
Madden NFL 16 Connected Franchise Details Revealed

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Old 05-29-2015, 07:59 PM   #233
Big FN Deal's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Connected Franchise Details Revealed

Here's the thing, after listening to the TSS radio show Thursday night and hearing those guys talk about how it's prioritizing what the majority want in CFM and the numbers data that EA Tiburon has, I keep wondering, where/who is this majority that requested XP in the first place? Even in a recent interview with Kolbe it seems "casuals" are been labeled as the target demo, ok fine, again though, where are/were all these casual out cries for XP in a career mode? I don't think they exist, not as any majority, in fact I recall Looman and Young to a lesser extent, talking about how they had always wanted to do something like this.

My point is, like Kolbe admitted to in another interview, it's not always about what "casuals" ask for, sometimes they just run by them what they already want to do anyway to gauge their reaction to it. So if they could do that with this XP and stuff, they could have done the same thing with a more NFL based approach to career modes. So while I ain't mad at Kolbe or anybody else that simply has a job to do, don't try to pass this stuff off as catering to no casual demo, EA feeds them whatever they want them to have and marketing makes sure they eat it up.
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Old 05-29-2015, 08:45 PM   #234
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Connected Franchise Details Revealed

Wow, I’ve been a Madden player since ’92 and a devoted Franchise guy since its inception and the news today about the "improvements" to CFM is, to say the least, disturbing. I don’t know, maybe I’m getting old and the game has passed me by but if this is the direction things are headed and what today’s gamers are looking for out of the experience, than maybe it is time for me to hang up my virtual cleats.
Everything in today’s press release just feels like it is geared towards dumbing things down. I haven’t had an issue with the XP system in the past but I feel like now it’s taking over the game. The whole purpose seems to be accumulate points, not to win games. Dynamic Goals? No thanks. I want to play the game my way, to win, not EA’s way, which seems to be for the sole sake of garnering XP. Besides, shouldn’t players get experience for EVERYTHING they do on the field, not just for reaching “goals.” For instance, young players should get experience just for being on the field and cornerbacks should get points not just for getting 3, 5, or 7 interceptions but for EVERY interception. And tackle. And pass defensed and…so on and so on. Everything a player does on the field should garner them experience, no matter how minimal.
I’ll give the new system the benefit of the doubt until I see it in action but I read a lot about making it easier to advance your players. Wasn’t it already a bit on the easy side? I mean, when has it ever been difficult to build a perennial Super Bowl contender in any of Madden’s Franchise modes?
I can say unequivocally that I’m not thrilled about the idea of “pop-ups” all over the screen informing me of arbitrary goals though. Talk about ruining immersion. Wasn't the reason the vision cone failed because it required an unnecessary visual graphic? Now we're going to litter the screen with them in regards to goals and XP?
Moving on to Depth Charts. Great, they addressed a long standing issue, but did they make it better? Did they add Special Teams? Did they allow for LCB and RCB vs CB1 and CB2 or Will and Sam vs ROLB and LOLB? Will formation subs carry over week-to-week? These, unlike the features they claim the community has asked for, are the things I’ve seen repeatedly requested during my many years lurking on this site.
Which brings me to player cards? Can they be accessed from the Depth Chart screen? So I don’t have to back out to the Team Roster to get specific details on two players that are battling for a position? Can they be accessed from ANYWHERE? The Yearly Awards Screen? The League Stats Screen? Career Stats Screen? See, that would be streamlining and would give us players the kind of accessibility needed to immerse ourselves in the mode. Do they finally (again) include which team a player played for in any particular season? Or list the games in order (as well as opponent) in the Weekly Stats tab? Sometimes, EA, you need to take a step backwards in order to take two forwards. Return to what worked, perfect it then build on it rather than try to reinvent the wheel. This isn’t rocket science.
The new scouting? I suppose I’ll have to see how it works but it sounds like a dumbed down version to me. Yes, it’s very good that Combine traits are now available to all and that IS something I know has been heavily requested, but the rest of it sounds overly simplified. Still no hiring or firing of scouts that will effect accuracy of reports? Very sad.
Of course, how could we have scouts in the game when once again it appears we will be without Assistant Coaches, particularly offensive and defensive coordinators. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe it’s just old dinosaurs like me that want things like that in the game. Maybe the idea of having to build gameplans and playbooks around the coordinators that I hired is just too sim.
Yet, the one thing that they do return to is the defunct practice of giving us instant gratification on draft picks. We haven’t been told a draft picks overall rating the moment we drafted him in as long as I can remember. We actually had to go through pre-season and see how they performed on the field before knowing if we had a bust or a gem. Now, in a time when many are clamoring for the removal of Overall in general, EA decides to make it even more prevalent. Way to fix what’s not broken and break the things that were already broken even more.
Like free agency, which apparently, according to Game Informer, hasn’t been touched. Are we still not able to see a player’s stats or ratings before offering him a huge contract? Will a huge contract still not put us up against the cap because, well, that would just take the fun out of the game and make it too challenging? Will CPU teams still sign only high Overall players instead of the high 70s WR who hauled in over 100 passes the previous season and is now languishing in Free Agency because his ratings aren’t high enough?? Will teams ever stop drafting QBs in the first round because theirs is only an 82 overall despite throwing 35 TDs compared to 8 INTs?
Now let’s look at what they DIDN’T do. Is there still no league history? A way to see all past Super Bowl winners? Past team records? Past League Leaders? Past Pro Bowlers and Award Winners? These are all things that where once in there and, by the looks of things, never will be again. I guess it’s time to break out the ole pen and paper to record all this stuff on our own again. Or…maybe not. Maybe we just say forget it and play a different game. Oh wait, that’s right, there isn’t one. Not for football, anyway.
I digress though. Moving on, is there still no weekly recap show or anything to keep us up to date on what’s happening in our league? Will I never know if a RB from another team set a single game rushing record or which team leads the league in passing yards without filing through an endless list of mundane “tweets” or sifting through archaic stat screens that aren’t numbered (see current Team Stats screen). Of course I should have expected this when one of the producers mentioned in their podcast something to the effect that he wanted players to use their imaginations more. Because, that, of course, is what today’s generation is all about and exactly why we play video games. That’s basically akin to saying that we should go back and play “Adventure” on Atari because “Uncharted” is too realistic.
But wait, there’s more. What about halftime shows that actually update us on what’s happening in our league? I’ve never heard a member of the community ask for that. Or anything to keep us informed with what is going on in the games that are being played at the same time as ours? I mean, when we’re the Packers tied at 12-3 for first in the division with the Bears going into our week 17 game against the Vikings, don’t any of us want to see how the Bears are faring against the Lions as we play our own game? Don’t any of us want to know the results of a Thursday night game before playing our Monday night game?
What about progressive injuries? Doesn’t anybody want those? Don’t we want an RB who’s had reconstructive knee surgery to never quite be the same again? Or would we just be too frustrated with the challenge of trying to use all those XP points to build him back up or spending a high draft pick to replace him?
I realize that some of these fixes and features may well yet be in the game this year, but I’m not optimistic. I’m pretty sure that if they were, there would have at least been some mention. I also understand that not all of them could possibly be implemented in one cycle, but today’s release offers no hope that they are even in the pipeline, let alone on the developer’s radar.
I also realize that maybe these aren’t the type of features gamers are looking for in this day and age. However, while I haven’t posted a lot, I’ve been reading these forums since the beginning and I’m confident that I’m not alone in this wishlist. So, if you’re out there and agree with some of these things, sound off. Let EA know what you really want. Heck, just let me know, so I know I’m not crazy and have lost all touch with what it is these games are supposed to be about. Otherwise, I guess I’ll just have to be content to turn the game over to the kids and let them play while I find other ways to occupy my free time.
Now that I've gone through the trouble of writing all this I find myself wondering if I should even post it. I am NOT and EA basher, and never have been. Madden has been a part of my life, in some degree or another, for as long as I can remember. In the past, I've always been content with the game despite its shortcomings, knowing that it had still come a long way since those early days on the Sega Genesis. But now, after skipping two of the last five versions, I am becoming disillusioned with the direction CFM is taking and needed to voice my frustration.

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Old 05-29-2015, 10:01 PM   #235
Steel4Reel's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Connected Franchise Details Revealed

Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Here's the thing, after listening to the TSS radio show Thursday night and hearing those guys talk about how it's prioritizing what the majority want in CFM and the numbers data that EA Tiburon has, I keep wondering, where/who is this majority that requested XP in the first place? Even in a recent interview with Kolbe it seems "casuals" are been labeled as the target demo, ok fine, again though, where are/were all these casual out cries for XP in a career mode? I don't think they exist, not as any majority, in fact I recall Looman and Young to a lesser extent, talking about how they had always wanted to do something like this.

My point is, like Kolbe admitted to in another interview, it's not always about what "casuals" ask for, sometimes they just run by them what they already want to do anyway to gauge their reaction to it. So if they could do that with this XP and stuff, they could have done the same thing with a more NFL based approach to career modes. So while I ain't mad at Kolbe or anybody else that simply has a job to do, don't try to pass this stuff off as catering to no casual demo, EA feeds them whatever they want them to have and marketing makes sure they eat it up.
The EA mouthpieces and damage control will spin their stories to suit whatever agenda they are trying to push. This goes back to previous Madden teams as well.

What I honestly believe happened? I think after Madden 12 when all the big changes were made, they were planning on moving towards more of a hardcore sim style within franchise....thus CCM was born. However, since then, instead of becoming more in depth for sim gamer, it has not really made any strides and has just become more simplified for the casual users.

This is the biggest issue I have with Madden, and it seems like its been a problem since the beginning of the PS3/360 gen.....the developers cant decide whether they are trying to make a sim game or arcade game, and thats why we regularly have a game that is a mix of both that appeases both sides but does nothing to blow either side away....and thats why this game will never make it to the next level. Its stuck in a permanent limbo until someone with authority that actually knows what they are doing takes a stand and pushes the game in a set direction.

The game is split between casuals vs hardcore, arcade vs sim and what gamers want vs what EA thinks will make them the most money.

And this, my friends, is why there needs to be competition. If EA wants to flutter along like this until the end of time, fine. Let them. But for the love of god....let us have freaking options instead of forcing us diehards to settle for their mediocrity year after year. I mean, think back to the 90s.....all of the football games that came out were different, but most of them seemingly appealed so different people. I knew Madden fans, NFL QB Club fans, Gameday fans, 2K fans, etc..

Obviously, there wouldnt be 5 different NFL games out these days, but even if there was only EA, 2K and maybe Sony in the mix....at least its options. At least its a chance to see something different. Even if none of the games lived up to expectations....at least we wouldnt be stuck on this one way street that leads to the same destination year....after year...after year.

Not trying to bash EA here, nor am I trying to get into a big discussion about the exclusive rights, because honestly, whats the point? As a football gamer, sim nut and huge NFL fan, I am just sick of the constant stream of mediocrity and excuses for the current state of football gaming, and since only one place makes it, we all know where its coming from.
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Old 05-29-2015, 10:16 PM   #236
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Connected Franchise Details Revealed

Originally Posted by Steel4Reel
This is the biggest issue I have with Madden, and it seems like its been a problem since the beginning of the PS3/360 gen.....the developers cant decide whether they are trying to make a sim game or arcade game, and thats why we regularly have a game that is a mix of both that appeases both sides but does nothing to blow either side away....and thats why this game will never make it to the next level. Its stuck in a permanent limbo until someone with authority that actually knows what they are doing takes a stand and pushes the game in a set direction.
You hit the nail on the head with this paragraph.

Like many others here, I have been playing Madden since the Genesis days...Maybe it's because I'm getting older but it just always seemed like their was a new upgrade every year to the game that got you excited and your palms sweating for it.

That magic is just gone...the game has no concrete direction anymore after we saw a very clear and defined one from 92-2004.
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Old 05-29-2015, 10:41 PM   #237
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Connected Franchise Details Revealed

I think EA does want to make a sim game experience, but they are stuck in the false belief that they have to gently lure the casuals on board.

That is why we see things like last year's training mode and this years --what I expect to be -- dynamic goals that are sim based.

EA is afraid to dive straight into a strong sim experience so they are first dipping their feet in it.

They are too fearful of failure.
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Old 05-29-2015, 10:54 PM   #238
SolidSquid's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Connected Franchise Details Revealed

Originally Posted by ggsimmonds
I think EA does want to make a sim game experience, but they are stuck in the false belief that they have to gently lure the casuals on board.

That is why we see things like last year's training mode and this years --what I expect to be -- dynamic goals that are sim based.

EA is afraid to dive straight into a strong sim experience so they are first dipping their feet in it.

They are too fearful of failure.
At some point you stop dipping and jump in. NBA2k does sim, The Show does sim and both casuals and sim guys buy those games. The real problem is EA thinking it has to choose one over the other. Just make the game accessible to casuals while having deeper sim features people can choose to use. Quick example tiered play calling, pick your line stunt coverage and blitz package OR use ask madden or community selections to have the game suggest full plays for you.
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Old 05-29-2015, 11:21 PM   #239
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Connected Franchise Details Revealed

12 was the last Madden I purchased and I've been content with it until now. The new lighting effects and graphic details on the PS4 have me excited to pick up the latest and ,questionably, greatest offering.
I'm an exclusive offline francise mode player and from what I'm reading here at some point the game got away from O, D and special team coaches? I'm going to miss that detail. Do we know how many players we can scout? Will it cost more to scout a player the third time than the first/second?
Madden 12 might prove to be the better game, but I'm ready to try a new spin on an old fav.
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Old 05-29-2015, 11:49 PM   #240
howboutdat's Arena
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Re: Madden NFL 16 Connected Franchise Details Revealed

Originally Posted by fringeelement
Wow, I’ve been a Madden player since ’92 and a devoted Franchise guy since its inception and the news today about the "improvements" to CFM is, to say the least, disturbing. I don’t know, maybe I’m getting old and the game has passed me by but if this is the direction things are headed and what today’s gamers are looking for out of the experience, than maybe it is time for me to hang up my virtual cleats.

Im not quoting all your post, not because i dont agree, but for the sake of the the length here. However , your not crazy man, i totally agree with you as do many others. We kept hearing , madden 16 is the year you believe again.... Only thing this CFM news makes me believe in , is ,that the direction of CFM is going straight down the drain. When i was finally hoping something grand happens to CFM, they just take it and run the opposite way with it. All i hear about is casual gamer this, and the sim community aint big enough. Guess i really shoulda knew then when all these GC kept repeating that statement, about how small the sim community is (basically meaningless it sounded) , that they was all repeating what EA was telling them . I shouldnt be surprised i guess, but i am.Extremely let down by this news, and direction. So its not just you man . Its about time to hang up our cleats and let the casuals just have their day .
Yup, i said it !

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