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Old 09-11-2015, 06:19 PM   #17
lnin0's Arena
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Re: FIFA 16 Demo Impressions

Originally Posted by stevostl
why would this keep you from buying the game? I notice people saying this about PES and FIFA retail code games... what's the big deal if you can drop the gamespeed and make it as slow as you were playing in the demo?

I expected this with FIFA. No way EA would released that default gamespeed in the demo as the default retail code. To many people would complain who play this online..

The only way I would be upset about this is if you wanted that as your default speed for online play in FIFA.. but if you only play these games offline this type of complaint is invalid as you can drop the game speed in both games easy and in FIFA especially you can pretty much edit everything in this regard.
This isn't the first time EA has demo'ed the game at a speed slower than the retail. I hate the typical ping-pong, run and gun game that you get in FIFA with guys running sub 7 second 100m while dribbling. I WANT to play online and am not an AI/season player so it does prevent me from buying the game because I know what the online games will devolve into at this speed and with the typical passing accuracy. Is it wrong that someone should want to play a more realistically passed soccer game online where players actually have to develop plays instead of just sprinting up the sides?

How does your argument not work the other way. Let people play a more realistically paced game and if THEY don't like it let them crank up the speed to 80's coke-head levels.
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Old 09-11-2015, 06:31 PM   #18
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Re: FIFA 16 Demo Impressions

well for you that would that suck... and I understand it as I want to play online as well like that but I'm use to EA and FIFA over the years online and I don't expect anything less.. it's the same with PES as their online is not even that good to begin with because the servers and game modes are not there... look I have no idea if the game is faster pace than the demo. I'm hoping not but least if it is we can at least adjust the settings for offline play but not online. any ways I agree with you as it still sux... hopefully they don't touch the gameplay to much from the demo.

I'm just saying I think we are in the minority though.. the majority of people who buy FIFA and play their games online seem to favor the faster pace.

Last edited by stevostl; 09-11-2015 at 07:01 PM.
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Old 09-11-2015, 08:38 PM   #19
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Re: FIFA 16 Demo Impressions

You can chat or call EA. They claim to not be going to make the relaese pace faster or more arcade like. The rep I spoke to said they are aware some want it to be more fluid (arcade like) but the game will be released much like the demo with only some graphics enhancements.

Maybe the customer support people are wrong or do not know but they seemed to answer fast and fielded my question like they had recieved it. They apologised both on the phone and in chat if I was seeking it to be more fast paced like 15 but that was not in the plans. This tells me two things, one they have recieved a lot of people wanting it arcade like and two they are sticking with what they improved regardless.

My opnion is instead of bashing EA stating they will ruin the game, we all need to be putting it out there how much we like the new pace and player controls. They went more authentic and the arcade fans are complaining while the sim fans are acting like EA said they were going to make it more arcade.

Also, the game demo is getting huge love for the most part. In my opinion just like the two EA reps I spoke with said they are not going to mess with the gameplay that most are saying is improved. Of course anything could happen but I for one think the "EA is going to just speed it up for the release" is just hype and possibly a ploy to get people interested in PES.

I will get both PES and FIFA but do not see any reason to jump on the EA is going to speed up the play bandwagon. If they do they do, but they are saying they won't.

Last edited by SpritePuck; 09-11-2015 at 08:44 PM.
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Old 09-11-2015, 09:57 PM   #20
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Re: FIFA 16 Demo Impressions

Great impressions. I especially agree with pretty much everything Chase wrote. I'm enjoying the demo for the most part, especially the women's game for some reason (maybe it's all the extra space on the pitch? I dunno).

My biggest complaint with the demo gameplay is that the defensive system (tactical defending) sucks and it's WAY too difficult to apply pressure to the CPU on higher difficulty settings.

Beyond that, I really - really - am not a fan of the player models. I agree that more attention to graphics - color, lighting, kit detail especially - would be welcome next year.

Individuality is better than past FIFAs but I agree it's still a weakness for the franchise. Same with tactics.

Beyond gameplay, I just wish CM had some real depth to it.

Last edited by mfp; 09-11-2015 at 10:01 PM.
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Old 09-12-2015, 01:38 AM   #21
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Re: FIFA 16 Demo Impressions

Originally Posted by SpritePuck

My opnion is instead of bashing EA stating they will ruin the game, we all need to be putting it out there how much we like the new pace and player controls. They went more authentic and the arcade fans are complaining while the sim fans are acting like EA said they were going to make it more arcade.
Agree 100%. First thing I did was tweet the main EA FIFA handle and all the devs I follow to let them know how much I appreciated the more sim route they took with the demo. I think they will respond much better to kindness than the constant bashing. Not saying to hold back any negative feedback if warranted, but let's wait till the retail version is released before we have this witch hunt.
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Old 09-12-2015, 02:23 AM   #22
TX117's Arena
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Re: FIFA 16 Demo Impressions

The lackluster shooting is a deal breaker for me honestly. I can deal with everything else but the shooting needs to be different in the final game for me to get it.
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Old 09-12-2015, 02:46 AM   #23
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Re: FIFA 16 Demo Impressions

Originally Posted by TX117
The lackluster shooting is a deal breaker for me honestly. I can deal with everything else but the shooting needs to be different in the final game for me to get it.
Lackluster, how?
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Old 09-12-2015, 02:49 AM   #24
stevostl's Arena
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Re: FIFA 16 Demo Impressions

Originally Posted by hedache
That's something I noticed immediately. And I also noticed how much I've been using it in FIFA15 because I keep trying to do it. Obviously L1 is now off the ball controls. And I haven't really found any trigger combinations to step on the ball and make a quick turn yet.

In other news, I do agree that we may see the classic change in release version. This wouldn't be the first time to have an impressive demo and then a patch would alter the release version to make it more arcade. And yes, you can modify sliders to tune it but not for online games, which is something I like a lot.

But I really like the new physics, and I agree about the Womens game being fun. I think more than 90% of my games have been USA vs GER. And I have yet to win in regulation.

let go of the Left stick and tap L1 slightly.. it will do it

it's there.. I just did it

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