
Three Keys: NBA 2K

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Old 12-05-2014, 12:28 AM   #17
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One thing I've noted while diving deep into MyCareer is just how different the game is from the one that's advertised. Those vids that came late before 2k released of the Spurs' offense, the Knicks Triangle? Nowhere to be found. You're playing against the same team every night basically.

The role of having to be a superstar bugs me a bit. This has more to do w/ gameplay. The game doesnt do a good job of establishing role players. Kyle Korver wont hang around the three or look for his own shot, and the drive and kick is so rare. What if I want to be a 3 and D guy? Being a ball-hogging, stat-stuffing 6'9 SF that scores 50 every game isnt everyone's cup of tea nor is it realistic in regards to simulation.

If you're going to give me a story with that many holes in it, that cheesy with awful voice acting (still enjoyable however) then give me more than the binary options of being a bad guy or good guy. Flood me w/ options. Dont give me the choice of just being a good teammate or a jerk.

It was quite lost on me that the game has the most amount of shoes (that are ALL beautiful) ever but still does the generic shoes gimmick. Just make me pay for the shoes I want to wear or restrict me to brands other than Nike/Jordan or instead of it just being Nike/Jordan/Adidas, let me sign with any brand AND pay me for wearing the shoes.

The mode is just lost in a sea of confusion on what it wants to be. It comes off as cartoonish far to often for a 2k title. The other guys have been perfecting that for years.

Oh... and this bugs me only because I love details. All of the equipment available in the game should be options for my player. Not a huge deal at all, might even be nitpicking but it makes me curious as to why it wouldnt be the same by default.
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Old 12-05-2014, 06:14 AM   #18
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I'm glad folks are enjoying this game because I'm not. I don't see anything here talking about input delay. Why is the delayed response not an issue? I think everybody is all caught up in the cosmetics and don't care about core gameplay. My little cousin has Nba 2k11 on PS3. I played a full game offline of course and couldn't believe the crisp response on the controller compared to 2k15 on the PS4. The bar definitely has been lowered and no one seems to care.
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Old 12-06-2014, 05:37 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by DEEBOFIOUS
In order to fix team gameplay you have to replace 2kStauffer with yours truly. This season is the hardest he's worked on updates since he has been with 2k. Now if the company didn't demand this type of attention to detail then shame on them. Stauffer is a proffesional 2k player stylist. He changes the clothes of NBA players like no other, but when it comes to signature shots, player ratings, & tendencies, this guy is way off. If players tendencies truly represented each players game, then you get a closer version of nba play. Far too many of the stars have to be adjusted to get a good game vs cpu and user. Players like Al Jefferson should plant his *** on the left block then throw up that facing hook 90% of his attempts & the other 10% should be face up jumpers or half hearted mid-post drives. Stauffer is a youtube posting enthusiast that doesn't know the game or player tendencies. 1st step in the right direction.
Overwhelmingly obvious that 2k put all their eggs in the myplayer cheese baskets. They put the likes of ipodkingcarter an others in the commercials in hopes that more fans would join the money-grab-myplayer-race to 99 overall. Reason being was to "keep fans engaged after purchase." In other words suck the fans dry and dictate their need for more. If 2k listened to fans more than their greedy ideas, they would know that the fan base is split. Group a)offline/online vs user and/or cpu and group b)mode lovers. Too many myplayer upgrades.
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Old 12-06-2014, 06:50 PM   #20
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Re: Three Keys: NBA 2K

Keep the controls simple and the same like Madden. Madden fans KNOW and have KNOWN what to expect from the control pad for years.

#1 Circle should be a left/right/forward/back dribble seperation move depending on left stick direction choice along with double tap for spin jumpers/spin layups or dunks.

#2 Square should remain directional hop step/step back move along with double tap for euro. In the deep post, pre-dribble, speed burst+square should be a power dribble/shoulder into defenders chest on the way to a power dunk or aggressive layup. (Limited to power players only) Ineffective or turned over if a)defender is stronger than offensive player, b)a non power player is attempting the move, or c)move attempted outside the deep post. Examples of players worthy of this move Shaq, Wilt, Dr. J, Chris Webber, Kemp, Blake Griffin, DeAndre jordan, Drummond, Melo, etc. NOT LeBron because he doesn't have a power post game.

#3 Switch play calling back to button choices and not the direction pad. It is way too cumbersome to quickly send a player to the post from the d-pad.

#4 Re-tool the setup dribble moves. 2k obviously added a million different and1 moves for the dumb park play mode. In 2k's earliest stages the iso motions were erratic stick movements that created dope and1 mixtape moves that you couldn't duplicate if your life depended on it. Continue adding useless crap to an NBA game and you get NBA Jam sales.

#5 Shots should be more button pressure sensative. A)Wide open three attempt=longer hold before release to initiate shooters set shot. Example is PG13's shot. His straight up & down sig shot is correct if he only shot set shots. B)Late challenge or quicker shot attempts=shorter hold of button/stick before release to initiate shooters' jump shot. C)Late shot clock attempts or full/half court heaves=short quick tap of button to initiate rushed shot attempt or quick long distance toss. As it stands the computer takes over in the instance of late clock attempts and is sometimes unfair. Also add a forward leaning heave attempt from full/half court.

#6 During the camera pan to start the game before tip, don't allow users to cancel the programmers showing off the details of the jumbotron and arena ads. Instead, give users a choice box similar to the technical foul shooter box, that allows us to choose which starter will jump at the tip. To ensure that NO user gets stuck with a PG jumping against a center, allow a quick are you sure after the selection. 2k has forced us to use centers like Perkins far too long when Ibaka has always jumped at the tip.

#7 Please get the blocked shots, deflections, and steals correct? If myplayer addition were cut in half, these NECESSARY adjustments could have been made in 2k15.

#8 Lastly, get the freaking servers right. It's last on my list because I don't care for the lag infested online play and nor do I care to spend additional funds to by virtual sneakers, jerseys, etc.
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Old 12-06-2014, 09:25 PM   #21
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More accurate player models, not just the faces. More variations with the player models and different uniform fits. Adding more body sliders to the current body length, wingspan, and shoulder width would help. It's weird more body sliders aren't in the game considering they were in the very early editions of NBA 2K.
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Old 12-07-2014, 12:26 AM   #22
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Be able to shorten quarters to less than 6 min in my career. Also, I agree with dropping the shoe sponsorship deal, just allow us to wear whatever shoe we'd like. After all it is a video game, most of us will never get a shoe deal in our lifetime so why drag it out and make us in the game? Would be a nice added feature to the storyline but should not be necessary to rock kicks other than the "2K" brand
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Old 12-07-2014, 04:15 AM   #23
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Re: Three Keys: NBA 2K

In terms of making teams/players make themselves more distinct, I think 2K have made huge strides this year. It was pretty damn good on default, and a good custom roster makes it better. Not perfect, but it feels pretty damn good.
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Old 12-07-2014, 10:00 AM   #24
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Re: Three Keys: NBA 2K

Originally Posted by DustinT

There is no disputing NBA 2K15 is one of the best sports games of the year.
How many big/popular sport games are there? It's either FIFA, Madden or NBA 2K (and MLB/NHL). It's easy to be the best, especially because of 2K's position right now.
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