
Madden NFL 17 Ball Carrier Special Moves, Fakeout Interaction System & Much More

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Old 05-18-2016, 10:55 PM   #89
Big FN Deal's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Ball Carrier Special Moves, Fakeout Interaction System & Much More

Originally Posted by SolidSquid
I have zero problem with the principle of the tackle battle it's the implementation I don't like. I don't like prompts or indicators on the screen bc it breaks immersion for me. I'd be more okay with it if instead of having to press a random button you had to repeatedly tap say X to simulate driving your feet, that just feels more real to me.(I know some people are against tapping). In all honesty if I could turn it off I would but if all the other things they released today WORK AS INTENDED I won't be too upset about it.

And for god sakes don't call it something gimmicky like tackle battle, just call it football. Hit and drive your feet till the whistle is one of the first things taught in football
The bold makes me think of some movie about "nerds" and the line "are you trying to get beat up?", lol.

I honestly understand their interest in taking something that was completely out of User control and giving the User some input instead but the name and the way the mechanic is described, seems like a miss to me. It's cool though, nobody expects them to bat a 1000, plenty of other stuff still sounds good, hopefully like MrPrice says, it won't even be that notable.
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Old 05-18-2016, 11:35 PM   #90
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Ball Carrier Special Moves, Fakeout Interaction System & Much More

Originally Posted by SolidSquid
Gotta know your RB and gotta time the truck move
Calling that a siill is pretty weak. Some guys have great stick skills and some dont, but pretty much everyone can figure out how to truck. Do you guys get mad when your rb breaks a tackle even when you havent juked?

If you want a realistic game, you should acknowledge that guys break tackles in the nfl purely with balance or leg drive. That should be part of the game
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Old 05-19-2016, 12:11 AM   #91
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Ball Carrier Special Moves, Fakeout Interaction System & Much More

Originally Posted by Allball76
Great direction Rex keep up the good work ! As long as we keep getting real football concepts . I can't wait to hear the sim standard Thursday rex call in again . In Rex we trust (simulation football)!

Did he say he was calling in tomorrow? I must have missed that.
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Old 05-19-2016, 12:30 AM   #92
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Ball Carrier Special Moves, Fakeout Interaction System & Much More

Originally Posted by SportsGamer94
Im pretty sure that's the case, they look good.

Yes some have been thickened, also the Revospeed Helmet was scanned, nice catch.
Please take note that most of what I say and post is made in satire.

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Old 05-19-2016, 12:59 AM   #93
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Ball Carrier Special Moves, Fakeout Interaction System & Much More

Couple things.

Tackle Battle - kinda lost me there, I don't like games where you get random pop up icons, not ever, not in Far Cry, Die Hard, and I sure as heck don't want that kind of weak sauce in my football game. I miss the old leg drive thing where the defender was hitting the wrap up tackle button (or strip button if they were sneaky) and the runner was tapping sprint (as in keeping his legs churning). I thought it made sense in the context of the game and controls and did not require any icon to be displayed. It did need some serious tuning as it felt as though the ratings were not impacting the outcomes as much as button mashing. So far, this is the only "whoa, slow down with the Jack, Joe" type thing out of all I read.

Break Tackle - and, for that matter elusiveness - why are these still ratings??? I don't get it. A guy with high trucking and yet low stiff arm is likely in the NFL somewhere - so his truck rating should apply excliusively when that move is used, same for stiff arm - why is BRK Tackle still a thing when they should be using a lil physics and some strength for "ties" in such situations. Same thing for elusiveness, all players are rated in spin move and juke move, so why the need for elusiveness - It has not had any effect on the field since they took out the system in which the right stick moved up would result in different attempted tackle breaking moves where power backs would truck and little shifty cats would do this weird looking duck and slide deal. It seems to me that this is an area where either the ratings should have an impact that they don't (frustrating defenses with an E. Smith like quality of never being able to really square him up for a brutal hit "elusiveness"or Ahman Green - esque "pin-balling" through side hits and arm tackles) or they impact things that are already rated, in and of themselves, making these 2 ratings superfluous.

My feeling is they should be impacting the game in the way of the 2 examples I gave, which is to say that they would be under the hood type of things, the type of things that just happen because of the ratings and angles and balance and inherent awareness, vision, shiftiness type of things.

But either they need to have some meaningful impact or they need to be removed - and by meaningful I mean not as modifiers or averages of other ratings but as their own sub set of subtle animations or interactions.

Last, but not least - I was hoping to hear about what tools a defender may have in the open field - strafe to move shadowing - like tap the strafe to "break down" then tap tackle button to wrap, something, anything to give open field defenders a fighting chance, again based heavily on ratings with a timing element within there.

I do also wonder if defensive players will now rush the QB, rather than rush the blockers in the passing game - guess maybe another of the gameplay blogs will hopefully address that...
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Old 05-19-2016, 01:07 AM   #94
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Ball Carrier Special Moves, Fakeout Interaction System & Much More

Originally Posted by KANE699
Yes some have been thickened, also the Revospeed Helmet was scanned, nice catch.

So in theory perhaps there were other helmets you scanned? Maybe the Speedflex even?
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Old 05-19-2016, 01:13 AM   #95
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Ball Carrier Special Moves, Fakeout Interaction System & Much More

Originally Posted by Trick13
all players are rated in spin move and juke move, so why the need for elusiveness - It has not had any effect on the field since they took out the system in which the right stick moved up would result in different attempted tackle breaking moves where power backs would truck and little shifty cats would do this weird looking duck and slide deal. It seems to me that this is an area where either the ratings should have an impact that they don't (frustrating defenses with an E. Smith like quality of never being able to really square him up for a brutal hit "elusiveness"or Ahman Green - esque "pin-balling" through side hits and arm tackles) or they impact things that are already rated, in and of themselves, making these 2 ratings superfluous.
I agree on the 1st part but let me take a stab at elusiveness. I am not sure that juking and spinning are all that make a carrier elusive. It seems that some guys even when running a single cut are able to make minor adjustments to get arm tackles to be just out of reach etc, which don't reach the level of user controlled juke moves.

I think of one long TD run by David Johnson on the cards last year when I think of ELU trait in Madden - he basically one cut through like 6 guys and took it all the way home. No spin or juke, but guys had their hands on him, he just was slippery.

OK, maybe its not a good theory here on why it should exist but its the best I've got

FWIW I found that to have the single biggest impact on my ypc in M'16 whereas truck did in M'15. That could also be style driven. I wasn't sure if you meant it did not have an affect much in Madden or just *should* not -- at least I see it does have a big effect now,
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Old 05-19-2016, 01:42 AM   #96
Trick13's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Ball Carrier Special Moves, Fakeout Interaction System & Much More

Originally Posted by Sgexpat
I agree on the 1st part but let me take a stab at elusiveness. I am not sure that juking and spinning are all that make a carrier elusive. It seems that some guys even when running a single cut are able to make minor adjustments to get arm tackles to be just out of reach etc, which don't reach the level of user controlled juke moves.

I think of one long TD run by David Johnson on the cards last year when I think of ELU trait in Madden - he basically one cut through like 6 guys and took it all the way home. No spin or juke, but guys had their hands on him, he just was slippery.

OK, maybe its not a good theory here on why it should exist but its the best I've got

FWIW I found that to have the single biggest impact on my ypc in M'16 whereas truck did in M'15. That could also be style driven. I wasn't sure if you meant it did not have an affect much in Madden or just *should* not -- at least I see it does have a big effect now,

OK, fair explanation, but I would say that you had that one cut ability as a user in the "glory days" (PS2) with "cut moves" which I would still love to see that old control layout return, where stiff arm (switch hand) was directional, jukes were a product of timing both on the field and the RB/LB buttons in which tapping one gave you a 30 degree directional change, and then the longer you held it the more hop like jukes took place and rapi succession of the buttons gave you an incredibly smooth shoulder shake and cut deal that was just magical if you pulled it off - magical, not only because it was difficult to do, but also because it looked so much like what players actually do on Sundays.

Now they said speed moves are supposed to be subtle so maybe the "cut move" makes a glorious return, but I still say that "ELU/BKT" - as they currently are handled is goofy...

And I guess, I would rather handle the subtle moves manually than have the ball carrier vision rating dictating spin moves and hop cuts behind the LOS - That stuff is all well and good, except when I am having to steer blockers because they move (hopefully have in the past moved) as though they are Vulcan mind melded with a RB they can't see...
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