
NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

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Old 09-16-2015, 07:32 PM   #273
Ownal0t's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

Ok my impressions. i played abomination known as 14 and i loved 15 and 16 for me feels like a day 1 buy.

First off, im not really a graphic guy but really. mods should look into banning the people saying this game looks like ****. like LOLWHAT? i get that you have opinions and what not but tocompare this to a mobile game is trolling.

back on track,this game feels better than 15 but it still has what i think at this point are legacy issuses. i start with the cons. all things here are based off 10 Regular games and 25 ish Pro am ones

WHY EA. WHY CANT THIS BE FIXED. this is the 3rd year where i have to pray that they miss. instead of knowing that my great Defense will be rewarded.
Perimeter Defense is "fine" but i try to get back on that on

I feel like these are too fast and they start too early and there no way to stop it. they get blocked sometimes but the other 75% of the time its pretty much like a garanteed point when combined with the lack of a post D.

I just saw that annoying 360 layup animation again. you know that unblockable one? along with the other non blocks one. come on EA. Why cant we get this down.

I feel that this has been changed. this might be a personal thing but pushing L2 doesnt seem to work for me . and once they get infront the above cons tend to get exposed. the player i play as doesntseem to fight as hardas he did in 15 to stay in front

while better than 15 i feel that annoying forcefield where you can become prime hakeem down low and dance on the OOB line with little to no consequence has returned. and it only goes away if the game feels like being like LOL YOU. or if a animation kicks in that drives you out of bounds happens

in the YEAR 2015 i find it HARD TO BELIEVE that rebounding is this broken. its like im watching the ball roll on the ground and GUARDS end up getting the board cause the bigs on my teams in both games modes seems confused in what they are supposed to be doing. why have we regressed?

Long story short, Down by 3 with 2 seconds left. Lebron went for a Dunk. LOL

My personal Problem.

is it me or are Free throws Broken? like im hitting the shot right and i missed more than i make for some players? this feels 2kish with the meter and etc.



We have come so far from 14. the shooting in this game is the best i seen it in years. the meter is there and it feels so nice that its Easy to "nail" it but not be promised a make. thank you EA. i really thought you would Screw this up. has anyone got higher than 51% in the Pro am?


this too feels improved. the long pass accuracy has seemed to been toned down. so there more bad passes being popped out. no more Games of "Football" the new pass styles are also improved. i love them and they add a new type of playstyle into games. and on defense the CPU seems to guess passes way more now, and when they gamble and miss they get punished. nice.

Players taking over

i loved that down the end of a blowout lebron started trying to will his team back into the game. im not sure if this was intentional or is part of the IQ. but it felt like i was actually watching a LEbron game.

Pick and rolls
i feel that these are improved alot, the defender actually was fighting with the Screener to stop him from setting the pick. and the AI overall play it better than they did last year. so its not like a automatic score like it was last year

Steals being toned down?
not the whole Guess the pass thing, but like actually ripping someone seems ot be toned down alot. last year i could rip someone for day. not im only getting like 1 per game. this is good. one of my fears were that in a park situation, it be Rip Central. Espcally since thats how LUT was.


its like you guys took all the park complaints and made a near perfect game mode. there some things that you guys need to fix. (which i make a topic for) but so far im having a ball. Way more fun than 2k

Overall this game is getting my money. i just hope that this game IMPROVES instead of goes down in quality. Good job so far EA
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Old 09-16-2015, 07:56 PM   #274
SpritePuck's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

First off I am not an expert on NBA basketball. So, hard core sim folks are gonna maybe dislike something I do not notice.

The demo is really fun and I likethe game. The shooting is way cooler than last year in how it works. Some say it is too easy but maybe there is a dificulty or slider that can tone it down if that bugs you.

The camera angle to me (one the demo just uses by default) is awesome. I actually really like it.

My favorite part is all the off ball movement and screens. It seems slightly more relistic in that I can hit jumpers and do not have to always score at the basket. I also like that you can not just force your way inside and always make it. Missed contested shots at the hoop are way improved from 15.

To me it looks and sounds great. Commentary gets old but that happens in all sports games for me. The other sounds are good enough, I can turn commentary low and have it just there as background or off and just listen to the arena sounds and stuff. (I assume in the retail we can tune audio like in all other EA Sports games).

All and all my favorite basketball video game to date. It just is fun to play, which for me is why I buy games.

I do not have PSN subscription so can not comment on playing online.
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Old 09-16-2015, 08:22 PM   #275
Perry_West's Arena
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i will download this later
even with all the issue i'm reading
because at least EA put it out there
to be critiqued and tested by all...
if EA actually fixed the issues
repeatedly stated here i could
see this being real competition
(at least the start of it for fans).
bulky clothes, input delays, cheesing,
animation problems, post issues, etc.
if EA has a dedicated team work hard
this could become what Live fans love.
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Old 09-16-2015, 08:28 PM   #276
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

Demo just fully downloaded and I will give my impressions as I go.
  • Opening presentation is beautiful. I love the ESPN drop and walking out of tunnel sequence. Got me to tip off without much delay.
  • I've seen a very ugly jump pass from under the basket by Mozgov. Maybe it wouldn't have looked so bad if he didn't do a 180 to perform it. Was the smart play as I left a shooter in the corner but gathering the rebound, spotting the shooter and then making the pass would be a more realistic display.
  • On my first offensive possession, Waiters had the ball and I'm not sure if the AI did it on its own but Durant came to the ball for an open look that I missed.
  • The defensive rotation on a hard hedge PnR situation was iffy. Cleveland was in a 4-1. Kyrie had the ball on the right wing and ran a PnR with Mozgov. Lebron was on his right in the corner, Love was on the left wing and JR was in the left corner. On rotation, KD crashed Mozgov on the roll. That looked good but Waiters didn't step in the paint (from JR in the left corner) he was actually trying to run to the other side of the court to cover the now wide open Lebron James. Ibaka left Love and tried to split but eventually darted to JR in the corner and leaving Love for a wide open 3 point attempt. I have to look at OKC's PnR defense and rotations to see what they were trying to accomplish but from my novice view at the moment it looks jacked.
  • JR Smith attempted to play the passing lanes on a pass to Westbrook. He went after the ball (with the wrong hand) and when he tried to recover to Westbrook, I beat him baseline for a nice dunk. Though JR didn't make the smartest attempt, I love the intent and penalty for gambling in the passing lanes.
  • On the Westbrook dunk attempt, Mozgov went up and made the most laziest block attempt ever. He halfheartedly swung with both hands at two seperate times during the attempt. A simple "jump straight up" animation would be suffice.
  • Game speed is perfect. I love the walk up animations.
  • I drove with Westbrook and went into a euro step animation. I have no problem with the animation too much but with the bump during that move should leave him a bit more unbalanced.
  • Just picked Kyrie's pocket with Westbrook. I LOVE the fact that the ball was knocked into the backcourt and my defender could react to it the moment it happened. The steal also felt very fluid.
  • Lebron just dunked on me - felt very fluid. If that was a canned animation, it was the smoothest one ever. Felt natural.

There was a bunch more positives and negatives but overall I liked the game. If EA fixes some of these animations this game will be very good. It does a lot of things right and I think its headed in the right direction.
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Old 09-16-2015, 08:38 PM   #277
The 24th Letter's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

Figured out how to rebound....got 2 double doubles aback to back....

Nothing really basketball based like boxing out, I just have the timing for when it comes off the rim down pretty well...lol

Pro-Am is a lot of fun. Just give us some interior D and it would be golden...

I love when I have a CPU PG, they actually pace the game and use my picks

It'd be cool if EA could write some logic into the grading system that punishes PGs for not passing to open players....because the way some of the guys play....smh

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Old 09-16-2015, 08:41 PM   #278
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

It almost breaks my heart to say this for some reason, I really badly wanted this to be my online basketball game, but in its current state its barely playable.

There's alot of good going on in this game, the dev team has definitely put in the work, but all that good is pretty much entirely eliminated by a few gamekillers. First and foremost, the input lag online is awful. I had alot of hope for this game online because its EA and having played Clubs in both NHL and FIFA which were buttery smooth, I almost just assumed it'd be on point. It's not. The lag/delay with the inputs is near unplayable some games and at best, something you just have to work around. It ends up making playing Live Run alot of hoping and praying...hoping you guess right on defence as to where the guy youre defending is going and praying you factored in the lag properly on your jump shot release. It's really bad.

I would deal with it though, if it wasn't for what I think IS real gamekilling aspect....the layup/dunk animations. Unless you get mostly lucky, once a guy has a step on you, that's it. You may as well not even be there (his animation will bump or move you away) but even worse, help defence has next to no impact on the outcome of the guy's layup/dunk/shot. It's really quite awful and makes playing defense worse than frustrating.

This was going to be a day one buy for me because I just assumed EA's servers would be awesome and assumed the game would be enjoyable. The servers are passable at best and the game IS enjoyable...until anyone goes to the net. There is next to no physics involved and that's hard to take considering we were sold on real time physics from the get go of this reboot of the series.

I'll follow the threads and see if patches and updates fix these two issues. I want to want this game. Give me a reason, EA.

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Old 09-16-2015, 09:08 PM   #279
The Answer
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

As someone who played live 10 run it was never this easy to score inside. I'm taking the bright route in saying it's because everyone defensive ratings is low..lol (obviously not the final build)

I'm loving the game so far I haven't played 2k since late June so something fresh is great for me. If you try comparing this to 2k you're doing it wrong. Overall as a basketball game it's pretty good def has some flaws though that hopefully can be patched out.

Probably played around 10-15 pro-am games who knows how long it would take to play 10 games without matchmaking with getnext instead!

Last edited by Dmanning2; 09-16-2015 at 09:11 PM.
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Old 09-16-2015, 09:11 PM   #280
Lisac's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

Loving this game, Would def buy this but unfort no editing again this year so will purchase the other game! 😫😞
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