
Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

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Old 05-14-2017, 11:38 AM   #145
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by BreakingBad2013
Does anyone remember that old football game where you could aim your passes? Like with a cursor?
TV Sports Football on the Turbo Graphx 16. I still have the card but no Turbo Graphx. Still have TV Sports Basketball, Bonks Adventure and Legendary Axe.

If it is like this then from what I remember it was difficult to pass in TV Sports Football. You certainly were not lighting defenses up until you learned that mechanic and even then it was pretty tough.
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Old 05-14-2017, 11:46 AM   #146
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by ODogg
This is why no matter what EA does they cannot win. #pathetic

The consumer can't win thanks to the monopoly in place.

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Old 05-14-2017, 11:57 AM   #147
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by BreakingBad2013
NFL Fever's "Read n Lead". Does anyone think Madden's target passing will resemble that? Check it out in YouTube for old gameplay.
I was thinking that could be a possibility, and they would probably integrate it with the passing system we already have now. I don't see them imposing an entire new passing system onto people. The changes made to the passing game in Madden 16 may have been in preparation for this new targeting system. The additions in M16 didn't allow the user to pass the ball in new ways, it merely allowed them to use the shoulder buttons to do so. Maybe that was to make room for this new targeting system.
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Old 05-14-2017, 12:34 PM   #148
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by Greenblood60
I was thinking that could be a possibility, and they would probably integrate it with the passing system we already have now. I don't see them imposing an entire new passing system onto people. The changes made to the passing game in Madden 16 may have been in preparation for this new targeting system. The additions in M16 didn't allow the user to pass the ball in new ways, it merely allowed them to use the shoulder buttons to do so. Maybe that was to make room for this new targeting system.
For some reason I keep envisioning a reticule on screen that you move around and then press the button when you wanna throw the ball taking into account the fact that you have to lead them to that spot creating over and under throws. When I say reticule I mean something similar to what you'd see in a first person shooter and the size of the reticule is dependant on accuracy ratings and quickness of the reticules movement based on the QB's awareness rating. So with someone like Brady you could whip that thing all over the place and the reticule would be larger making for a bigger catch radius while taking someone like Gabbert would be much smaller and require more time to move around.

I'm sure some would hate it, and I'm not even sure I would like it depending on how it was implemented but it's all I keep envisioning everytime I read about the new passing mechanic/system.
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Old 05-14-2017, 01:10 PM   #149
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by The Chef
For some reason I keep envisioning a reticule on screen that you move around and then press the button when you wanna throw the ball taking into account the fact that you have to lead them to that spot creating over and under throws. When I say reticule I mean something similar to what you'd see in a first person shooter and the size of the reticule is dependant on accuracy ratings and quickness of the reticules movement based on the QB's awareness rating. So with someone like Brady you could whip that thing all over the place and the reticule would be larger making for a bigger catch radius while taking someone like Gabbert would be much smaller and require more time to move around.

I'm sure some would hate it, and I'm not even sure I would like it depending on how it was implemented but it's all I keep envisioning everytime I read about the new passing mechanic/system.
I think every QB's reticle should be the same size, but as you say the ability to quickly move the reticle to another spot on the field should be based on the awareness rating. Once you have it in the spot you want, then the pressure, arm strength and accuracy ratings will determine how close to where you aimed it actually ends up being.
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Old 05-14-2017, 01:56 PM   #150
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by The Chef
For some reason I keep envisioning a reticule on screen that you move around and then press the button when you wanna throw the ball taking into account the fact that you have to lead them to that spot creating over and under throws. When I say reticule I mean something similar to what you'd see in a first person shooter and the size of the reticule is dependant on accuracy ratings and quickness of the reticules movement based on the QB's awareness rating. So with someone like Brady you could whip that thing all over the place and the reticule would be larger making for a bigger catch radius while taking someone like Gabbert would be much smaller and require more time to move around.

I'm sure some would hate it, and I'm not even sure I would like it depending on how it was implemented but it's all I keep envisioning everytime I read about the new passing mechanic/system.
This is essentially what the passing game in TV Sports Football on the Turbo GraphX 16 was. You had a reticle on screen. You moved it to where you wanted before passing then you hit the WR. Not sure how that is going to land in a cfm for instance, where defenders are getting quick block sheds galore.
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Old 05-14-2017, 02:03 PM   #151
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by KentuckyNCAA14FB
Trailer reveals a MyCareer/Story Mode that just might rival 2k's...OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG.....7 years late but OMGGGGGGGGG finally
lol that's not really saying much.

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Old 05-14-2017, 02:54 PM   #152
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Re: Madden NFL 18 Features New Target Passing, Coverage Assignments & More

Originally Posted by jfsolo
I think every QB's reticle should be the same size, but as you say the ability to quickly move the reticle to another spot on the field should be based on the awareness rating. Once you have it in the spot you want, then the pressure, arm strength and accuracy ratings will determine how close to where you aimed it actually ends up being.
I think the accuracy difference between quarterbacks should be displayed by some sort of aim assist mechanism where there's a magnetic affect, meaning the reticle would be attracted to the receiver it's closest to making it easier to be accurate with more accurate quarterbacks. With not so accurate quarterbacks there would be less of a magnetic affect making it that much harder for the user to throw catchable balls. You would still be able to throw the ball anywhere you want to on the field, but the magnetic effect would give the user a larger margin of error with more accurate quarterbacks.
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