
Konami's Making Power Pros 2016 (PS4/PS3/Vita) & Pro Yakyuu Spirits Ace (iOS/Android)

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Old 10-24-2016, 01:56 AM   #401
Spirits Translation's Arena
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Re: Konami's Making Power Pros 2016 (PS4/PS3/Vita) & Pro Yakyuu Spirits Ace (iOS/Andr

Originally Posted by topotamolderps
By the way could you or anyone else that knows tell me what does the red bar in the picture below represents? I've looked on the spiritstranslation website but couldn't find anything about it.
Here's Muka's official translation:

"The pitch speed guage shows you what the CPU batter is expecting (as represented by red bars.) The more to the left the gauge is, the slower the pitch he is expecting. The more to the right, the faster. The blue circle represents the speed of your selected pitch, so basically you want to keep this away from large, bright red bars when possible. This can be turned off in settings."

With that said he also remarked how it's sort of a gimmicky thing for beginners. As long as you are mixing up pitches you shouldn't need to use it. I noticed it's more forgiving on fastballs probably because most pitchers throw it around 65% of the time. In other words if you throw too many breaking pitches in a row & the CPU is now expecting it then you might have a problem. You can get away with stringing together some fastballs.

Originally Posted by topotamolderps
And also one thing that is literally driving me crazy. I have set my favorite Swallows lineup from the utility menu - arrange team. Everything looks good and it's saved. But when I go to play an exhibition sometimes it loads my custom lineup , but most of the times it loads the default one so I have to make all the changes again before the match, and it's getting really tedious. It happens totally randomly and I have no clue why. Is this some kind of glitch or am I missing something? I'm playing PYS 11 on ps3 if that helps
I tried to replicate this with no luck so am not sure what's going on. Once you make changes in "Arrange' and save it then it should automatically load. You can switch to default rosters by clicking the RB button in the exhibition 'Team Select' screen. Perhaps you are enabling this? Other than that, in 'Utility' the save button is also the load button so you might try loading to see what happens.
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Old 10-24-2016, 02:22 AM   #402
Spirits Translation's Arena
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Re: Konami's Making Power Pros 2016 (PS4/PS3/Vita) & Pro Yakyuu Spirits Ace (iOS/Andr

Originally Posted by Pourvision21
BTW the 2010 website is showing a blank white screen again Spirits.
I've had several problems with this and it stems from the fact that the site is sort of a mess. Each version has so many sub-pages and when I tried to just peel off 2010 it created issues. I'm thinking about making two dedicated sites for 2010 & 2015 (the best versions IMO) and ditching the rest. Anyone in between should be able to figure things out by referencing the two sites.

Originally Posted by areobee401
Copy of Powerful Pro 2016 came Friday evening. Still learning what is what but can navigate the settings menu and exhibition mode with ease now.

Two things:

1. PS4 analog sticks stink when hitting. Nothing that will ruin the experience, really, just less than ideal.

2. Is there a detailed guide to editing roster names?
My analog sticks aren't as bad as others have described. For some it sounded like some sort of lag. I compared the PS3 & PS4 and I didn't see a huge difference, although if pressed I'd probably choose the PS3. I use a GAEMS system which is tuned for gaming only, so could it be your TV's refresh rate?

The PS4 analog has a shorter stick, slightly less range of movement & smaller dead zone so it's more sensitive. I haven't tried these, but some say they are great for close quarters combat in FPS games. They apparently keep you from jerking the stick & over-aiming...

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Old 10-24-2016, 06:52 AM   #403
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Re: Konami's Making Power Pros 2016 (PS4/PS3/Vita) & Pro Yakyuu Spirits Ace (iOS/Andr

I have all of the games Konami made except for 2015. I have all the games installed to the hard drive and I find some let you start with enough VP to have all of the stadiums and unis unlocked from the start. Is this true of 2015?
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Old 10-24-2016, 05:13 PM   #404
strawberryshortcake's Arena
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Re: Konami's Making Power Pros 2016 (PS4/PS3/Vita) & Pro Yakyuu Spirits Ace (iOS/Andr

Originally Posted by areobee401
Copy of Powerful Pro 2016 came Friday evening. Still learning what is what but can navigate the settings menu and exhibition mode with ease now.

Two things:

1. PS4 analog sticks stink when hitting. Nothing that will ruin the experience, really, just less than ideal.

2. Is there a detailed guide to editing roster names?
That's pretty much my one concern with the game, especially if I also use the same controller to play NBA2k basketball. NBA2k aggravates the left analog stick. The sensitivity becomes pretty insane. The on screen cursor just twitches like crazy if I use the same NBA2k controller.

I now have a completely separate controller devoted specifically to Jikkyou.
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Old 10-25-2016, 11:25 AM   #405
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Re: Konami's Making Power Pros 2016 (PS4/PS3/Vita) & Pro Yakyuu Spirits Ace (iOS/Andr

Originally Posted by Spirits Translation
Here's Muka's official translation:

"The pitch speed guage shows you what the CPU batter is expecting (as represented by red bars.) The more to the left the gauge is, the slower the pitch he is expecting. The more to the right, the faster. The blue circle represents the speed of your selected pitch, so basically you want to keep this away from large, bright red bars when possible. This can be turned off in settings."

With that said he also remarked how it's sort of a gimmicky thing for beginners. As long as you are mixing up pitches you shouldn't need to use it. I noticed it's more forgiving on fastballs probably because most pitchers throw it around 65% of the time. In other words if you throw too many breaking pitches in a row & the CPU is now expecting it then you might have a problem. You can get away with stringing together some fastballs.

I tried to replicate this with no luck so am not sure what's going on. Once you make changes in "Arrange' and save it then it should automatically load. You can switch to default rosters by clicking the RB button in the exhibition 'Team Select' screen. Perhaps you are enabling this? Other than that, in 'Utility' the save button is also the load button so you might try loading to see what happens.
Thanks! I turned off the bars anyways, I was pitching worse when paying attention to it so I just pitch by feel now. Also no pitching point, strike zone, or any indicators, it's amazing playing this way.

About the lineup issue still no clue about what's up with it. I saw that R1 function you mentioned , but I don't use it. I just tried another exhibition game, 1st game it loaded up my custom lineup, I go back to the main menu , select another match and now it loads the default one. Did it again and it keeps loading the default one every time. My game is possessed. It doesn't really matter anymore since I'm playing pennant only.

Originally Posted by areobee401

1. PS4 analog sticks stink when hitting. Nothing that will ruin the experience, really, just less than ideal.
Yeah , just tried a ds4 on ps3 for PYS and insta-noticed that the DS3 is WAY more precise on smaller movements. I got a ps3 a week ago after owning a ps4 since launch day and I'm really impressed by everything on the DS3 besides its terrible triggers

I was hoping it was only a matter of the game being developed with the ds3 in mind. But if you say it's still bad on the ps4 game then it's probably a controller's problem

Last edited by topotamolderps; 10-25-2016 at 11:28 AM.
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Old 10-28-2016, 01:12 PM   #406
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Re: Konami's Making Power Pros 2016 (PS4/PS3/Vita) & Pro Yakyuu Spirits Ace (iOS/Andr

Can someone please explain how to edit player names?

I want to edit names to English before beginning a Pennant Mode. Can't seem to figure it out.
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Old 10-28-2016, 04:23 PM   #407
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Re: Konami's Making Power Pros 2016 (PS4/PS3/Vita) & Pro Yakyuu Spirits Ace (iOS/Andr

Originally Posted by areobee401
Can someone please explain how to edit player names?

I want to edit names to English before beginning a Pennant Mode. Can't seem to figure it out.
It's pretty straightforward you just go into the arrange mode from the main menu, click the team that you want to edit, go to the screen that has the big collection of all their player names and then change each name one at a time:

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Old 10-28-2016, 09:32 PM   #408
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Re: Konami's Making Power Pros 2016 (PS4/PS3/Vita) & Pro Yakyuu Spirits Ace (iOS/Andr

Originally Posted by jyoung
It's pretty straightforward you just go into the arrange mode from the main menu, click the team that you want to edit, go to the screen that has the big collection of all their player names and then change each name one at a time:


Thanks, man.

Going to be a lot of work editing every name but I plan on Powerful Pro to be my lone sports title this winter. Should be worth it
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