
In PES 2015, The Old Magic is Back on the Pitch (XB1/PS4 Review)

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Old 11-23-2014, 10:38 AM   #41
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Re: In PES 2015, The Old Magic is Back on the Pitch (XB1/PS4 Review)

Yep, I bought a console because I told myself that I had enough of all the fine tuning and patches and evrything else that PC needs to run games properly. Its a pain in the *** to be able to play all games out of the box. Lots of settings on GPUs are necessary to improve games stability and performance and I just had enough of that. In console at least I can fire up a game and I know he will run flawlessly. I found that licenses and whatever are not that important to me, as long as I can play the damn game. Had a blast with Fifa and Iīm slowly getting there with PES.

Why Konami didnīt grow enough to complete the game year after year I donīt understand, specially noticing lots of guys that make great patches after only a couple of months. Real names is not an issue to me, its easily editable, but lack of generic stadiums for each league, 2nd divisions for all leagues, even more leagues etc its just not understandable in these days. I canīt believe they canīt assign a couple guys to make them through one year. Still, game is easily enjoyed and I will spend several hours/days in master league adventures and custom cups.
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Old 11-23-2014, 12:01 PM   #42
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Re: In PES 2015, The Old Magic is Back on the Pitch (XB1/PS4 Review)

Originally Posted by fearwhatnow
1. PES 15 has teams with slow build up and teams with a faster one.
2. "..long balls across the pitch swung in from insane distance". Have you seen anything like this in FIFA 15?? (consoles version not the heavily modded pc one).

@Orion, KONAMI's football department is a small one. They have a limited amount of money and they can't beat EA providing a fully licensed game. That's never going to change. Also, I haven't seen anything wrong with the physics (ball or players). What do you think is wrong with the physics?
Master League ofc has many flaws, it isn't as shiny as EA's manager mode but it's playable. As long as the gameplay variation is there I'm able to "forget" all the presentation flaws. And gameplay is hands down the best ever in a football videogame. After dozens of games I'm still amazed with the cpu AI and the attacking variation I see in every match.
Finally, the game as I posted earlier is already fully licensed on PC. I know most people have the game on the new consoles but when they bought their new console they accepted Sony's and Microsoft's policy against any kind of modding.
the physics system in the game is clearly a generation behind, it's not bad so to speak, just archaic like the rest of the game. And that's my issue, sure gameplay is fantastic but you can't do anything with it. I cannot justify spending any of my time with any of the game modes because they fall short when compared to the other game. I mean I get some guys beef with FIFA, I do, when you watch videos of those UT/online Streamers the game looks terrible, but with a good set of sliders FIFA plays a really great game of football.
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Old 11-23-2014, 02:21 PM   #43
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Re: In PES 2015, The Old Magic is Back on the Pitch (XB1/PS4 Review)

I am enjoying the hell out of League Mode. I like it because it gives me a fix while I am working on my edits for Master League. I have nearly all in the Sky Bet Championship edited and then it is on to the Bundesliga.
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Old 11-23-2014, 03:35 PM   #44
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Re: In PES 2015, The Old Magic is Back on the Pitch (XB1/PS4 Review)

For me, I ordered PES with a general idea of what to expect as far as presentation and game modes go. PES was not going to come close to touching Fifa in these areas. EA has almost exclusively stuck to building the presentation and pick up ability of Fifa. Gameplay gets tweaked year to year (for better or worse), but it's obvious that their goal is to put out a great looking/sounding product that you can jump right in to and enjoy. PES on the other hand seems to have thrown the presentation out the door and stuck with bare bone game modes. I believe Konami were aiming to provide deeper and more complicated gameplay, which can be rewarding and long lasting in itself. If I had gone into ordering PES thinking Konami had similar aims as EA, I most definitely would be disappointed.

It is saddening not having such a full experience as Fifa, where most leagues are licensed and the commentary is great, but I can forgive to some extent; we cannot expect as much from a lower budget game. If we can separate our expectations a bit with both games, I think it would be easier to enjoy them both.

I've got both games on my PS4. When my friends come over this weekend for a round of 2v2 drinking Fifa, I won't even suggest PES. When I've got some more time to myself throughout the week, I'll be diving into PES.
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Old 11-23-2014, 05:26 PM   #45
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Re: In PES 2015, The Old Magic is Back on the Pitch (XB1/PS4 Review)

Originally Posted by orion523
the physics system in the game is clearly a generation behind, it's not bad so to speak, just archaic like the rest of the game. And that's my issue, sure gameplay is fantastic but you can't do anything with it. I cannot justify spending any of my time with any of the game modes because they fall short when compared to the other game. I mean I get some guys beef with FIFA, I do, when you watch videos of those UT/online Streamers the game looks terrible, but with a good set of sliders FIFA plays a really great game of football.
Again you're unable to provide a clear answer about the physics system. "Just archaic", what does that mean? After a week with the game I have seen a fantastic variety in goals and chances. You say gameplay is fantastic. Gameplay includes the physics system.
I don't want to defend PES 15 and especially KONAMI. You know I have provided a great set of sliders for the modded pc version of FIFA 15 but I feel it's time to get the facts right. PES 15 is more football than FIFA 15.
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Old 11-23-2014, 05:30 PM   #46
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Re: In PES 2015, The Old Magic is Back on the Pitch (XB1/PS4 Review)

Originally Posted by orion523
Nearly two weeks after release, and I'm still not sure how I feel. On the one hand, the CPU plays a smart, varied game that's a joy to behold. Unfortunately though that's where the 'joy" ends. Master League is laughable, unplayable even with 10-9 score lines, archaic menus, terrible transfer logic, pathetic commentary, and a dearth of licenses, that completely destroys any sense of immersion, and that's saying nothing about the complete lack of the Bundesliga which is arguably the greatest league in the world. BAL? Same problems. Online play? Awful. Physics? Yeah, awful. Season mode? Champions League? Everything is bogged down by poor design. So basically what we have is a great game of exhibition football. Yet somehow this game is getting insanely high reviews including the one here. Now I'm all for great gameplay, and I really do appreciate the strides that PES has made this year, but until they get it together and step it up everywhere else the game will remain second rate.
Would you recommend I wait till I can find it for a cheaper price? I already have FIFA and still want to keep it for online play but I really enjoy playing the CPU more in PES(from the demo at least)..I can't stand the bland,repetitive AI of FIFA.
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Old 11-23-2014, 09:39 PM   #47
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Re: In PES 2015, The Old Magic is Back on the Pitch (XB1/PS4 Review)

Originally Posted by fearwhatnow
Again you're unable to provide a clear answer about the physics system. "Just archaic", what does that mean? After a week with the game I have seen a fantastic variety in goals and chances. You say gameplay is fantastic. Gameplay includes the physics system.
I don't want to defend PES 15 and especially KONAMI. You know I have provided a great set of sliders for the modded pc version of FIFA 15 but I feel it's time to get the facts right. PES 15 is more football than FIFA 15.
OK I'll spell it out. There is no foot planting, no step based locomotion, no inertia. When you go to pass/shoot the ball the position of your player matters not, the ball still goes where you want it to. Same with cutting and running. As for the ball, it remains tied to the players, its not its own entity with its own physics. There are no dipping, swerving, or knuckled shots. Passing, same deal. And that's just the physics. There are other issues as well on the pitch. Fouls are few and far between, the CPU tends to dribble excessively when it's near the 18 yard box, on the defensive end the flanks are defended at the expense of the middle of the field, I can go on, but I won't I'm not going to troll the thread. My point is PES is not worthy of the review scores it's received. The reviewers and fan boys are looking at the game through rose colored glasses, why" I don't know, nostalgia I guess. PES does ONE thing well, ONE. We all know what that is. Maybe that can carry the day for some, and that's great, it doesn't do it for me. And with that, I am out.
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Old 11-23-2014, 09:59 PM   #48
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Re: In PES 2015, The Old Magic is Back on the Pitch (XB1/PS4 Review)

You can shoot knuckle shots.

It's alright though. It takes time to learn a new control scheme. Lots of the motions are completely different than FIFA. More difficult to pull off. I prefer it that way.

I will say that PES practice skill game is alright, but it should go much deeper. The controls are very deep and different.

I am glad that we have two good games to choose from. Different strokes for different folks. Competition is good, without PES, FIFA wouldn't have improved so much in the past five years, and FIFA has also pushed the Konami developers this year. Everyone wins in the end. Be happy and enjoy your game of choice.

Last edited by LingeringRegime; 11-23-2014 at 10:11 PM.
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