
WWE 2K15 Day One Impressions, Post Yours Here

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Old 11-19-2014, 01:05 PM   #105
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Re: WWE 2K15 Day One Impressions, Post Yours Here

My initial impression was this game sucks. The gameplay is too slow and the controls are unresponsive. I put the game down for a few hours but came back to give it another shot and I've been playing non stop ever since. The gameplay is amazing, it's a step in the right direction. My only complaint is I'd like to see more moves next year and of course all the creative options left out from last year.
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Old 11-19-2014, 01:22 PM   #106
pimpinpidgeon8's Arena
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Re: WWE 2K15 Day One Impressions, Post Yours Here

I'm having an awful time trying to find out how to buy the season pass for the game. Also, why are the online servers continually down for this game?
"Hate my game, hate my swagger, my hunger. Hate that I'm a veteran, a champion. Hate that, hate it with all your heart...
...and hate that I'm loved for the exact same reasons."
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Old 11-19-2014, 01:27 PM   #107
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Re: WWE 2K15 Day One Impressions, Post Yours Here

Originally Posted by pimpinpidgeon8
I'm having an awful time trying to find out how to buy the season pass for the game. Also, why are the online servers continually down for this game?
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Old 11-19-2014, 02:30 PM   #108
pimpinpidgeon8's Arena
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Re: WWE 2K15 Day One Impressions, Post Yours Here

Originally Posted by JAMRenaissance
Ok, so I bought the season pass for $25 and purchased the accelerator for free. Now, how do I get it from the online store to my actual PS4? I have never bought anything this way before.
"Hate my game, hate my swagger, my hunger. Hate that I'm a veteran, a champion. Hate that, hate it with all your heart...
...and hate that I'm loved for the exact same reasons."
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Old 11-19-2014, 02:48 PM   #109
eremiomania's Arena
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Re: WWE 2K15 Day One Impressions, Post Yours Here

Originally Posted by pimpinpidgeon8
Ok, so I bought the season pass for $25 and purchased the accelerator for free. Now, how do I get it from the online store to my actual PS4? I have never bought anything this way before.

On your PS4, go to the PS store and then go to 'New' and then "New Add On's" I think it is. Sort it by Z-A and then you should see the accelerator and it should be free since you bought the season pass. click on it and download.

Go into the game. Go to options. Go to unlockables. Click square.
These days I'm less like "Jailhouse Rock" Elvis and more like "dying alone on the toilet" Elvis.
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Old 11-19-2014, 03:58 PM   #110
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The more I play, the more I start to enjoy it and be disappointed at the same time. With what everyone has been saying, the lack of match types is disheartening. The lack of numerous creation modes leaves one bewildered. There isn't even an instant replay during the match, like there was last year.

I like the numerous attributes per wrestler now. I think we have more a chance to get a "SIM" experience now. I put Santino's stats below 40 and he got whooped each time.

The pace of the game is slow, which is good and bad.
The "aiming" of the attacks is slightly off. Playing with Sheamus against The Miz, I felt I had to get in the Miz's face just to have the "reach" to punch him. I'm standing a foot away and still miss with a punch.

The camera angles are to be desired. If you or your opponent is knocked down by the wall in front of you, good luck seeing the action there. During testing, why didn't they catch this obvious camera blockage?

The crowd is also hit or miss. Not very exciting.

Commentary? For the love that is wrestling, please gives us the ability to turn this off next year if you're going to stay with the game group. But, didn't 2k say they revamped this?

All the marketing on the improvements to the game, I think I've seen maybe 25%. Overall, it's a decent upgrade, but it's not what 2k marketed it to be. With that said, it makes me wonder why we had to wait an additional 3 weeks for the next gen release.
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Old 11-19-2014, 04:58 PM   #111
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Re: WWE 2K15 Day One Impressions, Post Yours Here

Originally Posted by Steven547
The more I play, the more I start to enjoy it and be disappointed at the same time. With what everyone has been saying, the lack of match types is disheartening. The lack of numerous creation modes leaves one bewildered. There isn't even an instant replay during the match, like there was last year.

I like the numerous attributes per wrestler now. I think we have more a chance to get a "SIM" experience now. I put Santino's stats below 40 and he got whooped each time.

The pace of the game is slow, which is good and bad.
The "aiming" of the attacks is slightly off. Playing with Sheamus against The Miz, I felt I had to get in the Miz's face just to have the "reach" to punch him. I'm standing a foot away and still miss with a punch.

The camera angles are to be desired. If you or your opponent is knocked down by the wall in front of you, good luck seeing the action there. During testing, why didn't they catch this obvious camera blockage?

The crowd is also hit or miss. Not very exciting.

Commentary? For the love that is wrestling, please gives us the ability to turn this off next year if you're going to stay with the game group. But, didn't 2k say they revamped this?

All the marketing on the improvements to the game, I think I've seen maybe 25%. Overall, it's a decent upgrade, but it's not what 2k marketed it to be. With that said, it makes me wonder why we had to wait an additional 3 weeks for the next gen release.
The commentary volume can be muted in the options.
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Old 11-19-2014, 05:16 PM   #112
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Re: WWE 2K15 Day One Impressions, Post Yours Here

My impressions:

-Little things: you can see the wrestler apply weight on canvas in the ring like in real life. Pay attention to the impression as he stands.

-The end of match lasts longer. On other versions, I always felt that the end of match celebration was caught off too quickly.

-The graphics are incredible and look spot on. Looks like you are watching a telecast.

-Stone Cold actually puts his hands around the ropes as he climbs the middle turnbuckle. Never seen this to this degree.

-Tile Menus are nice. Loading times are quicker than other versions of the game IMO.

-CPU vs CPU matches are entertaining to watch. Watch Undertaker vs. Brock at Summer Slam and the match went back and forth and lasted about 10 minutes. I know it's a video game. Taker won after Brock kicks out of last ride. Then tombstone and pin. Taker stumbled to get up and that is a nice touch of realism.

-Has anybody mentioned that at the end of the match, the wrestlers are showing sweat? Looks realistic.

-Crowd looks good. There are little kids scattered as well as advertised.

-Like mentioned, too many things from the creative side were removed. But I'm not disappointed because I rather they leave it out than cause problems. I'm sure they will get things right next year. There is very little they can improve upon graphics wise so they will address the things other versions people liked. Can anybody believe what this game will be like in 2k18. Look at how things looked in 2k11 to compare.

-Warrior doesn't look proportional. I know it's impossible to scan him for obvious reasons, but I had him wrestle CM Punk and he looked three times wider. I'm exaggerating a bit. And his closeups showing his back look a bit fake.

-For years I've mentioned that the two man commentary should be 1) together AND AND AND 2) Both guys should be taped with crowd in the background. Otherwise, we get what we got which is like they are reading in a closed room and it doesn't feel real when you overlay them to the game.

-Arena Creation. I don't see why this would be omitted other than realizing that maybe it will be more memory intense and complex than just overlaying logos, colors, etc. I can wait until next year. Always loved wrestling "dark" matches in community arenas.
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