
NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

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Old 09-16-2014, 04:16 PM   #345
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Re: NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by jake19ny
Al titos sliders are excellent I have played about 20 games with them. Tried minor tweaks here and there. It's only the penalties that just do not work. I don't think gameplay is the issue with most. It's the missing modes, which some will get what they want in a patch, some of us won't and the things that have been a problem for years like penalties that still have people angry. You have what you like in the game and will be getting the rest in a patch that's great but many are left feeling ripped off, lied to again, and ignored.
Ill respond once to this as its a game impression thread ,
Like I said from your other post you seem to be crying sour grapes BUT we all new before release what this game was gonna be so I cant feel sorry for anyone who purchased it , buyer beware .

But I just hope EA NHL doesnt waste the wonderful base they created for next gen like they did with NHL 07 and then we waited 3 years for modes .
Finally Roster share in NHL 22 ! Dreams do come true ! To Garryowen and Glory boys !

Last edited by THESHAMISASHAME; 09-16-2014 at 04:47 PM.
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Old 09-16-2014, 04:47 PM   #346
jake19ny's Arena
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Arrow Re: NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by THESHAMISASHAME
Ill respond once to this as this is really a game impression thread ,
Like I said from your other post you seem to be crying sour grapes BUT we all new before release what this game was gonna be so I cant feel sorry for anyone who purchased it , buyer beware .

But I just hope EA NHL doesnt waste the wonderful base they created for next gen as they wasted 3 years after the great but the bare bones NHL 07 .
You know I just realized that unless everyone feels the way you do about the game you want them to shut up. Your right this an impression thread but here is the rub.....some people have a different impression then you. Your comment that we all knew what would or wouldn't be in the game is so inaccurate it's not even funny. Show me one blog or post where Ranmer ever answers the question about season mode before the game released. Show me one blog or post that says edit player won't be in the game. Show me one blog or post that says full roster control won't be in the game. There us so much missing that they kept quiet it's not even funny. You like the game that's cool and your impressions are important for people who feel like you and will find them helpful. Those of us who are posting our negative impressions are helpful for people like us. People who have been waiting for things like penalties to be fixed for 3 years. People who asked over and over again about certain modes and never had their questions answered by EA. When you pop on every thread telling people who have issues with the game to stay out of the threads, call people sour grapes, etc etc you just come off like a troll and an EA fanboy. Your entitled to your view of the game but for Christ sake stop telling others what do and think about the game as if they are too stupid to figure it out. Hell in one thread you answered someone "thank you for getting it" as if the rest of us over here are on some lower level of existence then you are. Do you ever listen to yourself. Here's my impression the game as it stands is a good base for next gen but totally incomplete and not worth the full price everyone paid.

Last edited by jake19ny; 09-16-2014 at 04:50 PM.
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Old 09-16-2014, 05:00 PM   #347
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Re: NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

If you have a Ax to grind and turn people off to the game thats fine but after a while it gets old say your peace and move on because if something like a video game upsets you this much especially after you knew how it would be you should just move on .
Wish I could help you more but Im a half full positive type of guy and the only thing this game can fairly be criticized of IMHO is lack of modes because gameplay is Amazing and oh so fun and Im sorry your not seeing that and now Ill put you on ignore so contact EA if you wanna keep complaining over and over
Finally Roster share in NHL 22 ! Dreams do come true ! To Garryowen and Glory boys !
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Old 09-16-2014, 05:01 PM   #348
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Re: NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

I'm loving the game. It's slick gameplay and very authentic overall.

I'm an offline only player, so the missing modes don't bother me too much. I only play Season mode (with real rosters) so it's a bummer they removed that, but I can manage with Be A GM if I can turn off all the contract and money stuff.

I got my sliders locked in pretty good and ready for season to start so I can play with my favorite team as the real season goes.
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Old 09-16-2014, 05:09 PM   #349
jake19ny's Arena
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Re: NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by ParisB
I'm loving the game. It's slick gameplay and very authentic overall.

I'm an offline only player, so the missing modes don't bother me too much. I only play Season mode (with real rosters) so it's a bummer they removed that, but I can manage with Be A GM if I can turn off all the contract and money stuff.

I got my sliders locked in pretty good and ready for season to start so I can play with my favorite team as the real season goes.
That's what I was hoping for but even when you turn off all the contract stuff and turn off CPU to CPU trading you cannot have real rosters. There is no way to turn off the CPU signing free agents from the FA list. Within one week of my season teams were signing guys like crazy. Brodeur to Boston and a bunch more nonsense. Also you cannot make any real life trades that happen during the season or at the trade deadline....sorry but they stiffed us. Oh I'm sorry according Sham wow up there I'm only supposed to say positive things or not post at all so......On a Positive note Eddie O doesn't always wear the same tie and that's pretty damn realistic lol
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Old 09-16-2014, 05:13 PM   #350
jake19ny's Arena
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Re: NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by THESHAMISASHAME
If you have a Ax to grind and turn people off to the game thats fine but after a while it gets old say your peace and move on because if something like a video game upsets you this much especially after you knew how it would be you should just move on .
Wish I could help you more but Im a half full positive type of guy and the only thing this game can fairly be criticized of IMHO is lack of modes because gameplay is Amazing and oh so fun and Im sorry your not seeing that and now Ill put you on ignore so contact EA if you wanna keep complaining over and over
Look who's talking you post the same thing over and over in every thread....the game is great and we all need to find our sliders....blah blah blah.
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Old 09-16-2014, 05:26 PM   #351
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Re: NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Vikes1
I'd nearly even swear the same team can play differently from one game to the next, Mizz. Vs the Avs twice to start my season, in game one the AI seemed to using a collapsing style. Whereas game two, seemingly more of a staggered approach. Must say i'm glad i got 15 now, after the early disappointments.
Funny thing I stopped and restarted a few games because I accidentally became the goalie ( I hate that ) and I also noticed different game styles and the team was Chicago .
Pretty cool as they were more defensive when I went all out so it seems like the AI and strategies are much improved as the other game they had control early and really took me to town with tons of offensive pressure .

UPDATE : Bickell cpu just ran my goalie and Wingels had to jump in ! havent seen that before very cool and I lost the fight but gained a power play .
Finally Roster share in NHL 22 ! Dreams do come true ! To Garryowen and Glory boys !

Last edited by THESHAMISASHAME; 09-16-2014 at 05:39 PM.
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Old 09-16-2014, 09:51 PM   #352
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Re: NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

Originally Posted by Gilley
The lack of game modes is really bothering me now after a week of playing the game. I'm getting kind of bored, but I still like the gameplay.
Yeah its the one big let down but hopefully Playoff Mode comes out soon
Finally Roster share in NHL 22 ! Dreams do come true ! To Garryowen and Glory boys !
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