Welcome to the yearly tradition of the OS Community sliders for FIFA.
FIFA 23 boasts a lot of improvements, from thousands of new animations, to hypermotion2 enhancements that should replicate a true 11v11 match. Unfortunately, this thread would not exist if EA actually delivered, and the front-and-center agenda of FUT being the priority has further enhanced our doubts.
►Brief History and Origin:
We have been working on FIFA sliders since FIFA 15 as a community. The goal is always to achieve the closest realism the game gives us.
►How we test:
Always in Career Mode. You are investing in sliders for a reason, and most of the time that is to play in Career Mode. So, it only makes sense to test in that same environment. With so many values to be looked at, and those values being in 1 point increments, it is very easy to come up with multiple versions of sliders. We will always test on Default first, then identify the main areas to look at. From there, it's about collaborating and finding workarounds for those problem areas. With sliders, it is always a balancing act, fix one thing - potentially break the next.
►Version Format:
This thread moves fast, and versions get updated. My goal is to always make less versions, but we're at the mercy of 1) EA's updates, and 2) Our own curiosity in determining the best values.
Similar to previous three years, I will be using the format in which the Version number is determined first, then a Beta number follows. For example, the first version will be Version 1, Beta 1; so it will read as : "V1B1", and down the road Version 6, Beta 2 will read "V6B2". As soon as it is determined that the version is "final", it will simply, for example, be called Version 6 Final, or "V6Final". I will make sure the OP is updated in a log format, so everyone is on the same page.
►Helpful Reminders:
As always, remember that the thread moves very fast. I will do my best to update this Original Post as much as possible. I have learned a lot about how to be the "project manager" of this whole thing, so if I do not respond to every post, it is either because it got lost in the shuffle, or that replying to it would deter the thread from achieving the goal of establishing a slider set.
►The Main Rules of the Thread:
1. Do not post your own full set. This deters the entire thread. All slider values are relative to one another, so if we see a value like 30 pass speed with a line length of 70, then that's not relevant to someone using a 50 pass speed with a line length of 35. It's better to leave it out of the thread, and create your own.
2. Feedback in Animation. The Match Stats only give so much information. Telling us the CPU has 99% passing is not helpful. Were they passing the ball through the backline the entire time? Details are important, and throughout the years I have asked for details in animations. What this means is simply "What do you see"? Is the CPU having that high passing because your defending players are too slow? Too far away? Too wide? In the end, VIDEO NEVER LIES, so if you have video to provide - please do so. That will save so much time and less of a Q&A.
3. We are not your customer service. This is a collaboration space. Noone is being paid here by EA. Provide feedback because you want to help, not because you feel entitled to let us do all the hard work and you sit back and criticize.
4. Respect each other. Thankfully, we have not run into this issue as much, but there have been times where it's close. First, regarding myself, I am the project manager here. What that means is I am going for a goal, and discussion about conspiracies, theories or ET is not going to be helpful. Secondly, we all have opinions and some know how to filter them, some do not. There is a message there, so do not get offended if someone disagrees with you. We love the game, and just want what is best for it - so keep it civil!
5. Please keep general impressions in the FIFA impressions thread, not here. This is a solution based thread, and general complaints will be ignored. We understand each iteration of FIFA has issues, what game doesn't, but we are given the tools to find workarounds. Remember, this is a slider thread, which means the sample size of play is significantly increased. Chances are if you are having an issue, we have most likely looked at it.
►FIFA 23 - The importance of Pace - Default or Slow:
- Default Pace = Slightly faster animations, but no issues with CB jockey or Defensive Angle Animation. - Slow Pace = Slightly slower animations, but issues with CB Jockey and Defensive Angle Animation. (which we have addressed with the sliders via Sprint/Acceleration)
What is the CB Jockey?
Here is an explanation of the CB jockey from when we were testing some lower Sprint values on stream:
What is DAA (Defensive Angle Animation)?
DAA occurs when the defending player takes a sharp and illogical angle towards the ball carrier:
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 6/22/23 | 10:04 PM CST --
The Final Version
Right, so the last couple of weeks have been a bit of a testing phase that I have really enjoyed. Huge kudos to the main slider testers that I trust a whole bunch, and overall I think we have something absolutely incredible at the moment.
First things first, I'd highly suggest playing the game on the slow settings for the WC and Leg sets. The majority of testing was done on WC Slow, and even if you a regular pace player, you really won't regret playing on slow considering we have areas where the animations are smoother as a result of the changes.
The main change of the set is the significant bump to 40 pass speed. Out of context, it doesn't make sense why we'd go to such a higher pass speed, but relative to the Sprint, Acc and Pass Error values, it just works so well. No longer is the ball going to just die at the players feet, or feel like the ball is being absorbed into their bodies. No, in fact, the players have to control the ball and master it, like the actual beautiful game teaches us at an early age. Control the football. You will see just so many incredible interactions as a result. From massive deflections, to balls over the top, to switching the field, to simple overhit through balls.
Within context of the sliders, the 40 pass speed works because of the Sprint value. We tested Sprint at 55 for such a long time and we were completely frustrated how it played. The CPU kept trying to go up and down the pitch - bombarding attack after attack. No sense of any type of football. So we did what anyone would do in order to slow the game, we dropped pass speed all the way to 35. It felt better, but again - just not good enough, and still incredible fast along with constantly up and down again.
Eventually, we made the move to Sprint 51, and bumped acceleration significantly to 58 to make it a challenge in the attack. Another bump that was needed was in the user's Sprint as on 20 the CPU still tried to expose positions constantly. Once we bumped it to 40, they started to "respect" the positioning, and now they were back to adhering to the tactics, and now we started to see the game settle back into a rhythm. After that, it was a matter of re-addressing the pass speed back to 40, and sure enough, it turned out to be incredible - and we haven't looked back.
After a couple small adjustments to pass error, GK ability, Run Frequency and First Touch, the set is done and final. Keep in mind, not everything went in that order. That's usually how it goes with sliders, you basically start somewhere with the base (Sprint,Acc, HLW) and build out the error values throughout. We feel really good about the game, and the good thing is there are plenty of easy adjustments to make it harder/easier.
I will include the changes as a whole, but mainly addressing the World Class set as that is what was tested the most. Even if you are a legendary difficulty player, please consider the World Class SLOW set.
Sprint: from 20/51 to 40/51
> We basically found that indeed CPU higher sprint makes it more difficult, but at the same time, it makes it pretty unrealistic too. We took a roundtrip of 55 only to find 51 was still the magic number, but it was also about evening out the User side so the CPU can perceive the User defenders can do a job.
Acceleration: from 51/55 to 51/58
> Right a big bump for the CPU, but it was necessary in making sure they could challenge the user 1v1. The middle is highly congested than ever before, and tackles will absolutely fly in, so dribblers beware. This is another benefit of raising pass speed - you will want that ball to move quicker to avoid players getting hurt.
Pass Error: from 58/58 to 60/60
> Simply just to compensate for an increase in pass speed. This way it separates those who should play certain balls does, and those who should not - are punished accordingly.
Pass Speed: from 32/32 to 40/40
> As mentioned, just a great value that is so necessary with how much more intense the games can be. The dynamic gameplay of how the ball feels like a separate entity again is just that thing that makes you say "one more game".
GK Ability: from 50/50 to 48/48
> Just to reduce some of the incredible saves that were being made. Tested on the low end of 45 and it was back to them diving underneath too early, so 48 was a happy medium in which not every GK is superman - but they can still make some great saves, while also giving up some shockers.
Run Frequency: from 10/10 to 5/5
> We noticed the strikers, target man or not, would drift towards the endline or even sideline when they should be getting central into the box. So dropping the run frequency has allowed a more "central" approach to getting into the box.
FT Control: from 70/70 to 80/80
> Just another one of those values that separates good and bad players, but also surprises with the pass speed in how the ball can bounce to allow for more of that dynamic gameplay.
A welcome surprise: Turning on Player Based Difficulty
> This is merely a suggestion, but most of us have tested with this on in World Class and I have tested it in Legendary difficulty. To our surprise, it actually works really well and again just brings in that level of dynamic gameplay. It's not gimmicky at all anymore, and is such a welcome addition to get more gameplay variety in.
I've also changed up the order of Suggestions as the first thing to make it more difficult is play FUMA, then lower the error values, followed by acceleration modifications and lastly the CPU Sprint. I had CPU Sprint as #1, but it's all relative to the values, and relative to the 40 pass speed, a higher sprint than 51 may increase difficulty - but it sacrifices a lot of realism, which is not something we want to do with FIFA as it is.
Overall, ridiculously happy to post this for you guys. Thanks for the patience. We know the new EA game is out in a couple months - but at least we leave FIFA 23 on a good note, and a whole lot of playing time can be done until we get closer to a new game's release. It's been real. I'll have a video explanation out this weekend.
Thanks - and enjoy!
Thanks to testers: bman, laxing_ , Hapa90, jrn, TopSide
Serie A/B suggestion:
Something FIFA has struggled with is the lack of fluid formation (like PES) which is what a lot of modern football is about. A 3-back in the attack turns into a 5-man in defense. Unfortunately, with Serie A/B (and a few other teams in other leagues), some teams are set up with very low depth because the expected role/instructions for the central midfielders set to cover the wings and to also drop further back. As most may know, FIFA has struggled since FIFA 21 in bringing the central midfielders all the way back into the box, so the low depth tactics ends up opening a lot of space behind them and a lot of space in front of the defensive line.
To combat this, I would suggest that for the user to either A) modify the low depth B) edit a balanced formation and defensive formation, interchange manually using the d-pad tactics based on the match scenario.
So, for option B:
Set up Defensive gameplan >> from Balanced 3-4-3 >> to Defensive 5-4-1.
Ensure that the players are on their same side as their balanced gameplan so the transition is not significant or prone to exposing positioning.
I hope that helps somewhat. Please feel free to provide your own ideas of course. I just wanted to ensure this was brought up because Serie A/B is is so much fun, but the open play can be exhausting at times due to the lack of a fluid formation and transition between the attack and defense.
Common Q&A:
I love how [difficulty] plays, but I feel like it's too easy. What can I do?
The number one value that can help with this is acceleration. Either raise it for the CPU, or lower it for the user - or both. You can see in the majority of the slider sets, we opt for a discrepancy to make it more difficult/challenging. For further options, please reference the Final version spreadsheet.
Do the sliders make every team play the same?
No, in fact we built the set to compliment the team-tactics. A slow build-up team will feel like a team trying to break you down, while a fast-build up with forward runs and long ball will try to wear you down with quick counters and immediate outlets to the wingers. If interested, check SOFIFA or even better, use a 2nd controller and switch to the CPU side in order to see what tactics are being employed.
-------------------- Streamers (Twitch, YouTube, etc):Please message me or post in the thread to be added! http://twitch.tv/matt10l
- On this one you can type in !fifa_sliders in the chatbox, and the most recently streamed set will show.
-------------------- Version Logs:
Previous All Versions and Streamed Sets:
Version 1 - Beta 1
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 9/27/22 | 11:10 AM CST -- Seeing as there is a lot of negativity with FIFA 23 right now, I wanted to go ahead and provide the base set I was working on from the FIFA 23 Beta. A lot of the beta transferred into the early access/release version, so the turnaround time was a lot quicker. Let me know your thoughts. I've will edit the post and include a brief summary on the values as well. Calling this one Version 1 Beta 1. Enjoy!
Timestamp: 9/27/22 | 9:50 AM CST --
Just starting the thread here. No need to modify some of the welcome info/rules as it hasn't changed. Please read them through if you haven't already.
I do have a set that is pending, and should be posted here tonight or tomorrow. Understood that there may be a day-one patch, so we'll see what comes of everything.
Version 2
Timestamp: 9/29/22 | 4:38 PM CST --
Version 2 is posted below.
The main focus here is to get the congestion in the midfield in a better spot, but more importantly address the flank play. One would think that increasing width would work, but the problem with that is the length was too low to take advantage of the space for those 1v1 battles. Often times the defending winger would tuck in too far and get caught out not helping the fullback, which made it fairly straight forward to beat. Pair that up with a 50/51 acceleration discrepancy in World Class difficulty, and now the challenge is not only on the wings, but in all areas of the pitch.
The last bit of the line settings was establishing the defensive positioning throughout the banks. We have the defensive line needing to meet the attackers, but not constantly in a position where the attackers can just run off them for through balls. In addition, and probably more importantly, there was a need to establish an actual midfield that goes past their own defensive third - rather than drop back in a shell and allow waves of attack. This is why both height and length took a significant bump, and why width was even more important to get under control.
After that was established, we discussed raising GK Ability to 55, which meant shot speed had to get a bump as well so everything can stay in-sync. There are definitely goals still there, and even some more room to raise GK, but overall it's a nice balance of saves and misses. Furthermore, we've increased the error values for shooting which makes for some quality misses and goals. The reward on the goals is quite the feeling.
In terms of overall feel, the games are much more human-like. I say even sloppy at times, which is okay because you can see the players actually putting in an effort to stay engaged. I provided a clip earlier that showed the way players stay engaged throughout. Yes, you may have to be aware of the tucked in look, but it gets wider in the right spots - especially as the transition into attacking third happens.
I'm quite happy with Version 2. I wanted to post this to the thread and public right away. It doesn't look like FIFA 23 out of the box, and it's an improvement on Version 1. Let me know your thoughts as we continue to fine-tune the base set and start to establish the more specific sets.
Timestamp: 9/29/22 | 1:51 PM CST --
Making progress on Version 2. It's going to be called Version 2 because it's a fairly different from Version 1, and it's fine tuned some of the error values. Stay tuned.
Version 3
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 9/30/22 | 6:05 PM CST -- I'm going to apologize for the quickness of these sets, but finding the base is the main priority now, and as values start to become more clear, it's easier to pick out what works and what doesn't. Version 3 here just finishes up the hard work from Version 1 and 2 findings and establishes better pitch coverage than before. Very simply the width was pretty narrow on Version 2, and while that helped the defensive line's positioning a lot, it started to hurt the actual midfield - which is what we strive for the most when building these sets.
As a result, width goes to 45. This ensures that there are more than one routes to attack, but ensures there is resistance in various parts of the pitch, not just on those successful areas of attack.That width needs to be on the narrow/lower side to allow the center-backs to cover both wide and centrally. This helps those through balls from being automatic scoring chances.
It also helps the midfield congestion to remain, but take a bit further step with reintroducing the FB positioning by taking that value from a low 25 to 45. This allows the FB to remain in the attack during transition moments, while still being able to put pressure on the ball carrier and/or fill passing lanes to break up attacks. In addition, the FB positioning allows more variety from the CPU attack where before at 25 they would stay even with the CBs, which meant route one was straight to the striker with 30-40 yard driven passes. Now, there’s still some direct play, but it’s varied based on what is available and what the tactics call for.
Lastly, the increase of height is a great thing for us. Some may recall the frustration of last year when the height value would not work, which meant we couldn't push the defensive line to meet the attackers, especially in transition. Now, the central mid and defenders are closer in transition to meet the attackers, ensuring it's not the constant perfect clearance to the attacker's feet off corners or dead ball situations. In addition, the height does something we've always wanted, which is play true to the tactical value. If Chelsea have a height of 70, then they will truly play that height of 70. This opens a lot of doors to variety in play and actual team customization - something we haven't had in FIFA for a long time.
I think Version 3 solidifies the base slider set now. We learned from the previous versions, and saw the benefits of what a narrow width brings, which allows this FIFA game to shine a lot more than default gameplay ever will.
One final comment. You can play on Default (Normal) or Slow-paced speeds. Let me say that Slow speed is HIGHLY PLAYABLE and is not broken no matter who thinks it is. Sliders are created as a composition of multiple values to get the game as close to realism as possible. We aren’t pushing to make the game play how EA wants it. Afterall, we’re trying to get the game away from their design - because their design is intended for PvP and arcade-like FUT play. Remember the golden rule: all sliders are relative.
Enjoy Version 3!!
Version 4, Beta 1
Timestamp: 10/08/22 | 9:24 PM CST --
Originally Posted by Matt10
Hey everyone, another stream going. Working on the base of what was worked on yesterday, but one significant, and game-changing value of lowering length to 40. It is allowing the time on the ball needed from the CPU to just pass the ball about when they can. Even if they do this once or twice in an attacking sequence, it will be welcomed.
Here are the values that we finished with last night:
The values were tested and passed in each matchup played. There is plenty of variety, and a little bit more congestion near midfield as desired. Each game is different due to tactics/league, etc. Overall, quite happy with the streamed values. Just needs a bit more testing on Legendary difficulty.
Timestamp: 10/07/22 | 7:53 PM CST --
Originally Posted by Matt10
Streaming. We're just trying to solidify the set. We have been testing a variation of this based on feedback and our own findings.
In particular paying attention to (in no particular order):
1. Feel of the players/no CB jockey
2. Direct passes to strikers
3. CPU crossing
4. Pass variety
5. GK relative to shot speed.
1. Feel of the players/no CB jockey - Sprint 5/5 always feel good. It's just more calm and players stop on command, so there's no added momentum that can take your controlled player off-course, etc. Problem is the intensity diminishes as the momentum is lacking, so while there's physicality, it may not be as obvious. I did use 10/10 and felt that was back to intensity, but not terrible. Just a bit more extra momentum, and felt the CPU carried on running into those gaps in-stride vs showing-to them.
2. Direct passes to strikers - Managed to create a width discrepancy that helped this on Sprint 5/5, but on 10/10 it didn't matter as much. It was still better than before, and lost of sample size is needed to determine what sticks.
3. CPU crossing - Looked good, on World Class - didn't test legendary.
4. Pass variety - Still good, love how the CPU plays with the height lowered, allowing the midfield some breathing room. Created a width discrepancy too that allowed the CPU to pick a different pass rather than forward-forward, mainly when on sprint 5/5 though.
5. GK relative to shot speed. - long to mid shots are good in animation, the short/point-blank ones are how you'd expect. The keeper at least tries to find the ball with their hands quicker, rather than completely commit in the wrong direction. Some pretty great looking saves overall with the GK ability at 60 and shot speed at 52.
6. GK relative to shot speed. - long to mid shots are good in animation, the short/point-blank ones are how you'd expect. The keeper at least tries to find the ball with their hands quicker, rather than completely commit in the wrong direction. Some pretty great looking saves overall with the GK ability at 60 and shot speed at 52.
There's going to be some focus on the pass variety mainly. I think if we can get less direct passing in the midfield, and more in the attacking-third, it will be a nice touch of build up that is needed in this game. A simple pass backwards, or sidways, versus two direct passes forward in a row would be a nice touch.
CB jockey is still on the brain, but with these line settings, I think we should be okay. While the animation appears, I hadn't felt it as blatantly as last year. Peace of mind is Sprint higher, calmness is perserved with lower sprint. I think it's a matter of picking your poison.
Feel free to try these out. We're going to keep doing so, and don't be surprised if values change. I will make sure to stream/post here before anything hits the spreadsheet though.
Timestamp: 10/04/22 | 1:10 AM CST -- For the last couple of days we've tested a game-changer in the Slow-Paced game speed. Bumping up Acceleration from 50 to 51 (recommended for both user/cpu at 51/51) has allowed the sluggish and slow-responsive feeling to be replaced with better reactions and more direct response when controlling your players. Instantly, we've seen an improvement throughout the pitch. The best part is the CPU respects this reaction, and are forced to modify how they play. No longer constantly passing the ball 40+yards straight to the attacker, now they start to think first and properly break the User down.
Along with the 51/51 acceleration, we've dropped the need to go under 50 acceleration for any of the sets. For one, the stamina conservation is too strong, resulting in little to no fatigue, and the overall response of players need to stay true to their ratings. The harder sets will go above 50 in some spots however. Feel free to adjust as you'd like.
From here, we then push pass speed up a tick to 38 from 35. This just livens up the ball more and brings in some needed ball physics that was missing on lower pass speeds.
After that, we finish off the base with GK Ability getting a big bump to 65 from 55. So far there have been no issues with this change, and it has allowed the GK to extend their arms relative to where the ball is, not to mention find the flight of the ball a lot better than before. The User and the CPU can still score some worldies, which are even more satisfying considering the shot error values.
Lastly, the additional sets have been built up based on suggestions from around the OS thread, along with our experience in previous FIFA iterations.
I hope everyone enjoys this update. It's nice to be able to truly build the set from top to bottom with the lines (HLW+marking) to the other values. The biggest change was the 51/51 acceleration, and frankly, you just have to play with it. It's that much of a game-changer.
Calling this one Version 4, Beta 1, because we've introduced the additional sets. Enjoy!
Version 5
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 10/10/22 | 11:52 PM CST --
We went through multiple values during or "exploration" time after the Version 4 sliders were released. This allowed us to review the values, and attempt to create some match scenarios that had been lacking. The irony is that during our exploration time, we actually found that a lot of the original V4 values were on the right track - it just needed some tweaking.
The focus of this Version 5 was to get a tad more build up from both the User and CPU. We had to lower the length to accomplish this so those passing lanes could be defended properly. Before, when we had length at 45, the route one passing was a lot easier to perform because there was more space given up - leaving the central midfielders behind, with no real back-up until the defensive line stepped forward. By lowering the length value, it allowed players to get closer together, and bring in the defensive line sooner. This is respected in the way the CPU strikers tend to pass the ball backwards or out wide rather than just turn freely. In addition, the tendency to pass outside, then quickly inside, is much better defended as the center-back steps forward or the center-mid follows the runner.
Along with length, the last bit of line settings was to raise height and create a discrepancy with width. The height just brings those defenders in even sooner, while the width discrepancy ensures that there is a body in the forward passing lane. This helps with the forward-forward passing tendency from the CPU and also keeps defenders goal-side rather than being pulled too far out of position wide.
We did spend a lot of time with various Sprint values to combat the [returning] CB Jockey unfortunately. The findings are that on Slow-pace, the threshold is 20 Sprint, so anything lower than that can trigger this animation. In addition, a lower height - as what we were testing at times, can also cause the CB jockey to occur. Default-pace doesn't have this issue as much or at all. As a result, the Sprint at 5 can be used, which is the best value to better animations and movement.
Lastly, these keepers are something else. We had to raise shot speed to sync up the keeper with the ball flight. It's not perfect, but it's better than some of the other values that were making the keeper dive forward or have a psychic ability to the ball. We lowered GK ability to further compensate, and I'd say things are in a better place. Not perfect, but better. There's much less diving forward unrealistically, but there are still times where the keeper can't find the flight of the ball. There is still a strong rewarding feeling when scoring goals - especially from distance of course.
Overall, we spent a good amount of time exploring and testing multiple values. It was reassuring to know that we were on the right track to begin with. As a result, we've had some incredible matches, and some really great animations that FIFA 23 has provided this year. It's nice that we did more tweaking than we did reinventing. Keeping things clean here, so we'll call this Version 5. Enjoy!
Version 6
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 10/22/22 | 7:32 AM CST --
Hey everyone, so for this version we focused on reintroducing the modern wingback and how their inclusion allows more variety in play. This will result in less top of the box siege, but also bring in more opportunities to counter when able.
The biggest change we explored, and tested, was the increase in acceleration for both Slow and Default pace. The reason for this change is that we felt that the physicality and attention to the ball lacked at times. It happened more on slow, but as we played more games, we found it beneficial to raise for default pace as well. Overall, this brings in what we liked about the game "out of the box" where passes were often contested and attempts at dribbling were met with proper resistance - both from a physicals standpoint and a positional/tactical standpoint, such as a fullback or winger anticipating a cut out towards the sidelines.
As mentioned, we increased the fullback positioning to allow more involvement for the fullbacks. The slight bump brings them forward sooner in transition as well to create more resistance down the wings, but much how the modern game is played, it's based on the match-ups.
The last bit of changes was to ensure the keepers did not become superhuman, which meant a reduction in the value to allow more reaction rather than psychic type saves. After that, we calmed the run frequency down to let the strikers receive the pass, but look out wide for their first choice rather than going forward-forward with the passing. Finally, we brought it all together with marking lowered so there is a bit less over-pursuit in defensive positions - all based on tactics of course.
We hope you enjoy Version 6. I can say that this is collectively one that is being enjoyed the most by the testers. Give it a shot, and provide feedback to the set - thanks!
Version 7
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 11/16/22 | 11:06PM CST --
Removing testing set, reverting some values, will repost shortly.
Timestamp: 11/16/22 | 6:58 AM CST --
We are working on post-patch adjustments currently. There have been some strange defensive animations - (some know it as DAA, defensive angle animation), but progress is good there. Overall, we just need a tad bit more testing. Should have something for everyone to test at some point today.
Timestamp: 10/27/22 | 7:43 AM CST --
Hi everyone, this set update is pretty much a move towards finalizing the set as a whole. We've explored a lot of values throughout the versions, and we've been much more focused on achieving a good feel in gameplay, while experiencing a good form of competitive play based on which variation of the set you want to play.
The main area we wanted to nail down was the Slow vs Default/Normal pace options relative to Sprint and Acceleration. As can be seen in the graphic below, we have the thresholds of Sprint for Default at 5 and Sprint 20 for Slow. Without going into too much detail, the goal of these values is to combat both the CB Jockey (shown in Q&A below) and Defensive Line Integrity (video pending) issues when playing on lower Sprint values.
With Sprint sorted, it was next about revisiting the values for Acceleration. I personally felt that the animation speed increased significantly with 51/52 of Version 6, to the point I was wanting a bit more of a calmer (yet more "sluggish" as some would describe, while I call it "heavier") feel with lowering acceleration below 50. An "old reliable" is 48 acceleration in feel, but of course when we go below 50 acceleration, the stamina gauge does not cooperate and stamina is much more conserved than it would be at 50+; typical FIFA and pick your poison. Anyway, the 51/51 from Slow pace of Version 5 was brought back into play and applied to both Slow and Default pace. There are of course the modification for Harder sets to have an acceleration discrepancy that will create that extra challenge if needed. Keep in mind, you could easily lower the acceleration to 50/51, 49/50, etc - or even bump it 2 pts discrepancy if needed. The set is a base after all, please adjust to what you'd like.
For the first time in the sets we've introduced a pass speed discrepancy to calm things down a bit in the CPU's attack, while still maintaining the ball physics and play variety that continue to make the gameplay enjoyable. Lowering the CPU's pass speed helps to reduce the effect of their driven pass speed, and also when they cross the ball will be less driven and out of control.
The last bit of modifications were focused on the pass error for Legendary to help some teams be able to cross into (when they actually choose to) the box versus right at the keeper at times. In addition, it should reduce the tendency to produce the poor pass animation where the ball only moves a couple feet away. After that, we've reduced the run frequency to compensate for increase in runs due to FB positioning raised from previous version. Finally, we reduced shot speed throughout to help with some shot animation and smoothness that was wanted compared to just powerful strikes that couldn't be followed on screen at times.
Overall, the sets keep getting better, and Version 7 is the closest to where we feel the values are at their best relative to the slider set overall. Thanks everyone for input over the last couple of days, keep them coming - remember this is a collaboration and not a service! Enjoy.
Version 8
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 11/22/22 | 11:06PM CST --
As always, thanks for everyone's patience here. We have explored a lot over the last couple days. A lot of the time spent was reviewing values and trying to verify what we have had from previous versions still worked. I can say that we spent an incredible amount of time with the HLW values the most, along with marking. This patch update brought in a more direct CPU, one that constantly challenged the backline with through balls and constantly looking for the forward pass regardless of tactics.
I can say that we reviewed every detailed post and feedback from the thread, especially those who liked the very low line length. We tried our best to make it work, but the loss of space through the midfield made the gameplay incredibly boring and without team ID - not to mention quite easy. We tried to push this further with various discrepancies in length and width, but doing so made the gameplay completely out of sync. We had made so many attempts at the HLW, that I honestly could not believe we found ourselves practically back to the Version 7 HLW values, with the exception of Height lowered in this version to help the defensive line recover a bit more.
Along with some on-the-ball values, we really wanted to get the shooting and keeper animations to a point that it felt rewarding to score goals again. The GK ability value is incredibly sensitive, under 55 and you get more dumb GK animations, above 55 and they are incredible, so just dropping their value and maintaining a shot speed of 50 would not allow long distance shots serve as a threat unless the power-shot feature was used, but even then goals were rare. As a result, the shot speed value was raised quite a bit to 53, but paired up with the high shot error, the variety and unpredictability is still significant enough. Here are some great goals that have been scored:
(Played on World Class, slow)
One of the last values we looked at was the FB Positioning. We dropped this back down because it had become route one for the FB to immediately overlap, regardless of tactics, making it a bit of a mismatch for FIFA's defending system of 1v1 (thanks, EA producers and FUT) on the flanks. The defending FB wouldn't stand a chance as the width value couldn't be stretched any further without impacting the center-back spacing.
Overall, this has been one of those sets that does not tell the whole story of testing. However, it is probably the most rewarding as we basically confirmed that a lot of values from Version 7 was in still good working order - we just needed to find our way back to them. The changes that are made in response to this patch update are significant enough that each game should have enough variety and unpredictability that we all look for in FIFA. We hope you enjoy and are able to continue, or start, your Career modes.
Also, enjoy the World Cup 2022 in Qatar. Spend less time complaining and giving into social media pressures. This is the beautiful game on the pitch - embrace it and look at the incredible moments from a youthful or nostalgic perspective.
Version 9
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 12/5/22 | 11:20AM CST --
Thanks everyone for providing feedback on the Version 9 beta set. I can comfortably say we're in a great spot here with Version 9 complete. I thought about providing another beta for the thread, but at this point, we've had enough time with it as testers and we might as well post it in full.
In this version we had to really focus in on how to make Slow-pace to play realistic when combatting DAA (Defensive Angle Animation) and the general passive defensive positions. This update really made it difficult to troubleshoot, especially because the animations varies from the defending player running around ball carrier or sprinting well ahead at random. The issue with DAA mostly happens on World Class, Slow, which is why those discrepancies are present. The passive defense is the next issue on all slow-pace settings, so it was necessary to keep the Sprint/Acceleration combination.
Once we were able to manage Slow-pace issues, the focus turned to establishing the best line, marking and run frequency settings. The concept used with the line settings is the same as what we had in earlier versions where the CPU had a lower width than the user to keep them goal-side. The difference here is that instead of using the value of 48/46, we went a higher width, but kept the same discrepancy. This allows the width of the coverage to remain in tact, making it a realistic challenge when opting to build up towards the sidelines. This means the passes forward are more of a risk because the passing lanes are varied - thus the defending positions are in better areas. This is why you will see the forwards receive the ball, but circulate out wide when necessary - rather than constantly be faced with through ball attacking in every sequence.
Overall, Version 9 is probably playing the best we could ever hope for in FIFA 23. After all the updates, the issues with DAA, CB Jockey and Defensive Line integrity - it's crazy to think that the matches we've played have been brilliant. Sure there are definitely things that need improvement, but sliders can only do so much. For a game that's not considered to be directed towards the offline-gamer, FIFA 23 is really quite enjoyable. We hope you enjoy Version 9 of the OS Sliders!
Timestamp: 12/13/22 | 2:20PM CST --
Version 10 Beta 3
I really like where we're headed in this version. For Beta 2, we had things in a good spot, but something was off. The CPU kept trying to find exploits no matter what. I played the same couple of matches and the main thing that stood out was how often the CPU chose to hit a driven low pass to their strikers. It turns out, the issue was the width discrepancy. The CPU seems to take that discrepancy as a point of an exploit, as minimal value it is, and it changes from what they should be doing - which is adhere to their tactics.
So a very small adjustment in width from 49/48 to 48/48 even. This simple change has immediately made the game exactly how it should be. Playing a long ball direct team will choose the long ball when they can, but will still do their best to build up - it really just depends. A slow build up team will do exactly that, but they will not hesitate to push the ball forward when needed.
Just that one adjustment to 48/48 width immediately made a difference, and from there, it was just about exploring and testing some values. The main one was lowering User pass speed to 30, so we're evening things up there as well (no more discrepancies is the theme). The lower pass speed isn't to the point that the ball feels like a medicine ball or a beach ball, it still maintains the physics and acts as a separate entity the way it should. Relative to the set, this is as low as the pass speed that I would suggest going. The lanes are closed down too fast not to want to move the ball faster when able.
First touch control from 80 to 65 has helped with the deflections, especially when they deflect in the box that finds a CPU ready to benefit instead. There have been some cool animations paired up with the ball speed too that creates some interesting 50/50 battles in the air.
Last adjustment was Shot Speed throughout. Just reducing the velocity of what feels like breaking the goal-frame on some goals. This smooths out the shooting animation and follows the theme (another one) of just slowing the pace down a tad.
Overall, quite happy that subtle changes are here to make a big difference. That is a sign that things are headed in the right direction and we'll be posting Version 10 complete soon.
One note I 've noticed from the thread. Please continue to collaborate and not take-take-take. If you need, re-read the rules of the thread. While my tester list has increased over time, the feedback on the thread is just as important because that is our reference for discovery or issues.
I'd really like to hear less "FIFA 23 sucks" or "There's no hope for this game" - I mean, you're complaining about a game that isn't meant for you - and it's in somewhat of a decent spot as a result of the sliders. If anything, this OS thread is geared to solve problems, there's no point in discouraging everyone. Sure, we see every negative as turning it around. Did you know we almost scrapped World Class slow because of the constant DAA/CB Jockey? Not so bad now, is it?
Stay positive, enjoy the ride. It moves fast, even though we want to slow the game down...a tad. Enjoy!
Timestamp: 12/12/22 | 9:32AM CST --
Version 10, Beta 2
A subtle adjustment to the run frequency has really allowed the game to shine. A more calm CPU, depending on tactic, and paired up with a tighter length (return of v9 length of 38/38). In addition to the length adjustment, the width discrepancy helps to block those passing lanes a bit more - allowing more decision making from the CPU which = more variety.
Now, the big change is the World Class SLOW pace acceleration from 51/52 to 51/55. World Class slow has had issues from the beginning with DAA, Defensive Line Integrity, Jockey - you name it. With this significant discrepancy, the CPU is much more engaged defensively and in 50/50 balls. If they DAA, they will recover, so don't take your space for granted.
After those adjustments, the FB positioning went back to a default 50 to defer to the tactics. Much easier this way to see team variety and less instant release to overlap or get forward constantly. The real difference maker is the run frequency lowered, but FB positioning higher wasn't helping.
Note: Last bit modified was just removing any 50 acceleration from Slow speed. The delay in having to revv up just didn't make sense. As the user, you are more than welcome to put this back to 50 if you don't like the feel, but there is a big difference in how the CPU will play vs on 51 acceleration. The CPU will play a bit too unrealistically, and sacrificing reactions (or lowering them) for the sake of making it harder isn't the way to go.
Edit: Also forgot to note about the Marking from 55 to 52 for the User. This is just to reduce the tightness in some spots and give a bit more space to allow for passing lane to be blocked versus overcommitting those positions. In addition, the CPU's perception of a lower marking will allow them to try different passes and crosses.
Overall, I think we are really close to something absolutely solid for career mode play. I think we've allowed the tactics to breathe here and bring in plenty of variety that challenges the likes of FIFA 16.
Enjoy - and please provide feedback!
Timestamp: 12/10/22 | 11:50PM CST --
Okay everyone - thanks so much for the feedback over Version 9. I think it's a mixed bag, but in the end we definitely started to see some things that bothered as well - in particular the space between the CBs and the space given up in general that made games a bit wide open.
I keep using the word "tricky" and it's true when attempting to modify FIFA 23 to have enough resistance defensively, while still allowing enough variety to be on display. I know we will never get this to the point of FIFA 16's gameplay of a more calm CPU, but we can at least build it to present a desire to close down space and fight for the ball.
While I think that Version 9 was in a good spot, it did start to feel like the same attacks happened over and over again - and the lack of resistance through the middle started to show. I think in the effort to cover the wing play, the CBs had to stretch too far leaving those streaking runs to burst right through.
Version 10, Beta 1 (V10B1) - Explanation
So for this Version 10 Beta 1, the focus was to still allow those 1v1 matchups to happen, but let the marking happen gradually versus being within inches away and overcommitting. A medley of adjustments to Marking, Run Frequency, Line Height, Length, Width and FB Positioning have been done.
The Pro/WC set for the User side on slow pace had a bump in acceleration from 50 to 51, so the CPU's perception is that the User is a match - and not a pushover that they can just send driven passes or through balls constantly. With this subtle change, the CPU now uses their tactics more often and respects the User's positioning. This makes for 50/50 balls to be more challenging and the way the CPU defends is very similar to how they do on Legendary, with the exception of the odd DAA on occasion. Even if the DAA does occur, the Sprint Speed discrepancy does its job and allows the defense to recover most of the time.
The Height, Length and Width (HLW) have been adjusted to allow the defenders to meet the forwards through the height, and the length raised to spread positions out more clearly rather than jumble them all around - giving up space and bringing zero resistance to the middle of the pitch. After that, the width tightens up the defensive line, but gives up some room on the wings - but doesn't break. The [b]FB Positioning[b] raised allows the overlap to occur (based on tactics) which helps the defender position themselves more goal-side rather than completely over into the touchlines (or even out of bounds).
Once we felt good about that, marking dropped and so did Run frequency a bit. Marking was lowered to further allow the defending player to "focus" on their task (1v1 remember) rather than get caught up with a off-the-ball run. Or warp out of position randomly.
What you should see now is:
- More compression in the center of the pitch, closer to the center-circle rather than the top of the box.
- More variety necessary from both User and CPU due to the positioning and closing down of angles.
- More battles for 50/50 balls and aggression when necessary.
In terms of feedback, we ask that you provide us what difficulty, pace and controls used. Be as specific as possible. Which reminds me, I'd ask if we could tone down the general FIFA 23 impressions - as it bogs down the thread and gets us further away from finishing these sets.
Thanks as always, everyone. It's your feedback that really helped here - and hopefully we can continue to collaborate to get FIFA 23 playing as realistic as possible.
Version 10
Timestamp: 12/14/22 | 3:10PM CST --
Version 10
We went through quite a bit with this version. Starting with a higher length, various discrepancies, to now evening the lines and focusing discrepancies in the Sprint/Acceleration portions that make the true difference.
What we have here is probably the best I've ever seen FIFA play. The variety in which the CPU attack is unseen through any FIFA with possibly the closest being FIFA 16. The CPU has a gameplan and follow their tactics, but that does not mean they are only going to use those tactics, they will switch things up whenever the moment needs. The CPU will stay engaged defensively and recover if beaten.
They will try to exploit positioning, and you will need to adjust your tactics accordingly. For those of you in the Serie A/B, please expect to manufacture a catenaccio because the sliders won't do that for you. They are not plug and play - and that's kind of the point when we look at building realistic sliders. You should have to think about what tactics to approach each match with.
I'm not going to go deep into the sliders and their values. Just trust that the OS community here and the following testers (below) did their part to ensure we are experiencing the best of FIFA 23. If you want to see the progression of the set, feel free to read the OP in the Spoilers.
Along with multiple individuals in the thread, I'd also like to provide thanks to the following OS Community Sliders testers:
This is most likely the last update. We found that a slight bump to pass speed has really enhanced the set in the best way possible. The big thing is the ball feels like a separate entity again, and less like a bit of a deflated entity. This change balances the set by complimenting the significant bump in pass error from Version 11 Beta 1 and 2. As error is increased, there is always a bit of a physics change with the foot-to-ball connection as in it is not as pure, so the bump to pass speed somewhat corrects that, but still addresses the need for direction and weight of the passes. So now a loose ball isn't just a couple feet away, it could be yards.
I wanted to show the video streams of the same match where I changed from 32 to 35. This was on Hard Legendary Slow pace.
First video, everything is still good, but you can tell the players have to wait for the ball at times, and it just seems to be dead at their feet too often.
Second video, the change is made here to pass speed and FT control. Instantly, the ball is alive (as TopSide puts it) and you can feel there is a priority to control it first, then decide what to do with it. Good players think ahead and perform first time passes, and some of the players (like yours truly) isn't sure where to go - quickly running out of options and down blind alleys.
The second match was vs Arsenal, and you can tell their class immediately. I still managed to be somewhat competitive, but it was a task. Their ball movement was incredible, and exactly what I expected.
So overall, this is most likely completing Version 11. The set holds strong throughout the pass value changes. Enjoy!
Timestamp: 12/18/22 | 10:23AM CST --
Version 11, Beta 2
This update is probably going to finalize Version 11. We move fast when we're trying to get to that point. The higher pass error adjustments have been incredibly eye-opening. Not just in terms of making the game harder or easier, just more realistic. Having the CPU mix up their play - even if it's doing a version of the same tactic - is critical to enjoying the game. I believe in being broken down defensively versus being worn down. That's a big difference, and with these adjustments, the latter is achieved more.
With that said, the CPU attacking approach changes, so the balance has to be found in the harder sets. In particular Legendary Slow's pass error going from 55/50 to 58/68, we now have room to really raise the acceleration value to be similar to the World Class slow by putting the value at 51/55. This discrepancy ensures the CPU stays even more engaged, but 50/50 balls are much more difficult for the user to win - yet still possible. We take the user value from the World Class set to ensure that the decision making has to be there for the user, such as who is best to switch the ball across the pitch, or can this striker send a through ball or not?
After that, the Ultimate slider pass error values were fairly straight forward with raising it for the CPU.
Overall, there is plenty of variety, plenty of class from the top teams, just more believable and less feeling like it's just another team who can play perfect through balls. That approach just takes the game to whole new level. That's all you can ask for in a game like FIFA, and to actually see it on the virtual pitch is something that makes you want to play another game after another.
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 12/17/22 | 9:57PM CST --
Version 11, Beta 1
Full disclosure, we are testing one thing for the WC set. Changing pass error from 55/55 to 58/58. Legendary set is still pending discovery for the same pass error threshold.
Very subtle change, but massive difference in how the CPU attacks, relative to their tactics. Just brings a bit more of that human element and pressure to perform for both user and CPU. Having to be more selective on who can send in through balls, switched long-balls, etc. This way not everyone on the pitch is a playmaker compared to how it is now where the majority of players are able to send in perfectly placed through balls.
Slow build up teams will build their numbers. Even if the obvious pass is a through ball, not everyone can perform that pass. This results in overhit passes to the keeper or even out of bounds.
As a result, you will see much more variety and also more realistic looking passing sequence.
World Class, Slow:
Nice lobbed/through ball that wrong-footed the defender.
After a back/forth sequence, it was interesting to see the CM stop the ball and assess his options.
Just a subtle play here where the forward opts to pass the ball backwards first-time. Allows more numbers to load into the box.
Too much space given in the midfield, so the midfielder has time to pick out a pass over the top - just a bit over hit.
Another subtle play where the striker passes the ball backwards, and more numbers can join the attack.
Version 12, Beta 1
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 12/24/22 | 9:38AM CST --
Version 12, Beta 1
Honestly, I did not think we would need an update or even another version of the sliders. Usually we'd have to adjust based on FIFA updates, but I'd say this is the first time in a while that we have changed things after feeling relatively confident Version 11 was final.
Why the change? Well, the main thing was discovering that on World Class slow we can get the CPU to play with even more resistance and challenge. We wanted a bridge towards Legendary, but stay on World Class as much as we could. The main value here was the CPU Sprint going above 50. We started at 55 and had an incredible challenge, but eventually we realized that the challenge was great in the user's attack, but defending a hyped up CPU became a lot of through balls and players not able to keep up with the directness. We could not give this up though because it was an incredible experience. So, we scaled down the 55 to 52, and eventually finished at 51. As we scaled down, we found the balance of a challenge, for both sides of the ball, while still letting the ratings play out the way they should. There were still some issues, but from there it was fine-tuning the set in general.
So, with the way we have World Class Slow playing, there was just no reason to have a Harder World Class set any longer. The set is hard, but a realistic kind of hard. Quality of players and tactics matter as they should. However, like Hapa has said in his streams, you can't sim those matches that are perceived as "easy wins".
Another bonus has been the effect of DAA not being as game-breaking. Even though the animation can still occur, the recovery from the defending players are such a breath of fresh air. It is not easy to cut across the pitch and slash into goal with any type of consistency. Speed does matter, but don't be surprised if the defending players opt to increase their physicality to adjust.
Here is Version 12, Beta 1. You can also see we've added the following Version Notes in the graphic:
- Removed Harder World Class set as slider values were minimal and not as significant.
- Dropped length from 38 to 35 to allow midfield to stay closer to the defensive line.
- Updated shot speed from 51 to 52 to get more realistic looking shots relative to shot error.
- Updated Injury Severity from 25 to 34 for more variety in injuries.
- GK Ability lowered to allow more realistic save reactions and deflections.
- Raised Pass Error for WC Slow sets to allow more build up play from CPU and User.
- Dropped Marking slightly to help with lower length as central mids were starting to run into eachother.
Gameplay: World Class, Slow - Arsenal (user) vs Brighton (CPU)
Version 12, Beta2
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 1/4/22 | 6:58PM CST --
Version 12, Beta 2
Yet again, I did not expect to make more changes that would be significant enough. However, we went through the fine-tuning stage of the sliders, and I can say that has definitely been achieved with Version 12 Beta 2. I am going to go through the Version 12 Beta 2 notes, and give an explanation on the changes. Hopefully this will help going forward.
(Discrepancy on WC default pace to help CPU engagement)
Here we're using the same concept of the discrepancy in Sprint/Acc sets. It just allows the CPU to stay engaged longer and that provides a good challenge overall. The goal was to make it feel the challenge in how WC slow is.
Note: I will always start with line settings as it provides the context of why other values usually need changing. As a result, these notes may not look to be in order, but from a slider build perspective, they are.
(Line Length, from 35 to 32; Line Width, from 48 to 49)
The first order of business was getting a tighter midfield. This starts with the central midfielders keeping the forward in front of them in transition. That alone will allow the decision making of the CPU to change. This will also allow numbers to be built and paired up with other values, we were able to get the CPU trying to break the user down rather than just playing the obvious pass or possessing with the same type of attacks. It was also important to get the midfielders (or whoever is chosen) to run onto the clearances during corners and set pieces. This creates that extra bit of pressure in clearing the lines, and allows more tactical importance (pressure team vs dropback, etc). What I also love is that the change brings in the chance a midfielder can run onto the loose ball at the top of the box and have a strike.
The increase in width was scaled very briefly from 48 to 50, then back down to 49. The finding with it at 49 was that it kept the positioning of the midfielders defending the passing lanes intact. As we lowered length, we had to compensate for the now tendency of midfielders stepping on top of each other. Just a slight, subtle, spacing with the width has allowed the players to be separated enough, but still be engaged throughout the pitch.
(Pass Error, World Class, from 65 to 58; Legendary, CPU, from 68 to 65)
Once the midfield was established, the next focus was getting the ball to liven up more. We tried to raise pass speed, but it's just too twitchy and sped up FIFA style that we couldn't really enjoy the set up. The next best option was to lower pass error slightly, and allow more solid touches on the ball that way, which meant better contact = better speed. A nice part of this is that the CPU respects the new line settings and truly tries to break down the user's defensive shape instead of playing counter-attack most of the time.
(Injury Frequency, from 65 to 78; Injury Severity from 34 to 58)
I will admit, this is my little project. So any blame of your star players getting injured is definitely on me. However, I will say this has been such a breath of fresh air. The injuries can happen from multiple animations with this set up. I see it more often in tough challenges that are either fouls or all ball contact. I have seen less "fall down" injuries where the player jumps up, and falls down on their elbow or shoulder. It still happens, but I honestly have not seen it. Are there broken toes? Yes, absolutely. But there are also torn ACLs, hyper-extended knees, broken elbows, etc. What I also like is the feeling of not knowing if the player injured can continue or not. They may stay down a minute, complain to the ref, then get up and on with it. Or, they may stay down, and the ref has to call for the medical staff.
I know the numbers look outrageous, but give it an honest go. IRL, a team like Watford is the exception to the rule, but they have 13 injuries at the moment. I wouldn't even know what to do with that. I think that's a brilliant thing that's possible, and that's kind of the point of a career mode - never knowing what can happen.
(Shot Speed, World Class, from 52 to 53; GK Ability from 51 to 50)
We needed to address the keepers overall and the shot speed for World Class. The issue was that the keepers were saving everything, but also at 51 the animation of the keepers coming to collect the ball, or look big to defend their goal, was a running/jogging animation instead. This was too much of an eye-sore, and at times cost goals, so we tried to raise GK, but the same issue with them saving everything - and in superman style - was another eye-sore. Enough was enough, we dropped the GK value to 50 and we'll let the ratings play out from there. There have been a lot less superman saves, even though they're there, and not as many errors that one would see at 51 GK. The other bit was increasing the shot speed for World Class sets because at times the high shot error resulted in poor contact and scuffed shots in very close 1v1 positions. Not very believable, but we didn't want to risk lowering shot error as it ends up being too many shots on target.
(FT Control, from 65 to 70)
We just wanted to get a bit more of the ball staying in front, rather than underneath, the players. Usually, this can be established better with pass speed increased, but since that wasn't an option, FT control is the next best. This has worked well, and even with the lower pass error, it brings more emphasis of good control, not to mention some fun 50/50 balls.
Overall Thoughts:
Honestly, this is the best we could ever get the game playing. I know I've said that before, but this is the stage in which we enhance the set - and being able to do that was just unreal. The way the CPU builds up, reacts, engages - it's just all around so good. You won't want to simulate the perceived easy matches, because those smaller teams will surprise you (Coach lost to Fulham earlier on Legendary, COYW). It's the best feeling to see the CPU actually try different passes because they are trying to break you down, rather than go route one with through passes or siege at the top of the box.
Give it an honest go, and enjoy. I've been told to start my CM and stop tinkering. I'll try. Thanks to the testers as always, and thanks for everyone's feedback and collaboration. It is much appreciated!
Serie A/B suggestion:
Something FIFA has struggled with is the lack of fluid formation (like PES) which is what a lot of modern football is about. A 3-back in the attack turns into a 5-man in defense. Unfortunately, with Serie A/B (and a few other teams in other leagues), some teams are set up with very low depth because the expected role/instructions for the central midfielders set to cover the wings and to also drop further back. As most may know, FIFA has struggled since FIFA 21 in bringing the central midfielders all the way back into the box, so the low depth tactics ends up opening a lot of space behind them and a lot of space in front of the defensive line.
To combat this, I would suggest that for the user to either A) modify the low depth B) edit a balanced formation and defensive formation, interchange manually using the d-pad tactics based on the match scenario.
So, for option B:
Set up Defensive gameplan >> from Balanced 3-4-3 >> to Defensive 5-4-1.
Ensure that the players are on their same side as their balanced gameplan so the transition is not significant or prone to exposing positioning.
I hope that helps somewhat. Please feel free to provide your own ideas of course. I just wanted to ensure this was brought up because Serie A/B is is so much fun, but the open play can be exhausting at times due to the lack of a fluid formation and transition between the attack and defense.
Version 12 - original Final
Changelog & Updates:
Timestamp: 3/2/23 | 9:48AM CST --
Final Version
The final version of the FIFA 23 OS Sliders are posted. You can see below that the spreadsheet has been modified to address most common QA, but also the most common options to increase difficulty. The suggested value examples present the Slow and Default pace options, but of course, adjust to what you see fit.
One slider change was the Injury settings of 78/58 changed to 65/34. As it's been discussed, the 78/58 was just too high with injuries and length of injuries. I believe a lot are on their own preferences, but as a base, we're defaulting to the 65/34 since it does bring enough variety. As mentioned, I personally have gone to 75/55, but that's just a personal preference. I've included this as a reference in the spreadsheet below as well.
I will be going through creating the video explanation as always. This is happening a lot later due to personal reasons/interruptions, so my apologies for the delay.
Lastly, a big congrats to the OS Community. We did a lot of good things with the game. FIFA 23 as a base is solid, but it definitely needed some significant changes. The testers did what they did, and we have an incredible game now. I personally cannot put it down, and see new things every time I play. My media gallery is completely filled with FIFA 23 recordings.
Really nice to have these sliders so early! The marking was a bit laxist and I totally understand why you have raised it.
I feel the base game is pretty solid compared to 22, with a much better pace. But I was not here at the start of 22 so I don't know if this was the case at that time.
Anyway two games with these sliders and I'm enjoying it!
I won't be playing until the official Friday release but I really appreciate your efforts as usual, Matt. Great job you do for this community. Can't wait to start my career mode with these!