
SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

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Old 06-29-2016, 01:38 AM   #65
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Re: SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

Originally Posted by Jason_19
Feel free to use me as example, SCEA, because you'll only expose your poor standards for this decision in doing so. I didn't knowingly do anything and I pay pretty close attention to my stubs. For all of you people accusing everyone of knowingly doing that, feel free to keep clinging to your false beliefs.
You've been very contrite, honest, and understanding with your comments today..

It had to be hard seeing all the posts you've seen and very easy to get defensive about them but you haven't.

I think you have to understand that most of the negative posts you're seeing are with regards to the masses and not necessarily your specific scenario. The only posts I've seen specifically directed to you have been a resounding ideal that we all hope that if you were wronged, it will be righted.

The only posts I've made this evening have been with regards to people blaming SCEA for allowing the exploit to happen. To me that's a copout.

I truly both hope and expect that if mistakes were made they will be rectified.
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Old 06-29-2016, 01:40 AM   #66
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Re: SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

Originally Posted by Sandule
Why would I report a loophole. They don't pay me to test for bugs. Maybe some people like to work for free but I don't. If their testers can't find them that's SCEA's problem not mine. Corporations continuously exploit people and situations and they have no issues with it, in fact when they do it it's called competitive advantage! But when the tables are turned all of a sudden they start using the word criminal. I find it hilarious. I didn't personally use the exploit because I didn't know about it, but I paid money for a game and if that game I received has an exploit, then I will use it as that is what I paid for. Again, it's their fault, not mine.
It's SDS's product. If you feel like they're taking advantage of you. Play a different game. Noone has a gun to your head.

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Old 06-29-2016, 02:00 AM   #67
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Re: SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

Originally Posted by extremeskins04
In the video game world, you will NEVER win the "it's the company's fault for making an exploitable game" argument. You're about 15-20 years too late bro.

It does not matter if the company has glitches in the game. If you KNOWINGLY exploit them, then you (the player) are at fault and it's stealing.
Absolutely agree.

Originally Posted by extremeskins04
I know from seeing this kind of thing all the time from games over the years that if you do find a glitch or loophole, you report it, you don't exploit it ..then blame the company for having glitches.
You can't report something you don't know about.
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Old 06-29-2016, 02:08 AM   #68
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Re: SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

Originally Posted by oski96
Absolutely agree.

You can't report something you don't know about.
So when a guy knows that he made a 60K order then after cancelling said order he now has 120K stubs he doesn't know that something is wrong with that? Right.
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Old 06-29-2016, 02:09 AM   #69
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Re: SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

Originally Posted by SmashMan
Really odd to claim a company has no accountability while absolving users who knowingly exploited a system.
It's really odd to claim that everyone banned "knowingly exploited a system" when you do not know any details of how they determined who was cheating.

If you claim to know, then tell me:

1. How did the exploit work.

2. How are you sure that it could not be accidentally triggered.

3. That, if the glitch could be accidentally triggered, that the sweep accounted for this.

* SDS says it is 100% sure its glitch cannot be accidentally triggered.

** Many credible posters that have been banned claimed they did not know of the exploit and did not intentionally trigger it. Most posters who prefer a witch hunt simply overlook that within thousands of transactions a few random stubs here and there are not going to be detected. It's not like we hire an accountant to keep a ledger of our stubs, etc.

*** According to SDS, only 1% of the "exploiters" got banned which is 1,500. That means 150,000 players intentionally used this exploit, yet not one of them ever posted about it. Of course, I say "intentionally" because SDS claims it is "100%" sure that the exploit can only be triggered "intentionally." Cardinalbird5 revealed that one of his friends was told a transaction for 200 stubs was in violation. Think about that. Are you telling me that anyone that had access to what they believed was an iron-clad exploit would pull a 200 stub transaction out of it? Silly. It seems pretty obvious the glitch had been triggered accidentally - yet, SDS refuses to acknowledge or believe it.

I think any rational view of this situation would include the simple fact that given the numbers, it is clear the exploit was triggered by tens of thousands or more people UNintentionally. I don't care how cynical you are, I am not going to believe for a minute that there are 150,000 users out there who would intentionally cheat (and have it remain quiet).

That is basically what SDS is saying - and I find that patently absurd.

Last edited by oski96; 06-29-2016 at 02:22 AM.
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Old 06-29-2016, 02:18 AM   #70
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Re: SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

Originally Posted by redsox4evur
So when a guy knows that he made a 60K order then after cancelling said order he now has 120K stubs he doesn't know that something is wrong with that? Right.
If he KNOWS, then he knows. And I would say if we are talking about numbers that big, the only reasonable conclusion would be cheating.

If we are talking about someone who sets their orders in the morning on the PS4, then checks, cancels and resets later in the day at work, and then comes home later to play in the evening - and the values are not really significant ... I'd say you have a different scenario.

I can tell you that I always have a general idea of how many stubs I have (as well as my inventory) but I really wouldn't know +/- 5 - 10k. Its really not that easy to track when you make hundreds of transactions per day.

And yes, I made hundreds of transactions every day. I have made thousands of transactions and generally make enough to get 1.5 sets done each week.

Bottom line, your example of 60k and my example as given are basically hypotheticals at this point because SDS has not revealed much information as to what the infracting actions actually were and how much was taken. Per Ramon's twitters yesterday, one guy made 3 million over 30 transactions (obviously cheating), but another guy made 100k over 48 transactions - how can we be sure what that means without more information for that guy? If he had a transaction history like mine, you would be looking at one transaction ever 3 days for a few thousand - but in the meanwhile he is making 10x that by just trading. Doesn't make sense.

Also, what is 48? If you clear a slate of buy/sells and only 10 are buys - is that ONE instance, or is it 10? that basically means if a guy cleared his queue from a computer 5 times in 3 months, you are ready to run him out of town? I would not feel comfortable with that in light of the fact we lack context and information about this.

I am quite comfortable banning players that have all the telltale signs of exploiting - that is easy and i have posted them previously. It is obvious they are cheating, but it still requires an analysis of their transactions to make that call.
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Old 06-29-2016, 02:24 AM   #71
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Re: SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

Originally Posted by oski96
It's really odd to claim that everyone banned "knowingly exploited a system" when you do not know any details of how they determined who was cheating.

If you claim to know, then tell me:

1. How did the exploit work.

2. How are you sure that it could not be accidentally triggered.

3. That, if the glitch could be accidentally triggered, that the sweep accounted for this.
Rumor is the glitch was deleted buy orders on your phone/tablet/pc then deleting them on your PS4 moment later. While the system didn't recognize the first delete. Double the stubs were returned into your account.

If that's the case. There is zero chance anyone would be doing this unwillingly. Unless you cam think of a way it would be an accident.

The "sweep" should be pretty strait forward. The game should code a time a buy order is placed. And should be giving an order number. If multiple receipts exist for that order number. I'm sure it would flag strait away.

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Old 06-29-2016, 02:26 AM   #72
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Re: SCEA Bans Many Players for Using Exploits in MLB The Show 16

Originally Posted by NKRDIBL
Rumor is the glitch was deleted buy orders on your phone/tablet/pc then deleting them on your PS4 moment later. While the system didn't recognize the first delete. Double the stubs were returned into your account.

If that's the case. There is zero chance anyone would be doing this unwillingly. Unless you cam think of a way it would be an accident.

The "sweep" should be pretty strait forward. The game should code a time a buy order is placed. And should be giving an order number. If multiple receipts exist for that order number. I'm sure it would flag strait away.

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I have heard legit sounding excuses. One being that using the Community on TSN is slow and you are watching a game and the game finally finishes then you turn your system and cancel the order. Or maybe you think you didn't finish deleting the order on your phone and you do it again on your console.
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