
NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

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Old 08-19-2016, 04:00 PM   #25
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Re: NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

Originally Posted by WISports
I'll re-post what I posted in another thread, since this thread is about this specific pic.

There's just so much wrong.

They have his face too fat.

They have his arms too skinny.

They have ZERO muscle definition.

They have his arms disproportionate. His arms above his elbow look way too long. What's going on there?

The sleeve doesn't go high enough on his bicep.

The sleeve should reach his wrist, but nope!

This is just sad and quite frankly unacceptable. With all the work 2K puts into these games, it's sad that they don't hold the art dept. accountable for this garbage. Where's some of these guys' pride?

Alright.. i hope you're just joking around.

This is probably the best screenshot we've gotten of ANY of the players. I've been agreeing with you about the past screenshots with PG+Towns+Jimmy, but come on now. You're basically demanding that these players are perfect.

It's Dennis S.. he's a star nor a superstar. As long as they get the big stars and superstars somewhat good, then i think we should all be happy.

I think we all agree they need to work on the bodies, but i have to disagree with you on this screenshot. This is by far the best screen we've gotten that appears close to the player in real life..
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Old 08-19-2016, 04:00 PM   #26
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Re: NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

Originally Posted by Doubt23
Semms like Dennis Schröder posted a screenshot of himself on his facebook account:

Don't understand a word of German but those laughing emojis in the comments speak for themselves.

Not one to nitpick (and I'm sure as hell not going to be thinking about this when the game drops) but the direction they're going with these bodies is just plain bad. Seems like they're going backwards in a way (excluding Draymond Green). Lighting is great though.
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Old 08-19-2016, 04:00 PM   #27
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Re: NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

I gotta say, his hands in the pic look insanely real.
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Old 08-19-2016, 04:02 PM   #28
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Re: NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

Originally Posted by WISports
Oh, I hear you. If someone says "the models don't bother me" or something of the like, that's great.

But if someone says the models look accurate, etc, then that's just not correct.

We've been complaining about player models for years, and 2K still can't get it right. Are they that bad? Do they not have an eye for details? Or do they just not care?
The way I see it 2K has at least attempted to address it. Not too long ago all player builds were about the same. Now we see some difference. KD is rail thin, maybe too thin, but he's thin and it's pronounced when he's standing next to a thicker player like Draymond. That's accurate to me. Looking at the Shroeder pic I understand that 2K's sleeves don't fit exactly like they do in real life but they have done what they could given those parameters. I'm cool with that. His face is more round than it is in real life, but hey, that kinda stuff happens. D Will's face was BAD back in 2k14, or 15, I forget which one. But by and large the players faces look good. I'll take that and hope for continued improvement.
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Old 08-19-2016, 04:05 PM   #29
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Re: NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

Honestly not a fan. Schroder has some pretty defined deltoids and triceps but he is completely lacking those in 2k17.

It seems 2k heard the complaints about sausage limbs and has over corrected.
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Old 08-19-2016, 04:05 PM   #30
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Re: NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

Originally Posted by Junior Moe
The way I see it 2K has at least attempted to address it. Not too long ago all player builds were about the same. Now we see some difference. KD is rail thin, maybe too thin, but he's thin and it's pronounced when he's standing next to a thicker player like Draymond. That's accurate to me. Looking at the Shroeder pic I understand that 2K's sleeves don't fit exactly like they do in real life but they have done what they could given those parameters. I'm cool with that. His face is more round than it is in real life, but hey, that kinda stuff happens. D Will's face was BAD back in 2k14, or 15, I forget which one. But by and large the players faces look good. I'll take that and hope for continued improvement.
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Old 08-19-2016, 04:22 PM   #31
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Re: NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

As a hawks fan, i am cool with the pic. As long as they differentiate the slim from the broad guys i am good. Like an earlier poster said.
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Old 08-19-2016, 04:28 PM   #32
WISports's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17 Screenshot - Dennis Schröder

Originally Posted by cthurt
Wis I got to ask you man, do you still buy 2k? I'm hard on 2k too man so I understand where your coming from at times but I literally never seen you say anything positive that you liked about 2k in the last couple of years.
I definitely buy the game, and enjoy it for the most part.

But to me, realism just adds to the experience. And players looking like themselves is a huge part of that.

I have said that the lighting looks much better this year, just going off of what we've seen so far.

But these player models being off is inexcusable IMO. It really is.

They CAN make players arms/legs the same thickness as their real life counterparts. Nobody will convince me of otherwise. Yet they don't. Why?

Stuff like the arm sleeve. You can't tell me they can't make it longer, like they are in real life.

Jimmy Butler's body looks NOTHING like him. Again, why? NBA friggin' Live did a much better job at this. That says a lot.
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