
Madden NFL 16 Title Update #1 Available Now, Roster Update Scheduled For Friday

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Old 09-09-2015, 02:07 PM   #225
DCEBB2001's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Title Update #1 Available Now, Roster Update Scheduled For Friday

Originally Posted by roadman
8:46 mark.

They can fix speed in roster updates.

There is so much wrong with 8:46 onward.

1. 40 times should NEVER equate to the SPD rating. EVER.

2. You can get 40 time data for veterans in the league, if you have access to the right data from legitimate sources.

3. SPD regression is nowhere near as bad as these guys think it is. In the population of every NFL player to play since 1999, the average amount of SPD lost is about 0.005 seconds for every year in the league. That means that after 10 seasons, a player will only lose, on average, about 0.05 seconds on a 40 time. I have data to back that up.

These guys desperately need better data and a better methodology for rating that attribute in particular.
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Old 09-09-2015, 02:07 PM   #226
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Title Update #1 Available Now, Roster Update Scheduled For Friday

Originally Posted by althor
I simmed a season pre-patch Mariotta took a huge drop in overall. As I was looking through his attributes I saw his AWARENESS had dropped down to 4 in one season which was the number 1 cause of his overalls dropping so drastically. I just simmed a season and Mariotta dropped from 60-55 AWARENESS. Reloaded and simmed again and he dropped from 60-57, so seems that crazy regression issue was fixed.

I am really disappointed that they didnt fix the RESIGN issue. You still cannot resign your players until OFFSEASON and you have 1 chance to sign them.

The moral to the story is, this will be the last time I purchase Madden new. I will wait a month or so after release date and let them get all the bugs worked out before I bother. If they want to release unfinished products so they can meet deadlines, that is up to them, but I won't be one of those throwing money at them to do it.

What resign issue? I thought the issue was players resigned too cheap? I have less issue if they decline an offer and want to test market tbh. I guess I'm unaware you cant resign during season since in my trial run I had reached a deal with a player or two in season.
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Old 09-09-2015, 02:09 PM   #227
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Title Update #1 Available Now, Roster Update Scheduled For Friday

Originally Posted by jgarrett
Thank you. I just don't understand why nobody has checked this yet.
My feelings exactly.
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Old 09-09-2015, 02:09 PM   #228
griffy20's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Title Update #1 Available Now, Roster Update Scheduled For Friday

Originally Posted by dayday24
100% agree. People are just assuming that is what EA is going to do on Friday with roster update. EA has not said nothing. Go download via roster share there are great rosters there that already have everyone updated and you can now start your CFM with the patch. With everything EA has done and we all know EA you really think they are going to basically re rate a majority of the players speed to match up with Draft Classes in CFM??? Would be nice for EA to just come out and say what's up. But if there not saying anything don't get your hopes up it's an easy question to answer and they've actually been answering a lot via Twitter and prefer not to answer that. I say if your debating....don't wait for another patch thats crazy...start it up!! (Also with Donny Moore out as roster guy the new guy doing them made a point to drop down the speed this year)
Maybe you missed the part where a large portion of users can't download via roster share?
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Old 09-09-2015, 02:11 PM   #229
althor's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Title Update #1 Available Now, Roster Update Scheduled For Friday

Originally Posted by muelly
What resign issue? I thought the issue was players resigned too cheap? I have less issue if they decline an offer and want to test market tbh. I guess I'm unaware you cant resign during season since in my trial run I had reached a deal with a player or two in season.
Well, I just offered TE Thompson (who was actually cut by the Titans and wont even be in the updated roster) 3.7mil and a 2mil signing bonus and he was only asking for 2.4mil for 2 years and he won't sign. At the end of the season I offered him what he asked for and he instantly signed. I had to offer WR Wright 15mil +5mil signing bonus for 1 year to get him to sign. He was asking for 3 years 4mil. My mistake if that is working properly.
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Old 09-09-2015, 02:12 PM   #230
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Title Update #1 Available Now, Roster Update Scheduled For Friday

Originally Posted by IcedCoffee1983
Oh I forgot to add, they didn't fix that the CPU Pass Block slider keeps reverting to default, even if you adjust it or import your slider settings.

Does anyone think Amazon will allow me to return this game for a refund based on the CFM game mode being so glitched? I feel upset I was duped into buying the game new this year. (I usually wait a month or two for patches and buy it used)

Technically it's not glitched, it allows you to play multiple seasons as intended, just with some issues. Stop acting like you can't play the game.
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Old 09-09-2015, 02:13 PM   #231
howboutdat's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Title Update #1 Available Now, Roster Update Scheduled For Friday

Originally Posted by althor
I simmed a season pre-patch Mariotta took a huge drop in overall. As I was looking through his attributes I saw his AWARENESS had dropped down to 4 in one season which was the number 1 cause of his overalls dropping so drastically. I just simmed a season and Mariotta dropped from 60-55 AWARENESS. Reloaded and simmed again and he dropped from 60-57, so seems that crazy regression issue was fixed.

I am really disappointed that they didnt fix the RESIGN issue. You still cannot resign your players until OFFSEASON and you have 1 chance to sign them.

The moral to the story is, this will be the last time I purchase Madden new. I will wait a month or so after release date and let them get all the bugs worked out before I bother. If they want to release unfinished products so they can meet deadlines, that is up to them, but I won't be one of those throwing money at them to do it.
My guess is , for some reason , they actually made it that way on purpose and thus it wont be patched. Is it realistic , not at all, but , well , ill leave it at that.
Yup, i said it !

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Old 09-09-2015, 02:15 PM   #232
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Title Update #1 Available Now, Roster Update Scheduled For Friday

Originally Posted by althor
I am really disappointed that they didnt fix the RESIGN issue. You still cannot resign your players until OFFSEASON and you have 1 chance to sign them.
Is this really an issue or is it something that only happens for certain players, i.e. those who would be big time free agents?

I ask because I've played around some in a pre-patch online CFM as the Bills and I was able to negotiate and resign all of my players accept for Dareus.

Everybody else in the final year of their deal I was able to negotiate with week 1, including highly rated players in the final year of their rookie contract as well as veterans on a 1 year deal.

Only Dareus was unable to be resigned immediately. I assumed that was by design since he's one of the top players at his position and would be more inclined to test free agency.
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