
MLB 15 The Show Wishlist, Ours and Yours

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Old 11-29-2014, 05:07 AM   #145
Teigh Cubs Teigh's Arena
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Wishlist, Ours and Yours

Originally Posted by encbase13
5. Also, how about giving us the ability to control one player in game instead of controlling the entire team? Kind of an RTTS capability but that would work for Exhibition games Franchise etc. This would allow people to control their favorite player and play a season/game with only control of them when playing.
Well I have good news for you, that feature was added in 14. I believe you hit either R1 or R2 while on the lineup or rotation screens before any game and you get to play as that player just as you would in RttS.
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Old 12-03-2014, 09:02 PM   #146
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Wishlist, Ours and Yours

I'm sure this has already been mentioned, but I would like the ability to name my save files. It gets really complicated to try and run multiple 30 team franchises' when the save files have the same name.

I would also like to see financials added back in to Franchise Mode.

I agree that RTTS needs a little more depth added to it and that the commentary needs some freshening up, if not changed entirely. I like Matt but the other two drive me nuts. (Just my opinion, of course)
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Old 12-04-2014, 02:03 AM   #147
dodgerblue's Arena
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Wishlist, Ours and Yours

1- Better player models
2- Better uniforms. The positioning and size of the numerals on the front of the jersey.
3- Capture the speed of the game. Yes, baseball is a leisurely paced game, but when it's fast, it's fast. Baserunners, rocket shots off the bat, line drives into the corners skipping all the way to the wall, high 90's heat from live arms.
4- Make fielding more responsive. The casual animations need to go.
5- Make outfields to scale, they just seem too small to me.
6- Realistic stadiums, especially the skyline stuff, trees, buildings etc.
7- Lighting and real time shadowing. Stadium specific, time of year specific.
8- Night game lighting, better last year but still not like a real night game should look.
9- Some real spring training sites and stadiums.
10- Quicker animations for fielding, I hate when you can't tag a runner out with the catcher because he goes into a big sweeping animation. Or when you field a ball out in front of the plate and can't throw the runner out at first.
11- More connected audio from the 3 man booth. It's not that I want new voices so much as they aren't talking to each other.
12- During gameplay in dynasty, show other things going on in your virtual world so it is more connected.
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Old 12-04-2014, 11:32 PM   #148
MauerMorneau09's Arena
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Wishlist, Ours and Yours

Had already posted it in the "Three keys" thread, but decided to move it here for obvious reasons.

Idk about you guys, but there's 2 small uniform details that would be nice to see fixed. They're very subtle changes, but it helps with realism. 1 is having the underarm "vents" on Cool Base jerseys. If you look at pics of players, you'll notice the underarm area is a darker, mesh type material. Not all uniforms in the league are Cool Base, but since they go through Majestic, it would be cool to see it added in. Another thing is players' hats. It bugs me that players hats always seem to be too small on them. Most players wear their hats down so the edge of the cap goes along their line. Hard to explain, but I'm sure most would know what I'm getting at here. Those are changes that an equipment junkie like me wants, nothing too big.
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Old 12-05-2014, 03:07 AM   #149
DemurOnion's Arena
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Wishlist, Ours and Yours

Originally Posted by Turbojugend
Watching Ken Burns' Baseball brought another idea to mind; video filters that emulate different eras of television, a'la NBA 2K12. If there ever was some sort of historic mode, playing as Ted Williams in black-and-white with a grain filter would be awesome.
I'm a huge sucker for historic stuff. MLB 10 was the last game I played where I got to have fun this way. Boo hoo.
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Old 12-05-2014, 10:26 PM   #150
g-burn's Arena
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Wishlist, Ours and Yours

I want expanded stat tracking on player cards. I've been wanting this for almost a decade now and yet no improvements. I hope this is the year (I'm starting to sound like a Cubs fan...)

As far as animations go, I'd love to see them implement unique player swings. In addition to the offered one handed and two handed swings, include slap swings (Ichiro), violent swings (Thome), long swings (Griffey), front foot swings (A-Rod), and etc.

I'd like for there to be some warning about player retirements. I want to pull my hair out when the 35 year old vet on in my rotation decides to hang em up out of the blue. Especially if I have a 2 year plan involving him. They should let us know at the start of the season if they are thinking about retiring or maybe you should hear some grumblings about it over the season. That way you can prepare for it, or try and convince him to stick around for a few more years.

Last edited by g-burn; 12-05-2014 at 10:33 PM. Reason: Forgot a wish
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Old 12-06-2014, 09:35 AM   #151
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Wishlist, Ours and Yours

Originally Posted by g-burn
I want expanded stat tracking on player cards. I've been wanting this for almost a decade now and yet no improvements. I hope this is the year (I'm starting to sound like a Cubs fan...)

As far as animations go, I'd love to see them implement unique player swings. In addition to the offered one handed and two handed swings, include slap swings (Ichiro), violent swings (Thome), long swings (Griffey), front foot swings (A-Rod), and etc.

I'd like for there to be some warning about player retirements. I want to pull my hair out when the 35 year old vet on in my rotation decides to hang em up out of the blue. Especially if I have a 2 year plan involving him. They should let us know at the start of the season if they are thinking about retiring or maybe you should hear some grumblings about it over the season. That way you can prepare for it, or try and convince him to stick around for a few more years.

Yup between that and a franchise mode that isn't broken, are both things I have been waiting for 5 years now. If franchise mode isn't fixed this year I a skipping out on this game.
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Old 12-06-2014, 11:11 AM   #152
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Re: MLB 15 The Show Wishlist, Ours and Yours

This game needs more attention to detail in certain areas:

1. A simple, but meaningful change would simply be a more through tracking of statistics in online franchise mode. Upon starting a new franchise, give players the option to start keeping league/franchise statistics or import them from MLB history. Keep and show league, team, and user records for everything with the ability to compare it to other users in the league. If I hit 41 doubles with Johnny Baseball in year 2 of my online franchise, I want to know where that ranks on the all-time doubles list, my individual franchises doubles list, and among my fellow users for a season. Keep track of both seasonal and career totals for any statistic that is possible to measure and put it in an easy to access menu.

2. Adding menu's devoted to statistics tracking and ranking, including a more thorough player's card, wouldn't be difficult. Making franchise mode more dynamic would be. I'd love to see a much deeper financial experience in online franchise mode, complete with a sophisticated free agency experience, AI generated events like expansion and relocation, and maybe even a more cut-throat experience (as an option) where poor performances and bad financial decisions can lead to situations where you are forced to sell and that franchise mode ends. I'd love to see a more sophisticated minor league system. Obviously there are a lot of ways that franchise mode can become a deeper experience that other statistically driven games do better than this one.
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