
NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

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Old 09-01-2016, 02:29 PM   #73
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Originally Posted by Beluba
No. For ideal Pro Stick aiming, you always pull straight down toward 6 o'clock or straight up to 12, whether you're in Broadcast or 2K or any other camera.

As for the boost you get with Aiming, I don't want to give you the exact number because that conversation could spiral out of control. But the boost is noticeable if you're really good with aiming. Of course, if you're inconsistent with it, it actually might be to your benefit to shoot with the Shot Button.

I like to think of the aiming mechanic as driving manual or turning off driving assists in a racing game. If you suck, you should probably stick to Automatic with assists on (shoot with the button), but if you're really good on the sticks you'll probably see a boost to your %'s if you exclusively use the Pro Stick.
That's a great mechanism eventhough i still haven't experienced i can understand the logic behind and i can see that this will get developed on over the next iterations.

As a player who likes to go all the way to manualism of what you control (passing to shooting to dribbling or anything control wise etc.), i hope that you'll start thinking about "manual passing". I know maybe it's not relevant as of now yet; to make you think about is enough for me now because you'll figure it out or already did who knows for the next iteration developments.

As far as the controller mapping goes 2k with NBA 2K ofcourse; is whole lot further and more like future of controllers mapping than any other game i can think of. There are no games out there that makes use of controller as widely and intuitively as 2k does atm so props on that though you already know it.

Well thanks again Mike.
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Old 09-01-2016, 02:30 PM   #74
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Keep thinking of questions. With the new wear and tear system, will things like weight and strength factor into how much wear and tear a player accumulates? Will there be a badge related to this? Also, does any of this factor into your MyPlayer/MyCareer?
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Old 09-01-2016, 02:30 PM   #75
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Originally Posted by MFDOOMBOT
I haven't heard much about off ball movement on offense, do we get the right stick manual cuts & movement back from 2K15 beluba?
No, the right stick cuts are gone. We needed the right stick to control the offball collision stuff that OG worked on.

Jerson, however, did integrate many of the situational motion animations like launches and stops into the offball movement. So the offball movement looks much better now IMO.
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Old 09-01-2016, 02:31 PM   #76
scottyp180's Arena
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"Pump fake auto-fouls in the paint are gone. If you “do nothing” on the sticks as a defender, you won’t incur a shooting foul."

Hey Mike does this apply for jumpshots outside the paint as well? I hated when I would be controlling an offensive player, get a defender jumping with a pump fake, but my player would automatically draw the foul with me even touching a button. I'd much prefer to either draw the foul myself, so I feel like I can control whether or not the shot goes in, or be able to just drive around the defender while he is going for the block. Last year it felt like catching a defender with a pump would automatically initiate a shooting foul.
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Old 09-01-2016, 02:32 PM   #77
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Originally Posted by Beluba
No, the right stick cuts are gone. We needed the right stick to control the offball collision stuff that OG worked on.

Jerson, however, did integrate many of the situational motion animations like launches and stops into the offball movement. So the offball movement looks much better now IMO.

Thanks for the answer Mike, and may the basketball Gods bless you
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Old 09-01-2016, 02:33 PM   #78
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
The main thing for me, with a lot of the control, skill, rating and player differential issues comes down to differentials in player speed and agility. Quicker, smaller guards have not historically had enough of an advantage in this game, leading towards a "height makes right" approach in the Pro Am. This also goes for quicker, smaller forwards and centers.

Do we have greater diversity of speed to go with these snazzy new controls?(those sound great, btw, kudos to the team)
I spent a lot of time re-tuning the speed gaps between smaller vs. taller ball handlers. And Jers did the same thing with movement. We also added a new Speed with Ball rating to be able to differentiate players who could move fast without the ball but dribbled slow and vice versa.
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Old 09-01-2016, 02:33 PM   #79
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

So I suppose the strong and evasive layups will be chosen by the CPU if you use the button then.

Works for me. I'll continue using the button to shoot and the stick to layup or dunk.

Also, are double clutch layups controllable now? Like if you hold the button down or keep the stick tilted?
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Old 09-01-2016, 02:38 PM   #80
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Re: NBA 2K17 Gameplay Blog with Gameplay Director, Mike Wang

Originally Posted by Americas Team
Customizable pass targeting sliders for Distance/Stick direction/Openness lets you configure directional passing exactly how you want it to behave.

New Overhead Skip Pass mechanic lets you quickly target farther away teammates when multiple are in a line

This sound interesting, can someone explain this more? Can I use this to make user pick n roll pass target better? Will this make it easier to choose if I want to pass to the pick guy or pass it across the court to the shooter? Too often in 2K I pass to the wrong guy, I hope this mechanic greatly reduces that.
Directional pass targeting is very complex. Some people are often way more off with their left stick aiming than they think. Others want the system to be more "intelligent" and bias toward open teammates. The new sliders give you the ability to set the weighting exactly the way you want.

Direction = how much we weight the literal direction of where you're pointing the left stick

Openness = how much we weight the openness of the receivers in the general vicinity of where you're pointing (you'd want this higher to always get the roll man for example)

Distance = how much we weight toward always picking the closer teammates. this is good if you tend to get unwanted skip passes.
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