
NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

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Old 09-16-2015, 08:19 AM   #177
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

Honesty time. I'm playing it, and I'm having fun.

If you go in and play this game for what it is, and attempt to play realistic basketball, it can be fun.

The live team still has a LONG way to go, but I can definitely see the year by year improvements.


- graphics look good
- some of the shooting animations look nice
- you're rewarded for playing real basketball


- shooting is WAY TOO EASY. Especially for the AI. If they get even a little bit open, it's a guaranteed shot. Sliders are needed for sure

- animations can sometimes be really really bad. Especially on layups, dunks, or anything else happening in the paint.

- there doesn't seem to be any sort of defense or physicality anywhere on the court

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Old 09-16-2015, 08:28 AM   #178
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by benefactor
As someone who played 14 for 9 months and 15 for 10 months I can confidently say, this feels like Live 15.5.

- As I said, I played 15 for almost a year and this game so far doesn't really feel new. The additions are more like polish you'd expect on a much more solid product, like I would have expected in maybe 2018. The base game needed a lot more before EA worried about their Pro-Am and other stuff.
- The funky animations we all know and hate. These really kill the flow, kill the positives and will be responsible for many, many, many lost sales. It's as simple as that.
- Simply not enough post moves or proper shots around the paint.
- The great looking size up dribble controls and animation seem to have been removed. If this is true, I'm clueless why.
- Pointless automated behind the back dribbles when bringing the ball up court. They look silly and actually make you player change direction slightly and move him out of position (and make the ball look like it's on a yoyo)
- Bad CPU AI yet again. The exact same strategy has worked since Live 14. Way too easy to drive around a screen, way too easy to get a wing player an open 3 and even when you do the same play 10 times in a row, the CPU doesn't learn or adjust. The late game AI is as bad as ever also.
- From what I can tell, the collision/ragdoll reactions have been toned down. I saw more scripted contact animations than random physics create one's from my few hours with the demo. Again, if this is true I would be disappointed because there was great potential there.
- A bunch of little things like the same celebrations re-used for 3 years now, the silly '1 more' pointing animation, the skipping back on D animation. Us fans have keen eyes and notice these things.
- As I mentioned a few times after the first official screenshots... the most famous face in the world of basketball and you can't get his beard looking right.

I've gone from a definite purchase to a really unlikely purchase at this point. Not because the base game isn't enjoyable, but because there really isn't enough different on offer for a loyal, long playing fan of 15.

I'd like to know how much input the EA Game Changers ans what the pre-requisites were to get on board to be honest.
Great post. I agree completely with all the above points. The cpu AI is terrible...no adjustments at all...score with the same play over and over = nothing happens.

I also have gone from likely purchase to unlikely...and definitely not unless they publicly address the late game AI issue.
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Old 09-16-2015, 08:29 AM   #179
apollooff320's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

As a 2K fan I will say this game is good. Played 2 regular games and a lot of Pro AM. I have a center and I'm swating everyone's shot that come running in the paint. Had a game where I had 6 or 8 blocks. The online is very smooth and lag free and fun. Once I play more offline I'll give my likes and dis likes. But online so far is an A.
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Old 09-16-2015, 08:38 AM   #180
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

One major positive is the new camera...best camera in a basketball game.
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Old 09-16-2015, 08:45 AM   #181
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NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

It's going to be rough for my post center in Pro Am as far as random go....any OS'ers play on PS4? I want to play with some guys who will play some ball!

A retail copy made it’s way to Charlotte so I got to play some of that as well as the demo- I’m assuming it’s the same build as the demo? Any way here are some random tidbits….

-The Live team has stepped up the contextual animations a great deal and there are significantly less awkward motions that take you out of plays

-I love the way the CPU gambles on certain passes taking them out of position…that’s slick. Any way to stop your CPU teammates from randomly doing the same?

-On the subject of AI team mates, and I know mprice touched on this, but we have to clean up defensive rotations….Looking at replays, it’s more than just over helping in some instances, some guys aren’t reacting to their man’s movement AT ALL and it’s leading to back breaking open shots…

-The CPU AI is so much better this year as far shot selection

-The game looks really good on Broadcast cam

-Rebounding seems very stiff, that’s the best way I can describe it

-Passing is a bit slow, but using the pass stick does help. What I don’t like is when you drive and someone makes contact it will queue your passing input until after the animation finishes….by then the guy you are trying to pass too is out of position

-The post game is OK….definitely looks a lot better, but as you can tell by how short the tutorial is, it’s not very deep

-The inside game may be worse than last year after the patches…they’ve added some nice stuff on the offensive end, but now there are even less ways to counter it. There’s almost more physicality on the perimeter than in the paint….

-Man these games I’ve had have been waaaay to good for the END OF GAME AI to be the way it is…I know I have brought it up…but it’s a downer to us offline guys

-I actually intercept more passes putting myself between passing lanes then actually hitting the swat button when the ball is in the air…. There’s still a delay there for me most of the time. The issue comes in when humans are making way too accurate long passes over your head and you can’t react to intercept quick enough. If I am doing something wrong…I’m open to feedback..

-Some of the animations down low are so bad man, lol. I’m about to drop a damn mixtape in the mprice’s animation thread

Just some quick observations- will add more later- having a pretty good time though….they’ve improved on a lot

Last edited by The 24th Letter; 09-16-2015 at 08:47 AM.
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Old 09-16-2015, 08:47 AM   #182
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

Horrible online lag, like 10ms delay!
For the PRO AM you need a team, bc the arcade guys wont pass the ball, like ever.
Everyone makes an PG or SG and wants to be MJ. god damn!
I made a C but didnt get any teamgrade points for picks, how the hell am i supposed to get points as a center? nobody passes in the post :/
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Old 09-16-2015, 08:51 AM   #183
nova91's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

Interior defense is a joke. You can have the whole team in there trying to stop the ball and the offensive player will just push them out of the way and put up the most F'd up looking, high arcing layup and it will go in nothing but net or you will get dunked on.

Again, rebounding is bad. The animations are slow, unresponsive, and ugly. Yeah, ratings should play a factor but, if you're standing right there all by yourself and you time your rebounding attempt right you should get the ball, not look like Derpy McDerperson and miss and watch it bounce ever so slowly into the opponents hands.

Passing is a nope. They float far too often which makes them easily stolen.

Steals are another thing. I hardly ever see any on ball steals, like 2 in 20+ games. They always come from taking floaty pass. Unless you have a moderately low steal rating, then you look like Derpy McDerperson as your player reacts to your button press 5 seconds too late. The steal animations are bad as well, even good defenders look like a fish outta water flailing about on steal attempts.

Shot contest. In Pro-Am you get a shot contest directive, I contest every shot that comes at me and none register. I've blocked a shot and it didn't count. WTF counts as a shot contest?

Player movement is slow, clunky, unresponsive and forced. The game will take over and force your guy to run into a screen or post up.

I'm gonna keep playing the demo because I have nothing else better to do but, this game will be a no buy, AT ALL. Not $5, $10, $20 and definitely not $60. I'd have a hard time playing this even if it was given to me for free.
Say "No" to railroaded MC modes.

Last edited by nova91; 09-16-2015 at 10:51 AM.
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Old 09-16-2015, 08:52 AM   #184
BellSKA's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 16 Demo Available For Xbox One and PS4, Post Your Impressions

Originally Posted by nova91
Match making is horrible in Pro-Am. I keep ending up on teams with all PGs except for me or teams of all slashing SFs.
THIS! I'm a larger SF who likes to set screens and crash boards. I'm playing as a post C a lot of times against PGs and SGs.

Maybe they are trying to match us up but there's just not enough players?
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