
Fire Pro Wrestling World Coming to Steam and PS4 Later This Year

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Old 03-08-2017, 07:46 AM   #9
jaredsmith83's Arena
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I've never played any of the Fire Pro games but have heard so much good about them. Can someone give me a crash course in what to expect?
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Old 03-08-2017, 10:05 AM   #10
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World Coming to Steam and PS4 Later This Year

I haven't played a wrestling game in a LONG time simply because I don't care for the pro wrestling that is available today.

With that said, I am absolutely STOKED that Fire Pro Wrestling is coming to the PS4.
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Old 03-08-2017, 11:25 AM   #11
Turbojugend's Arena
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World Coming to Steam and PS4 Later This Year

Originally Posted by jaredsmith83
I've never played any of the Fire Pro games but have heard so much good about them. Can someone give me a crash course in what to expect?
Years and years ago, the Fire Pro series was the first sports game to give players super-deep customization options. You could basically create your own promotions, titles and wrestlers and set them against one another. Other games have since adapted but Fire Pro set the bar really high.

One area where Fire Pro still hasn't been touched is CPU logic. You can program wrestlers to behave pretty much exactly how you want them to, down to which moves they can perform at certain intervals of the match. For me, a lot of the fun is programming CPU logic, simming a match, then going back and tweaking logic to improve results. It's an incredible experience once you get the hang of it.
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Old 03-08-2017, 01:08 PM   #12
Lexicon's Arena
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World Coming to Steam and PS4 Later This Year

Originally Posted by jaredsmith83
I've never played any of the Fire Pro games but have heard so much good about them. Can someone give me a crash course in what to expect?
It's highly customizable. Has strategic, timing-based gameplay. Plays out wonderfully when you do CPU vs CPU. Has a robust move selection. 2D, retro-styles graphics (which allows you to make real-world wrestlers without worrying about how much you have to slope their forehead). And above all else, has a great community of fans who have had a presence on the internet since 93.

I will also be doing tutorials for those who are new to the game at my youtube channel (link in my sig) going over how to put an Edit (CAW) together, from moveset to AI.

I can't wait for this to drop. It's going to be a new day for the Fire Pro series, with lots of new fans. So great to see.
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Old 03-08-2017, 01:28 PM   #13
ubernoob's Arena
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World Coming to Steam and PS4 Later This Year

If I were to make a wishlist the only things I would ask for out of this first FPW (because hopefully this sells enough to get another one) would be these things:

Unlimited Wrestler Spots - We aren't limited by PS2-era memory restrictions anymore, at least on PC. I'm not entirely sure what resource costs and programming needs would be needed on PS4 (in terms of menu being able to support that many wrestlers and stuff.)

Attire Editing - We already could make custom logos in FPWR, but I would like to see that same customization (pixel editor) brought to the trunks/pants/shirts. Again, I'm not sure on the costs of implementing this but it would be the absolute best (I'd say out of everything this is what we're least likely to see on my list?) Imagine seeing a fancy little sprite with a sprite version of an Elite shirt on? It's 2017, there's no reason they can't add this with a little work - or a basic version with a fuller fleshed out version for FPW2.

GM Mode - I don't mean like WWE2k17 GM Mode. This is the first release, I'd like to see even just a basic, super barebones mode just testing the waters. Even if it's just something where you can book cards over the course of an unlimited amount of years and those get basic barebone grades, with CPU promotions doing the same thing. Over the years this would grow into something where contracts and stuff are implemented (see something like the old GBA Fire Pro Games, but just unlimited time of play.)

Originally Posted by TheShizNo1
I mean, we have to use the H word? I'm mighty excited! Never the H word, though.
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Old 03-08-2017, 02:34 PM   #14
Lexicon's Arena
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World Coming to Steam and PS4 Later This Year

Originally Posted by ubernoob
If I were to make a wishlist the only things I would ask for out of this first FPW (because hopefully this sells enough to get another one) would be these things:

Unlimited Wrestler Spots - We aren't limited by PS2-era memory restrictions anymore, at least on PC. I'm not entirely sure what resource costs and programming needs would be needed on PS4 (in terms of menu being able to support that many wrestlers and stuff.)

Attire Editing - We already could make custom logos in FPWR, but I would like to see that same customization (pixel editor) brought to the trunks/pants/shirts. Again, I'm not sure on the costs of implementing this but it would be the absolute best (I'd say out of everything this is what we're least likely to see on my list?) Imagine seeing a fancy little sprite with a sprite version of an Elite shirt on? It's 2017, there's no reason they can't add this with a little work - or a basic version with a fuller fleshed out version for FPW2.

GM Mode - I don't mean like WWE2k17 GM Mode. This is the first release, I'd like to see even just a basic, super barebones mode just testing the waters. Even if it's just something where you can book cards over the course of an unlimited amount of years and those get basic barebone grades, with CPU promotions doing the same thing. Over the years this would grow into something where contracts and stuff are implemented (see something like the old GBA Fire Pro Games, but just unlimited time of play.)

It sounds like they're open to including modes in the Early Access, and a promotion manager mode has been one of the top requests I've seen from the different forums so far, so I think there's a good chance we could potentially see something like that make its way in. Would probably push the official launch back further, but it would be worth it.
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Old 03-08-2017, 11:46 PM   #15
jvalverde88's Arena
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World Coming to Steam and PS4 Later This Year

Notes from the Famitsu article where they had a big featured article:

- Game is 50% percent done.

- Wrestlers will inch their way towards the ropes while in submissions.

- Regular pinfalls have a dedicated button, L2.

- All the special skills from Fire Pro Returns are back.

- A sliding in to the ring animation may be added.

- Engine has been rebuilt from scratch.

- A mission mode that is sort of a mode that requires you to finish matches under certain conditions.

- There are chairs and a ringside table in the USA arena, chairs can be broken.
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Old 03-08-2017, 11:49 PM   #16
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TheShizNo1's Arena
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Re: Fire Pro Wrestling World Coming to Steam and PS4 Later This Year

Originally Posted by ubernoob
If I were to make a wishlist the only things I would ask for out of this first FPW (because hopefully this sells enough to get another one) would be these things:

Unlimited Wrestler Spots - We aren't limited by PS2-era memory restrictions anymore, at least on PC. I'm not entirely sure what resource costs and programming needs would be needed on PS4 (in terms of menu being able to support that many wrestlers and stuff.)

Attire Editing - We already could make custom logos in FPWR, but I would like to see that same customization (pixel editor) brought to the trunks/pants/shirts. Again, I'm not sure on the costs of implementing this but it would be the absolute best (I'd say out of everything this is what we're least likely to see on my list?) Imagine seeing a fancy little sprite with a sprite version of an Elite shirt on? It's 2017, there's no reason they can't add this with a little work - or a basic version with a fuller fleshed out version for FPW2.

GM Mode - I don't mean like WWE2k17 GM Mode. This is the first release, I'd like to see even just a basic, super barebones mode just testing the waters. Even if it's just something where you can book cards over the course of an unlimited amount of years and those get basic barebone grades, with CPU promotions doing the same thing. Over the years this would grow into something where contracts and stuff are implemented (see something like the old GBA Fire Pro Games, but just unlimited time of play.)

Was gonna like your post until that stupid gif. Now I'm thinking of deleting it.

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Originally Posted by Mo
Just once I'd like to be the one they call a jerk off.
Originally Posted by Mo
You underestimate my laziness
Originally Posted by Mo
**** ya

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