
FIFA 17 Career Mode Features Revealed

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Old 08-13-2016, 01:16 PM   #33
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Re: FIFA 17 Career Mode Features Revealed

One thing to keep in mind amidst some of the disappointment...

They promised us that there would be more specific tactics for each team, which we all asked for, and will be very nice if true in a long term career mode.

The last patch on Fifa 16 made the game much more sim-like in style of play (with some slider changes, of course), which could indicate they are aiming for a similar style on release of Fifa 17.

They have made runs, corners, free kicks, penalties, headers, and defense better (at least they say they have)...which should make the gameplay more varied and interesting.

So...the options might not be what we wanted, but maybe the gameplay will make up for it?

Trust me...I'm disappointed in these features too...but just trying to give it some perspective!
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Old 08-13-2016, 04:36 PM   #34
SamuelChapo's Arena
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Re: FIFA 17 Career Mode Features Revealed

Spotted from Gamereactor website:

As we spotted Barça's manager Luis Enrique during Barcelona trailer below, we were wondering whether the time had come already to football games like Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 to include in-game character models based on real world managers, and turns out it's something that might be closer to becoming realised than you may have thought:

"Yes we're definitely thinking about it and managers are now as stars as the star players are, and the star players may be following their path", producer Manorito Hosoda admits. "The legendary star players may now become the managers as well, so they also have an iconic image as much as the players do, so we would like to incorporate that in the game, depending on the star coaches and the players that become star coaches. We would like to focus on them to definitely show that in game."

Its gonna be really tight and interesting race if this is happening on PES also and they have really put on an effort about the tactics side of football this year. After 4 years of playing just FIFA im thinking about giving pes this year the upper hand. Wish gamescom was already this wknd.

Source: http://www.gamereactor.eu/news/44456...ng+considered/

Last edited by SamuelChapo; 08-13-2016 at 04:39 PM.
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Old 08-13-2016, 05:40 PM   #35
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Re: FIFA 17 Career Mode Features Revealed

so is there asian cup to play if i use j-league teams?
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Old 08-13-2016, 06:50 PM   #36
dubcity's Arena
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Re: FIFA 17 Career Mode Features Revealed

Originally Posted by ZO
While knowing that nothing has really changed other than a new can of yellow paint. I kind of figured they would throw the same coding/scripting into the new engine for the first year. This is to be expected. They aren't going to make a new game from the ground up in a new engine, year one. They just don't have time to do that with a one year development cycle. Yes this year wont really be much of an improvement in a lot of areas. But maybe next year we start to see some real change. Hey, a guy can dream right. Also it will look pretty. And FUT. You guys wanna buy any coins? I prefer best value!
I almost feel like calling this a new engine is an exaggeration. A new engine would mean completely new animations, completely redone stadiums, and an overall drastically different look to the game. Like the difference between PES 2013 and 2014. Gameplay I've seen shows none of that.

Last edited by dubcity; 08-13-2016 at 06:52 PM.
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Old 08-13-2016, 11:23 PM   #37
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Re: FIFA 17 Career Mode Features Revealed

Originally Posted by dubcity
I almost feel like calling this a new engine is an exaggeration. A new engine would mean completely new animations, completely redone stadiums, and an overall drastically different look to the game. Like the difference between PES 2013 and 2014. Game play I've seen shows none of that.
Not sure how it could be an exaggeration. Its a fact. They moved from their own engine (ignite) to the Frostbite engine. They more than likely ported as much as they could exactly as it was. And then redid some things that didn't work exactly like before (mostly animations I assume and some AI scripting). As I'm sure some (maybe a lot?) of the programing is very different between the engines. And not all assets (images, etc) would have had to be redone brand new. I'm sure most did.

And its actually a huge difference graphically. I'm not sure what you are talking about. The players and the stadiums looks more life like. As for animations, its hard to judge that without actually playing it yourself. I'm sure there are a bunch of new animations in the game.

I put some player comparisons in the spoiler.


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Old 08-13-2016, 11:41 PM   #38
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Re: FIFA 17 Career Mode Features Revealed

I've always thought FIFA did terrible job on players likeness compared to PES, so Frostbite is a very welcome addition.

Tho I'm not sure Martial is a fair comparison as I don't think he had his face in last years game, as well as Memphis.
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Old 08-14-2016, 02:56 PM   #39
Joshua1207's Arena
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Re: FIFA 17 Career Mode Features Revealed

Nice to see the financial system in. Football Manager has something similar and its a very nice way to track profits & whatnot.
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Old 08-14-2016, 04:51 PM   #40
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Re: FIFA 17 Career Mode Features Revealed

Some nice additions there, but I think there's still a few little ways the modes could be improved simply but effectively.

One of the frustrations FIFA Career Mode players have faced is the reality that the mode has become, so often, an afterthought for developers. It takes a backseat, and probably rightfully so from a business perspective, to the FUT model which draws a lot of money. Although the game’s popularity was founded upon a satisfying offline gamer experience, the mode, for the most part, has had few tweaks and as the game is ported from system to system gamers have, frustratingly, lost as many features as have been added. Indeed, many offline Career Mode gamers often just want features back into the game which have been lost in translation.

So when asking for mode improvements we have to keep in mind the limitations of developer priority and, in my opinion, take advantage of existing coding etc. as much as possible. I believe that within the game as it already exists there are a few ways that the EA FIFA team can vastly improve user offline experience by a major change in philosophy rather than a burdensome change in game development.


Perhaps the simplest way to improve the Career Mode game is to allow greater customization. Customization is an easy answer to so many game issues that plague developers. Issues such as training, player ratings, player progression and decline, player creation all have problems but if EA simply switched editing from OFF to ON a broad variety of players could tend to a broad variety of issues. Allow players global edits, allow players to edit players’ ratings, appearance, access to transfers, global roster controls etc. Simply letting offline players refine the game, as they do with sliders, will increase gamer satisfaction in an impactful way. Perhaps down the line we can speak of roster sharing etc., but immediately allowing gamers to edit in Career Mode is something relatively simple yet a major improvement.

By way of an example, I play Career Mode and manage Canada internationally. I’d love to see EA include the full qualifying but that’s a big add – a simple way to improve my experience would be editing. With such a small pool of players the game auto-generates the same names over and over again and after only a few years it is not uncommon for the Canadian team to be filled with players with the same name and, sometimes, the exact same appearance. Let gamers have access to all of those beautifully rendered faces in the game – why lose those to retirement? Let gamers edit the names with the huge name library so the names are ones that are announced in-game. And let gamers deal with any disagreements they may have with ‘glitches’ for player progression or issues with generated workrates with full editing.

The developers won’t need to create many, if any, new models, new screens etc. It’s all already in the game. Simply allow users to scroll through the faces in the game or edit their own created appearance. And let female models be used in Career Mode, too. It’s 2016 and my daughters still can’t play this game the same way they could if they were my sons. The edit player screens all exist outside the Career Mode – bring them into the mode as well. This would be a change in philosophy for EA who seem firm that gamers play the game a certain way – but a little less ego and more understanding that their market includes players from the ages of 5 to 75 with a wide range of talents and time would improve the overall experience in a significant way with little actual time on their part.

It's exciting to see Madden 17 has full player editing in their career mode this iteration and it would be great to see FIFA follow suit - it's a single feature that addresses multiple issues.

Micro Transactions

If money talks – let offline gamers into the conversation. Although the game has an existing system of game earned rewards etc. the Career Modes have plenty of opportunities for EA to squeeze the customer. Access to alternate kits, job offers, access to features (e.g. editing players, teams, leagues, international, global), could all be time earned or cash now features. I’d wager most offline gamers are the older players, and older players like myself often have more money than time. As much as it pains me to admit it, I’d pay more for more access. I’d complain that it should be included ‘out of the box’ – but frankly, more than once I’ve purchased FIFA for the gameplay and licensing and PES for the tinkering. It’s time for EA to put it all in one place.

Last edited by mcavner; 08-15-2016 at 01:08 AM.
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