08-30-2023, 08:37 PM
playing on xbox app
I have Mlb show show on my xbox but my son is usually hogging the xbox so I started playing the game on my pc using the xbox app and going through cloud gaming. Problem is every time I go to play I keep getting "unable to connect to server Please check internet connection" message. The game freezes for like 10 seconds then the message goes away and I resume playing. But like 30 seconds later the same message comes up again. This happens like 4 or 5 times in row until it finally says disconnected from server and it kicks out of game. Heres the kicker---if I quit the game and restart my pc as soon as message comes up the first time, I can play the game for hours without any issue. But If I leave and come back 10 minutes later to play again, the whole process starts over again. Does anyone else play through xbox app on pc and have you seen this problem. Ive been dealing with this from day one when game launched. Any help would be appreciated