
NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

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Old 09-11-2014, 06:37 PM   #201
ThaLiveKing's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Originally Posted by aholbert32
Why isnt that rebounding logic in the Gamestop clips? That game is 15 and assumedly has all of the additions the patch for 14 added, right?
They probably took a lot of stuff out in that game stop build. Similar to what they did at E3 for Live 13. Which to me makes no sense lol.

They should have had a demo build for game stop with a lot of stuff added, but maybe time was a factor.
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Old 09-11-2014, 06:56 PM   #202
Klayups's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Originally Posted by El_Poopador
That's why I'm torn lol. In real life, that would never happen. But in the video game world, where the off-ball movement is a result of AI programming, too many mistakes happen. In any case, even if it is made an option, auto-motion should absolutely be enabled by default. No idea why they would make it the other way around.

Here's the thing though...The very select few that run plays run them but how many know whats supposed to happen? 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th options?

MOST people run a play just to get movement and use it as some version of an iso play. Then if that fails they revert to pick n roll or jack up a three.

ISO offense happens in video game basketball WAY more often than in real life.

If people want to play like that but still have the illusion of "motion" I see no problem with that.

Next year NBA Live team needs to get up with some basketball coaches (Assistants) for each team and start working on LEGIT playbooks for each team. And then create some tutorial style mode that covers basic principles of each offense (Like Madden did this year)

1t's 2014-2015 time to raise the bar.
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Old 09-11-2014, 09:09 PM   #203
El_Poopador's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Originally Posted by Klayups
Here's the thing though...The very select few that run plays run them but how many know whats supposed to happen? 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th options?

MOST people run a play just to get movement and use it as some version of an iso play. Then if that fails they revert to pick n roll or jack up a three.

ISO offense happens in video game basketball WAY more often than in real life.

If people want to play like that but still have the illusion of "motion" I see no problem with that.

Next year NBA Live team needs to get up with some basketball coaches (Assistants) for each team and start working on LEGIT playbooks for each team. And then create some tutorial style mode that covers basic principles of each offense (Like Madden did this year)

1t's 2014-2015 time to raise the bar.
I was only referring to freelance motion, not set plays. Live actually does a decent job when it comes to running plays, but the floaty passes and lack of real sprinting kinda hurt last year.
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Old 09-13-2014, 04:03 AM   #204
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

I liked the 3 short clips EA released for the most part, with the main negatives being the body types of a few players, hand/rim interaction and some animations. With these clips they're just too short, and the guys playing are shooting random shots and just playing erratically. So it's hard to draw a real conclusion with the good *IMO* in EA's vids and the mostly bad here.

First, the vid quality is terrible, and two, even with how short it is there's so many legacy issues popping up left and right (ball hits the floor on a rebound, Hill keeps it in his right hand with the defender on his right hip, etc).

But I'm pretty patient, and busy enough to just wait until the streams and reviews start flowing in. Whether they're hiding it, bungling the marketing, or whatever, fine with me. I'll take as much basketball as I can get, and if it's good I'll buy it. But with the above issues in the game, no sliders to adjust any of it, and no editing of any kind, the odds just keep getting longer that a purchase happens.

NBA 2K16, MGS5

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Wife: "Of course he's going out to get his 2K game at 12am, like he can't wait til tomorrow."
Wife's mom: "Be grateful that's what he's running out at midnight for."
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Old 09-13-2014, 09:37 AM   #205
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Originally Posted by Klayups
Here's the thing though...The very select few that run plays run them but how many know whats supposed to happen? 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th options?

MOST people run a play just to get movement and use it as some version of an iso play. Then if that fails they revert to pick n roll or jack up a three.

ISO offense happens in video game basketball WAY more often than in real life.

If people want to play like that but still have the illusion of "motion" I see no problem with that.

Next year NBA Live team needs to get up with some basketball coaches (Assistants) for each team and start working on LEGIT playbooks for each team. And then create some tutorial style mode that covers basic principles of each offense (Like Madden did this year)

1t's 2014-2015 time to raise the bar.
Sadly you described my offense to a tee. To be fair, it's a pretty authentic reproduction of Mark Jackson's offense.

Nice name, BTW.
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Old 09-13-2014, 09:55 AM   #206
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NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Originally Posted by Blue12
They should have taken last year off and built the game from the ground up. They have improved visuals, but from the broadcast cam the player models and animations still remind me of Live 10.

I was really starting to buy in, but seeing these videos just showed me that the core engine is just not appropriate for this generation. I know people on this board don't like to discuss this, but there is no comparison in fluidity of the animation compared to 2k. Live will never get to that point with this current engine.
It's not the engine. It's simply a lack of animations, polish, experience, and time put in from having to start from scratch.

Engines don't magically make animations look better. Even 2K's engine is built on some version that looked terrible before. 2K looks better because their animation count is up to 10,000 or something now and they've spent 4 additional years tweaking what they had since Live was a decent product.

Live looks rough but massively improved. It's a pretty decent step in one year. If they stay the course, they can get something that looks (and plays) pretty good even if they will be playing catch up in certain aspects. If they get distracted or take another wrongheaded gimmicky approach while throwing out what they've built, they won't ever turn the corner.

They got a bit of momentum but still have a lot to cover though-- whoever said if this was any other next-gen sports game, it would get unequivocally panned for its visuals (and possibly play) was spot on. But there are some things it's doing well.
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Old 09-13-2014, 03:30 PM   #207
Super Glock's Arena
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Originally Posted by Klayups
Here's the thing though...The very select few that run plays run them but how many know whats supposed to happen? 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th options?

MOST people run a play just to get movement and use it as some version of an iso play. Then if that fails they revert to pick n roll or jack up a three.

ISO offense happens in video game basketball WAY more often than in real life.

If people want to play like that but still have the illusion of "motion" I see no problem with that.

Next year NBA Live team needs to get up with some basketball coaches (Assistants) for each team and start working on LEGIT playbooks for each team. And then create some tutorial style mode that covers basic principles of each offense (Like Madden did this year)

1t's 2014-2015 time to raise the bar.
Yep you are so right this is how 99.99999% play video game hoops including me lol.
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Old 09-14-2014, 01:21 AM   #208
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Re: NBA Live 15 Gameplay Videos (Instagram)

Im just curious as to what the thought process is for having auto motion off as the default.
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