
Madden NFL 18 on the Frostbite Engine: Reactions

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Old 02-03-2017, 11:10 AM   #1
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Madden NFL 18 on the Frostbite Engine: Reactions

Earlier this week, EA announced that Madden was moving over to the Frostbite Engine. In the long run, this will likely be a pretty positive move for the franchise. The Frostbite engine has shown a lot of promise since its inception. However, some OS staffers have some worries about this upcoming year of Madden. Read their thoughts after the jump and add your own in the comments!

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Platform: PS4 / Xbox One
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Old 02-03-2017, 12:33 PM   #2
scottyp180's Arena
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Overall consensus here definitely matches my sentiments and likely the majority of sports gamers. In the long run I think this will pay huge dividends but who knows what the results will be for madden 18. My guess is that we will see areas that are definitely improved while other areas either take a step back or need some more polish.

Hopefully this is a little bit better and smoother than the transition to the ignite engine. The ignite engine showed promise the first year, can't remember which year it was, and definitely resulted in a much better product in the years to come but man was that first game a bit of a mess. There would be some moments that could never be done in madden before and looked great and then there would be some messy, ugly animations that were awkward and unrealistic. Players tripping and falling over eachother is something that sticks out in my memory.

With madden 18 I just want the game to overall feel like it's a step forward and not a step back. I think the series has made some strides over the last few years and while I think the frostbite engine will definitely be worthwhile in the long run I'm concerned this first game will feel like a mixed bag.
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Old 02-03-2017, 03:02 PM   #3
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I just hope they don't implement Frostbite features in Madden like they do everything else. Example: Madden 18 featuring the Frostbite engine and new dynamic weather. Madden 19 now with better lighting and facial scans. Just put it all in. You all ready know what Frostbite is capable of
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Old 02-03-2017, 04:06 PM   #4
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Re: Madden NFL 18 on the Frostbite Engine: Reactions

Personally, I'd be a bit surprised if they deliver something that feels like an unfinished product for Madden 18. It seems like Rex and his crew understand the demands of the fanbase, and it seems that they'd be aware of the backlash they'd face if features that presently exist, were left out of M18. Any good will they've built up, would surely be out the window at that point given how fickle the Madden fanbase can be.

I'm not a huge Fifa player. I usually download it through EA Access, play the 10 hour trial sporadically then if, and when it runs out I let it be until it hits the vault and I then play it again sporadically when it's available to me again. I played Fifa 15 quite a bit, 16 I just haven't had as much time to play. I hadn't even downloaded the trial yet for 17. I did last night after seeing the Madden to Frostbite news. I must say, I always thought Fifa was a great looking game. Fifa 17 though, looks much better in Frostbite. So, I'm pretty excited for what that will bring to Madden. In the quick game I played, I didn't notice much different in the player movement or gameplay. I'm also not a hardcore Fifa player either though.

Bottom line for me.. at this point, we just have to sit and wait. I'm curious to see what Frostbite can offer Madden. I think initially it's upgraded visuals and environments. Would be interesting to see if a mode similar to the Journey in Fifa makes it's way to Madden this year. It seemed like they moved Fifa over to Frostbite without loosing a lot of features and modes. At least, in my quick time in Fifa 17 last night. I'll poke around in it a bit more over the weekend probably.

I for one though, will be surprised if Madden 18 takes a hit due to the switch. It may need a bit more tightening up post release, but I'd just be surprised to see the team let it slip. This crew working the game seems to take great pride in it, and the strides they've made, so I'd be surprised to see it slip.

Time will tell I suppose.
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Old 02-03-2017, 04:09 PM   #5
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Re: Madden NFL 18 on the Frostbite Engine: Reactions

Originally Posted by outkaz79
I just hope they don't implement Frostbite features in Madden like they do everything else. Example: Madden 18 featuring the Frostbite engine and new dynamic weather. Madden 19 now with better lighting and facial scans. Just put it all in. You all ready know what Frostbite is capable of
Only one way to figure this out, tweet to Rex and Clint. Ask them specifically how long they have been working on Madden transitioning to Frostbite, so we can get a better idea of a timetable. They said they worked on the current Connected Franchise Mode for 2 years before it showed up in Madden 13, so the key here is how long have they been working on Madden using the Frostbite engine.
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Old 02-03-2017, 05:23 PM   #6
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I hope it gives the game a more organic, natural looking running animations.
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Old 02-03-2017, 05:30 PM   #7
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Re: Madden NFL 18 on the Frostbite Engine: Reactions

I'm sure it'll be a great first step, looking forward to it.
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Old 02-03-2017, 05:45 PM   #8
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I'm pretty excited. I've been a long time madden player and I've always felt that madden's visuals have always been lacking (Especially. Madden has been improving on gameplay throughout the years and now it's time for the visuals to be enhanced. I'm also really hoping that they focus on the interactions more this year, DL vs OL, CB vs WR. We all know madden needs some work for a number of things like better ball placement by qbs, better fumble recovery, updated challenge system and numerous other elements of gameplay but I think with better graphics and maybe some dynamic weather thrown in, Madden 18 would be a pretty solid game. I actually was hoping the physics engine would be eliminated and they would go to using crisp animations but after seeing this news, I'm really hoping it works out and we can also get some good interactions along with it.
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