
My Player NEEDS to be revamped for NBA 2K24

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Old 05-12-2023, 04:14 AM   #1
Nathan_OS's Arena
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My Player NEEDS to be revamped for NBA 2K24

This is more of a rant so it might be written in what may seem as .. sporadic. The disclaimer is I’m a lifelong fan, and I mean zero disrespect.

MyCareer needs to be revamped now.

I don’t want to speak about the actual intricacies in the storyline, but rather the character. This character comes off extremely corny. Just as past 2Ks since the rpg element was implemented fully.

Also, every game doesn’t identify as a black man. Now as a black man, I’ll ask the question. Why are white gamers not accounted for when creating these storylines? Lol, it’s crazy.

I’d imagine it’s 2023… there must be a way to make the storyline more … natural. For every user, of every color. Maybe voice recordings?

Furthermore, I don’t want to skate around a city to play an offline game. Contrary to popular belief, some people want to actually play the games in the season. I don’t want to jog through an arena. Run into a wall. The tunnel thing is cool.
But what about the outdated HUD? (The point tracker on the top right)

Has 2K touched the HUD in the last 10 years? Please. Change SOMETHING. Make it bigger, make it stretch across the screen. Give us advanced stats. Give us dynamic challenges. JUST TRY SOMETHING NEW. We, the customer, shouldn’t have to ask for this. Please continue to be innovative.

I won’t touch on gameplay too much because that also needs to be tuned to how basketball is played in the 2023. But please tune the AI players to play like their real life counterparts. Better yet, play like your rating. I play on Orlando. 38 games in, PBanchero is averaging 8 points, shooting 5 threes a game. What is in this man’s DNA??? What are tendencies for if no one will actually tune them.

Give us presentation!!!! Make the game look nice. Just program in some eye candy for us. Player of the month awards. Highlight films, with REAL footage of our highlights. Give us a better replay system. Give us better in game shots. CHANGE SOMETHING.

I’ve been a fan for a long time. Please don’t ruin the full potential of this game. You have a chance to truly replicate basketball.

What do you all think? Maybe a developer might see this!? Maybe not, I don’t know these days.

What do you want to see change in MYCareer. What do you wish they would take out or add?


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PSN: MajorJosephx
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Old 05-12-2023, 06:06 PM   #2
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Re: My Player NEEDS to be revamped for NBA 2K24

I don’t know how they managed to make a worse story than 2k18’s dumpster fire but they did. Who doesn’t want to be a rapper, fashion designer, tik tok star with some NBA on the side? No one would care about some disputes between the 17th and 18th picks in the draft. Imagine caring about some beef between Tari Eason and Dalen Terry in real life.

I thought the former DJ who got an NBA contract after a street ball tournament in 2k18 was bad. Or the 2k16 story where your player killed a guy and your best friend was blackmailing you.

The 2k17 story with Michael B. Jordan was the only story that I actually liked. The 2k13 system with pre draft team interviews and rookie game was pretty good.

If they want to stick with the neighborhood/ quest system, just make the quests optional. “Sorry Coach, I can’t guard LeBron tonight, I need to pass out flyers for a hot dog stand”.

Just let me go to college or the G-League for a year and get drafted. Let me play games without doing some dumb quests first. Make the VC prices lower to upgrade your attributes so I don’t need to sell a kidney to get an 85 3pt rating.

MyCareer/Park makes insane money for 2k so I doubt it’ll get better, only worse.
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Old 05-12-2023, 09:28 PM   #3
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illwill10's Arena
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Re: My Player NEEDS to be revamped for NBA 2K24

I do think it needs a revamp. I passed on NBA2K23 and I have Gamefly. So if I really wanted to play it, I could have rented it. When I play 2k, I'm just playing MyCareer. MyCareer has gotten stale for me over the years since 2k18. I'm tired of the made for TV storylines, online-focused, and poor AI/Bad Teammates. My main issue with MyCareer is starting out at 60 OVR. The mode is geared around online and getting those gamers to pay to upgrade their player. I don't mind the grind, I actually prefer the grind. But, I don't like the idea of not being capable of doing much to start out.

After playing MLB the Show for the first time in like a decade, I will say RTTS is my favorite single player career mode and I'm not even a baseball fan. The Show needs a generational leap it self. But, RTTS at its core, gives me what I want from a career mode. You start out around 70 OVR, but you are able to perform when you start. The Perks and Equipment bonuses really help. Gameplay is solid and I can get in and out of games within 5 minutes. I enjoy the real time presentation. You are made aware of what's going on in season. Making the gaming winning strikeout/Out/hit and seeing the players realistically react without seeming robotic is something you don't see in 2k or Madden. My only issue with RTTS is depth outside of games.

My thing would be starting out around 75 OVR with your physical ratings near their ceiling. My thing would be gearing the mode around your first 2 years of your NBA career, since that's what most people get through in MyCareer. You don't need those cheesy storylines, just give the athlete experience. So give the full Pre-Draft process to walking up stage to Summer League to PreSeason to playing games. The only storylines you would need is realistic events that happens for rookies
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Old 05-12-2023, 09:59 PM   #4
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VDusen04's Arena
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Re: My Player NEEDS to be revamped for NBA 2K24

Originally Posted by illwill10
After playing MLB the Show for the first time in like a decade, I will say RTTS is my favorite single player career mode and I'm not even a baseball fan. The Show needs a generational leap it self. But, RTTS at its core, gives me what I want from a career mode. You start out around 70 OVR, but you are able to perform when you start. The Perks and Equipment bonuses really help. Gameplay is solid and I can get in and out of games within 5 minutes. I enjoy the real time presentation. You are made aware of what's going on in season. Making the gaming winning strikeout/Out/hit and seeing the players realistically react without seeming robotic is something you don't see in 2k or Madden. My only issue with RTTS is depth outside of games.
The Show's Road to the Show gave me what I've been wishing to see out of 2K's MyPlayer for years. That is, I was capable of suspending disbelief because my player could act like a normal human.

The last time I ever enjoyed MyPlayer was when I was capable of carrying out a career I saw fit. After games, I could respond to reporter questions like a normal human being, sign shoe deals, secure a billboard, and broadly live out my career like Shane Battier. The mode died for me the moment I lost that agency.

That said, it seems like MyPlayer has a very loyal base of people who love playing it, so I have no problem acknowledging my desire is likely the minority.
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Old 05-13-2023, 12:19 AM   #5
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Re: My Player NEEDS to be revamped for NBA 2K24

It seems everyone is total agreement about all the issues with MyPlayer/Career but every year 2K make it worse.

I have given up.
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Old 05-13-2023, 07:39 AM   #6
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Re: My Player NEEDS to be revamped for NBA 2K24

Sup, yeah, not feeling the skate thing. I resisted it, but now I'm skating! I dislike the forced quest. Honestly, there shouldn't be one overall. It should be all optional, but to have to do it twice... aiye.

Walk the runway, go take pix of yourself doing skate trix, selfie with the corner store guy? I dunno. haha. I want basketball, and I'd like to have a MC that actually pushed me a little, a coach that would bench me, and something that would be hard to get started in. I don't like playing low minutes EITHER but it's better than running around the city.

I still say, and I will keep saying: add in multiplayer my career that you can log into with your friends. It would be a different save than your original MC, but you could play on the same team as your friends thus making MC MUCH LESS ANNOYING!

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Old 05-13-2023, 02:19 PM   #7
zello144's Arena
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Re: My Player NEEDS to be revamped for NBA 2K24

The side stuff is ridiculous as you don't really do much with it. When you do the fashion stuff I wanna actually create and design my fashion line. Maybe become an owner of my own brand. Bring back the T shirt creator and let me make some VC off it. Expand on it and let us make pants and hats too. Yeah the community screwed it up with some inappropriate designs but it is what it is. Maybe get a couple of people to monitor it or put some safeguards in there that won't ruin it for everyone else. I want the BBB Lavar Ball experience. There’s also the shoe creator let me create my own shoes and start my own brand.

How in the world is the “business” stuff not related to businesses at all and you don’t even get VC from it? You put a hot dog hat on and get a t shirt. That’s not business. A real business side hustle would have you owning a part of the hot dog business and other businesses in the city and getting some VC from it. That's what LeBron and other NBA stars do. LeBron owns part of Blaze pizza.

The music stuff also disappointing. The bars are terrible. Hire a couple of ghost writers. Bring in actual NBA players who know how to rap like Iman Shumpert or Dame. I hate how after we make a song we can’t listen to it. Like add it to the soundtrack have it play in the arena, in between quarters, timeouts. If we’re going to expand it even further let me run my own record label. I want the Suge Knight,P Diddy, Birdman experience. I wanna sign Lil Mettle and other fake 2K rappers, let me sign a couple of producers and release more tracks. Let me set royalties, let me spend money on marketing and promotion. Let me release the Bo$$-Key-Yacht$ memorial greatest hits album.

Yeah I know complaining about Music and running businesses in a basketball game lol but when 2K advertises it as part of the mode now I gotta complain.

Last edited by zello144; 05-16-2023 at 01:01 AM.
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Old 05-13-2023, 03:14 PM   #8
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Re: My Player NEEDS to be revamped for NBA 2K24

I'd just like for my CPU teammates to be capable of making open shots on Hall of Fame difficulty.

I went to play center for the Warriors thinking Klay and Curry would be giving me easy assists, but the Trash Bros only make like 10% to 15% of their wide open shot attempts.

The computer's "double team on catch" philosophy for defending star players also needs to be disabled for MyCareer, because having to always passout to your broke AF AIs who brick the majority of their wide open shots every single time that you touch the ball in the halfcourt is an abominably bad gameplay experience.

The only way to get assists in MyCareer shouldn't be from throwing alley oops, but that's where 2K23's gameplay is at right now.

Online Co-Op MyCareer should have been a thing like 5 or 6 2Ks ago to save us from how inept your AI teammates have become.

The 2K17 "Orange Juice" feature with the Michael B. Jordan storyline was peak MyCareer IMO. It had solid gameplay built around a purely basketball narrative with none of this off-the-court, forced side-quest nonsense.

Last edited by jyoung; 05-13-2023 at 03:36 PM.
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