
NBA 2K17 Hands-On Impressions - Freelance Offenses For Every Team and More (Polygon)

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Old 08-22-2016, 08:24 PM   #113
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Re: NBA 2K17 Hands-On Impressions - Freelance Offenses For Every Team and More (Polyg

Originally Posted by Scramz718
You can also use the shot button along with the left stick to pick your finishing hand. Push the LS in the direction of the hand you want to finish with right before you press the shot button. It not as easy as the RS but the option is there for exclusive button users. You can also shoot floater with the shot button + LS.
i got into the habit of doing this and when you're on the baseline, and sometimes, instead of dunking on the near side of the rim, the player does a reverse layup into traffic. absolutely maddening.
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Old 08-22-2016, 08:26 PM   #114
Finepanther's Arena
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Here's another impression write-up. It seems to be saying the opposite regarding dribbling responsiveness.
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Old 08-22-2016, 08:37 PM   #115
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Re: NBA 2K17 Hands-On Impressions - Freelance Offenses For Every Team and More (Polyg

Originally Posted by phriscaul
i got into the habit of doing this and when you're on the baseline, and sometimes, instead of dunking on the near side of the rim, the player does a reverse layup into traffic. absolutely maddening.

Baseline drives is a problem for left/right dunks with RS too. I go for two hands dunks on the baseline instead.
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Old 08-22-2016, 08:38 PM   #116
WISports's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17 Hands-On Impressions - Freelance Offenses For Every Team and More (Polyg

Some good stuff in there.

I just hope the player responsiveness is improved this year. Nothing like hitting a button or pushing a stick onto to have you player start performing that move a second later. Hard to time things that way.
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Old 08-22-2016, 08:46 PM   #117
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Re: NBA 2K17 Hands-On Impressions - Freelance Offenses For Every Team and More (Polyg

Originally Posted by WISports
Some good stuff in there.

I just hope the player responsiveness is improved this year. Nothing like hitting a button or pushing a stick onto to have you player start performing that move a second later. Hard to time things that way.
The issue is that you can bet that no review will ever mention input lag. A sports game, it's first job is to be responsive yet you will never read about it.

When you go from a very responsive game like Dark Souls 3 and then you launch Nba 2K the difference in responsiveness is pretty shocking.
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Old 08-22-2016, 08:52 PM   #118
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Re: NBA 2K17 Hands-On Impressions - Freelance Offenses For Every Team and More (Polyg

Originally Posted by Steve_OS

Polygon has posted their NBA 2K17 hands-on impressions. Samit Sarkar goes over quite a few things, including freelance offenses for every team, better help defense, timed layups, 2K U with Coach K and much more.

I can already here the online whiners crying about this stealing and throwing the ball into the paint and it getting knocked away if your forcing it. They all cried about losing the ball last year, for what they felt was no reason at all,lol. I do feel for those that do play online and want a fair realistic game though, me I will stick with offline, than play with whinny kids.

I always want the game to be as realistic as possible, so I do hope they have worked on turnovers being more realistic, and not just TO thru steals, or when the code says for the player to throw it way off target out of bounds. Thats where they need to make the biggest jump in gameplay, so I while Im glad to hear that you cant force throw a pass in the paint, how about some actually variety of turnovers like IRL.
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Old 08-22-2016, 08:57 PM   #119
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Re: NBA 2K17 Hands-On Impressions - Freelance Offenses For Every Team and More (Polyg

Originally Posted by alabamarob

The timed layups if done properly will change the game.
1. Wide open layups should have a huge window.
2. Contested layup windows should depend on the player shooting and person/people contesting.
3. When you trigger the mid air change shot, you should not get a new window, but your original window should shrink. So if you hit a perfect release and hit mid air shot change you should still get the layup percentage for a perfect mid air contested shot release.
4.You should still be able to block a perfect layup release though.
5. Huge layup window players should be able to shoot quick, reg, or late timed layups because the window is different. That would add a large variety of layup release points. Like a young tony parker.
6. Poorly rate layup guys would have limited release points.
That would be awesome! ^

Originally Posted by tt500
With changes to layups, hope they made fixes to dunking in traffic and fast breaks. The offensive awareness should allow players to be smart about the dunk animation that would be performed in certain situations.

In 2k16 there's too many chase down blocks by non-blockers cause of those cocked back dunks.

Also hate the block spammers, so many times I pass inside and the opponent spams the block, I should be able to get a easy 2 pts but they usually get a block cause my guy put the ball behind his head. The recovery for block spammers are also too quick, even open layups get messed up because they recover too quick.

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I agree, but I also think that the best way to beat block spammers would be to limit the second jump. Maybe have a frame limit (which is different for different levels of athleticism) that keeps them from jumping at their max back to back to back, which is really the problem with spamming.

I'm sorry if that was tough to understand... ha
I used to put important things here
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Old 08-22-2016, 09:04 PM   #120
Hustle Westbrook's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17 Hands-On Impressions - Freelance Offenses For Every Team and More (Polyg

Honestly I rarely got blocked on chase down attempts on fastbreaks when I dunked the ball. I just go up with whatever hand I'm dribbling with. The player goes up and dunks the ball in one smooth animation, no slow down, and the defender can't reach the ball.

Layups on the other hand? That's a whole different story lol. The most I do is wait for the defender to jump then I go up with it. I don't trust layups on the fast break lmao.
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