
Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

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Old 05-15-2017, 06:52 AM   #161
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Angry Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

I think the best way to make the passing work would still be with the button based system. But once pressed that triggers a reticle of some sort. Or an invisible one for all madden maybe? But yeah. Like an evolution of the leading of passing we have now. It won't need to be tethered. But it would just be a direction of where the pass would be going. The idea of a FPS reticle of sorts would be more realistic to a point, but likely impractical. I can't see anyone getting on board with looking left sideline with a reticle and trying to get it all the way back across the field and changing the depth of the pass etc.
It could also work with using the buttons to change the vision of the QB and prompt a reticle to appear. But have a single button to pass, or a stick flick ala backbreaker. That would be very similar to the vision cone of yesteryear, but as a sim thing I enjoyed the ability to move the safeties, or see young and inexperienced players staring down receivers and things like that.
What you guys think?
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Old 05-15-2017, 09:47 AM   #162
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
I can only speak for myself but I think it has to do with the fact that we have no clue what it actually will be. On one hand I could see it being a vision cone-esque move that changes a lot and is very controversial because of it. On the other hand I could it see it simply being a modified version of what is already currently in place.

I think it will be something like the ball carrier mechanics where there are different tiers of difficulty with auto and assisted options for newer users and full options for experienced users. But again, we don't know anything so it's impossible to say until we see it in action. It's going to be ironic though if it is a gaudy on-screen display like the other things they've added over the last few years when that's one of the main reasons I hear for why they got rid of the vision cone.

Yeah, I think based on Rex's track record, this has to be something that's easy enough for noobs to grasp, u know? I don't think they want to introduce 'complicated' controls. And, while the running tier controls might be 'complicated', just because there are so many variations, it's still not all that complicated, I'd say. So, I'm hoping and thinking it will be simple enough. I've always been a 'I don't want to see unnecessary graphics on my football field' kind of guy. I was arguing against the tackle battle last year simply because there was an icon that popped up. Lol. I got used to it and actually like the idea of the tackle battles now. But, yeah, until we see a screenshot of target passing, there will be some anxiety about how big of a reticule (if there is a reticule), how quickly does this happen? U know? With bullet, touch, high, low throws, and with total control passing we can already lead up, left, right, etc. Will a reticule pop up when we press the WR button? And, within a second, we have to place it in a spot? But, again, if this removes tethered ball physics, it may be the greatest thing ever!! Lol.

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Old 05-15-2017, 10:41 AM   #163
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Honestly I hope there is not a "target recticle" of any kind that pops up. Just have the lead passing mechanic work better. I have a hard enough time reading defenses now thanks to how small everything gets on a pass play. And with my vision, I don't need anything else to keep my eye on. But we are all in wait and see mode.

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Old 05-15-2017, 11:49 AM   #164
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by ODogg
There's no monopoly. Anyone can make a football game, it just can't be an NFL game. That's how the NFL has chosen to sell their license.

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At the least, that is argumentative.

I don't want to derail the thread or drag this out... Respectfully I'll say the current structure essentially prohibits competition. That is *never* good for consumers.

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Old 05-15-2017, 12:07 PM   #165
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by Madden08PCgmr
At the least, that is argumentative.

I don't want to derail the thread or drag this out... Respectfully I'll say the current structure essentially prohibits competition. That is *never* good for consumers.

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Oh I 100% agree and I hate it as well. I just take umbrage with it being framed that way is all.
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Old 05-15-2017, 01:03 PM   #166
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by OhMrHanky
Yeah, I think based on Rex's track record, this has to be something that's easy enough for noobs to grasp, u know? I don't think they want to introduce 'complicated' controls.
I think they're in the process of going all-in on eSports and Competitive so I could it being something complicated with a high skill gap for that reason. They've spent the last couple years targeting casuals which is going to comprise the majority of their viewership for these events and I think they're going to go even harder in the next couple years trying to turn Madden into a hardcore competitive game.
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Old 05-15-2017, 01:49 PM   #167
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

A reticule would be terrible imo. It's been done on old games and the problem is you have to choose between moving the cursor or moving your qb. Blitzing defenses make it unusable.
The vision cone allowed you to still move the cone by hitting the WRs button so you could roll out or scramble at the same time. It was just harder, especially if you had a narrow cone that focused on the wr versus one that covered a quarter or half the field.

I think it's probably a reticule the way it's described which concerns me.

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Old 05-15-2017, 02:17 PM   #168
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by kjcheezhead
It's been done on old games and the problem is you have to choose between moving the cursor or moving your qb.
This is what makes me think it will be something pretty simple and a variation of what we already have. There's so many things you have to control (receiver choice, velocity, moving QB) that having some sort of cursor on the screen is going to completely bog down the controls. I was initially thinking it would be tied to the triggers or something where LT is lob and RT is bullet and it's essentially a button combo with the stick like the ball carrier moves but the way it's described though:

Target Passing: For the first time ever, no longer are you tied to throwing at your open wide receiver. Throw to who you want, in the exact spot on the field with all-new Target Passing, giving you, ultimate control over where the ball is thrown.
makes it seem like there is no more traditional face button passing which makes me think it's going to almost be like an FPS where the left thumbstick moves your QB and the RS moves some kind of reticle on the field and it will be like the vision cone where you'll essentially have a "first read" which is where the reticle starts. Maybe progressive ranges of "sticky" for the reticle as well that controls how strictly it follows a target with the most difficult being completely free. And then maybe the triggers move from receiver to receiver or something.

I'm not confident it's going to untether the ball from receivers or that it will be as free as it's portraying just because I feel like it would either be super difficult because of the precision required or it wouldn't feel user friendly because the ball would still go to certain places regardless of where you're targeting. Warping is what also worries me about that. But I'd love to see a system where receivers run their routes independent of how balls are thrown. In some scenarios it's fine but watching guys alter certain routes as soon as the ball is thrown because they're tied together is frustrating to see and something I hope not to see with EA Play videos.
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