
PES 2016 Patch 1.05 and Data Pack 4 Available Now, Here Are The Details

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Old 06-10-2016, 10:12 AM   #17
DBMcGee3's Arena
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Originally Posted by bxphenom7
Ever since the previous update, it's been harder to score and goalkeepers are better at saving though still lack some aggressiveness coming out the box for the ball. Besides lack of fouls, PES looks and feels like soccer, something I've yet been able to say about any FIFA, it feels like a video game. I hope you're playing on Superstar difficulty and no higher than Level 1 support. Not too brag, I'm really good and haven't had these high scoring games like I was having earlier in the year. Anyways, I think we're in for a battle this September with FIFA moving to the Frostbite engine. I haven't felt this much anticipation for a FIFA game in a long time!
They haven't patched the gameplay man, you're fooling yourself. I played a 10 minute game on Superstar (1 bar support) last night and lost 4-3......in 10 minutes! Maybe some people like that, but a goal every minute and a half doesn't feel like real footy to me at all, and being forced to play a 10 minute game just to keep goals in the single digits is garbage in my opinion. There's no midfield build up or mucky play, just guys streaking down the wings and getting way too much space. Don't get me wrong, I love the offensive awareness and fluidity, it's the crown jewel of PES, but the defense is no match for the offense this year, which kills the enjoyment for me. I felt like PES 2013 was the last game that felt balanced.

Maybe it's the sliders I'm using, but currently I find FIFA to be really fun and realistic, and when I score it actually feels good, because it's so much more challenging. I'd love to see more signature play styles and animations added next year, but other than that I don't have many gripes. They nerfed the headers, the defensive AI is better, and I'm not seeing the scripted goals in the 45th and 90th minutes that have ruined the game for me in the past. To each his own, I just find FIFA to be more engaging this year. That being said, I have no problem switching back to PES next year if they can fix some of these legacy issues and get the scoring down. I'm not a fanboy by any means, just call it like I see it.
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Old 06-10-2016, 10:17 AM   #18
DBMcGee3's Arena
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Originally Posted by Ronoko
If you can't tell a difference between the tactics of teams and players in PES then I don't know what to say to you. It's far from perfect, but the overall gameplay feels a lot more natural and like real soccer than FIFA.
Some teams may move the ball around differently, and obviously teams play with different formations, but there's not much goal variety because the CPU always wants to shoot from the same areas. I honestly can't remember the last time the CPU scored a gem on me, and they score a few goals every time I play.

I also call BS on all the teams playing the same in FIFA. If playing against Stoke feels the same as playing against Barca, you're not playing the same game I am. I have far more discrepancies in shot attempts from game to game than I do in PES, as well as a much broader goal variety. Again, I play with sliders, but since PES won't even allow you that luxury, I can't adjust that game to my liking.
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Old 06-10-2016, 06:20 PM   #19
dubcity's Arena
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Re: PES 2016 Patch 1.05 and Data Pack 4 Available Now, Here Are The Details

Originally Posted by DBMcGee3
Again, I play with sliders, but since PES won't even allow you that luxury, I can't adjust that game to my liking.

Have you tried zero assistance passing? That's pretty much the only way I've gotten the game to play somewhat realistically. Plenty of 1-0 matches on Top Player for me. -1 speed helps too.
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Old 06-13-2016, 03:14 PM   #20
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Re: PES 2016 Patch 1.05 and Data Pack 4 Available Now, Here Are The Details

Originally Posted by dubcity
Have you tried zero assistance passing? That's pretty much the only way I've gotten the game to play somewhat realistically. Plenty of 1-0 matches on Top Player for me. -1 speed helps too.
Manual makes a game a whole lot different, not sure why many are reluctant to use it. I hear about high score matches, every shot in the goal and lack of shooting variations etc. but I don't experience these kinds of things at all. I still don't understand the assisted aspect of the game and always wonder, what level of input I have if I play assisted and why would I let the computer decides for me
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Old 06-14-2016, 03:20 AM   #21
dubcity's Arena
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Re: PES 2016 Patch 1.05 and Data Pack 4 Available Now, Here Are The Details

Originally Posted by wkhalil
Manual makes a game a whole lot different, not sure why many are reluctant to use it. I hear about high score matches, every shot in the goal and lack of shooting variations etc. but I don't experience these kinds of things at all. I still don't understand the assisted aspect of the game and always wonder, what level of input I have if I play assisted and why would I let the computer decides for me

Well the top assistance level is so intrusive that it does more harm than good, except for people who literally just want to point the analog stick toward the opposite goal and press pass and not make any decisions (those people exist). Level 1 isn't horrible, but it makes possession too comfortable, which stretches both teams out because it inevitably leads to more aggressive play.

Only downside of manual passing is that it can highlight the AI logic errors more because every match tends to be a scrappy, pins and needles type event, and when the AI screws up it means more.
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