
EA Sports UFC 2 Features 2 Playable Versions of Mike Tyson

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Old 01-20-2016, 01:45 PM   #9
godylla's Arena
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Re: Mike Tyson is EA UFC 2's Mystery Fighter

Originally Posted by OpenSource
Wow, saw this announced and I'm just completely amazed, and not in a good way.

The first obvious reason is a boxer belongs in an MMA game about as much as a football player belongs in a baseball game. We've seen what happens to a boxer in the octagon dating back to the first few UFC's, and Randy Couture vs. James Toney. At least Bruce Lee somewhat made sense because his Jeet Kune Do philosophy of eclectic training and adapting somewhat fits the idea of combining arts to what MMA is today.

Second, the legacy of Tyson in popular culture is completely overrated. He cleaned up a heavyweight division that was similar to today. A lot of alphabet belts, no real dominance, not a ton of interest. King setting up fights to gain interest and knockouts was the true 'genius' of his legacy. His claim to fame is knocking out a guy fighting above his true weight class in Spinks. In the end, never fought Bowe in his prime, when he got out of jail Holyfield beat him twice, and Lewis beat him when they were both past their prime.

Finally, the revisionist reverence about Tyson today is completely odd. He was in a Hangover movie, and a documentary, now Dana White and others want to praise him. Uh, does anyone remember that this psychopath raped someone, used to beat his wife, bit someone's ear off in the ring, and has a criminal record a mile long? Teddy Atlas once put a gun to Tyson's head when he started training after he groped his 11 year old relative.

Everyone wants to act like he's a big teddy bear now and pat him on the back and Dana White gives him lifetime front row seats, but he's still as angry and psycho as ever. Even just a year plus ago when a Canadian reporter asked about his past you can see him snap back into his usual rage filled psycho rant form.

If Zuffa wanted him to be in there, that's fine, I don't blame EA if they were told to do it. But if the developers thought it was a good idea, they should be ashamed. It's pathetic this psychopath rapist child beater is being promoted for a sport he's never even competed in.
Not a fan of his out of the ring actions either, but he did the time that he was given, and has acknowledged his wrongdoings many times. I think it is fair to give a guy a second chance to prove that he has changed.

As far as in the ring goes, he fought who they put in front of him. He didn't get to choose to fight all the greats before him. Was he the greatest of all time? Probably not. But, to say there wasn't interest? I remember a past his prime Tyson still getting a crap load of interest in PPV buys in the mid-late '90's.

And at the end of the day, it's just a video game.
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Old 01-20-2016, 01:53 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by areobee401
Seeing that makes me want a new Fight Night even more.
Pretty much! Maybe it's a hint that one's coming? One can dream lol
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Old 01-20-2016, 01:55 PM   #11
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Re: EA Sports UFC 2 Features 2 Playable Versions of Mike Tyson

Originally Posted by scottyp180
Open-source well said. Similarly I was having a conversation with friends last night about Mike Vick and how people seem to completely forgive and forget his past actions. As the saying goes "time forgives (or foegets) all". Tyson's actions were so far in the past that people either forget or just weren't around back then to care.

As it pertains to this game, however, it does seem like a odd choice. I guess if you are just going to stand up it works but what can you do with Tyson once his opponent takes him down? He'Lloyd be fun to play with when playing with friends, me and my friends typically just slug it out, but other than that he is a bit out of place.
I think most people dont care anymore. The rape case was almost 25 years ago (which many people believe he was innocent). He's fought multiple times since then and appeared on the cover of 2 Fight Night games.

I would have a problem with him being on the roster...if there werent 250 actual MMA fighters in the game. If you dont want to use him, you dont have to. Its not like he was taking a spot from a popular UFC fighter.
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Old 01-20-2016, 02:06 PM   #12
scottyp180's Arena
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Originally Posted by aholbert32
I think most people dont care anymore. The rape case was almost 25 years ago (which many people believe he was innocent). He's fought multiple times since then and appeared on the cover of 2 Fight Night games.

I would have a problem with him being on the roster...if there werent 250 actual MMA fighters in the game. If you dont want to use him, you dont have to. Its not like he was taking a spot from a popular UFC fighter.
Very true. And tbh I'm not sure I could think of a better option, at least not without seeing the entire full roster and seeing if there are any big exclusions.

Part of me wonders if this is sort of a mini tease for an upcoming, unannounced Fight Night game. That series has been dark for some time now and I can't imagine that EA has called it quits.
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Old 01-20-2016, 02:12 PM   #13
godylla's Arena
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Re: EA Sports UFC 2 Features 2 Playable Versions of Mike Tyson

Originally Posted by scottyp180
Very true. And tbh I'm not sure I could think of a better option, at least not without seeing the entire full roster and seeing if there are any big exclusions.

Part of me wonders if this is sort of a mini tease for an upcoming, unannounced Fight Night game. That series has been dark for some time now and I can't imagine that EA has called it quits.
I could be remembering this incorrectly, but isn't the team that works on UFC the same team that worked on Fight Night? So if anything, EA would either have to create a new team for Fight Night. Or they would release a Fight Night and a UFC every other year with the 2 year cycle that UFC is currently on.
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Old 01-20-2016, 02:18 PM   #14
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Re: EA Sports UFC 2 Features 2 Playable Versions of Mike Tyson

Originally Posted by godylla
I could be remembering this incorrectly, but isn't the team that works on UFC the same team that worked on Fight Night? So if anything, EA would either have to create a new team for Fight Night. Or they would release a Fight Night and a UFC every other year with the 2 year cycle that UFC is currently on.
They would have to create a new FN team. Because this team has probably been working on UFC 2 since UFC 1 was released and probably before that, TBH.
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Old 01-20-2016, 02:22 PM   #15
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EA Sports UFC 2 Features 2 Playable Versions of Mike Tyson

Originally Posted by scottyp180
Very true. And tbh I'm not sure I could think of a better option, at least not without seeing the entire full roster and seeing if there are any big exclusions.

Part of me wonders if this is sort of a mini tease for an upcoming, unannounced Fight Night game. That series has been dark for some time now and I can't imagine that EA has called it quits.

I don't know but there doesn't appear to be any movement towards another FN game soon. Its always possible that EA could hire a second team but I wonder if the Fight Night series is even viable anymore. I gotta think that FN was expensive to make given the individual licenses they had to get (Ali, Tyson, Leonard, Foreman, Pacman).

A potential FN game is also limited by EA's recent changes when it comes to sharing content. One of the reasons I still play that game is because of the Fighter Share and the fact that I can download good versions of new boxers. That wont be a possibility with a new version.

Last edited by aholbert32; 01-20-2016 at 09:34 PM.
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Old 01-20-2016, 02:27 PM   #16
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Re: Mike Tyson is EA UFC 2's Mystery Fighter

Originally Posted by godylla
Not a fan of his out of the ring actions either, but he did the time that he was given, and has acknowledged his wrongdoings many times. I think it is fair to give a guy a second chance to prove that he has changed.

As far as in the ring goes, he fought who they put in front of him. He didn't get to choose to fight all the greats before him. Was he the greatest of all time? Probably not. But, to say there wasn't interest? I remember a past his prime Tyson still getting a crap load of interest in PPV buys in the mid-late '90's.

And at the end of the day, it's just a video game.
The guy has had more chances than about anyone in the world based on his popularity. He hasn't changed a bit, go look up the interview with the Canadian TV show about a year plus ago where he started dropping F bombs when the interviewing brings up his past. He's like a pit bull, he could snap at any moment. If people pat him on the head and give him front row tickets, he's fine, but he's still got some serious mental issues.

And it's sad some people have to throw in 'many think he's innocent' about a rape he was clearly convicted of, with physical evidence and a witness corroborating the way the victim was after the incident? There's a reason he was convicted, it would be more shocking to me if he hasn't done it more than once with his history, not that he DIDN'T do it. It's sad there has to be victim blaming and excuse making over a videogame.
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