
What's to Become of NBA Live?

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Old 05-26-2016, 09:40 AM   #49
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Re: What's to Become of NBA Live?

Originally Posted by Black Bruce Wayne
You cant introduce me to Franchise, which came in 1999 first, and then take it away. People want customization and some sort of a Franchise mode, along with what you mentioned. You can have all of those things. This isnt the 90s, they can build it now
Originally Posted by Black Bruce Wayne
You cant introduce me to Franchise, which came in 1999 first, and then take it away. People want customization and some sort of a Franchise mode, along with what you mentioned. You can have all of those things. This isnt the 90s, they can build it now
This is not the point. Nba Live can't do the same work of Nba 2K right now, but EA now can do what Nba2K can't afford to make, that is to focus all resources on a single game. Nba 2K engeneers have to do an entire game, EA engeneers have to focus only on a single match so, this single EA match will be like reality. I mean, not similar to reality. I mean like reality. You have 27 GB of space to reproduce one single game. So the product will be a real game that you can play. A real game like you watch it on Youtube. Any lover of basketball, if you will come across the opportunity to play a game identical to as seen on tv, will spend those 10 dollars via Steam to buy it. And that game will be the absolute reality, because EA can afford to use the 27 gigs of space to reproduce it perfectly as we see in the video.
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Old 05-26-2016, 09:42 AM   #50
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Re: What's to Become of NBA Live?

Originally Posted by vtcrb
No offense to anyone but the single mode option would sell worse than NBA Live 16. No replay value.
If you have the opportunity to manage Michael Jordan like you see in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VpoDl-QzN7Y, you will spend 10 dollars via Steam to play this game perfelty remake like the video? I mean E X A C T L Y in this video.
"For the strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack" Rudyard Kipling
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Old 05-26-2016, 10:11 AM   #51
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Re: What's to Become of NBA Live?

Me an Barbatrucco agree it will be something revolutionary, sort of like vr but a video game people would want purchase just based on the expierence alone so replay value be dammed. You guys must not be aware of what a whole development team is capable of when they poor all their time, energy, focus and resources on one mode. If they get this right the trust between the community will be repaired due to seeing the glimmer of hope their capable of. Junior Moe I agree with your idea too they don't need Kobe career mode that's just my preference because I already receive my basketball fix from 2k. But like you said all they have to do is build the core foundation by getting back to basics like gameplay, mo-cap every animation of the current NBA product and forget features, forget Dynasty, forget customization, forget pro am for only 1yr skip all that and focus on the basics similar to my Kobe career mode and there'll rebuild their brand. Let me ask you guys this question if I had a game that blurred the lines between reality and videogame wouldn't you want to purchase it based on that and have it a part of your video game library collection, well with my idea and Barbatrucco all that would be possible.

Last edited by Crunky; 05-26-2016 at 10:42 AM.
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Old 05-26-2016, 11:44 AM   #52
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Honestly, it all comes down to EA Sports being to proud to admit the real truth...

If they were actually good at making console basketball games, and I mean good in the sense that it's a LEGIT competitor with 2k , they wouldn't be looking to jump into mobile and all this other stuff. They are basically taking their ball (pardon the pun) and finding another court to play on where the competition isn't there to drop 50 points on them every night.

EA is a victim of their own size and success. They are the big fat bloated company with a ton of overhead form VP's that probably know nothing about gaming, share holders, board members, etc. When you get that big as a company working on that many titles, between all the red tape, too many "suits" having too much influence over things that affect that production schedule and talent to produce Live, etc this is what you are left with as consumers.

EA going to play in another space is them simply throwing in the towel and deciding they can make more $$$$ moving to other platforms where 2k isn't at. Put Live on mobile or some other platform that 2k isn't on and they no longer have competition again (on those platforms at least).

I've been a gamer for over 30 years. EA Sports went from a gaming company to a company that "happens" to make games. There's a difference here people.
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Old 05-26-2016, 12:13 PM   #53
Fino Alla Fine
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Re: What's to Become of NBA Live?

I can't really believe what I'm reading in here in terms of what some of you think is a good idea for Live. I mean no offense by that either.

The single mode/game recreation makes less than zero sense to me from a business standpoint and a consumer one.

Some of you are delusional, as one of you even mentioned. This type of game a few of you described would sell less than 16. Honestly I think it would further cement in people's mind the moniker of NBA Live just being a laughing stock.

NBA Live could compete with 2K, EA has the money and the brand but they just haven't either been given enough from EA in terms of resources, or they've just plain failed. Probably a little of both to be honest.

I'd like Live to figure something out for the sake of competition and having options, it's great for the consumer. I don't really have much faith in it though, and I can't even begin to tell you how uninterested I am in a mobile game.

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Fino Alla Fine


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Old 05-26-2016, 01:16 PM   #54
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Re: What's to Become of NBA Live?

Originally Posted by Black Bruce Wayne
You cant introduce me to Franchise, which came in 1999 first, and then take it away. People want customization and some sort of a Franchise mode, along with what you mentioned. You can have all of those things. This isnt the 90s, they can build it now
Its your pick Black Bruce Wayne do you want a fully featured current NBA game with supar gameplay, poor animation quality with replay value or do you want a Kobe career mode that will revolutionize NBA games in the level of detail, gameplay and animation quality without the replay value. The NBA live devs will have 1yr to deliver this product, where would you want their focus, time, resources to be put in to that's the question. The NBA live devs have proven time in and time again that they can't deliver a fully featured game with their method of working top to bottom. I don't know where you come from Black Bruce Wayne but where I come from we work from the bottom to the top.

This is NBA lives method in a nutshell, cool features, Dynasty mode, Pro am with subpar gameplay and animation, well the people have spoken and abandoned ship. The definition of insanity is when you do something over and over and you continue to get the same results. That's why I bring my method to the table, where you are truly working from the bottom on a core foundation than you eventually work your way up to the top by adding fully fledged out features, Dynasty mode, Pro am, customization, etc. Common Sense 101 and it doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure this one out.

Last edited by Crunky; 05-26-2016 at 01:28 PM.
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Old 05-26-2016, 01:48 PM   #55
noshun's Arena
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Re: What's to Become of NBA Live?

While Im not going to say its not out of the box thinking, that 1 off shoot game is a TERRIBLE idea. There would be no incentive to play it as we already know what happens. Whats the point of making a full fledge 1 off shoot game. Why would I spend $10 on that...
NBA Live is the epitome of Cancel Culture..

Originally Posted by Dounte/MLBNFLNBALGS
I'd be the first to call myself a hypocrite.
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Old 05-26-2016, 02:49 PM   #56
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Re: What's to Become of NBA Live?

Let me break this down to you guys in the simplest terms, what if I had a product just forget about the cost of it or if its one match, two match or a whole mode. Only that it blurred the lines between reality and video game wouldn't you want to purchase this product to expierence it. Just imagine the immersion, the detail possible when you have a whole development team focused as one unit on one mode not a whole game. This will revolutionize gaming as we no it the NBA video game will look so real that you couldn't tell if it was a video game, replay value be dammed. The shock factor and WOW feeling is enough to make a day one purchase for NBA gamers period.

Last edited by Crunky; 05-26-2016 at 02:58 PM.
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