
Jack Nicklaus Perfect Golf Available Now on Steam, Soon For Consoles

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Old 12-09-2019, 02:30 PM   #225
OnlookerDelay's Arena
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Re: Jack Nicklaus Perfect Golf Available Now on Steam, Soon For Consoles

Originally Posted by ncp10
Holy C, 15-20 round/week fo 4-5 mo?! Now THAT is a testimony to just how good the game is, especially for coming from someone intimate w/ golf sims historically. It's no wonder why since there is so much right in the game despite its imperfections.
I was in four Societies and was playing a round or two of online multiplayer daily. Now I'm playing full time in one Society, and occasionally play in the official Pro Society.

I don't find the same 'dial-a-distance' from the loft control. We still are off enough of the time to keep scores just right, and apparently it is for you too if you're scoring about like we do.
The dial-a-distance ability doesn't cover all the gaps between clubs, but it allows too many approach shots to be grip and rip, IMO. Where my scoring is off post XBox Elite controller is tempo control. I only get a perfect/perfect tempo maybe 50% of the time. A perfect/slow tempo leads to serious problems when you're lined up to play a short fade. Now you're long and have played a slice? I get that a lot now and many times it leads to double bogeys.

As I've said here I would love to see HBS continue the franchise but stay focused exclusively on refining the platform for the 'serious' player in competition in general. Every 4y release a new version. The animations are just okay--the number of fabulous swings available to model are out there all you need to do is go to a nice large practice range until you see someone modeling a truly good golf swing, offer up $500 for a 15 minute video session, and voila. You wouldn't even need to use tour players because great swings abound if you know what to look for. I would love to be able to buy a 5-pack of PGA tour animations done as well as was done in Rory but that might not be doable cost-wise. My ani's left arm breaks down terribly! The swing mechanic can be improved upon for sure though I've made peace with using tempo as a factor. Backspin effects easy peasy. Perhaps their next release gets Unity graphics if that is really an improvement. I say that because Rory's Frostbite 3 engine looked a little better than TGC2019 in some ways and far worse in other ways even at 4K than does TGC2019.
If HB Studios produces another TGC, I fully expect it to be done in Unity? I still think the additions and changes we want to the game can be done in Unity, with the recent advancements in Unity. Rory looked better in some ways to TGC 2019, but not enough to justify an engine change, IMO. Honestly, I'm more interesting in them getting 60 FPS performance out of it than RMPGAT caliber graphics.

Would you be interested in joining our two private mini societies? We use no green grid but allow putting meter, we typically play each round of 2-4 round events live, together. You could join us in realtime play, or play solo as interested and able. We have one US and one Euro PGA tour and play 1-2 events per week. I've been in a serious slump for two weeks now my handicap went from +13.5 to +10.1. Could not make a putt until yesterday's back nine it was awful! Many missed shorter putts was +5 at Cypress Dunes (uber challenging, lovely course) on the front but finished w/ 5 birdies to finish even par. I was 10 shots back after round one and now and just 2 back going into the final round since my playing partner ran into lots of trouble especially on the greens. We vary conditions for each round. If you're perhaps interested I will check w/ my partner to see if he's up for company.
I'm sort of embarrassed to admit that I'm too lazy and too impatient to play without green grids. Even when I to try it, I find that all too often I'm guessing at the direction of the break. I wish I could get into it because when you do have a good hole and an honest birdie, it is more rewarding. I just get too frustrated with it to play with gridless greens, short of an occasional experimental round.
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Old 12-09-2019, 11:16 PM   #226
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Re: Jack Nicklaus Perfect Golf Available Now on Steam, Soon For Consoles

Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
I'm sort of embarrassed to admit that I'm too lazy and too impatient to play without green grids. Even when I to try it, I find that all too often I'm guessing at the direction of the break. I wish I could get into it because when you do have a good hole and an honest birdie, it is more rewarding. I just get too frustrated with it to play with gridless greens, short of an occasional experimental round.
The cure for that is playing on Mike's TruSim Tour! You are down behind the ball with no way to measure break at all and w/ more limited camera action. We just hate the look of the grid is most of it, plus we do pretty good using the putting meter and doing a few scans side to side. But I completely understand the idea of being frustrated by missing 5' putts because it's not being read right. I will say now that my putting stroke is more reliable I do putt good enough to shoot in that range. I think my average putts per round is around 29 which again is right in there with decent RL golf play.
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Old 12-10-2019, 03:34 PM   #227
daflyboys's Arena
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Re: Jack Nicklaus Perfect Golf Available Now on Steam, Soon For Consoles

What is Mike's TruSim Tour you speak of that doesn't use a grid and how does one join?
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Old 12-11-2019, 11:11 AM   #228
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Re: Jack Nicklaus Perfect Golf Available Now on Steam, Soon For Consoles

Originally Posted by daflyboys
What is Mike's TruSim Tour you speak of that doesn't use a grid and how does one join?
TGCTours.com > More Tours > True Sim Tours

This was developed as a means of dealing with the fact some people are able to play the game like machines and routinely shoot -50 to -60 in 72h events on their regular Pro and other tours where the various aids available in TGC2019 are enabled. True Sim Tours was intended to prevent this by disabling all aids, so no grids, no putting marker, no scout cam, no nuttin'. As it turns out that did not help a lot to worsen scores--they often shoot better scores than is done on the aided tours anyway. Quite frankly I don't understand how it's done, especially blinded w/ no aim, lie, loft, aids enabled.
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Old 12-11-2019, 12:39 PM   #229
daflyboys's Arena
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Re: Jack Nicklaus Perfect Golf Available Now on Steam, Soon For Consoles

Originally Posted by ncp10
TGCTours.com > More Tours > True Sim Tours

This was developed as a means of dealing with the fact some people are able to play the game like machines and routinely shoot -50 to -60 in 72h events on their regular Pro and other tours where the various aids available in TGC2019 are enabled. True Sim Tours was intended to prevent this by disabling all aids, so no grids, no putting marker, no scout cam, no nuttin'. As it turns out that did not help a lot to worsen scores--they often shoot better scores than is done on the aided tours anyway. Quite frankly I don't understand how it's done, especially blinded w/ no aim, lie, loft, aids enabled.
Well, if we're talking a mouse movement type swing, then we're talking edgers or gaming mouse most likely. Even in TW08, the only way to truly even the playing field was 3 click. But then you have the purists saying 3 click isn't "realistic". I got news for you....it's a game....none of it is realistic. But I know what they mean and some guys are okay with doing whatever is necessary to win and have no scruples.

The one problem with JNPG is that although you can lock in the level, you can't lock in the swing type and neither can you lock in "no grid".
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Old 12-11-2019, 12:47 PM   #230
OnlookerDelay's Arena
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Re: Jack Nicklaus Perfect Golf Available Now on Steam, Soon For Consoles

Originally Posted by ncp10
The cure for that is playing on Mike's TruSim Tour! You are down behind the ball with no way to measure break at all and w/ more limited camera action. We just hate the look of the grid is most of it, plus we do pretty good using the putting meter and doing a few scans side to side. But I completely understand the idea of being frustrated by missing 5' putts because it's not being read right. I will say now that my putting stroke is more reliable I do putt good enough to shoot in that range. I think my average putts per round is around 29 which again is right in there with decent RL golf play.

I played a season in the 4 Letter Word Society, which uses no aids last year. I was one of the bottom feeders in that season. I had brief moments where I really dug it, but overall I just found it frustrating for someone of my patience level. I do see what you guys see in it though. I just wish I was a little more wired to play that style.
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Old 12-11-2019, 08:54 PM   #231
vertman's Arena
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Re: Jack Nicklaus Perfect Golf Available Now on Steam, Soon For Consoles

Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
I played a season in the 4 Letter Word Society, which uses no aids last year. I was one of the bottom feeders in that season. I had brief moments where I really dug it, but overall I just found it frustrating for someone of my patience level. I do see what you guys see in it though. I just wish I was a little more wired to play that style.

Agreed. I have it a try myself and liked the premise and the difficulty but like you it was just too frustrating . If a few things like putting view and a few more ways or cameras to view your putt were added it really could be awesome. I’m giving up for now but hope the next game does it better

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Old 12-12-2019, 01:22 PM   #232
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Re: Jack Nicklaus Perfect Golf Available Now on Steam, Soon For Consoles

Originally Posted by OnlookerDelay
I played a season in the 4 Letter Word Society, which uses no aids last year. I was one of the bottom feeders in that season. I had brief moments where I really dug it, but overall I just found it frustrating for someone of my patience level. I do see what you guys see in it though. I just wish I was a little more wired to play that style.
I played a few events in True Sim and it did not seem anything like RL golf. In RL golf after planning my intended shot from behind the ball I use visual references to insure my feet, shoulders etc are aligned according to my intended initial ball flight. Without a Scout Cam you get none of that--it feels like blind man's golf. Somehow people shoot -60 after 72h there, only people w/ PS4's, but still that's bizarre I don't get it.
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