
Madden NFL 17 Title Update 11 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

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Old 03-18-2017, 02:22 PM   #65
cable guy's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Title Update 11 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

Originally Posted by OhMrHanky
Lol. I'll be one of the people to go out on a limb, here, and say, 'this patch feels a lot different.' Lol. And, I'm serious. I've played 2 franchise games. I've been playing default all-pro sliders for awhile, so I'm not slidering around at all. Just playing the game straight up and enjoying it, actually. The 3 main things I've noticed. And, yes, I know they don't mention much gameplay in the patch notes, but seriously, I'm seeing differences, and so far, I like them. 1. I'm actually seeing more realistic dropped balls (from inaccurate passes, good D - proximity drops and D swats/hits). 2. Better?/different blocking. Lol. I put a ? on the better because I like what I see so far, but want more time to see. I'm seeing more varied lineplay on pass blocking. But, I'm also seeing VERY different run blocking. I'm really seeing the D line surge, and the LBs filling gaps more realistically now. And, I'm better able to jiggle in and out of blockers. The FB seems a little smarter - he seems to stay in front of me, but can sometimes stay on my hip too long when running a stretch play instead of getting up field. 3. Holy crap! The zone D is totally DIFFERENT!! Lol. And, right now, by different, I also mean harder. Perhaps, I'll adjust to what I'm seeing. But, seriously, on some flood plays that I've 'mastered' finding the open man regardless of post snap DB animations, I'm seeing some very active LBs playing zones better - moving with a player for less time to better play a different player coming across the zone. Overall, I'm just seeing some serious pass D. But, it's not enough to crush me, for sure. And, I'm still winning games convincingly (I'm talking all-pro franchise vs CPU, here, btw) and I play with an updated Falcons roster, so passing should be solid. But, I'm also seeing better/smoother animations. Game just looks/feels better. It's only 2 games, and I know the patch notes don't say much. And, yes, I've seen placebo effects before, and normally I don't get that, lol, but these last 2 games with this patch feel like they tweaked blocking AI and pass D AI. Feels good to me, so I'm all for it. Even this late in the season. Lol. I've rolled with all the patches on all-pro and been able to enjoy this game all season, but this last patch really feels like an interesting finish to the product. Maybe, it's just placebo, though. Lol.

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You've given some great insight to what I'm seeing, but wouldn't be able to describe quite as well. Great job man. In the secondary and line play your points are dead on. Playing as the Cowboys, you'd think coverage, man especially, took a step backwards. Nope! They are not rated well. And it shows. Oline. The opposite. We dominate.
Originally Posted by Armor and Sword
And this needs to be a huge focus area for us offline CFM junkies. Please please really work on the CPU AI for us sim heads who love playing solitaire offline franchise.

The game is really good, and really close to being a top sports title. But until that AI is brought up to the level of a MLB The Show.....it will still be it’s step brother in my sports collection.

CPU QB AI really needs a deep look and needs to be a major focus for 18. It took 2 steps back on 17.

I hope they step it up for 18 and deliver a robust CPU AI for us old farts.
Yes. While Madden 17 took a step ahead of 16, as imo as the best football game ever. Agreed CPU QB AI took a step backwards this year. But overall Player ratings and traits really put this game in a whole new category for me. It has seriously closed in on other sports titles. Hoping and believing 18 will take another step. Laying a great foundation of what's to come in the future.
Originally Posted by Trojan Man
I'd agree and add an extra level of detail.

It's not just procedural awareness that needs to improve, though that's important.

Equally important is the CPU AI coach's ability to use his whole offensive and defensive playbook, to target the best players on offense, and to run a base defensive scheme that matches the roster talent.

Moreover, the CPU needs to be able to recalibrate its offensive and defensive approach depending on injuries, signees, draftees, retirements, etc.

Not every team needs to be able to create totally unique game plans each week, but there has to be better game planning in order to get the CPU AI to play to its fullest capacity.
Yes. This here.

While I've got this game as close to sim as ever...Yes CPU AI both strategy (all you mentioned) And teams real life tendencies are the next step in total greatness for Madden.

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Last edited by cable guy; 03-18-2017 at 02:54 PM.
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Old 03-18-2017, 02:49 PM   #66
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Title Update 11 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

The play call problem comes down to how and what plays they weight in the playbooks. The playbooks for all the teams have the same plays starred for each situation. Until whoever the dev is in charge of doing the playbooks each year starts modding gameplans as they add/remove plays, we'll continue seeing the issue and have to do it ourselves via wonky workarounds.

Edit: It applies to the defense playbooks too.
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Old 03-18-2017, 03:00 PM   #67
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Title Update 11 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

I proposed an overhaul to playcalling, even wrote up a high level GDD. Didn't get much traction, but this is a different team from the mostly glorified marketers that were there whenI was. The current team is light years better, I think they'll address it eventually.

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Old 03-18-2017, 03:11 PM   #68
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Title Update 11 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

They're going to get sick of me, but I'm going to spend all Spring, bringing up CPU playbooks, playcalling, and QB A.I. It can't just be about H2H gameplay designing and tuning.
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Old 03-18-2017, 03:11 PM   #69
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Title Update 11 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

Originally Posted by LionsFanNJ
The play call problem comes down to how and what plays they weight in the playbooks. The playbooks for all the teams have the same plays starred for each situation. Until whoever the dev is in charge of doing the playbooks each year starts modding gameplans as they add/remove plays, we'll continue seeing the issue and have to do it ourselves via wonky workarounds.

Edit: It applies to the defense playbooks too.
Oh, I know. I've gone the customs route and they sorely need to give attention to this area if the game is going to be compelling to offline folks. I'm contemplating getting a Twitter account just to hammer this point home in the arena I know they watch. I'm not sure the chatter here gets heard or heeded as much as Twitter chatter.
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Old 03-18-2017, 03:47 PM   #70
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Title Update 11 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

Originally Posted by LionsFanNJ
The play call problem comes down to how and what plays they weight in the playbooks. The playbooks for all the teams have the same plays starred for each situation. Until whoever the dev is in charge of doing the playbooks each year starts modding gameplans as they add/remove plays, we'll continue seeing the issue and have to do it ourselves via wonky workarounds.

Edit: It applies to the defense playbooks too.
And this is something where AI doesn't even really need to be touched too, it just comes down to a total under-utilization of the feature already built into the game. Teams are only using, at best, around 40% of their playbooks and I'd say that there isn't much, if any, attention dedicated to making teams play true to their counterparts in regards to scheme or play style. It's something I would love to see, along with more importantly IMO CPU QB AI, get some serious attention but with H2H taking so much precedence I'm not sure of either garnering much attention for M18 based solely on the fact that they're solely offline features.
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Old 03-18-2017, 07:22 PM   #71
D81SKINS's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Title Update 11 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

I tweeted Clint on the, CPU playcalling, gameplanning (situational), and the CPU QB play. I would like to know if any of these areas are getting looked at or overhauled for M18.
If/when he replies, I will keep everyone posted.
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Old 03-18-2017, 08:17 PM   #72
cable guy's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Title Update 11 Available Now, Patch Notes Included

I'd like to get involved with tweeting Clint. Focus on the positives. Push for ideas what to make it better.
I have a twitter account. But never really tweeted before.

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