
Madden NFL 17 Videos -Commentary/Presentation, Toned Down Aggressive Catch (iMAV3RIQ)

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Old 06-21-2016, 12:15 AM   #25
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Videos -Commentary/Presentation, Toned Down Aggressive Catch (iMAV3

Originally Posted by BleedGreen710
its one thing for the ball carrier to cover up the ball when a defender goes for a swat. its another for the ball carriers legs to completely stop moving and have his body magically warp into the arms of a defender. I wish it were as complex/ratings based as you make it seem but I assure you thats not the case.

Look no further then this play where a defender from behind somehow influences the ball carriers feet to completely stop moving. and he wasn't "reaching for the ball".

I responded to your first two slow-mo clips from bad angles that do not show all that is going on around the ball carrier other than defenders reaching for the ball and it triggering the ball protect animation.

Not complexed at all, just highlighting what was triggering the RB's to react the the way they did in the two slowed down clips you posted.

This clip is highlighting the "Reach" tackle which shows that the radius of the tackle rating still needs to be tweaked/toned down so the animation doesn't trigger so far away.

Yes I agree on this one, but using a totally different tackle animation to affirm what you're claiming in the first two clips, to me isn't fair to all the hard work Rex and Co is putting into the game.

But I digress, I should've looked at the historical post before responding.
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Old 06-21-2016, 12:27 AM   #26
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Videos -Commentary/Presentation, Toned Down Aggressive Catch (iMAV3

Originally Posted by khaliib
Yes I agree on this one, but using a totally different tackle animation to affirm what you're claiming in the first two clips, to me isn't fair to all the hard work Rex and Co is putting into the game.
so all my gifs of suction tackles have to be the same tackle animation or its unfair to the developers?

... say what?
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Old 06-21-2016, 12:37 AM   #27
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Videos -Commentary/Presentation, Toned Down Aggressive Catch (iMAV3

Originally Posted by jaynral
the pocket is still bad....no sense of preesure, nothing.....the pocket is just too damn wide....
There is no pocket. The line play remains too static and more wall of guys standing there occasionally missing assignment than pocket, with dice-roll through / not through pass rushing mechanics. This was a huge issue in M16 which through sliders you could get something approximating NFL pressure but never a real pocket and never reliable blocking behaviour from your line.

I am optimistic though, that the madden team will come back and re look at the pocket and blitzing dynamics in M18. Just doesn't seem to have made the cut for M17. What they did for zone defense and run defense this year they need to do for offensive line blocking and blitzing next year.
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Old 06-21-2016, 02:45 AM   #28
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Videos -Commentary/Presentation, Toned Down Aggressive Catch (iMAV3

Commentary sounds like it has the potential to be really good, if not now then next year. Colour me intrigued.
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Old 06-21-2016, 06:57 AM   #29
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The same pre-game(fullback running in place), bad motion capture(every position runs with the same animation/movement), and suction tackling from 4 yrs ago.
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Old 06-21-2016, 07:38 AM   #30
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Videos -Commentary/Presentation, Toned Down Aggressive Catch (iMAV3

Originally Posted by khaliib
It's not suction.

It's the "Ball Cover" Trait which causes the RB to focus on protecting the football.

Very, very few ball carriers in the game are set to "never", which prevents the ball protect animation from triggering.

Both vids clearly show the defensive player reaching for the ball which triggered the ball protect animation which is in-line with the Ball Cover Trait level each RB posses.

There is no Infinity Engine gen 3 physics in the game anymore, Rex mentioned this in a interview. Only the gen 4 physics are in the game now.

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Old 06-21-2016, 07:40 AM   #31
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Videos -Commentary/Presentation, Toned Down Aggressive Catch (iMAV3

Originally Posted by Noonie13
The same pre-game(fullback running in place), bad motion capture(every position runs with the same animation/movement), and suction tackling from 4 yrs ago.

I'm not trying to be rude but I don't believe any of that is true, I know the pre-game is different, I've seen different positions run differently, and I don't see the suction tackling from 4 years ago, go back and play that game if you don't believe me.

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Old 06-21-2016, 02:47 PM   #32
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Videos -Commentary/Presentation, Toned Down Aggressive Catch (iMAV3

Originally Posted by apollon42
What sports game has commentary that specific?
One other remark that I would like to make. Why does it matter what other sports game have done prior? Doesn't Madden want to be progressive and innovative?

Originally Posted by roadman
I understand what you are saying Straw, but I'm willing the bet that 75% of the people hike the ball quickly and they wouldn't hear all that much detailed commentary you were expecting.

My goodness, my games are a hour and 15 minutes long as it is up to Madden 16, I don't want to tack on one more minute to that playing time.

To each their own on that note.

Commentary branches

Even if a large percentage of people hike the ball quickly, I would hope there would be a system in place for "commentary branches."

Player waiting to snap the ball with 4 seconds to go

If prior to the snap, they were going to say 1st and 10, under 2 minutes to go, 3 receiver set, single back, defense in the nickel formation, 2 safeties up top, or whatever...

Player decides to quick snap the ball with 25 seconds to go
(A) If player quick snaps, I would like to see "commentary branches," It's 1st and 10, under 2 minutes to go, (player snaps the ball) here's the snap, Winstin drops back, rolls to right, etc.

(B) If player quick snaps (another scenario), It's 1st and 10, under 2 minutes to go, 3 receiver set, (player snaps the ball) Winsten drops back, rolls to the right, etc.

More descriptive commentary during the field of play (after the snap) shouldn't add an hour to the gameplay right? First play from scrimmage. Throwing across the body to the right, the defense taking a bad angle going for the pick, when Jenkins caught the pass at the 35 or and ran for about 41 yards. Mentioning that there was no one within 20 yards, or Jenkins running to the 50, 40, finally Darby chasing him out of bounds at the 23 or whatever yard line shouldn't really add much or anything at all to the gameplay time correct?

Don't get me wrong. Commentary is improved and I have heard some good descriptions after the snap, but sometimes when there's dead air during the play immediately after the snap, it takes the immersion out. They don't have to always describe the play, but something to keep the commentary flowing.
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Last edited by strawberryshortcake; 06-21-2016 at 02:50 PM.
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