
NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

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Old 09-16-2015, 12:08 PM   #209
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Here is something that may help some 2K people who are truly struggling with the feel of the game but want to give it a chance... First play on superstar... and up the contact frequency on both sides cpu and user Ground and air collision... it helped out a lot... I really like a lot of the things they added to the game... Its still not better than 2k but I can honestly say if this was the only game on the market I would buy and see my self enjoying it... The transition animation like transitioning from one move to another is where the game falls short... it creates weird unrealistic interaction between players at times which can take away from the over all feel... Remove some the bad animations increase the player collision and add more fluid animations when players interact and they will have solved their issue... The player's graphics will be what they are.... I think they want their own style of graphics that are quality but to "copy" 2k and I think they have achieved that... I can say as a person who has played every Basketball ever made this is a quality effort... but even with out playing this years 2k16 its not better that than the competitors game from last year.... its different I'd even say in some departments its better but overall not on the same level.

Last edited by BigTigLSU; 09-16-2015 at 12:13 PM.
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Old 09-16-2015, 12:09 PM   #210
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

Has anyone else experienced the CPU shenanigans that start to happen when you move up in difficulty? On Pro the game is fairly enjoyable (with tweaked sliders regarding shooting success and foul frequency). Then I moved it up to all star and I wanted to pull my hair out.
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Old 09-16-2015, 12:10 PM   #211
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

Played the Thunder vs Cavs matchup. I'll be honest, I went into it will really low expectations but I actually had a lot of fun. I'm not sure if that's my craving for a basketball game influencing my experience a lot. I still think there is some work to be done such as dunk animations, but overall it was fun. The shot meter is cool and the crowd sounded great, still think I will pass.

Definitely an improvement over last year.
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Old 09-16-2015, 12:18 PM   #212
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by mrprice33
Have you successfully done a facescan?

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Yes I have
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Old 09-16-2015, 12:19 PM   #213
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

Got to play a game last night and I'll start off by saying it's an slight improvement over Live 15. (Which isn't saying much)

The things I liked...

1) Players faces overall looked really good. Stadiums looked good also.

2) The sound was good also. I've never played Live on surround sound and I must say, it was nice.

3) The dribble hand off is really nice.

4) Foot planting is really good. I didn't notice hardly if any sliding.

What I don't like...

1) The player models. I'm no feeling the player models at all. The body types seem off. Also Live's model have this weird posture going on. Like their back and knees are bent funny. Even when players walk, it doesn't look human.

2) Movements/animations. The movement needs work. Players move really slow. Animations are terrible overall. Let's start off with the speed dribble. It looks terrible and doesn't look human. Just little things like how the players run up and down the court, just looks off. Crossovers and dribble moves don't look great either.

Post play and shots around the basket look like Live is still using animations from the PS2. Jump hooks look terrible. And layups look really bad. Basically movement and animations don't resemble the grace of NBA players. They need to work on transitions in animations and overhaul their player movement/animations period. This is 2015 man!!!!

3) Commentary. Although I like the sound of the crowd and how the overall sound comes through my speakers were nice, the commentary is really weak. Mike Breen and Jeff Van Gundy sounds dry. They don't feed off each other well. There is not enough dialogue during gameplay. And Mike Breen's call of the game is really generic.

The halftime report I'm not a fan of either. Jalen Rose sounds so robotic? He was the wrong guy to get to do halftime, because he sounds robotic in real life. And it's worse in the game. Just terrible. I also don't like their replays. I guess because the animations just flat out sucks.

4) The controls. Very limited. Not a fan of the control layout. Still need to get familiar with playing Live again, so I won't be too critical.

The game I played felt a bit scripted but that was ok with me. I played up until the last 2 minutes of the 4th quarter (Cavs vs Thunder). I was uninspired so I gave the controller to my 14 year old son and left the room. A few minutes later he comes to me and say's "dad I hit a game winner with Westbrook". I'm like "cool go ahead a play some more if you want". He says to me "nah I don't won't to play that garbage". Gotta admit, it was hilarious.

Anyway...I'll try to get into it more this weekend and play pro-am tonight. This game isn't worth $60 though. They have a long way to go. A LONG WAY!!! With an alternative basketball option, I won't be purchasing the game. I appreciate EA giving us a robust demo though. LOL

Last edited by magicman32; 09-16-2015 at 12:22 PM.
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Old 09-16-2015, 12:21 PM   #214
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

I play on Superstar...there are definitely shenanigans on the higher levels...but I kind of expect it...(at least the CPU is trying unlike '15, I seriously don't think I lost 1 game to the CPU last year)

I can manage most of it...I just need my teammates to stop letting guys run free and get back in transistion...

It's cost me some games already...
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Old 09-16-2015, 12:25 PM   #215
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anyone else getting disconnected from opponents a lot?
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Old 09-16-2015, 12:31 PM   #216
GisherJohn24's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by magicman32
Got to play a game last night and I'll start off by saying it's an slight improvement over Live 15. (Which isn't saying much)

The things I liked...

1) Players faces overall looked really good. Stadiums looked good also.

2) The sound was good also. I've never played Live on surround sound and I must say, it was nice.

3) The dribble hand off is really nice.

4) Foot planting is really good. I didn't notice hardly if any sliding.

What I don't like...

1) The player models. I'm no feeling the player models at all. The body types seem off. Also Live's model have this weird posture going on. Like their back and knees are bent funny. Even when players walk, it doesn't look human.

2) Movements/animations. The movement needs work. Players move really slow. Animations are terrible overall. Let's start off with the speed dribble. It looks terrible and doesn't look human. Just little things like how the players run up and down the court, just looks off. Crossovers and dribble moves don't look great either.

Post play and shots around the basket look like Live is still using animations from the PS2. Jump hooks look terrible. And layups look really bad. Basically movement and animations don't resemble the grace of NBA players. They need to work on transitions in animations and overhaul their player movement/animations period. This is 2015 man!!!!

3) Commentary. Although I like the sound of the crowd and how the overall sound comes through my speakers were nice, the commentary is really weak. Mike Breen and Jeff Van Gundy sounds dry. They don't feed off each other well. There is not enough dialogue during gameplay. And Mike Breen's call of the game is really generic.

The halftime report I'm not a fan of either. Jalen Rose sounds so robotic? He was the wrong guy to get to do halftime, because he sounds robotic in real life. And it's worse in the game. Just terrible. I also don't like their replays. I guess because the animations just flat out sucks.

4) The controls. Very limited. Not a fan of the control layout. Still need to get familiar with playing Live again, so I won't be too critical.

The game I played felt a bit scripted but that was ok with me. I played up until the last 2 minutes of the 4th quarter (Cavs vs Thunder). I was uninspired so I gave the controller to my 14 year old son and left the room. A few minutes later he comes to me and say's "dad I hit a game winner with Westbrook". I'm like "cool go ahead a play some more if you want". He says to me "nah I don't won't to play that garbage". Gotta admit, it was hilarious.

Anyway...I'll try to get into it more this weekend and play pro-am tonight. This game isn't worth $60 though. They have a long way to go. A LONG WAY!!! With an alternative basketball option, I won't be purchasing the game. I appreciate EA giving us a robust demo though. LOL
Great input

Hey can you or someone please tell me how to turn off that defense indicator on who you're supposed to be guarding? That's a real distraction for me and I've yet to figure out how to turn it off.
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