
MLB 15 The Show Livestream - Developer Tournament Featuring Gameplay All Day

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Old 03-13-2015, 10:27 PM   #137
Factzzz's Arena
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Livestream - Developer Tournament Featuring Gameplay All Day

Originally Posted by bronxbombers21325
Dissapointed that when you use solid white Nike gloves that it doesnt appear there is an option to make just the logo black or a team color. The Logo isn't visible because the Nike logo on all the gloves is the color of the secondary color on the gloves, or white, and it looks like generic solid white gloves from last year. It sucks because nearly every Yankees player wears solid white Nike gloves. It isn't major though, and I can live with it.
This is probably the closest you'll get:

Hopefully next year, they separate the logo from everything else.
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Old 03-14-2015, 01:05 AM   #138
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Livestream - Developer Tournament Featuring Gameplay All Day

I don't know, I'll try and say this as constructively as possible, but it seems like this dev team, or whomever, chooses to play it safe rather than push limits.

The grass thing as an example. They seem to be using the same grass they used in the PS3 version. It doesn't look right, it doesn't scream ps4, pushing the limits. I hear them talk about they spent all this time working on the grass color. They have this new tech and yada yada, and it seems sort of misguided. Kind of the polishing a turd syndrome. Why spend so much time making somethung look better that doesn't look right to begin with.

The stadium graphics they use are sub par. They are creating the stadiums seemingly using the same images they used on PS3 but not they are higher resolution. They showed off the ballparks, and really it doesn't scream ps4 pushing the limits, it sort of strikes me as, well you added these things to stadiums using the same stuff you used on the rest of the stadiums.

They added spring training stadiums that were the ones from the PS3 version but "they look better" on the ps4.
Commentary is the same, graphical overlays are minimalist in nature and don't scream pushing the limits.

Hey can't add uniforms because of the uniform slot system. Ok. I get the point, but the second year on the ps4 I still don't want to be buying an upgraded version of the PS3 game.

Gameplay is great, I'm certain I will find enjoyment out of them game, but at what point is it ok to ask for a little more out of the game, it seems like a lot of corners are cut, and I don't want to be sold on "players skin tones and grass colors" when there are so many other areas that deserve more attention.
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Old 03-14-2015, 01:28 AM   #139
ajblithe20's Arena
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MLB 15 The Show Livestream - Developer Tournament Featuring Gameplay All Day

They improve their game considerably each year. Lighting looks like it's taken a HUGE leap this year. This is enough for me.

Because when you start "pushing the limits," you're compromising a lot of other areas with the game. I know it's not the same thing, but think Madden when it jumped to the last generation. I think they "pushed the limits" when it came to graphics, and the graphics definitely jumped out. But the rest of the game took a giant step back.

I'd rather see my favorite game improve in a lot of areas and take a big step in one or two areas (lighting and equipment this year) each iteration than backpedal for a couple years and make a leap here or there

And to be clear I'm not trying to bash your post or anything... I agree that the devs could push the limits and take big risks with the game and it could possibly pay off, I just would rather them keep going the way they're going (no BIG risks, just solid improvements across the board)

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Last edited by ajblithe20; 03-14-2015 at 01:33 AM.
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Old 03-14-2015, 01:31 AM   #140
breakfastcat's Arena
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Livestream - Developer Tournament Featuring Gameplay All Day

Originally Posted by HealyMonster
I don't know, I'll try and say this as constructively as possible, but it seems like this dev team, or whomever, chooses to play it safe rather than push limits.

The grass thing as an example. They seem to be using the same grass they used in the PS3 version. It doesn't look right, it doesn't scream ps4, pushing the limits. I hear them talk about they spent all this time working on the grass color. They have this new tech and yada yada, and it seems sort of misguided. Kind of the polishing a turd syndrome. Why spend so much time making somethung look better that doesn't look right to begin with.

The stadium graphics they use are sub par. They are creating the stadiums seemingly using the same images they used on PS3 but not they are higher resolution. They showed off the ballparks, and really it doesn't scream ps4 pushing the limits, it sort of strikes me as, well you added these things to stadiums using the same stuff you used on the rest of the stadiums.

They added spring training stadiums that were the ones from the PS3 version but "they look better" on the ps4.
Commentary is the same, graphical overlays are minimalist in nature and don't scream pushing the limits.

Hey can't add uniforms because of the uniform slot system. Ok. I get the point, but the second year on the ps4 I still don't want to be buying an upgraded version of the PS3 game.

Gameplay is great, I'm certain I will find enjoyment out of them game, but at what point is it ok to ask for a little more out of the game, it seems like a lot of corners are cut, and I don't want to be sold on "players skin tones and grass colors" when there are so many other areas that deserve more attention.
While you're certainly entitled to your opinion, I think you should wait until you actually are playing it before judging it. I feel like most of the big changes this year are not ones that are going to shine in an internet video, but will once you get your hands on it. The changes made to the animation system make me think gameplay is going to feel pretty different and fresh. As for graphics, they said in the stadium stream that on the ps3, it took them 3 years to reach graphical maturity, and that they're still planning bigger things in the coming year or 2. I look at this year and last and I see SCEA laying down a solid foundation for the new generation, to set themselves up to do great things in the future. If in a few years we're still complaining about the game getting stale, then I'd see you're point, but I think the game is in a good spot right now.

Last edited by breakfastcat; 03-14-2015 at 01:34 AM.
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Old 03-14-2015, 01:55 AM   #141
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Livestream - Developer Tournament Featuring Gameplay All Day

Originally Posted by HealyMonster
The stadium graphics they use are sub par. They are creating the stadiums seemingly using the same images they used on PS3 but not they are higher resolution.
I recently played some MLB on my PS3. If you think the stadiums resolutions have not been improved then I don't even know what to say.

Just like so many people that second guess managers and coaches all the time and think they know better, so do gamers have the tendency to believe they know how to best improve their favorite game (not limited to The Show).

It's nice to do all this second guessing without needing to take into account the constraints of deadlines, staffing, budgets, technical hurdles, etc.

Nice, but not realistic.
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Old 03-14-2015, 02:39 AM   #142
Hockeynut99's Arena
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Livestream - Developer Tournament Featuring Gameplay All Day

As soon as he said staduims I stopped reading. Actually I stopped reading sooner.

Remember this is only the second season on the PS4.
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Old 03-14-2015, 04:31 AM   #143
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Livestream - Developer Tournament Featuring Gameplay All Day

Everyone are most certainly entitled to their opinion but I sometimes wonder if they're mistakenly playing the wrong game.

Also, the stadium stream was done in low resolution (which was a bit disappointing for me) and didn't showcase the stadiums as well as it could. Thursday's dev tournament games were streamed higher and looked a lot better IMO.
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Old 03-14-2015, 08:48 AM   #144
Mrmagoo's Arena
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Livestream - Developer Tournament Featuring Gameplay All Day

Originally Posted by Hockeynut99
The ball physics are so much better this year and the player models look a lot better too with all the shadowing and the heavy set people look better too.
Any link to what was all addressed (tweaked) as far as ball physics?
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