House brand leagues has 2 leagues currently running with limited openings. 1st House of Hoops is a regs league that is in the 3rd season and the way 2k does us dirty may or may not be getting ready to reset. If that's the case you'll wanna be there for the Team draft to get the kind of squad you love playing MyLeague with the most. Our newer and more unique league is House of Legends. In this league there's most the big names you can think of in nba history but with a twist. All players are between 18-22 & no player started higher than an 85 overall. This way you can build your players up how you'd like with our manual progression system that encourages activity aka the more games you play the more upgrades you get to put on your players. Both leagues have separate manual progression systems along with what 2k dishes out naturally. So if you're looking for a chill place to ball and aren't super toxic come check us out on discord ---->