
NBA 2K17: Some Ideas To Make MyPlayer Better...

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Old 06-06-2016, 04:39 PM   #33
JWO35's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17: Some Ideas To Make MyPlayer Better...

Make it feel like I'm part of THE TEAM.
I feel alone in MyPlayer. Its like I play my game and I'm right back in my gym alone. Why not have teammates challenge you to 1on1 to build chemistry? Or they randomly come up to you and fool with you during practice(stealing the ball, goal-tending your shot, contesting your dunk, etc.). Another idea after (or before) a big game the coach/GM wants to meet with you(MyGM style) and you are now on the receiving end of criticism or praise that is dealt out.

Ideas from shoe brands
I know you can create and edit shoes, but it would be nice for the company to come to you with a shoe idea and you have final say to green light it or not. Having customizeable shirts/pants/etc with brand affiliation would be nice too

Allow us to play Overseas/Olympics/Summer League/D-League
2k has enough international teams for our MyPlayer to be sent overseas and play among the "international league". Same with Summer League(its possible). When it comes to the Olympics & D-League if its implemented in 2k17 we should be able to play there as well.

Make us sweat bullets during the Draft & Free Agency
The two most interesting things in the NBA is the draft & free agency. Make it huge when it comes to MyPlayer. Entering the league we should be put through the gauntlet(draft combine, interviews, private workouts, etc.) and have teams making us draft promises, with others saying they are willing to trade up for us, and some just leaving us to wonder.
Same when it comes to free agency. We should go on the usual tour like real NBA free agents with teams making us all kinds of promises(GM input, who we would want to stay and go, other free agents they can get if I sign, endorsements deals, team rebranding input, coach hiring input, drafting input, etc.)

Unexpected Trades
If we have bad chemistry with star teammate, coach/GM, or we are under performing, or a number of negative things our MyPlayer has caused to the team could result in us being trades unexpectedly and suddenly. [Poop] happens and if we want the real-feel of the NBA then if things ain't going right we could find our MyPlayer traded without any warning.

Allow us to pick our agent
Before entering the NBA we should be presented with a list of agents that are interested in us, but all agents aren't created equal. Similar to hiring your staff in MyGM/MyLeague each agent will have specific grades in categories. The three categories can be; Endorsement Deals (A grade means you're more likely get endorsements quicker than usual), Contract Negotiation (A grade means your agent will search for the best deal for you), and finally Priority (IMO the most important of the 3). This will determine how important you are to this agent based on your overall and his other clients. An "A" grade means you are top priority for this agent, but if its D/F he has bigger players to worry about). Another that can be added is badges (just like hiring staff). One agent may be a sneaker-head which means he will try to get you a nice shoe deal, another agent may be a money-maker and will constantly present you with endorsement deals. Some negative badges could be "hot head" which could result in certain teams or endorsers being turned off just by your agent. Another agent could be a "ticking time bomb" which means he wants to see constant improvement from you or he's done being your agent.

Last edited by JWO35; 06-06-2016 at 05:10 PM. Reason: Added more ideas
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Old 06-06-2016, 05:34 PM   #34
zello144's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17: Some Ideas To Make MyPlayer Better...

Originally Posted by JWO35
Make it feel like I'm part of THE TEAM.
I feel alone in MyPlayer. Its like I play my game and I'm right back in my gym alone. Why not have teammates challenge you to 1on1 to build chemistry? Or they randomly come up to you and fool with you during practice(stealing the ball, goal-tending your shot, contesting your dunk, etc.). Another idea after (or before) a big game the coach/GM wants to meet with you(MyGM style) and you are now on the receiving end of criticism or praise that is dealt out.

Ideas from shoe brands
I know you can create and edit shoes, but it would be nice for the company to come to you with a shoe idea and you have final say to green light it or not. Having customizeable shirts/pants/etc with brand affiliation would be nice too

Allow us to play Overseas/Olympics/Summer League/D-League
2k has enough international teams for our MyPlayer to be sent overseas and play among the "international league". Same with Summer League(its possible). When it comes to the Olympics & D-League if its implemented in 2k17 we should be able to play there as well.

Make us sweat bullets during the Draft & Free Agency
The two most interesting things in the NBA is the draft & free agency. Make it huge when it comes to MyPlayer. Entering the league we should be put through the gauntlet(draft combine, interviews, private workouts, etc.) and have teams making us draft promises, with others saying they are willing to trade up for us, and some just leaving us to wonder.
Same when it comes to free agency. We should go on the usual tour like real NBA free agents with teams making us all kinds of promises(GM input, who we would want to stay and go, other free agents they can get if I sign, endorsements deals, team rebranding input, coach hiring input, drafting input, etc.)

Unexpected Trades
If we have bad chemistry with star teammate, coach/GM, or we are under performing, or a number of negative things our MyPlayer has caused to the team could result in us being trades unexpectedly and suddenly. [Poop] happens and if we want the real-feel of the NBA then if things ain't going right we could find our MyPlayer traded without any warning.

Allow us to pick our agent
Before entering the NBA we should be presented with a list of agents that are interested in us, but all agents aren't created equal. Similar to hiring your staff in MyGM/MyLeague each agent will have specific grades in categories. The three categories can be; Endorsement Deals (A grade means you're more likely get endorsements quicker than usual), Contract Negotiation (A grade means your agent will search for the best deal for you), and finally Priority (IMO the most important of the 3). This will determine how important you are to this agent based on your overall and his other clients. An "A" grade means you are top priority for this agent, but if its D/F he has bigger players to worry about). Another that can be added is badges (just like hiring staff). One agent may be a sneaker-head which means he will try to get you a nice shoe deal, another agent may be a money-maker and will constantly present you with endorsement deals. Some negative badges could be "hot head" which could result in certain teams or endorsers being turned off just by your agent. Another agent could be a "ticking time bomb" which means he wants to see constant improvement from you or he's done being your agent.

Marry me that would be awesome
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Old 06-06-2016, 07:40 PM   #35
JWO35's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17: Some Ideas To Make MyPlayer Better...


And I DO!
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Old 06-06-2016, 08:41 PM   #36
SirGaryColeman's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17: Some Ideas To Make MyPlayer Better...

Originally Posted by rbfn04
No, thanks. Online players have enough. Live us some offline modes
The problem is that in order to build your Online Player, you HAVE to play this offline mode.

They need to make it separate or figure out a way that doesn't force us to GRIND against AI. I hate playing AI, when I could be playing real people.
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Old 06-06-2016, 09:53 PM   #37
vtcha's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17: Some Ideas To Make MyPlayer Better...

I have been begging for this ever since 2K10, and probably the main reason why I rarely play this mode...

Please allow the option to shorten the season, similarly to MyLeague. I.e., 14, 29, 64, 82 games.

I'm a fan of playing realistic sim ball, and that means the full 12 minute quarters, but the grind is just way too long. How many of us make it past the two seasons without simulating games?

The more customization, the better!

Last edited by vtcha; 06-07-2016 at 12:04 AM.
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Old 06-06-2016, 10:23 PM   #38
SirGaryColeman's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K17: Some Ideas To Make MyPlayer Better...

Originally Posted by vtcha
I have been begging this for this ever since 2K10, and probably the main reason why I rarely play this mode...

Please allow the option to shorten the season, similarly to MyLeague. I.e., 14, 29, 64, 82 games.

I'm a fan of playing realistic sim ball, and that means the full 12 minute quarters, but the grind is just way too long. How many of us make it past the two seasons without simulating games?

The more customization, the better!
Don't forget the playoffs...

Also, they penalize you for simming too many games, they take away your practice points that go toward earning an attribute.
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Old 06-07-2016, 02:32 AM   #39
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Re: NBA 2K17: Some Ideas To Make MyPlayer Better...

Tske off the attribute caps and have it like nba 2k11 it gives my players more variety im tired of seeing the same position of PG OR C they killed the SF and PF position bring it back!
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Old 06-09-2016, 02:40 PM   #40
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What My Career is missing more than anything is INDIVIDUALITY!!! Forget the storyline. Forget the plays. Forget FA in the offseason (Even though those would be some really nice additions too). But the individuality aspect of the game is gone. And I believe that's more important than any other flaw with this once great game mode. Thanks to the illogical caps 2k brought out this year, there is essentially no use for the SG, SF, or PF positions. The way to make a great SG/SF is to make a tall PG. The way to make a great PF is to make a shorter C. When you play pro am or park there are always the same type of 3-4 players running around. An extremely short 5'5 PG who cheeses his speed and high jump shot ability because by 2k logic, the shorter you are, the faster you are and the shorter you are, the better shooter you are. Which truly makes no sense. You also see7'3 C. Literally the only height that makes sense to have if you make a C. You just have to worry about if it's an outside or an inside. Then there's the stretch "4" which is really a 6'10 SF. And you may get a normal non cheese player every now and then. I say all that to say there is no uniqueness to the mode at all.
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