/52 Sprint Discrepancy, along with the 51/51 acceleration. These two values alone brought a incredible dynamic to the field last year, and this year is no different. The interactions with the ball, the battle of the 50/50, the decision making by the CPU - all brilliant. FC24 has the addition of playstyles and improved team tactics that it just doesn't feel like default FIFA anymore.
After a couple adjustments to the error values, we needed to look at shot speed and how the GK was reacting too soon and jumping ahead of shots, so those two values were adjusted. The next value was the lines, which in this case was just lowering length to 30 and width to 48. This reduces that exposure in the central midfield, but also gives the defenders position to stay goal-side, making it tough to get down the sidelines. The 51/52 Sprint also helps with that.
We will see how long it lasts, but for now Run Frequency is at 25 a piece. I didn't want to reduce or remove the team ID and the hard work of team tactics, so let's just see how that plays out. For now it's good.
A surprising value for me was being able to keep the Pass Speed at 50. In the past this would have to be lowered down to reduce the effectiveness of driven passes. However, in FC24, it's a breath of fresh air how alive the ball is, and how it must be controlled. If we touch this value to go lower, it just becomes hospital balls that get caught in tall grass, and the ball isn't alive - which sticks to the boots and dies before it hops to the next recipient.
So, for the first version - here's what we are starting with:
Test them out, let's get some sample size. The thread moves fast, most of you know that, so I am sure Version 2 will be here in no time. Pay attention to the rules, make sure the feedback is constructive!
Thanks - and enjoy!
Thanks to discord testers: bman, laxing_ , Hapa90, jrn, TopSide
If you are interested in joining the discord to test, please message me directly. It's a good group of guys that I call friends, so I trust their judgement a lot over the years. I will always consider expanding, but they are a big part in that decision making as well.
Here at 8am on release day and we already have a slider set! 👏🏻
I played the beta and had a good Clubs session last night. It has been nice actually being able to turn an opponent and play a more varied game. For someone who plays FUMA, ping pong passing is neither possible or enjoyable!
I had planned to buy the ultimate edition to get early access but unfortunately have to do work on my room which means I wouldn't been able to take advantage of it, so I have settled for the standard edition in the end. I'm so jealous of you guys right now
Roll on next week, where I'm sure the sliders will have moved on to V2 or even V3, lol.
I've recently bougth a PS5, can I use these sliders or are there ps5 specific sliders? Thank you for the sliders and the work you do, the fifa series would not have been playable without your sliders.
I've recently bougth a PS5, can I use these sliders or are there ps5 specific sliders? Thank you for the sliders and the work you do, the fifa series would not have been playable without your sliders.
I'm trying the new Career Mode. New stadiums have BUGS. Like last years Nottingham Forest City Ground stadium, or Osasuna's El Sadar. Or Chelsea's Stamford Bridge in a corner kick. (Minute 03:11)
At least, in defauld stadiums, and maybe in old, not added new stadiums, this bugs are not happening.
Another error in my opinion is, when we are using the "behind the manager" camera, in the Elche video the camera is behind ELCHE's MANAGER, not behind MY USER MANAGER (Xavi Hernandez in my career). We should always view the game from OUR MANAGER perspective. I have pressed all the bottoms, but I'm not capable of swith from one or the other manager.
It just seems that camera works for the HOME manager.
On the bright side, CPU vs CPU can be a thing this year! Maybe a new slider set / thread can be opened for this.