
NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

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Old 09-09-2014, 08:48 PM   #73
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Also, I find it hard to believe with all the power of a next gen system, that it's even remotely possible to have such a laggy, frustrating UI like this. Took me 10 minutes to edit the Oilers lines.
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Old 09-09-2014, 08:50 PM   #74
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Re: NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

As I posted last night in the other thread as there was no Impressions thread up yet ? QB whats up with that ?

I give the gameplay a 10 out of 10 Stars as game play is simple amazing so many little things that are also interactive and just not forced like other sports games ( cough cough MLBTS) .

I dont care what anyone says but if you want or expect a straight cpu sim or something forced like the show go play a cpu based game or strat o matic hockey as those are great sims with no hu interaction other than rolling dice .

There are just so many ways to play this game and yes finding your slider blend isnt easy and EA still doesnt have in game slider saves so keep your pen and paper handy but thankfully I find AlTitos sliders a great base to build upon and once you find your zone get ready for a great game of hockey and by far the BEST EVER !

So once again to those who constantly complain about gameplay you can make this game as easy or as hard as you want and if your gonna analyse each and every little thing or stat trying to paint some unrealistic picture in your head why even play the game ? As its very sim and fun too !

Obviously I can comment on the modes but having a Playoff Mode being added soon is all I play and Im ecstatic and the all new 3 stars are back too !

Visually the game is almost as good as Madden but depending on your TV you might have to tweak it a tad as Im on the PS4 and I had to lighten it up a bit .
I like the foundation EA NHL has laid and hopefully the build upon it but Im disappointed they seemed to cut and paste many things to the ps4 but just with a different overlay which isnt a bad thing thing as gameplay is so good but once again still no in game slider saves and also when you start a GM mode you have to redo all your in game sliders which is just another chore not needed in a 2014 video game ?

The only real bug Ive seen so far is is the breakout strategies overlay that wont leave the bottom of the right corner of the screen unless you manual turn off the Hu strategy adjustment to zero .

The announcing , presentation and arena atmosphere are all pretty solid and the horns sound great to so once again I hope EA NHL builds upon this and just dont leave it be for the next 3 years .

EA made a huge mistake by not disclosing the lack of modes issue with this game and shouldve just came clean a while back and not just after they knew they were in trouble as it comes off as being very deceptive and they could have avoided this major PR mess .

But that being said this game is everything I hoped for and hopefully they can build upon it because its a great game they make with very little man power and a tiny budget .
Finally Roster share in NHL 22 ! Dreams do come true ! To Garryowen and Glory boys !

Last edited by THESHAMISASHAME; 09-09-2014 at 09:35 PM.
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Old 09-09-2014, 08:50 PM   #75
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Originally Posted by bad_philanthropy
There is no cutting players in the NHL. Contracts are guaranteed.
If they have a 1-way contract, you can send them down to the minors and hope somebody picks them up on waivers. You can also trade them or bury them in the minors. It's not like we're playing AHL games at this point.
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Old 09-09-2014, 08:56 PM   #76
onac22's Arena
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Re: NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

Just put a claim i for my money back. Played four games offline four games online. It is the same game wait for the price drop and tuners. I repeat do not buy this game at full price.

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Old 09-09-2014, 09:14 PM   #77
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Re: NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

I love the game play.. that's mostly all that matters to me - I'm a bit ticked at the new cameras as I have to play on "classic" still and BeaGM should be what it is on the 360, but on the ice, the game is fantastic on hardcore mode.
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Old 09-09-2014, 09:22 PM   #78
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Re: NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

Played my first game just now. I really liked it.

I played it on 20 minute period just so I could play as long as possible and much to my surprise, the stats were not THAT off for literally a 20 minute period game. Here's a link to my box score. I'll post some more detailed impressions in a bit. I did tweak some sliders to make as many loose pucks as possible.

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Old 09-09-2014, 09:22 PM   #79
Arrowhead21's Arena
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Re: NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

Hardcore isn't even a true hardcore anymore. Manual passing is extinct when using R2/RT. Only saucer passes are truly manual. The passes along the ice are all assisted in both accuracy and power; even when you empty the pass accuracy and pass assist sliders.

Has anyone else got one of those CE errors while playing this yet
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Old 09-09-2014, 09:38 PM   #80
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Re: NHL 15 Available Now for PS4 and Xbox One - Post Your Impressions Here

I actually was torn, I wasn't going to buy this just yet, but I did anyways today because most of the missing stuff wont affect me, and I had fun with the early access.

I played 2 games after playing Destiny the rest of the night, and I really enjoyed it. As with previous NHL's, finding your own sweet spot with the sliders is key. There's still at least one or two instances per game of what I call the invincible AI, which really bothers me when it happens. It's as if you can only just sit back, put the controller down, and let them have their way with you until they bury it in your net.

Personally, I feel like it can't be true, but it really does look better visually. Far better from the demo, and I feel it's even a bit better than the Access version, although I'm sure that can't be the case.

Either way, playing the game was fun to me. I enjoyed it. It's not true sim, likely never will be. No game will be. But it plays a fun game of hockey.

Those are my early thoughts anyways.
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