
NBA 2K17 Features Improvements Across The Board, Here's 75 of Them

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Old 08-31-2016, 01:00 PM   #65
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Re: NBA 2K17 Features Improvements Across The Board, Here's 75 of Them

So is Kenny Smith out?

NBA 2K17 now has a total of 11 commentators. Some are familiar faces -- such as Kevin Harlan, Greg Anthony, Shaq and Ernie -- while others are new, including Brent Berry, Steve Smith, Doris Burke, Chris Webber, and David Aldridge. The commentary team is based geographically, so depending on which arena you're playing in, you'll hear from different commentary teams.
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Old 08-31-2016, 01:00 PM   #66
scottyp180's Arena
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Chris webber on a commentary team! Hell yeah. He's one of my favorite former player commentators our there. The presentation side of this has me stoked.

The list that came it last night mentioned that 2k recorded audio from the crowd in each stadium. I didn't see that mentioned here. I hope that wasn't a mistake. Authentic crowd audio would be a huge boost from a presentation stand point.
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Old 08-31-2016, 01:03 PM   #67
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Re: NBA 2K17 Features Improvements Across The Board, Here's 75 of Them

  • Advanced rotations--a whole new gameplan that not only allows you to slot your minutes like before, but actually when your players play those minutes and with whom those minutes are played with. Players will typically play in units. This is very deep, but can also be autoed by asking for coach recommendations.
If this means what I assume it means, hopefully no more of your starters being subbed out at the end of the 2nd quarter. I also would assume this applies to MyCareer as well. Rotations would always get weird in that mode.
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Old 08-31-2016, 01:04 PM   #68
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Re: NBA 2K17 Features Improvements Across The Board, Here's 75 of Them

This is sort of overwhelming. How in the world do they manage all this given their release cycle?

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Old 08-31-2016, 01:05 PM   #69
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Re: NBA 2K17 Features Improvements Across The Board, Here's 75 of Them

Sounds like they have a mixture of the TNT broadcast team and the NBAtv broadcast team, very nice touch.
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Old 08-31-2016, 01:08 PM   #70
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Re: NBA 2K17 Features Improvements Across The Board, Here's 75 of Them

I have a couple of questions....With Commentary, is it different teams announcing games or are they just sideline reporters? Is the D-league in the game now? are coaches editable? Will we be able to put the sneakers in game on people. Couldn't add all sneakers to players I.E, Brand Black or Way of Wade..... can we create coaches and add them to teams? But all in all this is great news if working how they plan it. Myleagues online will be fire
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Last edited by Cleve07103; 08-31-2016 at 01:37 PM.
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Old 08-31-2016, 01:14 PM   #71
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Re: NBA 2K17 Features Improvements Across The Board, Here's 75 of Them

Lots of buzzwords and overhyped promises, BUT there's LOTS of good stuff in there.

Here's some stuff that stood out to me:

Shoe accuracy and other accessories will now update as NBA players change their look throughout the year.
Does that mean accessories wont be tied to roster files anymore? Because that'd be pretty handy for roster makers. (Y)
So the 2K team set out and traveled over 16,000 miles to record actual audio from each NBA arena.
  • Literally, every single court now has unique audio for a ball dribble based on the stadium being played in. We heard the difference, and while subtle, it's one of the most remarkable attention-to-detail items I've ever seen in gaming.
  • Arena horns, although similar are all unique across the NBA. Again, a montage showed the subtle differences.
(Y) (Y) (Y)
Total user control over expansion AND contraction.
Expansion can be turned off entirely. You can also contract teams you do not like in MyLeague (there was no mention anything about a reallocation draft, FYI).
What does that mean?
Perhaps one of the most impressive features - Dynamic rule changes. For instance, league meetings will occur during the offseason. An extreme example would be the league voting on using a sudden death OT rule change--first bucket wins. Extreme cases such as this are very rare, we were told. More common would be changes to the shot clock timer, back clock timer, etc.
(N) Why bother with something like that? Focus on fundamentals.
Eventually, every few years, your league's CBA will eventually expire, and then you'll see big changes to the finances within your league. This is a quite unique feature, and something typically only seen in rare sport text simulations such as Out of the Park Baseball's "random league evolution."
Ok THAT's interesting.
You'll now see trades which can include draft pick protections (a 1st rounder, but only if it's not the first three picks) and pick swaps (we'll take either your 2nd in '17 or 2nd in '18)
It only took them 5 years. But that's good. (Y)
Advanced rotations--a whole new gameplan that not only allows you to slot your minutes like before, but actually when your players play those minutes and with whom those minutes are played with. Players will typically play in units. This is very deep, but can also be autoed by asking for coach recommendations.
Sounds great! (Y) Much needed.
Jersey retirements now exist, and logic has been put in place to prevent a player having their jersey retired after a short amount of time on team.
Sweet! (Y) It's all about making history after all.
Easier roster/draft class editing -- can now edit an entire roster at once on one screen, not player by player.
I can't even imagine how that would work well? But i'm all for improving editing. (Y)
30+ more features such as hot zone customization, new sorting logic, proper re-trading rules added, etc.
They finally brought that back. Good.
There is a huge emphasis this year on smooth animations
Coaching intangibles
Extend the pressure, and you can control the help (literally assign who you want to press, etc.)
I wonder if that will fix the dumb over-helping from 2k16

If this game can pull off what this article promises then we're in for a treat. I must force myself to manage my expectations, because every year i get disappointed about something because my imagination of the upcoming game is always better than the reality. But, nice to hear some actual info after weeks of silence.
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Old 08-31-2016, 01:17 PM   #72
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Re: NBA 2K17 Features Improvements Across The Board, Here's 75 of Them

Man....Plenty of good things to digest, but what stands out to me is that 2K continues to seriously up it's franchise game each year. They are, by far, the class of the sports genre in that regard.
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