
NHL 15 Achievement List Has No Trace of EASHL or GM Connected (Xbox One)

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Old 08-19-2014, 05:04 PM   #89
bigwill33's Arena
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Re: NHL 15 Achievement List Has No Trace of EASHL or GM Connected (Xbox One)

Originally Posted by Denzel Washington
EA patched in UT to FIFA when it first came out
Ok, but I still stand behind my belief in what I said.
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Old 08-19-2014, 05:07 PM   #90
Denzel Washington's Arena
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Re: NHL 15 Achievement List Has No Trace of EASHL or GM Connected (Xbox One)

Originally Posted by JsMcbain
On the other hand patching to something like add Ultimate Team adds a major lot of micro-transactions to the game while GM Connected and/or EASHL does not (unless everybody buys 15 pair of skates/gloves/stick/helmet for their EASHL players). I don't want to be negative, just that the payback would not be the same to them to work to add a game mode at a later date than it was with fifa ultimate team.
Well I would hope they are adding EASHL and GM connected for NHL 16 no? Its not like we're asking them to add in some brand new mode we have never seen before.
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Old 08-19-2014, 05:15 PM   #91
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Re: NHL 15 Achievement List Has No Trace of EASHL or GM Connected (Xbox One)

I'm wondering if this might be one of the nails in the coffins for this series. A company as huge as EA doesn't mess this many things up in one release. I'm not sure how true it is but I read somewhere FIFA outsold NHL in Canada. If you don't think easy would cut a struggling series if it has no competition then look at fight night. Board members are going to look at the dwindling sales and might decide to cut it altogether than fix it. If that happens it would be a funny twist of fate because Bettman might have to step in and help.

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Old 08-19-2014, 05:25 PM   #92
messngretz's Arena
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Re: NHL 15 Achievement List Has No Trace of EASHL or GM Connected (Xbox One)

Originally Posted by statnut
I'm a hockey fan, you expect me to count past five?
Good point
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Old 08-19-2014, 05:44 PM   #93
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Re: NHL 15 Achievement List Has No Trace of EASHL or GM Connected (Xbox One)

Originally Posted by Pezell04x
Yeah but no one said "Hey, fix your presentation and commentary but leave out popular game modes!" The commentary and presentation was a legit gripe, especially when both were relatively the same since 2010 or so. 4 years of the same lines, same openings, same cutscenes. Same everything.

We, as a gaming community, wanted something different. With games like the 2K basketball series spoiling us in terms of commentary and FIFA having both good commentary and good presentation - we expected something similar without the thought of game modes being sacrificed ever crossing our minds.

So for a community, both the NHL gamer and Operation Sports as a whole, that strives towards realism - yes, we wanted real game faces so the players we watch on TV looked something like the players we play with in our consoles and yes we wanted a fresh, new presentation and commentary team .

EA leaving out EASHL and GM Connected, if the rumors are true, isn't because they said "Hey, pick this fancy new NBC package or pick these game modes" and we all said "Hmmmmm, give us video Doc and Edzo and throw in some nice faces while you're at it." They were left out because EA is either

1. Scared that they won't have the server capacity to handle both last and current gen online needs
2. Truly don't believe that their revamped "physics engine" will play 'nice' with 10+ human players running into each other
3. Withheld the mode(s) so they can be back of the box material for NHL 16.

It is a shame because I've played EA hockey since NHLPA 93 on my sega, modded the hell out of NHL 00-04 and generally enjoyed every version up until 2012 when the same issues popped up every year (horrible AI, presentation, commentary, etc) yet still bought the game because my EASHL team played it so much.

So I am going to pass this year if EASHL is not included because while flash will work for awhile - I trust those at OS will give a real review of the game once the honeymoon period is over.
But it's obvious they spent so much time in the arenas, crowd, and graphics department, that it's understandable that they didn't have time to work on every other aspect of the game. It wasn't an either or, it was a 'lets do this graphics and presentation overhaul and get it done right'. Cause if the only half-assed it and did like half the arenas, or only the arenas and not the crowd or anything else, then it would just be a waste of time, and either they put it in half-assed and watch everyone continue to complain, or they don't put it in half-assed and watch everyone continue to complain that they didn't do anything for a whole 2 years.

Which is probably why, if something is left out, that it's because they didn't want to put it in half finished. You want to talk about 2K and Fifa spoiling their fans? NHL, from I believe 07 and up, was always rated one of the highest sports games. They absolutely set the bar high and everyone seems to forget that and instead they look at it not for what it is, but for what it coulda/shoulda/woulda been cause they expect EA to keep pace with how well they were doing in improvements for years past.

This is year one for EA NHL on next gen. Give them a break. It's clear they want a nice looking game with real to life presentation, and they went out and absolutely done that. Now hopefully for the next year, the crying about player faces dies down so they can actually work on the game without 389427 tweets about someones face being from 08.
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Old 08-19-2014, 05:59 PM   #94
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Give them a break? They've had 2 years to work on this game. To leave this mode out of the game is just unacceptable.
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Old 08-19-2014, 06:00 PM   #95
Comp's Arena
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Re: NHL 15 Achievement List Has No Trace of EASHL or GM Connected (Xbox One)

Ugh. I'd gladly trade the jerseys flapping like they're in a hurricane for EASHL.
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Old 08-19-2014, 06:13 PM   #96
Iceman87GT's Arena
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Re: NHL 15 Achievement List Has No Trace of EASHL or GM Connected (Xbox One)

Originally Posted by TDKing
Wondering what makes people think they will patch these modes in? Has there ever been a game mode patched into a game after release? They should only be charging 29.99 for this half a game!!!!!
The Original FUT was DLC, and the first MUT for Madden 10 was part of a free update.

Of course those were money making opportunities, whereas the missing modes in NHL to my knowledge are not.

I haven't played since NHL 09 and even that I didn't bother doing online modes, I could care less about EASHL but GM Connected...? Is that considerably more fleshed out than "Be a GM" or are the basically the same mode with GM Connected allowing for online communities? Another way of putting it would be: is it like comparing Franchise Mode in M10 (barebones franchise mode) to the Owner CFM in M25 (flawed but fairly deep in what you can do)? Basically is it the difference between a regular Dynasty and an Online Dynasty in NCAA or 2 completely separate modes?

I'm still likely to buy NHL 15 because its been 6 iterations since I last had one, and this is the first year on Current Gen, but I may wait until a price drop happens if the Be a GM mode is lacking (I plan on playing by myself because my only friends that would play NHL are on the XB1, so the connectivity aspect of an online franchise really doesn't matter to me).
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