
NBA 2K16's Sixth Patch Finally Balances MyPark and Pro-Am

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Old 05-14-2016, 11:11 AM   #25
10's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K16's Sixth Patch Finally Balances MyPark and Pro-Am

Originally Posted by Caelumfang
No, it's not bad at all. To be honest, the people that disagree tend to have no wife, kids, and/or job. Otherwise they'd realize that some people simply want to play online with the precious hour or two that they can get during the day/week, and don't have time trying to grind all year for VC.

It would be different if it was at least fun. The options shouldn't be spend money or grind through a separate mode. My opinion is nobody should be able to pay or grind through mycareer if it's going to be used for an e-sport type competition. Every badge/upgrade should be attainable in park and pro am.

Players who are actually good at passing/rebounding (not those who put the game on rookie and average 40/20/20 every game) would have higher ratings in those areas. This would lead to more variety in the types of players people use.
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Old 05-14-2016, 12:06 PM   #26
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Re: NBA 2K16's Sixth Patch Finally Balances MyPark and Pro-Am

"I have no doubt 90 percent of the clubs who qualified for NBA 2K16's Road to the Finals tournament got their spot by abusing the gold Breakstarter badge"

No. 100% LMAO.

Ew. The article ends in a list?
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Old 05-14-2016, 12:11 PM   #27
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Re: NBA 2K16's Sixth Patch Finally Balances MyPark and Pro-Am

Originally Posted by 10
It would be different if it was at least fun. The options shouldn't be spend money or grind through a separate mode. My opinion is nobody should be able to pay or grind through mycareer if it's going to be used for an e-sport type competition. Every badge/upgrade should be attainable in park and pro am.

Players who are actually good at passing/rebounding (not those who put the game on rookie and average 40/20/20 every game) would have higher ratings in those areas. This would lead to more variety in the types of players people use.
So people who want to play online with a couple friends, but don't have anywhere near the amount of free time as some of these other people who literally LIVE the game should be otherwise doomed to have a crap-tier player for most of the year? Yeah, no. This isn't an MMO.
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Old 05-14-2016, 12:54 PM   #28
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Re: NBA 2K16's Sixth Patch Finally Balances MyPark and Pro-Am

Originally Posted by Caelumfang
So people who want to play online with a couple friends, but don't have anywhere near the amount of free time as some of these other people who literally LIVE the game should be otherwise doomed to have a crap-tier player for most of the year? Yeah, no. This isn't an MMO.

I mean you should be rewarded for playing more but you should also be rewarded for being better. There's probably a better balance but the way it is right now isn't the answer going forward.

If you want to play casually then yes your rating would reflect that. You should have to play the game a lot to be a 99. If you start out at say a 78 it's reasonable that if you're decent at the game and can average around 3/2/1 (depending on position it would be switched if you're a big) that after 250 games you'd be at least an 85. This would be a better way of separating the best players. You'd have to have a combination of actually being good at everything to be a 99 as well as put in more time.

If you don't want to play mycareer or spend money you're basically screwed trying to upgrade from park or other offline modes. It has to cost ~75-100k vc to get to an 88. How many games is that in park if you're getting 150-200 each game?
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Old 05-14-2016, 07:25 PM   #29
ruxpinke's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K16's Sixth Patch Finally Balances MyPark and Pro-Am

I don't mind being capped at 88 since I bought my way there. Would like the ability to earn badges as I play park and pro am though. Someone who doesn't have the time or want to play my career shouldn't be locked out of earning badges. I've invested 800 games in park this year with Zero badges to show for it

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Old 05-17-2016, 03:59 PM   #30
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Re: NBA 2K16's Sixth Patch Finally Balances MyPark and Pro-Am

Originally Posted by Yesh2k
I really disagree; taking gameplay options away from me in mycareer to balance out park is a horrible idea.

Unless you want to give me team mates that play to their attribute ratings, and an opposition that is governed by the same game rules as I am, then instead of improving park, you're just watering down mycareer even further than it has been.

I think if the modes were separated, so you could have a create a park player instead of linking him to mc, then I'd be happy to see it, but you're robbing Peter to pay Paul if you want to balance out park by further weakening career mode. 82 games is a long season to play, if we have to be pigeon-holed like this system.

I wouldn't even bother with career if this system was in place, I'd just player lock myleague instead.
I pose the same question I have in many threads:

why do you think that your player should be the GOAT? Every my player is the best player in NBA history getting 1960s wilt stats, on whatever difficulty. You can stick it to anyone in the nba once you are about a 80, if you know how to play. Once you get over 90-95 you are only limited by how seriously you want to play. Then add badges on that...

You should have to play a great game when you face off against one of the superstars in the nba, it shouldn't be like o now time to embarrass another superstar. They come out in the beginning on the cutscenes like "I'm gonna get u Freq" and you're just thinking nah I'm gonna get an effortless 40-20-10 on you like I do on everyone else. And if I'm feeling like you talked too much trash, I'm gonna drop 60 just for luls.

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Old 05-17-2016, 05:14 PM   #31
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Re: NBA 2K16's Sixth Patch Finally Balances MyPark and Pro-Am

Originally Posted by ILLSmak
I pose the same question I have in many threads:

why do you think that your player should be the GOAT? Every my player is the best player in NBA history getting 1960s wilt stats, on whatever difficulty. You can stick it to anyone in the nba once you are about a 80, if you know how to play. Once you get over 90-95 you are only limited by how seriously you want to play. Then add badges on that...

You should have to play a great game when you face off against one of the superstars in the nba, it shouldn't be like o now time to embarrass another superstar. They come out in the beginning on the cutscenes like "I'm gonna get u Freq" and you're just thinking nah I'm gonna get an effortless 40-20-10 on you like I do on everyone else. And if I'm feeling like you talked too much trash, I'm gonna drop 60 just for luls.

And my question to you is: Who the hell do you think wants to buy a $60 game where your character can only become above average, or 'good' at best? That would be stupid. If they want to make superstars play like their real life counterparts, or make the game more difficult, fine. But just because you and a handful of others want to max out at 'above average' doesn't mean the majority does. Like I told someone else, if you want your player to be 'above average', then don't bother to raise your stats anymore once you hit a certain plateau. Simple.
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Old 05-17-2016, 07:01 PM   #32
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Re: NBA 2K16's Sixth Patch Finally Balances MyPark and Pro-Am

They fixed Break Starter, but as far as I can tell, this was done really lazily with a flat global percentage for passes to go out of bounds.
  • No determination if there is a player around the passer.
  • No determination if there is a player around the pass receiver.
  • No determination if the pass you throw is a good pass or not.
  • If you roll good, you can still throw the most ridiculous nonsense.
  • If you roll bad, you can miss a gimmie for somebody of LBJ/KLove caliber.
  • a random % of passes simply go out of bounds regardless of all other circumstances.

Anybody notice anything different?
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