
MLB The Show 17 Patch 1.07 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

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Old 05-25-2017, 10:05 AM   #89
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Patch 1.07 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
I am going to have to disagree Chef. Last night watching Servino pitch vs the Royals.....I counted 5-6 balls in the dirt and bouncing off Romine and 1 rolled away. I have noticed the CPU is not taking off nearly as much as when the game was released. The catcher throw though is something that needs work for 18 and they know this. The passive throws are not going to cut it. But IMO it is highly playable this year after all the updates.

You have to pitch a little better. Just being honest. I watch my breaking balls and splitters etc a little more carefully this year. I feel the game is representing pretty much what I am watching every night around the league. When you have men on base you can’t throw filthy junk with reckless abandon. I am not having issues controlling the amount of dirt balls I throw with skilled higher rated pitchers. Lower rated guys is certainly more of a challenge (as it should be).

Not directing this statement at you.....but I really sometimes wonder how much actual baseball some people watch on a nightly basis around the entire league before they go crazy posting this is wrong, that is wrong, this is not realistic this never happens etc etc etc.

I am amazed how right the Show 17 is getting things I am seeing every single night in MLB.

Really they made such a dramatic jump in game play realism this year some players (IMO) are uncomfortable with this shift that is being caused by the brilliant hitting physics, the humanity AI, the balls in the dirt etc etc. The realism has me constantly saying “yep...that’s baseball”.

I have embraced this whole heartedly and seriously can’t stop playing this great game. And we got 7 updates inside 2 months to smooth out bugs and glitches and OSD errors......just awesome.

And I am not even talking about the incredible visual jump on the Pro and 4K TV.....WOW man. Just wow. Roster makers are feasting this year!!!

9/10 this year on this game. Easy.

And BTW I have played DD online and have had no connection issues at all. Now I don’t play nearly as much as some people who live online.....but in 20 or so games I have played.....no issues.

The game shines offline. Let’s not make any mistake about that.
Let me start by saying I love The Show, best sports simulation out there. Having said that, sighting one game doesn't prove much, can it happen and does it happen in real life? Sure. Does it happen at the sheer volume that it does in this game? Lord no. Again, MLB average is 0.37 WP per game, for the month of June I'm averaging 2.13 per game, I have no idea how watching a real game can somehow replace cold hard stats like that.

Trojan Man has watched a couple of my streams and seen the wild pitch issue I have nearly game in and game out and he can attest that I'm not trying to bury splitters, sinkers, curves or changes in the dirt. I've had wild pitches on fastballs, not maxing out effort and seen it skip and bounce away from the catcher. Like I mentioned I've thrown sliders away, not even down and away, and he's thrown it in the opposite batters box and to the backstop. If I'm throwing wild pitches on pitches like that, and I'm supposed to avoid or at the very least be overly cautious throwing anything down in the zone where am I supposed to pitch? The catcher being completely passive just makes the problem that much worse.
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Old 05-25-2017, 10:13 AM   #90
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Patch 1.07 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

Originally Posted by The Chef
Let me start by saying I love The Show, best sports simulation out there. Having said that, sighting one game doesn't prove much, can it happen and does it happen in real life? Sure. Does it happen at the sheer volume that it does in this game? Lord no. Again, MLB average is 0.37 WP per game, for the month of June I'm averaging 2.13 per game, I have no idea how watching a real game can somehow replace cold hard stats like that.

Trojan Man has watched a couple of my streams and seen the wild pitch issue I have nearly game in and game out and he can attest that I'm not trying to bury splitters, sinkers, curves or changes in the dirt. I've had wild pitches on fastballs, not maxing out effort and seen it skip and bounce away from the catcher. Like I mentioned I've thrown sliders away, not even down and away, and he's thrown it in the opposite batters box and to the backstop. If I'm throwing wild pitches on pitches like that, and I'm supposed to avoid or at the very least be overly cautious throwing anything down in the zone where am I supposed to pitch? The catcher being completely passive just makes the problem that much worse.

Yet if you watch my streams...I am not encountering the wild pitch issues you are. I do have them. And yes they are a little higher (for me) than the MLB average.

But I am not having incessant issues like you are describing. Not even close.

So what gives? I am not having major issues and you are. There is no right or wrong in this.

I don't what else to say.
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Old 05-25-2017, 10:47 AM   #91
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Patch 1.07 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
I am going to have to disagree Chef. Last night watching Servino pitch vs the Royals.....I counted 5-6 balls in the dirt and bouncing off Romine and 1 rolled away. I have noticed the CPU is not taking off nearly as much as when the game was released. The catcher throw though is something that needs work for 18 and they know this. The passive throws are not going to cut it. But IMO it is highly playable this year after all the updates.

You have to pitch a little better. Just being honest. I watch my breaking balls and splitters etc a little more carefully this year. I feel the game is representing pretty much what I am watching every night around the league. When you have men on base you can’t throw filthy junk with reckless abandon. I am not having issues controlling the amount of dirt balls I throw with skilled higher rated pitchers. Lower rated guys is certainly more of a challenge (as it should be).

Not directing this statement at you.....but I really sometimes wonder how much actual baseball some people watch on a nightly basis around the entire league before they go crazy posting this is wrong, that is wrong, this is not realistic this never happens etc etc etc.

I am amazed how right the Show 17 is getting things I am seeing every single night in MLB.

Really they made such a dramatic jump in game play realism this year some players (IMO) are uncomfortable with this shift that is being caused by the brilliant hitting physics, the humanity AI, the balls in the dirt etc etc. The realism has me constantly saying “yep...that’s baseball”.

I have embraced this whole heartedly and seriously can’t stop playing this great game. And we got 7 updates inside 2 months to smooth out bugs and glitches and OSD errors......just awesome.

And I am not even talking about the incredible visual jump on the Pro and 4K TV.....WOW man. Just wow. Roster makers are feasting this year!!!

9/10 this year on this game. Easy.

And BTW I have played DD online and have had no connection issues at all. Now I don’t play nearly as much as some people who live online.....but in 20 or so games I have played.....no issues.

The game shines offline. Let’s not make any mistake about that.
It is a great game. My only complaint or concern is the lack of injuries. Something happened post patch that limits injuries to almost nothing. It appears it is a domino effect. Fix something , break something that didn't need fixing. I love the game. It has taken a month to get it there but it is a great experience
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Old 05-25-2017, 10:58 AM   #92
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Patch 1.07 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

Originally Posted by Ranger Fan
It is a great game. My only complaint or concern is the lack of injuries. Something happened post patch that limits injuries to almost nothing. It appears it is a domino effect. Fix something , break something that didn't need fixing. I love the game. It has taken a month to get it there but it is a great experience
I think you should talk to Chef about injuries.

His Mariners are a walking infirmary. He is snake bit, and continues to get snake bit.

Injuries are fine my man. Everyone is going to have different results in the game. And that is what makes it so good to me. It is not scripted and automatic.

Wild results all over the spectrum for each player in franchise. The statistical randomness of baseball shines on this title, and injuries and errors are also dice rolled as well.

It is baseball bliss for this former Strato-matic fanatic!!!
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Old 05-25-2017, 11:06 AM   #93
Ranger Fan's Arena
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Patch 1.07 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
I think you should talk to Chef about injuries.

His Mariners are a walking infirmary. He is snake bit, and continues to get snake bit.

Injuries are fine my man. Everyone is going to have different results in the game. And that is what makes it so good to me. It is not scripted and automatic.

Wild results all over the spectrum for each player in franchise. The statistical randomness of baseball shines on this title, and injuries and errors are also dice rolled as well.

It is baseball bliss for this former Strato-matic fanatic!!!
Strat-0-Matic, god that brings back memories. I remember ordering the entire league packs after I bought the game and spending hours upon hours playing out seasons. We even had a little league going on. Great times. Graphics were great, because they were in our imagination. I thought I was the only one who played that game in the past. Your probably right about the injuries. Its just great fortune for me I guess that none of my players have been injured on my team at all through 16 regular season games and 31 games of Spring Training
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Old 05-25-2017, 02:42 PM   #94
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Patch 1.07 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

The injuries are DEFINITELY out of whack and no one is going to tell me any different. Look at any MLB roster DL list and compare it to those in the game.

Nowhere CLOSE. Playing out games I never have players get injured for more than a game at a time. Pitchers only seem to get hurt if a ball hits them in the head. Injuries are one thing in this game that aren't close to being realistic

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Old 05-25-2017, 02:50 PM   #95
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Patch 1.07 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

Originally Posted by Gosens6
The injuries are DEFINITELY out of whack and no one is going to tell me any different. Look at any MLB roster DL list and compare it to those in the game.

Nowhere CLOSE. Playing out games I never have players get injured for more than a game at a time. Pitchers only seem to get hurt if a ball hits them in the head. Injuries are one thing in this game that aren't close to being realistic

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I have lost two pitchers in played games for 2 months each. One was hit by a pitch and broke his hand, the other after making a pitch was removed and had a torn ligament in his finger (6 weeks).

I had Ender Inciarte slide into second on a steal and tore his ACL....out for 6 months (season ending).

Lost Ardolis Chapman for a 2 weeks to a strained shoulder (again playing an actual game)

Injuries are working fine for me like they have had in every version previous to 17.

In my slider thread Chef has been reporting crazy injuries to his Mariners team all season. And the hit's keep on coming for him.

If I go around the league.....injuries on every roster ranging from 1 week to the season.

What is your injury slider set to? How many actual franchise games have you played for your team (not simmed) to come to this conclusion?

If I have the injury slider set higher than 6 on simulated games? It will be a hospital filled with injured players.

I play actual games with it on 8.
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Last edited by Armor and Sword; 05-25-2017 at 02:52 PM.
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Old 05-25-2017, 02:53 PM   #96
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Re: MLB The Show 17 Patch 1.07 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
I have lost two pitchers in played games for 2 months each. One was hit by a pitch and broke his hand, the other after making a pitch was removed and had a torn ligament in his finger (6 weeks).

I had Ender Inciarte slide into second on a steal and tore his ACL....out for 6 months (season ending).

Lost Ardolis Chapman for a 2 weeks to a strained shoulder (again playing an actual game)

Injuries are working fine for me like they have had in every version previous to 17.

In my slider thread Chef has been reporting crazy injuries to his Mariners team all season. And the hit's keep on coming for him.

If I go around the league.....injuries on every roster ranging from 1 week to the season.

A&S , I always respect your opinion, but, I'm sorry. Injuries in this game just aren't close to replicating real MLB statistics. The amount of real MLB players with injuries and on the DL aren't anywhere close to the amount you'll see in MLB The Show.

I'm serious, if you guys have never checked out the DL in the real MLB, you'd be shocked at the amount of injured players at all times.

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