
Press Row Podcast - E3 2015 Preview

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Old 06-13-2015, 08:44 AM   #9
OVR: 2
Join Date: Jun 2007
Well I had an hour drive this morning so I decided to listen for first time in awhile. It was actually pretty good. Personally I'd like some more talk on how madden is horrible but that's just me. Also I don't kno why JM football wasn't brought up because I'm pretty sure its been cofirmed its going to be there. Overall it was a good listen
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Old 06-13-2015, 04:26 PM   #10
OVR: 14
Join Date: Mar 2004
Originally Posted by newtonfb
Rich, the funny thing is your the level headed ones who I enjoy listening to, don't change a thing. I guess its just pasta who rubs me the wrong way about things. There's been numerous times when joe montana was brought up and he just laughs it off like the rest of us are idiots instead of having a conversation about how it can succeed. He always likes to hear himself talk and in the end its always "no football game will succeed with madden I'm the picture" is basically what he says. It may or may not but you guys have a voice that may be big or small for the rest of us in the sports game community who want a new football game and not just the same madden. I do like TJ also..when he talks , I haven't listened in a few podcast but he didn't say much before.
Hi, you must be mistaking someone else for me. I believe Owen has expressed that opinion. I've never said nor implied that. I've actually written and talked about at length how unlicensed games can be successful even in today's market. And how a lack of creativity over the last 8 years has really hurt the genre.

There's definitely question about viability, otherwise we'd have more options, and others like arcade-style games, but with the right approach I believe they can be successful to a limited degree when done right.

Last edited by pastapadre; 06-13-2015 at 04:51 PM.
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Old 06-14-2015, 12:13 AM   #11
Lexicon's Arena
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Location: Red Bluff, CA
Blog Entries: 5
I listen to every show. Even the shows where topics aren't of any interest to me (which is pretty much anything not having to do with Football or Baseball). I completely understand where some of these comments are coming from. However, that's just the way podcasts go.

We want these guys to be themselves, and if that means having a potshot every now and again at games or developers, that's just the way things work. I also feel like turning the show off from time to time because of the way some of the hosts come across. Smarmy is a good word to use for a lot of it.

But again, we all have our annoying demeanors. Doing a podcast is not easy. Sure, doing one show once in a while might be really easy to pull off, but putting a show out every week takes a lot of work. Recording, editing, promoting, looking for sponsorship, and trying to listen to criticism and make the show better is such a time suck, and I'm sure it's not even remotely worth it, compensation-wise.

When it comes to the topic of Joe Montana Football, it does seem like the people speaking ill of it either haven't been following the information that has been released by Damon Grow, or they just don't want to go out on a limb (even if it's an inch) until something very "official" comes out about the game. Which that part is understandable, but it just makes things a little dull. We have the first "big" football game in about 4 years in development, and hardly anything was said about it, and whatever was said about it was nothing of any substance. No theories based on released information. Just a "it has the potential to be big, but I dunno." Or, someone just writes it off completely because they don't care. Which again is part of the problem. If we want an honest show, we have to take the honest responses along with it. It is just annoying since none of the other games that were talked about in depth really don't have much going for them going into E3. Nothing too exciting, at least.

I'd say that the article OS released about E3 is in the same vein, though a little more optomistic. Even then, Chris Sanner (a regular on this podcast) admitted he's not interested. Not a "problem," but it does alienate those who are extremely excited about the biggest sport in the US getting another game besides Madden, which many have grown tired of.

In short, this is a good show that occassionally pisses me off. However, I wouldn't change it because I prefer an honest pannel over a pannel that just says what they think listeners want to hear. Hope that made sense.
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