
Full List and Description of NBA 2K15 Badges

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Old 09-22-2014, 02:42 PM   #153
stillfeelme's Arena
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Re: Full List and Description of NBA 2K15 Badges

Originally Posted by ronyell
if things work properly, i am honestly ok with with thses badges replacing tendencies because most of those tendencies in theory would be rated as to how well they do them using the rating & if they have the ability to do so will be dictated by if they have a badge or not... hopefully.

simplified editing will be preferred for me... new way of thinking for a new gen but of course it would have to work in that way. if a player doesnt have that particular skill badge for that particular tendency.... they shouldnt do it & vice versa.

all layup & dribble move badges for example dictate if "they can/will" & the layup & ball handling / shoot off dribble rating will dictate "how well" & if the gameplay & situation logic has been improved as they say then all will be great.

i always like have all of the editing ability at my finger tips but i never necessarily felt that having a tendency that dictated "how often" should be used to dictate "when" moves are used. i believe they are truly moving in the right direction if things work as i have mentioned. it would be much more fluid & gameplay logic fixes are more welcome for me than 1000 tendencies all with a 1-100 range for me to edit to my obsessive compulsive liking.

I see your point I just want the players to still play like themselves regardless if they have a skill/badge. Say for example corner three specialist does he stop spotting up for threes if he loses his skill badge even if his tendency to do so has not really changed (Think Battier of last year 3pt% dropped). IMO the tendency should be there the success should drop.

I see tendency as what the player does. Sometimes they do things that are not in their strengths a la Josh Smith chucking mid range jumpers and threes despite not being good there. So I still see the tendency needs to be there to get them to play good or bad. Especially since their are no negative badges.
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Old 09-22-2014, 03:13 PM   #154
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Originally Posted by gamingsinceatari
I see what you mean about him being more of a floater type of guard but I have seen him on occasion pull off a drop step/acrobatic type of finish bUT not often that's why I gave him those skills in bronze. As far as the tenacious rebounding goes, Curry has games where he gets 6-10 rebounds then some games he will get 0-3. In 2k14 the tenacious rebounder dig skill always gave me those kind of results when I played with curry. Sometimes he would have quite a few rebounds and sometimes he wouldn't have any. I got better results going that route than giving him high rebounding ratings.

As far as post step backs, many guards actually use this shot, they may not back the defender down beforehand like big men do but trust me they do (d will, curry, klay, joe j, just to name a few). And as far as the step back for K love goes.... he uses the stepback a lot, it's how he gets open for a lot of those late game 3's he hit last year.
I believe the badges are to enhance skills that players are already good at. So if a player does a certain move just a few times that shouldn't mean he should have a badge.
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Old 10-17-2014, 09:39 PM   #155
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Join Date: Oct 2013
I wish there was a site where I can see HOW to earn these badges
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