
NHL 16 Trial Available Now For EA Access Subscribers, Get 10 Hours of Gamplay

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Old 09-13-2015, 12:36 PM   #233
Gbpackerowner's Arena
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Re: NHL 16 Trial Available Now For EA Access Subscribers, Get 10 Hours of Gamplay

Wish we could get one of the Programmers on here to explain to us why the physics only apply to a human player and why oh why they can't program in simple logical play that you all have described so aptly. AI has been an issue in hockey for a long time now. I'm guessing they just don't care about the sim offline gamer, so therefore they never even address the issue. It seems so simple to me, and I am a programmer (not video games). You go online and it loads arcade tuning and logic, you play offline and is loads up the sim tuning and logic. Everyone is therefore happy. Hopefully with sliders that actually function as described we can tune it.
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Old 09-13-2015, 12:56 PM   #234
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Re: NHL 16 Trial Available Now For EA Access Subscribers, Get 10 Hours of Gamplay

You should move this to the BUGS Thread, it's A BUG.

Is it, though?

Isn't this just how the game is designed to work?
The lack of stick physics isn't a bug, it's just a design decision. EA's designers have mentioned several times that they've tried turning on stick physics in their own internal tests, but none of their testers found it to be any fun.

A major problem in jyoung's vid (beside the egregious lack of stick-on-stick/skate collision detection) is that the defender doesn't have any initiative to preempt Kane's reception of the pass. Rather than stick-lifting Kane before he even has control of the puck, the defender waits until Kane has secured to puck before feebly attempting to play defense. That lack of detailed initiative is a big problem and one (among other numerous AI failings) that really takes away from the game.
IMO they just need an organic jostling system like FIFA has that can activate automatically whenever players are close together -- no stick lift or poke check commands needed. The jostling in FIFA 16 is a glorious thing to watch.

EA NHL tried something like that on last gen with the "tie up" button on the right joystick, but it had too much of a "suction" effect, so they took it out of the game when they moved onto the next gen of hardware. So now there's no way for a defender to disrupt an offensive player's stick without using the stick lift or poke check commands. And AI defenders are really bad at using those defensive tools; instead, they'll mostly just stand still and let the offensive players skate and shoot all over them.

Last edited by jyoung; 09-13-2015 at 01:05 PM.
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Old 09-13-2015, 01:03 PM   #235
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Re: NHL 16 Trial Available Now For EA Access Subscribers, Get 10 Hours of Gamplay

Originally Posted by Keirik
nothing to do with "Haters" or anything of the sort. I'm not sure why you are trying to turn this into something along those lines. When you see videos of a guy pinned against the boards having the ability to pass accurately and with speed to a one timer in the slot, something is majorly broken. It's the equivalent ir rushing the QB is Madden only to have him run with his back to the endzone, switch the ball to his offhand, and throw a 30 yard post route accurately for a reception.

No one would ever allow that to get by in that game, nor should we allow it to get by in this one.

I guess by putting haters in quotation marks didn't get my point. The fact is since 15 has came out this board has gotten to be more of a warzone than I remember. I love that people are passionate about this series, hockey and video gaming. We need to keep that in line though. I haven't seen the "pro NHL 15 troll(s)" yet so maybe that's a sign.

Personally, I'm through with EA and I'm sure most of the hardcore posters know how I feel about this series, but I always try to be more constructive than destructive. That was my point. We don't have a lot of moderating around here and I would like to keep it this way. It's nice to see people disagreeing intelligently and following the rules.
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Old 09-13-2015, 01:06 PM   #236
BL8001's Arena
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Re: NHL 16 Trial Available Now For EA Access Subscribers, Get 10 Hours of Gamplay

I had a sort of interesting experiment with this game last night...

I did the nhl moments and played the rangers lightning game, I thought I was in the 3rd period to start so I choose rookie.

Well, it starts you in the 2nd period with 2 minutes left.

So I had a whole period to experiment with gameplay on roookie.

I tried to recreate the cpu no look passes by going to various locations with the puck against the boards with my back to the play. On rookie you have time to set things up without the cpu mugging you.

Not one single time did any of my players slide into position for the one timer. I went so far as to go to the same spot as my vid I posted, wait 10-15 seconds, go around behind the goal and come back and try it again. Only time a player moved in to a location for a one timer he was shadowed by the cpu defender who cut off the option.

Another cpu trick is to go to the sideboards about even with the center of the face off circle near goal and play the no look to a player skating through the slot. Its generally a player who goes down opposite net side then circles towards the boards and up to the top of the slot unmarked by your cpu defenders and free to one time from the slot.

Well, I waited, and waited and waited some more. Never made the move the cpu winger makes.

So when the cpu takes the puck to the boards it's like a clarion call for offensive players to post up or skate down the slot. When the user takes it to the same place your teammates stand around like why are you doing this?

AI good or bad is fascinating. Good AI moreso but AI...just amazes me how situations are created and whoever designed/created it was like "looks good to me".
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Last edited by BL8001; 09-13-2015 at 01:10 PM.
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Old 09-13-2015, 01:06 PM   #237
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Re: NHL 16 Trial Available Now For EA Access Subscribers, Get 10 Hours of Gamplay

Originally Posted by jdl24
I'm confident that most of the gameplay issues can be corrected through tuner updates and patches. As long as the demand is there hopefully EA will comply.
Hehe not being rude mate but surely they have had a couple of years to hear the complaints already. Also the game is about to drop in its latest form and you think EA 'may patch it' if enough people complain? I refer you back to my first sentence.

Hey EA how about instead of patching a brand new product you just complete the brand new product before it ships!
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Old 09-13-2015, 01:07 PM   #238
bad_philanthropy's Arena
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Re: NHL 16 Trial Available Now For EA Access Subscribers, Get 10 Hours of Gamplay

Originally Posted by jyoung
IMO they just need an organic jostling system like FIFA has that can activate automatically whenever players are close together -- no stick lift or poke check commands needed. The jostling in FIFA 16 is a glorious thing to watch.

EA NHL tried something like that on last gen with the "tie up" button on the right joystick, but it had too much of a "suction" effect, so they took it out of the game when they moved onto the next gen of hardware. So now there's no way for a defender to disrupt an offensive player's stick without using the stick lift or poke check commands. And AI defenders are really bad at using those defensive tools; instead, they'll mostly just stand still and let the offensive players skate and shoot all over them.
This is a great idea and needs to be in. This would help disrupt flow of the play, which NHL needs. There is too much uninterrupted flow, and too little for defensive players to do.
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Old 09-13-2015, 01:11 PM   #239
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Re: NHL 16 Trial Available Now For EA Access Subscribers, Get 10 Hours of Gamplay

Originally Posted by jyoung
The lack of stick physics isn't a bug, it's just a design decision. EA's designers have mentioned several times that they've tried turning on stick physics in their own internal tests, but none of their testers found it to be any fun.

IMO they just need an organic jostling system like FIFA has that can activate automatically whenever players are close together -- no stick lift or poke check commands needed. The jostling in FIFA 16 is a glorious thing to watch.

EA NHL tried something like that on last gen with the "tie up" button on the right joystick, but it had too much of a "suction" effect, so they took it out of the game when they moved onto the next gen of hardware. So now there's no way for a defender to disrupt an offensive player's stick without using the stick lift or poke check commands.
I love FIFA's system. When I first played FIFA 14, I was blown away by that game and the jostling in particular.

The suction tie-up didn't work. Players had minimal control over their player, and in an area where precise control is necessary, that's a disaster. I think EA is trying to work their collision system to a point where that becomes the de facto jostle system, but clearly it's not there yet. The entire control scheme would need revamping for the control a jostling system needs, and I don't think EA is ready for that.

I think body force would need to become an issue in the game for a jostle system to work. Consider the example of a player driving the net, puck held securely with one hand to the the outside, and driving his shoulder into a defender who is trying to shepherd the puck carrier away from his intended path. That's just not possible in the game, because if you try that the result will be black and white—you'll either make it around or you'll get levelled. That's not realistic, and if EA could nail that type of interaction—body on body fighting to get the better push based on center of gravity, strength, and technique... well, it would be insane.

Last edited by AdamJones113; 09-13-2015 at 01:16 PM.
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Old 09-13-2015, 04:42 PM   #240
Keirik's Arena
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Re: NHL 16 Trial Available Now For EA Access Subscribers, Get 10 Hours of Gamplay

Originally Posted by Cletus
I guess by putting haters in quotation marks didn't get my point. The fact is since 15 has came out this board has gotten to be more of a warzone than I remember. I love that people are passionate about this series, hockey and video gaming. We need to keep that in line though. I haven't seen the "pro NHL 15 troll(s)" yet so maybe that's a sign.

Personally, I'm through with EA and I'm sure most of the hardcore posters know how I feel about this series, but I always try to be more constructive than destructive. That was my point. We don't have a lot of moderating around here and I would like to keep it this way. It's nice to see people disagreeing intelligently and following the rules.
I understand what you are saying, just don't like seeing the word ***** being used, quotations or not since it starts off on the wrong foot. Personally, i think EA deserves every bit of venom they might get at this point. It's been years where the same problems when playing the CPU have popped up and ignored.

I think the community has had so much patience with this franchise. How is this the way they treat us? Just far too much wrong with playing the cpu to me.
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