
Active Intelligence System in FIFA 17 (Trailer & Interview)

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Old 07-15-2016, 07:01 PM   #9
talucchesi's Arena
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Re: Active Intelligence System in FIFA 17 (Trailer & Interview)

The other fantastic aspect of that part of the video is curved runs finally. Watch Reus from the second he gives up the ball at the halfway line. He knows exactly where to go in order to be dangerous. Really cool to see.

The second gameplay sequence is almost even more impressive. Great awareness and a lovely heelflick into space

Edit: One more thing that I noticed guys, If you watch the cdm's on the radar they are staying back almost the entire time. Working CDM's!!

Last edited by talucchesi; 07-15-2016 at 07:05 PM.
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Old 07-15-2016, 07:12 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
Hopefully the last statement about the varying play styles is true. I wasn't too thrilled about the entire paragraph before that though, sounds like we're back to the CPU just barging forward all game long
This is exactly what I'm thinking....
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Old 07-15-2016, 07:19 PM   #11
talucchesi's Arena
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Re: Active Intelligence System in FIFA 17 (Trailer & Interview)

Originally Posted by ZoneBlitz
Well, I hope the CPU is actually putting some thought into their approach rather than just charging forward. I never felt that the CPU held the ball too much. I don't know where they are getting this from.

I continue to be amazed at how EA persistently and stubbornly ignores our request for team-specific play and more depth in how the AI actually plays the game as a team. I would prefer that far and above any story mode.

They did mention that teams will have more styles based on their attributes, but it seems like an afterthought and not at all a deep part of the game. I have always said they would blow the competition out of the water if the game added the depth intelligent, team-specific play that is truly possible. It blows my mind constantly that they don't do this.

Here's hoping and praying for a great outcome.
I can't stress everything you just said enough. Wish I could stand outside of EA Canada with a billboard that read this paragraph
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Old 07-16-2016, 08:57 AM   #12
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Re: Active Intelligence System in FIFA 17 (Trailer & Interview)

Originally Posted by ZoneBlitz
Well, I hope the CPU is actually putting some thought into their approach rather than just charging forward. I never felt that the CPU held the ball too much. I don't know where they are getting this from.
Don't take this as a personal attack, I don't know you from Adam, but I just can't understand at all where you are coming from with a comment like that.

I play 3 or 4 30 minute games a night, and have for the past 6 or 7 months. I've played with god knows how many slider sets, finally settling on Matt's favourite settings. I'm in my 9th season as Arsenal, so I must have played way over 400 games now.

Now with that out of the way, how can you possibly say the A.I doesn't hog the ball!? It's been one of the most repeated complaints from many, many posters on at least 3 different boards I lurk, for the last 3 games now!

The A.I constantly gets a 89-95% pass accuracy irregardless of the passing ability of the players in the team. A third division team will play exactly the same as Bayern most of the time. That means teams like my hometown team of Southend getting 90% pass accuracy against teams like Barcelona. Seen it time and time again in my games and many, many streams I've watched of slider testing.

Leicester City had an average of just 70.5% pass success last season and won the Premier League.
Barcelona "only" had a 86.8% pass success rate last season.

A 90% plus pass accuracy doesn't exist in top flight football.

I played Leicester as Celtic a couple weeks ago, and I remember they had a pass success rate somewhere in the late 80's; and Vardy? He stood around the whole match waiting for a long pass that was never gonna come. And when he did get the ball his only option was to try and dribble through the middle.

Basically the A.I is extremely limited in FIFA, and don't pay like their real life counterparts.

The A.I stubbornly plays from the back like Spain and rarely hit long balls, even if you give them the Long Ball tactic, it makes no difference.

The A.I plays "tiki taki" or rather "clicky clacky" when they attack, or they pass to the wings and hit crosses. The way they attack is utterly predictable, inorganic and mostly lifeless.

One of the few times they storm forward is in the last 5-10 minutes of the game, when they are desperate to get a result. And how both funny and sad it is to hear Alan Smith say I better be prepared for the barrage of long balls coming my way to then see the A.I click and clack its way through my defense without attempting one solitary long pass.

And when they do hit random long balls and through balls, or play direct and clinical, it is only a bittersweet reminder of the beautiful game I could be playing if EA would fix the custom tactics and improve the A.I's creativity on and off the ball.

So I have to be honest, those last two paragraphs from EA are two of the sweetest things I've read them say in YEARS!

Last edited by Sneaky Deaky; 07-16-2016 at 08:59 AM.
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Old 07-16-2016, 09:21 AM   #13
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Re: Active Intelligence System in FIFA 17 (Trailer & Interview)

Passing accuracy is always going to be inflated in footy games but as long as we see a dynamic approach for attacking from the cpu it should fix those stats. I felt both Pes and Fifa 16 had the same issue with teams keeping possession too well, I really hope this isn't an issue this year.
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Old 07-16-2016, 09:51 AM   #14
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Re: Active Intelligence System in FIFA 17 (Trailer & Interview)

Originally Posted by RoyceDa59
Passing accuracy is always going to be inflated in footy games but as long as we see a dynamic approach for attacking from the cpu it should fix those stats. I felt both Pes and Fifa 16 had the same issue with teams keeping possession too well, I really hope this isn't an issue this year.

Oh, I completely agree it will always be inflated in a game. I'm actually fine with low-mid 80's in pass percentage, it's when they get a low to mid 90's pass success rate that I get a little bit disconnected from the flow of the game. I try to avoid looking at the stats but I can't help myself...

But you are also right that it's not really the percentage that's the biggest problem, it's the intention behind those passes. If the A.I were more direct and risky in their passing and movement their pass success rate would naturally go down and the games would open up, and "human" error would come into play a lot more.

I play with 100 first touch error for me and the A.I just to bring some error into the game. And the great thing is if they do play a lot more direct and faster in Fifa 17 I'll be able to slow them down with first touch error and lower acceleration. It's however much harder to make them play more direct.
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Old 07-16-2016, 04:41 PM   #15
dubcity's Arena
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Re: Active Intelligence System in FIFA 17 (Trailer & Interview)

Last year was slower and more defensive, so this year is going to be more arcade-y. They've been going back and forth like this since FIFA 11
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Old 07-16-2016, 06:54 PM   #16
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Re: Active Intelligence System in FIFA 17 (Trailer & Interview)

Originally Posted by dubcity
Last year was slower and more defensive, so this year is going to be more arcade-y. They've been going back and forth like this since FIFA 11
Last year? As in FIFA 15? Surely not.
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