
Madden NFL 17 Address All 3 Phases of the Game: Offense, Defense & Special Teams

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Old 05-13-2016, 10:03 AM   #113
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Address All 3 Phases of the Game: Offense, Defense & Special Teams

EA isn't that stupid to make CFM stuff cost money. Look at the backlash that 2k got. Would be a huge heel turn for EA and the Madden series after last year.

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Old 05-13-2016, 10:04 AM   #114
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Address All 3 Phases of the Game: Offense, Defense & Special Teams

Originally Posted by jpdavis82
I don't know what it is, we will have to wait and see, hopefully not.
the fact they kept going back to that topic,eventhough the callers were not taking the bait, except one guy, and asking people to call in give stuff they are "willing to pay for" just really leads me to think thats where its heading in either madden 18 or 19. That just makes me sick. Paying for a "deluxe edition" for CFM is just a joke.Just them talking about it so much really has me worried about it .

Ive met alot of cool guys thru CFM and being a commish since madden 12.Bult some friendships thru it and those guys still in the league. I hate the idea id have to walk away from that because EA has to be so dang greedy. That just really ticks me off.They making plenty of money on madden as it is.
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Old 05-13-2016, 10:04 AM   #115
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Address All 3 Phases of the Game: Offense, Defense & Special Teams

Originally Posted by jpdavis82
Comparison shot of Gurley in 17 vs IRL I just made

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First two things I noticed were the lack of a lip guard and that the colors on madden don't pop. The pose is spot on though
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Old 05-13-2016, 10:05 AM   #116
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Address All 3 Phases of the Game: Offense, Defense & Special Teams

Originally Posted by RexDEAFootball
These are not just general improvements. Let's take zones, for example.


"Finally Zone Coverage has been completely overhauled, with the addition of 8 new zone concepts never before seen in Madden. Defenders have more awareness of threats to each zone and can pattern match receivers, creating defensive counters to stop virtually every passing concept"

Read this. Time to get excited gentlemen.
I'm quoting Rex for emphasis because this is important.

The "drop to spot" zone coverage concept that's been in every football game since the dawn of time is, while not necessarily wrong, a naive implementation of zone defense. NFL teams and FBS level college teams don't play drop-to-spot zones really at all, they use pattern match zone defenses. An NFL linebacker in a Cover 3 match defense doesn't wait for receivers to enter his assigned region of the field in a stubborn hook zone assignment, rather he tracks multiple receivers and based on their route combinations works towards a specific receiver.

If Tiburon nails pattern matching in Madden 17, you can basically take everything you know about how zone defense operates in Madden 16 and any other football video game you've ever played and chuck it out the window. This is not a token "we improved defensive AI this year" change, this is a concept that fundamentally changes how one calls and strategizes pass defense in Madden. Assuming they get it right or even somewhere close, this is a real-life advanced football concept you must learn to succeed in Madden going forward.
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Old 05-13-2016, 10:05 AM   #117
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Address All 3 Phases of the Game: Offense, Defense & Special Teams

Originally Posted by Cowboy008
If we have to pay more for CFM content than I'm out. There's no reason to pay for things in CFM. It should come with everything already and you shouldn't have to pay to get more content this isn't MUT.
Agreed, at that point , if they did that, you wouldnt be able to even get but half a game for 60$ . Everything would start being a paid for mode.Screw that.
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Old 05-13-2016, 10:08 AM   #118
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Address All 3 Phases of the Game: Offense, Defense & Special Teams

Yes, I am interested in seeing exact quotes from the show. Or if someone could provide me a link to a video or audio of thd show, that would be great. It's one thing to ask for feedback on things like this and take a look down that Avenue to try and maximize profits. It's another thing to actually put things into motion to actually implement a money making tactic like that.

Nobody here wants that and I think the backlash would be to great for them to actually do it. Their ultimate job though is to make money and if they thought it was worth it to mention the idea to the public, fine. But no way do I see them doing it.

The only thing I could possibly see them doing is adding legends to the FA pool via pre orders and paid content. I don't like the idea but I would still buy Madden. Now, if they put features behind a pay wall, I'm out. Goodbye, cya later.
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Old 05-13-2016, 10:12 AM   #119
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Address All 3 Phases of the Game: Offense, Defense & Special Teams

Originally Posted by howboutdat
Agreed, at that point , if they did that, you wouldnt be able to even get but half a game for 60$ . Everything would start being a paid for mode.Screw that.
If it were only legends they asked you to buy to use In CFM, would you still not purchase Madden?

I think at that point, it's only an option that in no way affects my game. It's not a pay to win scheme. And I wouldn't even use them, so Madden wouldn't even get my money. If someone else wants to purchase Legends to add to their FA pool, that's great, good for them.
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Old 05-13-2016, 10:12 AM   #120
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Re: Madden NFL 17 Address All 3 Phases of the Game: Offense, Defense & Special Teams

Originally Posted by Dwaresacksqb
Yes, I am interested in seeing exact quotes from the show. Or if someone could provide me a link to a video or audio of thd show, that would be great. It's one thing to ask for feedback on things like this and take a look down that Avenue to try and maximize profits. It's another thing to actually put things into motion to actually implement a money making tactic like that.

Nobody here wants that and I think the backlash would be to great for them to actually do it. Their ultimate job though is to make money and if they thought it was worth it to mention the idea to the public, fine. But no way do I see them doing it.

The only thing I could possibly see them doing is adding legends to the FA pool via pre orders and paid content. I don't like the idea but I would still buy Madden. Now, if they put features behind a pay wall, I'm out. Goodbye, cya later.


Rex told them the CFM devs were all listening last night, and they kept going back to "what would you be willing to pay for" ..... to me, seemed alot like, trying to see if people would just pony up what they would pay for, sadly i didnt hear anyone call in and say F that.That is kind of what makes me feel uneasy about it .

I hope your right , and would like to think your right, the backlash would be huge.But i know one thing, people can be conditioned slowly to accept things( just take a look around society today).People either push back when the idea is introduced, or your will find it a part of your reality soon.
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