
Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

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Old 05-17-2017, 03:59 PM   #177
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

I don't know why you guys are so adamant EA cannot put a specific target on the field and have your QB throw to that spot. They did it back on the original Playstation for college football.

Am I the only one who remembers this? I think it was 1998 or 1999 but it was the original Playstation I recall, not PS2.
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Old 05-17-2017, 04:08 PM   #178
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by 4thQtrStre5S
I hope coverage assignments is more than just being able to individually assign a defender to an offensive player, if that is in fact the case...and maybe the in game options of swapping CB1 and CB2 coverage on the fly, etc..

I would like to see the "Plays Ball in Air" trait removed, for example, and have that be chosen by the user; so like in NCAA Football - thus I can tell my defense to pay more aggressive, conservative or the default balanced style.

It's possible this is being added this year. I posted a video on another thread here where someone discusses the possible new features showing how similar features worked in the past (in madden and other games), and he mentions the defensive assignments and shows how NCAA football did it. Maybe, it's late in the game and u need a turnover, U might have the option of telling your D to make big hits the rest of the game. By doing that, u leave yourself vulnerable to broken tackles and big plays by the O. So, it might be possible they add that ability to DBs as well, u tell them get aggressive, jump routes now. Or if you're ahead in the game, u could tell them to play very conservative. The tradeoff there being no big plays, but u might give up a sustained long drive filled with dink and dunks. This might add some spice to the game. But, as some have said, if the CPU AI botches this type of D call ability, u may be able to throw downtown all game once u get ahead or something. If they always jump routes when losing or whatnot. Unfortunately, the more complex they make play calling, or situational D and whatnot, I think the harder it is to properly program the CPU AI to not only utilize it, but to also not get destroyed by it. Lol.

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Old 05-17-2017, 04:13 PM   #179
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by ODogg
I don't know why you guys are so adamant EA cannot put a specific target on the field and have your QB throw to that spot. They did it back on the original Playstation for college football.

Am I the only one who remembers this? I think it was 1998 or 1999 but it was the original Playstation I recall, not PS2.

Wow, u know what? If they put a cool trajectory arc in or something? Like the kicking arc. If done well, it might be something so u can see the arc in the air as opposed to a reticule on the ground. I think I would prefer an arc. But, in overall slightly troubled, as I don't want a goofy arc or a reticle on my field! Lol. But, yeah, I wonder if they could do more an arc. No matter how I think of how they might do this, I still have concerns to the timing of the whole thing. If u have to 'move' the reticule during the throw? Like, u press X and hold it down for a bullet, right when u press the button, an arc comes out, u aim the arc, and when the throw motion is complete, the bullet is fired wherever u happened to place it. Or reticule, of course, same thing. But, overall, it's that timing that I hope isn't too difficult to use.

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Old 05-17-2017, 04:41 PM   #180
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by OhMrHanky
It's possible this is being added this year. I posted a video on another thread here where someone discusses the possible new features showing how similar features worked in the past (in madden and other games), and he mentions the defensive assignments and shows how NCAA football did it. Maybe, it's late in the game and u need a turnover, U might have the option of telling your D to make big hits the rest of the game. By doing that, u leave yourself vulnerable to broken tackles and big plays by the O. So, it might be possible they add that ability to DBs as well, u tell them get aggressive, jump routes now. Or if you're ahead in the game, u could tell them to play very conservative. The tradeoff there being no big plays, but u might give up a sustained long drive filled with dink and dunks. This might add some spice to the game. But, as some have said, if the CPU AI botches this type of D call ability, u may be able to throw downtown all game once u get ahead or something. If they always jump routes when losing or whatnot. Unfortunately, the more complex they make play calling, or situational D and whatnot, I think the harder it is to properly program the CPU AI to not only utilize it, but to also not get destroyed by it. Lol.

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Thank you for the information and insight... As I believe many here would agree, I loved a lot of how NCAA worked and would love to see it in Madden.
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Old 05-17-2017, 04:43 PM   #181
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by OhMrHanky
Wow, u know what? If they put a cool trajectory arc in or something? Like the kicking arc. If done well, it might be something so u can see the arc in the air as opposed to a reticule on the ground. I think I would prefer an arc. But, in overall slightly troubled, as I don't want a goofy arc or a reticle on my field! Lol. But, yeah, I wonder if they could do more an arc. No matter how I think of how they might do this, I still have concerns to the timing of the whole thing. If u have to 'move' the reticule during the throw? Like, u press X and hold it down for a bullet, right when u press the button, an arc comes out, u aim the arc, and when the throw motion is complete, the bullet is fired wherever u happened to place it. Or reticule, of course, same thing. But, overall, it's that timing that I hope isn't too difficult to use.

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They would have to add in a freeze time or something where your awareness and accuracy gives you a certain amount of time to aim.

Because how then would you EVER throw with a mobile QB? Running one way, throw the other, then have to juggle buttons to try to do it all at once.

Seems crazy to me.
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Old 05-17-2017, 05:03 PM   #182
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by SteelD34KC
They would have to add in a freeze time or something where your awareness and accuracy gives you a certain amount of time to aim.

Because how then would you EVER throw with a mobile QB? Running one way, throw the other, then have to juggle buttons to try to do it all at once.

Seems crazy to me.
That's what makes a reticle so difficult. Being in control of the QB you have to:
  • Move your QB
  • Determine who to throw to and where to throw it
  • Determine velocity of throw

With an NFL Fever or just general reticle style system where you can truly throw the ball anywhere on the field it's likely going to make it hard as all hell to be able to run around and throw good passes. And now that I think about it that is probably exactly what Rex was alluding to with his "next year everyone will live and die by their reads. Mark my words..." comment. It's going to severely limit the effectiveness of that sandlot style, run around until someones open which is great and will also have a HUGE impact on the Competitive side where that type of play is very prevalent. It'd also be significantly harder to just go from throwing a slant or a short route to chucking it deep.

I do think it'll end up being some kind of reticle and I really hope things are untethered but I'm not getting my hopes up for that yet because it might be too much for people to handle. It has potential to be an absolute game changer though.
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Old 05-17-2017, 05:30 PM   #183
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Yeah, they could add it. No one said it'd be easy though. And if it's an optional thing then have at it. Use it if you like or don't use it if you don't want to. People keep asking for more control and things to fundamentally change how the game is played, well to do so is going to require some real work on the part of the user to relearn some things if so.

I recall in the NCAA game where they used the targeting system it was quite difficult to use but I worked at it and when it worked it was incredibly liberating to use.

If memory serves the way it worked was you could either pass like normal or you could click-in the right stick to put a target on the field. Once that target appeared on the field the right stick would move it around. Then you pressed the x-button again to throw to that spot. And if you hit the button and pushed it in it was a bullet pass but if you lightly tapped it was a lob.

It was much more difficult to do when running with your QB but if you think about it, throwing on the run should be harder.

Again, I don't see what is so insane about bringing this back. Yes, it'd be much more difficult. Yes, some people, no most people, would probably hate it. But it would greatly expand the game for those who desired to really learn it and it would most certainly be a real game changer.

My guess too is that people who are good on the sticks would love it.
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Old 05-17-2017, 05:39 PM   #184
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by ODogg
I don't know why you guys are so adamant EA cannot put a specific target on the field and have your QB throw to that spot. They did it back on the original Playstation for college football.

Am I the only one who remembers this? I think it was 1998 or 1999 but it was the original Playstation I recall, not PS2.
I watched some game-play of NCAA 99 and I still can't figure out how the mechanic worked. Don't get me wrong; I'm certainly am intrigued, but I have no idea how the user chose to throw to one spot versus another.
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