
2K Announces NHL SuperCard Featuring Minnesota Wild Left Wing Zach Parise

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Old 10-08-2015, 11:46 PM   #9
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Re: 2K Announces NHL SuperCard Featuring Minnesota Wild Left Wing Zach Parise

Doubt this will have anywhere close to level of players as we saw in NBA or WWE version,but hopefully still gets support. I'll be playing it a fair amount,so hopefully things end up well. If they have anything like PCC in this,might be able to get a higher tier simply cause of not as many people playing.

Originally Posted by murph17
Any tips? Never been into these card battle games. This one (so far) has my attention. But I have so many questions...

- are the results 100% dependant on the stats? Or is there a RNG/dice roll behind the scenes?

What are some rounds worth 2-3pts and others just one?

Do season mode games run overnight? Seems like someone who is up to manage their roster has huge advantage here. Will I wake up tomorrow and have team full of exhausted guys?
Results are dependent on stats, but matchups do suck at times. It was the worst in the NBA card game cause almost everyones best stat was offense, so if your opponent got the offense stat for the matchup,it was almost automatic loss for you. WWE and NHL(so far from what I've seen) isn't bad though. Just gotta think strategically at times/recognize AI patterns.

I think it's 1 card for a loss,2 for a win,3 for a shutout(which I like,it's what I've been hoping for in the WWE game for awhile,give people extra incentive to try for all 3 matchups,even if you're winning 2-0 already)

Season modes go overnight,however,time zones and people having lives impact it alot too. WWE more than NHL or NBA,had people from all over the world,so just cause you're sleeping,doesn't mean it can't be 4pm for some other player in your mode.

My best strategy for that is to re-engergize before going to bed,do it again after waking up. And if you can,do it at least 1 more time during the day. Like I said,it could just depend on how many people "have a life". If you're truly dedicated to the game,you can win fairly easily,though even just casually playing in season mode should be more than enough to at least get you in playoffs(and getting a decent to good reward)
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Old 10-10-2015, 06:39 PM   #10
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Re: 2K Announces NHL SuperCard Featuring Minnesota Wild Left Wing Zach Parise

The board pulls and matchups get frustrating at times.

I've played close to 200 games,and have just 3 super rare cards. 2 of which are LW(which isn't a good thing,since season mode deducts more stamina if guys play out of position),the other s D. I got like 10+ rare dmen, probably 5+ rare LW, and 1-2 combined rare C,RW,G.

Skating is my cards worst stat,and I got no skating support card,but the matchups call for skating on my side quite often.

Overall though,is a fun game,cause games are much quicker than WWE or NBA to play. Just wish season mode was quicker. It's like NBA where each game basically take an hour,so you're looking at around 82 hours to play regular season, plus who knows how many hours for playoffs. So you're looking at 3.5-4 days of season mode just to get a reward(compared to WWE where it's just over 2 days to complete that).
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Old 10-11-2015, 01:04 PM   #11
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Re: 2K Announces NHL SuperCard Featuring Minnesota Wild Left Wing Zach Parise

Started a season yesterday around this time. I'm on game 39. So basically a full 2 days for regular season and what, another day for the playoffs to finish? Not too bad.

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Old 10-11-2015, 05:50 PM   #12
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Re: 2K Announces NHL SuperCard Featuring Minnesota Wild Left Wing Zach Parise

82 hoursish for regular season. So over 3 days. Plus an extra day or so for playoffs depending how far you go and how many games others series go.

Guess people just got spoiled with wwe one cause that was 2.5 days at most with playoffs
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Old 10-13-2015, 04:29 PM   #13
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Re: 2K Announces NHL SuperCard Featuring Minnesota Wild Left Wing Zach Parise

Originally Posted by Majingir
The board pulls and matchups get frustrating at times.

I've played close to 200 games,and have just 3 super rare cards. 2 of which are LW(which isn't a good thing,since season mode deducts more stamina if guys play out of position),the other s D. I got like 10+ rare dmen, probably 5+ rare LW, and 1-2 combined rare C,RW,G.
Ooof. That's some bad pack luck. I just hit 300 GP to get my super rare Corey Crawford. Also got another super rare for losing in finals in season mode. So minus those two rewards, I have 6 super rare in 300GP.

Two super rares for one position isn't the worst thing - you really need two solid lines for season mode anyways.

Cruised to #1 seed in my first season. After about 30-40 games in, #1 had 1 loss and I had 8 but we made up the difference in the second half as I learned about training cards. Cruised through first three rounds of playoffs too then ran into trouble. I did some training and used some boosts, but didn't want to go too crazy with the training because I had much better cards to use in season 2.

Other random observations, comments, questions...

- so it took 200-something games before I realized I had to manually "play" one of my coaches cards for it to take effect. whoops. the instructions for this game are soooo lacking.

- didn't understand training right away either. i discarded a good 30-40 common cards before I realized I was supposed to use ALL of them to train up my other cards.

- so i'm supposed to max out training on my rare or better cards BEFORE combining them to make a pro version? so that the Pro version will train to a higher level? what if i have no real intention of using/training the Pro version card? should i just combine then?

- are there bonuses for completing team collections?
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Old 10-13-2015, 06:51 PM   #14
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Re: 2K Announces NHL SuperCard Featuring Minnesota Wild Left Wing Zach Parise

Originally Posted by murph17
- didn't understand training right away either. i discarded a good 30-40 common cards before I realized I was supposed to use ALL of them to train up my other cards.

- so i'm supposed to max out training on my rare or better cards BEFORE combining them to make a pro version? so that the Pro version will train to a higher level? what if i have no real intention of using/training the Pro version card? should i just combine then?

- are there bonuses for completing team collections?
Combine cards before using them to train other cards. I think uncommons are like 40xp for each single,but 85xp if you combine it. So even if you got no intention of using the card in a game,still try to hold on to some cards so you can combine it and make them a pro and then just get the extra XP when training up other cards.

I wouldn't get "proper pros"(meaning both singles were fully trained before you combined them) for rare or lower tier. Super Rare and higher though you should pro them. If you got no intention of training/using the card like I said,then just combine them before you use that card to train up some other card.

You get no rewards for completing team collections,so holding onto cards isn't really useful.

Even if you got no cards you currently want to train up, if you can,just pro the rare cards(without training it) and then just train up abunch of cards. So it'd be like you got abunch of cards waiting in your deck to train up super rare or higher tiers if you have duplicates of a card. Crawford for example,since you know for sure you'll be getting another one once you hit the next ladder reward, he'd be a card you should train up,and then maybe train up an uncommon or rare card,so by time you get the next crawford card,you just use that trained up uncommon or rare,on crawford,and he'd be trained up almost right after you get him.
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Old 10-13-2015, 10:19 PM   #15
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Re: 2K Announces NHL SuperCard Featuring Minnesota Wild Left Wing Zach Parise

OK thanks. That makes sense. I have been basically filling my deck, then combining all my pros, then using the pros to train my super rares.

So trained up cards are worth more XP when training another card? That's good to know...my impression was that the prior training would essentially be lost.

Also there is now a sub-reddit for this game. Some good info/discussion there

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Old 10-14-2015, 12:15 AM   #16
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Re: 2K Announces NHL SuperCard Featuring Minnesota Wild Left Wing Zach Parise

I have a feeling most people on that forum are the hardcore players. Almost like this forum for the other games, with so many people who have more losses than I even have games played lol.

I'm not sure if perfectly proed cards are worth more,cause in the WWE game,trained singles are worth more than untrained perfect pro(meaning both singles were trained before being combined,but the newly combined card wasn't trained yet) in terms of training xp points.
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