
Madden NFL 17 Video - Broadcast Presentation Package

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Old 06-19-2016, 01:34 AM   #97
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Re: Madden NFL 17 - Broadcast Package

Originally Posted by brandon27
Meh... IMO they do.. Networks do crazy stuff with broadcasts all the time. I think we have to remember, EA isnt striving for CBS, NBC, ESPN broadcast style, theyre showing EA's style. It's like a broadcast, separate from the current real life networks.

Im sure, if EA had developed player intros with guys saying their names, and high schools, or stupid names for the colleges they played at and put that in the game before a network did, people would have freaked out on EA too. But because a network did it first, it's ok. I mean, we see these "swagger" type things to intros on Sundays, mondays and thursdays all the time presently, just... a touch differently. Each network does it their own way.

I just dont see the big deal here. It may not resemble a network broadcast you're used to on Sunday, Monday or Thursday, but it sure looks alot network like to me. Just, not one you're used to. Lets not forget, afterall, this is just a video game.
This is such a great point, and I totally believe that is what would happen. "What is this beyond broadcast nonsense, just give us what see on Sundays!"
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Old 06-19-2016, 02:10 AM   #98
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Re: Madden NFL 17 - Broadcast Package

Overall I like it, but I definitely fall into the camp of believing that just because video games CAN do things real life can't doesn't mean they should (I.E. replay close-ups of the ball in the air vs. actually showing the play).

Honestly, what typically bugs me the most about Madden's presentation (which again, as a package I do think is pretty solid) is that they get some of the little details wrong. For example, nearing the end of a half or game, the presentation treats every timeout as a commercial break and big event. The dramatic music queues in and the QB runs to the sideline as the broadcast cuts to a replay. In a two minute drill of a real broadcast, a timeout is often called simply to stop the clock from running. The broadcast doesn't cut to commercial, etc., every time. I wish the game could understand those type of situations better, because the over-dramatized TO gets a little obnoxious... again, especially when I'm just using it as a clock stoppage.

Either way, the effort is definitely appreciated and I'm very anxious/excited to hear the new announcers in action.
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Old 06-19-2016, 02:21 AM   #99
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Re: Madden NFL 17 - Broadcast Package

Originally Posted by brandon27
Meh... IMO they do.. Networks do crazy stuff with broadcasts all the time. I think we have to remember, EA isnt striving for CBS, NBC, ESPN broadcast style, theyre showing EA's style. It's like a broadcast, separate from the current real life networks.

Im sure, if EA had developed player intros with guys saying their names, and high schools, or stupid names for the colleges they played at and put that in the game before a network did, people would have freaked out on EA too. But because a network did it first, it's ok. I mean, we see these "swagger" type things to intros on Sundays, mondays and thursdays all the time presently, just... a touch differently. Each network does it their own way.

I just dont see the big deal here. It may not resemble a network broadcast you're used to on Sunday, Monday or Thursday, but it sure looks alot network like to me. Just, not one you're used to. Lets not forget, afterall, this is just a video game.
I get it that it's EA's style. The logic of it is just doesn't seem to be there in some cases though.

Some of the camera angles, cutscenes, replays, makes me feel like all players/refs are wearing Go-Pros on their heads. There is no way a camera man sprints onto the field, grabs that perspective from ground to air (looking up at the player) that Madden loves to do. It's like there are wirecams all over the field. They're going to need to have a wirecam timeout when all the cameras get tangled together.
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Old 06-19-2016, 05:46 AM   #100
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Video - Broadcast Presentation Package

Originally Posted by Reed1417
Exactly. And video games can do things real life can't. That's why we love them right? I know that's why I do.

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Nah, not with sports sims. I'd like to have them as real world as possible.

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Old 06-19-2016, 07:00 AM   #101
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Video - Broadcast Presentation Package

Originally Posted by SageInfinite
Nah, not with sports sims. I'd like to have them as real world as possible.
Cool, but they don't make the game just for your taste. I reckon a lot of people dig the new intros and line ups, just as there will be people who don't.

The problem is, dudes who like to back their requests as SIM or realistic, go overboard, which is the point brandon27 is trying to make. For all you know this is the type of player intro some networks will use this season, what would you say then?

The game is not produced by CBS or ESPN, it's EA Sports and it's only logical they use their brand as broadcaster, that doesn't mean it is not broadcast style or even realistic.

The game is supposed to strive for simulation of the sport, not a simulation of broadcasting the sport. "What you see on Sunday's" refers to the action on the field not how we see it on tv.
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Old 06-19-2016, 07:33 AM   #102
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Video - Broadcast Presentation Package

How close to what we heard in the EA Play trailer do you guys expect the commentary to sound? Personally I think it will be exactly like that or really close, what do you guys expect?

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Old 06-19-2016, 08:02 AM   #103
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Re: Madden NFL 17 - Broadcast Package

I liked the video board intro with Madden highlights. That was a really nice touch. Wouldn't have minded seeing them recreate those type of things for the QB intros as well because I think that would work a lot better than the NFL Films videos and could eventually even be used for generated players and QB's that change teams. Also gave me the idea of replicating MNF's intro with old MNF moments where maybe they use generated clips with some of the legends that they have in MUT.

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Why is that it seems much of that stuff is completely scrapped every year or two vs being saved and the new stuff added on to create more variety in Madden presentation year over year?
I'm glad you mentioned this because it was exactly what I wanted to hit on. Aerial stadium shots, pre-game anthems and flyovers, authentic stadium team intros, stadium player intros, the post-game "this has been a presentation of the NFL" message, primetime team intros....they've done a lot of great things over the years when it comes to presentation that they've just abandoned.

My main issue is always that there is so little variation on so many levels that every game feels the same whether you're in the playoffs or playing a week 17 game between two 3-12 teams and it creates something that becomes stale very quickly. At first I didn't really like the player intros but the more I see them the more I think they'd be great for playoff games and/or the Super Bowl while using the old player intros for regular games. Like you said, they've done plenty over the years to provide multiple experiences and atmospheres to create a more unique and engaging experience. We should be well past and beyond the point of having a "Broadcast package" and well into different "packages" for primetime games, high intensity games, playoff games, Super Bowls, etc.
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Old 06-19-2016, 08:10 AM   #104
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Re: Madden NFL 17 - Broadcast Package

Originally Posted by DeuceDouglas
I liked the video board intro with Madden highlights. That was a really nice touch. Wouldn't have minded seeing them recreate those type of things for the QB intros as well because I think that would work a lot better than the NFL Films videos and could eventually even be used for generated players and QB's that change teams. Also gave me the idea of replicating MNF's intro with old MNF moments where maybe they use generated clips with some of the legends that they have in MUT.

I'm glad you mentioned this because it was exactly what I wanted to hit on. Aerial stadium shots, pre-game anthems and flyovers, authentic stadium team intros, stadium player intros, the post-game "this has been a presentation of the NFL" message, primetime team intros....they've done a lot of great things over the years when it comes to presentation that they've just abandoned.

My main issue is always that there is so little variation on so many levels that every game feels the same whether you're in the playoffs or playing a week 17 game between two 3-12 teams and it creates something that becomes stale very quickly. At first I didn't really like the player intros but the more I see them the more I think they'd be great for playoff games and/or the Super Bowl while using the old player intros for regular games. Like you said, they've done plenty over the years to provide multiple experiences and atmospheres to create a more unique and engaging experience. We should be well past and beyond the point of having a "Broadcast package" and well into different "packages" for primetime games, high intensity games, playoff games, Super Bowls, etc.

Just a thought but perhaps they've been holding back on having different packages and high intensity games and things like that due to lackluster commentary. With the new commentary if they do it right, especially with their availability, it should open the door for them to do a lot more immersive presentation.

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