
NBA 2K16 2K Pro-Am Features Matchmaking, Tons of Arena & Uniform Customization & More

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Old 08-01-2015, 12:31 PM   #241
midwestking100's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K16 2K Pro-Am Features Matchmaking, Tons of Arena & Uniform Customization &

Originally Posted by eko718
That court editing thing is big. Hopefully this means we can edit existing courts in game? No more waiting for 2K to patch incorrect courts perhaps. Looking at the court edit options, it appears that all the pertinent areas are editable, and we can make edits like removing lines from the painted area.
I am praying that I can finally be able to edit the chicago stadium for those classic bulls teams.
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Old 08-01-2015, 03:08 PM   #242
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Re: NBA 2K16 2K Pro-Am Tourneys

Originally Posted by Ward13
Is it possible for 2K to implement a 64 team NCAA style tournament for the Pro-Am to add extra incentive for players/teams to actually play serious sim basketball?

Let's say they let all teams play through a qualifying period (maybe a couple of months or so) and invite the top 64 teams with the best record/win pct. and have them play in a one and done type tournament during the month of march for the 2K Pro-Am championship trophy.

Treat the qualifying months as a regular season and issue individual awards at the end of that season, and issue a MOP award at the end of the tourney.
There's no way this would make ppl play more sim. It would actually make things worse because a 1 and done winning format would just have ppl literally cheat the whole way thru lol. Unfortunately.

Only way to get ppl to not use exploits to there advantage would be for 2K to suspended or ban ppl that spam moves and glitch the game out.
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Old 08-01-2015, 06:25 PM   #243
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Re: NBA 2K16 2K Pro-Am Features Matchmaking, Tons of Arena & Uniform Customization &

If we can make anything we want I plan on making lsu
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Old 08-01-2015, 07:34 PM   #244
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Re: NBA 2K16 2K Pro-Am Features Matchmaking, Tons of Arena & Uniform Customization &

Originally Posted by Junior Moe
Honestly, though, I am not sure that the market is there for college ball as much as I love it. I love what 2K is doing however. NBA 2K is a smash hit, and now (hopefully) there will be a college aspect to it. College ball could get the exposure in the videogame space that it has never had before. Hopefully that peaks enough "casuals" interest to the point that 2K sees it as an endeavor to get into. If anyone can do it, 2K can.

That's my point though. Looking at just the way college games sold when they were out, you could make a great argument that there is no market for the game. NBA games were in a similar spot though. They never sold as bad, but the market didn't look like it does now. NFL games and maybe FIFA (not sure on their numbers back then, I'm just assuming based on soccer's worldwide popularity) were the only sports games doing numbers like what 2K is doing right now. Plus you have to take into account the circumstances around the game.

They never put that game in position to succeed. It always came out in November a full month after the NBA games dropped. November is the time of year where all the heavy hitter games drop like the Halos of the world allowing college games to get buried. They pretty much never promoted it when it did drop or before for that matter. Most importantly there was no MyPlayer for basketball games around at the time. MyPlayer doesn't get near the credit it deserves for its part in helping grow video game basketball into what it is. With a MyPlayer mode, a new release date closer to tournament time and better promotion and they could grow the college game.

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Old 08-01-2015, 09:05 PM   #245
Junior Moe's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K16 2K Pro-Am Features Matchmaking, Tons of Arena & Uniform Customization &

Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
That's my point though. Looking at just the way college games sold when they were out, you could make a great argument that there is no market for the game. NBA games were in a similar spot though. They never sold as bad, but the market didn't look like it does now. NFL games and maybe FIFA (not sure on their numbers back then, I'm just assuming based on soccer's worldwide popularity) were the only sports games doing numbers like what 2K is doing right now. Plus you have to take into account the circumstances around the game.

They never put that game in position to succeed. It always came out in November a full month after the NBA games dropped. November is the time of year where all the heavy hitter games drop like the Halos of the world allowing college games to get buried. They pretty much never promoted it when it did drop or before for that matter. Most importantly there was no MyPlayer for basketball games around at the time. MyPlayer doesn't get near the credit it deserves for its part in helping grow video game basketball into what it is. With a MyPlayer mode, a new release date closer to tournament time and better promotion and they could grow the college game.

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You're right on all counts. I have literally only seen one CH (08' I think) commercial on TV and I watch only sports channels. It never got marked and it released a month after NBA games and right during the always packed holiday game season. I never understood why they didn't release it during like Feb during the "dead" gaming season and right before the tourney. I still don't think the numbers are there for an annual release, but releasing every few years (with all being compatible with the NBA 2k's released) and implementing the things you said could bare fruit. People do love MyPlayer and online play and they will spend coin. Like you said, 2K has broken barriers with NBA game sales. Maybe they could double or even triple what the college basketball games did with a great game (first and foremost) and a slight change in the model or release date. Either way, I'm in with them.
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Old 08-01-2015, 10:11 PM   #246
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Re: NBA 2K16 2K Pro-Am Features Matchmaking, Tons of Arena & Uniform Customization &

Originally Posted by Junior Moe
You're right on all counts. I have literally only seen one CH (08' I think) commercial on TV and I watch only sports channels. It never got marked and it released a month after NBA games and right during the always packed holiday game season. I never understood why they didn't release it during like Feb during the "dead" gaming season and right before the tourney. I still don't think the numbers are there for an annual release, but releasing every few years (with all being compatible with the NBA 2k's released) and implementing the things you said could bare fruit. People do love MyPlayer and online play and they will spend coin. Like you said, 2K has broken barriers with NBA game sales. Maybe they could double or even triple what the college basketball games did with a great game (first and foremost) and a slight change in the model or release date. Either way, I'm in with them.
I like your idea of not releasing it as a yearly basis but still having the game be compatible with all editions of 2K. By doing this you could really get accurate draft classes over to 2K no matter what year. Also think adding a MyPlayer mode that it never had in the past like there person before you suggested would really help sell the game, especially if they made it so you could play the college career however you like 1-4 years and be drafted into 2K and continue using the same player.

I could be wrong but I think the last year of NCAA football was pretty successful with ultimate team so including that mode as well would probably be another seller
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Old 08-02-2015, 01:35 AM   #247
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Re: NBA 2K16 2K Pro-Am Features Matchmaking, Tons of Arena & Uniform Customization &

I guarantee pro-am is going to be full of 99 overall players after about a month.

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Old 08-02-2015, 04:16 AM   #248
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TDYRX's Arena
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Re: NBA 2K16 2K Pro-Am Features Matchmaking, Tons of Arena & Uniform Customization &

Originally Posted by King_B_Mack
That's my point though. Looking at just the way college games sold when they were out, you could make a great argument that there is no market for the game. NBA games were in a similar spot though. They never sold as bad, but the market didn't look like it does now. NFL games and maybe FIFA (not sure on their numbers back then, I'm just assuming based on soccer's worldwide popularity) were the only sports games doing numbers like what 2K is doing right now. Plus you have to take into account the circumstances around the game.

They never put that game in position to succeed. It always came out in November a full month after the NBA games dropped. November is the time of year where all the heavy hitter games drop like the Halos of the world allowing college games to get buried. They pretty much never promoted it when it did drop or before for that matter. Most importantly there was no MyPlayer for basketball games around at the time. MyPlayer doesn't get near the credit it deserves for its part in helping grow video game basketball into what it is. With a MyPlayer mode, a new release date closer to tournament time and better promotion and they could grow the college game.
I personally credit MyPlayer for making 2K the juggernaut it is today. Basketball games and career modes are like PB&J.

I just thought about a CH2K8 MyPlayer and NBA 2K8 Draft Combine, and now I'm sad.
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